## Fira Code: monospaced font with programming ligatures
### Problem
Programmers use a lot of symbols, often encoded with several characters. For the human brain, sequences like `->`, `<=` or `:=` are single logical tokens, even if they take two or three characters on the screen. Your eye spends a non-zero amount of energy to scan, parse and join multiple characters into a single logical one. Ideally, all programming languages should be designed with full-fledged Unicode symbols for operators, but that’s not the case yet.
### Solution
#### [Download v1.204](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/releases/download/1.204/FiraCode_1.204.zip) · [How to install](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki) · [News & updates](https://twitter.com/FiraCode)
Fira Code is an extension of the Fira Mono font containing a set of ligatures for common programming multi-character combinations. This is just a font rendering feature: underlying code remains ASCII-compatible. This helps to read and understand code faster. For some frequent sequences like `..` or `//`, ligatures allow us to correct spacing.
### Code examples
### Terminal support
Works | Doesn’t work
---------------- | ---------------
**Black Screen** | **Cmder**
**Butterfly** | **ConEmu**
**Hyper.app** | **GNOME Terminal**
**Konsole** | **iTerm 2** ([coming in 3.1](https://gitlab.com/gnachman/iterm2/issues/3568#note_13118332))
**QTerminal** | **mate-terminal**
**Terminal.app** (OS X default terminal) | **mintty**
**Termux** (Android terminal emulator) | **PuTTY**
| **rxvt**
| **gtkterm, guake, LXTerminal, sakura, Terminator, xfce4-terminal,** and other libvte-based terminals ([bug report](https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=584160))
### Editor support
Works | Doesn’t work
**Anjuta** (unless at the EOF) | **Arduino IDE**
**AppCode** (2016.2+, [instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/Intellij-products-instructions)) | **Adobe Dreamweaver**
**Atom** 1.1 or newer ([instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/Atom-instructions)) | **Eclipse** (Mac and Win, [vote here](https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=398656))
**BBEdit/TextWrangler** ([instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/BBEdit-instructions)) | Standalone **Emacs** ([workaround](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/Setting-up-Emacs))
**Brackets** (with [this plugin](https://github.com/polo2ro/firacode-in-brackets)) | **gVim**
**Chocolat** | **IDLE**
**CLion** (2016.2+, [instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/Intellij-products-instructions)) | **KDevelop 4**
**Coda 2** | **Monkey Studio IDE**
**CodeLite** | **Notepad++**
**Eclipse** (Linux) | **Spyder IDE**
**Geany** | **SublimeText** ([vote here](http://sublimetext.userecho.com/topic/1030059-does-sublimetext-support-programming-ligatures-fontlike-fira-code/))
**gEdit / Pluma** |
**GNOME Builder** |
**IntelliJ IDEA** (2016.2+, [instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/Intellij-products-instructions)) |
**Kate, KWrite** |
**Komodo** |
**Leafpad** |
**LibreOffice** |
**LightTable** ([instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/LightTable-instructions)) |
**LINQPad** |
**MacVim** 7.4 or newer ([instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/MacVim-instructions)) |
**Mancy** |
**Meld** |
**Mousepad** |
**NetBeans** |
**Notepad** (Win) |
**PhpStorm** (2016.2+, [instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/Intellij-products-instructions)) |
**PyCharm** (2016.2+, [instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/Intellij-products-instructions)) |
**QtCreator** |
**Rider** |
**RStudio** ([instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/RStudio-instructions)) |
