- Removed `!!!` `???` `;;;` `&&&` `|||` `=~` (closes #167) `~~~` `%%%`

- New `calt` code disables ligatures on long sequences, e.g. `!!!!`,
  `>>>>`, etc (closes #49, closes #110, closes #176)
Nikita Prokopov 2016-07-16 22:25:44 +06:00
rodzic afb9f6bb79
commit 4903955c9a
10 zmienionych plików z 6010 dodań i 9584 usunięć

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@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
Fira Code_liga.glyphs

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@ -115,12 +115,16 @@ Other monospaced fonts with ligatures:
### Changelog
#### Work in progress
- Removed `!!!` `???` `;;;` `&&&` `|||` `=~` (#167) `~~~` `%%%`
- New safer `calt` code that doesnt apply ligatures to long sequences of chars, e.g. `!!!!`, `>>>>`, etc (#49, #110, #176)
#### 1.102
- Support for IntelliJ-based IDEs ([instructions](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode/wiki/Intellij-products-instructions))
- Turned on autohinting
#### 1.101
- Added Light weight

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@ -31,99 +31,46 @@
; ["asterisk" "asterisk" "asterisk"]])
(defn liga->rules
(defn liga->rule
"[f f i] => { [CR CR i] f_f_i.liga
[CR f i] CR
[ f f i] CR }"
[liga CR]
(case (count liga)
2 (let [[a b] liga]
{ [CR b] (str a "_" b ".liga")
[ a b] CR})
(str " lookup 1_2 {\n"
" ignore sub 1 1' 2;\n"
" ignore sub 1' 2 2;\n"
" sub CR 2' by 1_2.liga;\n"
" sub 1' 2 by CR;\n"
" } 1_2;")
#"\d" {"1" a "2" b}))
3 (let [[a b c] liga]
{ [CR CR c] (str a "_" b "_" c ".liga")
[CR b c] CR
[ a b c] CR})
(str " lookup 1_2_3 {\n"
" ignore sub 1 1' 2 3;\n"
" ignore sub 1' 2 3 3;\n"
" sub CR CR 3' by 1_2_3.liga;\n"
" sub CR 2' 3 by CR;\n"
" sub 1' 2 3 by CR;\n"
" } 1_2_3;")
#"\d" {"1" a "2" b "3" c}))
4 (let [[a b c d] liga]
{ [CR CR CR d] (str a "_" b "_" c "_" d ".liga")
[CR CR c d] CR
[CR b c d] CR
[ a b c d] CR})))
(defn any? [p & colls]
(if colls
(let [[coll & cs] colls]
(some #(apply any? (partial p %) cs) coll))
(defn conflicts? [r1 r2]
(when (.startsWith (first r2) "CR.") ;; we accept that higher-len ligatures can override lower-length
;; but once replacement has started (first glyph in rule is CR.*)
;; there should be no possibility for conflits
(let [l1 (count r1)
l2 (count r2)
prefix1 (subvec r1 0 l2)]
(= r2 prefix1))))
(def all-rules
(fn [generated liga]
(merge generated
;; looking for smallest i that does not conflict
;; with any of previous rules
(some (fn [i]
(let [CR (str "CR." (String/format "%02d" (to-array [i])))
rs (liga->rules liga CR)]
; (println (keys generated) (keys rs))
(when-not (any? conflicts? (keys generated) (keys rs))
(->> ligas (sort-by count) reverse)))
(defn priority-fn [[from to]]
[;; first compare how many CRs are there (more is better)
(- (count (filter #(re-matches #"CR\.\d+" %) from)))
;; then overal length (more is better)
(- (count from))
;; then alphabetical sort with coercing each vector to the same length
(into from (repeat (- 4 (count from)) "z"))])
(def table (->> all-rules
(sort-by priority-fn)))
(defn rule->str [[from to]]
(loop [res "sub"
seen-non-empty? false
tokens from]
(if-let [token (first tokens)]
(let [class? (.startsWith token "@")
CR? (.startsWith token "CR.")
escaped-token (cond
class? token
CR? (str "\\" token)
seen-non-empty? (str "\\" token)
:else (str "\\" token "'"))]
(recur (str res " " escaped-token) (not CR?) (next tokens)))
(str res " by \\" to ";"))))
(str " lookup 1_2_3_4 {\n"
" sub CR CR CR 4' by 1_2_3_4.liga;\n"
" sub CR CR 3' 4 by CR;\n"
" sub CR 2' 3 4 by CR;\n"
" sub 1' 2 3 4 by CR;\n"
" } 1_2_3_4;")
#"\d" {"1" a "2" b "3" c "4" d}))))
(println "feature calt {")
(println " " (->> table (map rule->str) (str/join "\n ")))
(println (->> ligas (sort-by count) (reverse) (map liga->rule) (str/join "\n\n")))
(println "}\n")
(apply println "Placeholders:\n " (->> table (mapcat first) (filter #(.startsWith % "CR.")) distinct sort))
(println "Total ligatures count:" (count ligas))
(println " " (->> ligas
(group-by count)
@ -131,5 +78,3 @@
(map (fn [[k v]] (str (count v) (case k 2 " pairs", 3 " triples", 4 " quadruples"))))
(str/join ", ")))
(println "Total rules count:" (count table))

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