**RubyMine** (2016.2+, [instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/Intellij-products-instructions)) |
**Scratch** |
**TextAdept** (Linux, Mac) |
**TextEdit** |
**TextMate 2** |
**Visual Studio 2015** |
**Visual Studio Code** ([instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/VS-Code-Instructions)) |
**WebStorm** (2016.2+, [instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/Intellij-products-instructions)) |
**Xamarin Studio/Monodevelop** |
**Xcode** (with [this plugin](https://github.com/robertvojta/LigatureXcodePlugin)) |
Probably work: **Smultron, Vico** | Under question: **Code::Blocks IDE**
### Browser support
- IE 10+, Edge: enable with `font-feature-settings: "calt" 1;`
- Firefox
- Safari
- Chromium-based browsers (Chrome, Opera)
- CodeMirror (enable with `font-variant-ligatures: contextual;`)
### Alternatives
Other monospaced fonts with ligatures:
- [Hasklig](https://github.com/i-tu/Hasklig) (free)
- [PragmataPro](http://www.fsd.it/fonts/pragmatapro.htm) (€59)
- [Monoid](http://larsenwork.com/monoid/) (free)
- [Fixedsys Excelsior](https://github.com/kika/fixedsys) (free)
- [Iosevka](https://be5invis.github.io/Iosevka/) (free)
- [DejaVu Sans Code](https://github.com/SSNikolaevich/DejaVuSansCode) (free)
### Credits
- Author: Nikita Prokopov [@nikitonsky](https://twitter.com/nikitonsky)
- Based on: [Fira Mono](https://github.com/mozilla/Fira)
- Inspired by: [Hasklig](https://github.com/i-tu/Hasklig)
- Software: [Glyphs 2](https://glyphsapp.com) (thx Georg Seifert for a license)
### Changelog
#### 1.204 (November 6, 2016)
- Added `U+25B6` (black right-pointing triangle) and `U+25C0` (black left-pointing triangle) (#289)
- Changed look of Markdown headers `##` `###` `####` to make them easier to tell apart (#287)
- Fixed BBEdit incorrectly applying ligatures after tab (#274)
- Returned Nim pragmas `{.` `.}` (#279)
- Added Unicode increment `U+2206` (#174, #298)
- Added fish operators `>->` `<-<` (#297)
- Added safe navigation operators `?.` `.?` `?:` (#215)
- Added `<~>` (#179, used in IntelliJ for collapsed methods)
- Added F# piping operators `||>` `|||>` `<||` `<|||` (#184)
- Added shebang `#!` (#169, #193)
#### 1.203 (September 17, 2016)
- Added `__` (#120, #269)
#### 1.202 (September 17, 2016)
- Removed `{.` `.}` `[.` `.]` `(.` `.)` (#264)
#### 1.201 (August 30, 2016)
- Removed `[]` (#92) `{-` `-}` (#248)
- Removed `/**` `**/` and disabled ligatures for `/*/` `*/*` sequences (#219 #238)
- Added `]#` `{.` `.}` `[.` `.]` `(.` `.)` (#214)
#### 1.200 (July 18, 2016)
- Removed `!!!` `???` `;;;` `&&&` `|||` `=~` (#167) `~~~` `%%%`
- New safer `calt` code that doesn’t apply ligatures to long sequences of chars, e.g. `!!!!`, `>>>>`, etc (#49, #110, #176)
- Larger `+` `-` `*` and corresponding ligatures (#86)
- Hexadecimal `x` (`0xFF`) is now applied to sequences like `128x128` as well (#161)
- Added twoTurned (U+218A) and threeTurned (U+218B) (#146)
- Added whiteFrowningFace (U+2639) (#190)
- Simplified visual style on markdown headers `##` `###` `####` (#107)
- Added `>` (#147)
- Provided ttf and webfonts versions (eot, woff, woff2) (#18, #24, #38, #101, #106)
- Increased spacing in `<=` `>=` (#117)
#### 1.102
- Support for IntelliJ-based IDEs ([instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/Intellij-products-instructions))
- Turned on autohinting
#### 1.101
- Added Light weight
- Adjusted rules when vertical centering of `:`, `-`, `*` and `+` occurs
#### 1.100
- Fixed calt table conflicts (`----` would incorrectly render as `` `<--` `&&` `||` `=>>` `=/=`
#### 0.1
`>>=` `=<<` `<<=` `->>` `->` `=>` `<<-` `<-`
`===` `==` `<=>` `>=` `<=` `>>` `<<` `!==` `!=` `<>`
`:=` `++` `#(` `#_`
`::` `...` `..` `!!` `//` `/*` `*/` `/>`