var browser, chrome, settings const enableConsoleLog = false const logPrepend = "[FediAct]" const tokenInterval = 1 // minutes const mutesApi = "/api/v1/mutes" const blocksApi = "/api/v1/blocks" const domainBlocksApi = "/api/v1/domain_blocks" const timeout = 15000 const tokenRegex = /"access_token":".*?",/gm // required settings keys with defauls const settingsDefaults = { fediact_homeinstance: null, fediact_token: null } // wrapper to prepend to log messages function log(text) { if (enableConsoleLog) { console.log(logPrepend + ' ' + text) } } // get redirect url (it will be the url on the toot authors home instance) async function resolveExternalTootHome(url) { return new Promise(async function(resolve) { try { const controller = new AbortController() const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { log("Timed out") controller.abort() }, timeout) var res = await fetch(url, {method: 'HEAD', signal: controller.signal}) clearTimeout(timeoutId) if (res.redirected) { resolve(res.url) } else { resolve(false) } } catch(e) { log(e) resolve(false) } }) } // get redirect url (it will be the url on the toot authors home instance) async function generalRequest(data) { return new Promise(async function(resolve) { try { const controller = new AbortController() const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { log("Timed out") controller.abort() }, timeout) if (data[3]) { // json body provided, post as body to target data[2]["User-Agent"] = "FediAct Service" data[2]["Content-Type"] = "application/json" var res = await fetch(data[1], { method: data[0], signal: controller.signal, // if json body is provided, there is also header data headers: data[2], body: JSON.stringify(data[3]) }) } else if (data[2]) { // header data provided data[2]["User-Agent"] = "FediAct Service" var res = await fetch(data[1], { method: data[0], signal: controller.signal, headers: data[2] }) } else { var res = await fetch(data[1], { method: data[0], signal: controller.signal, headers: {"User-Agent": "FediAct Service"} }) } clearTimeout(timeoutId) if (res.status >= 200 && res.status < 300 ) { const contentType = res.headers.get("content-type") if (contentType && contentType.indexOf("application/json") !== -1) { var restext = await res.text() resolve(restext) } else { resolve(false) } } else { resolve(false) } } catch(e) { log(e) resolve(false) } }) } // fetch API token here (will use logged in session automatically) async function fetchBearerToken() { return new Promise(async function(resolve) { var url = "https://" + settings.fediact_homeinstance try { var res = await fetch(url) var text = await res.text() } catch(e) { log(e) resolve(false) return } if (text) { // dom parser is not available in background workers, so we use regex to parse the html.... // for some reason, regex groups do also not seem to work in chrome background workers... the following is ugly but should work fine var content = text.match(tokenRegex) if (content) { var indexOne = content[0].search(/"access_token":"/) var indexTwo = content[0].search(/",/) if (indexOne > -1 && indexTwo > -1) { indexOne = indexOne + 16 var token = content[0].substring(indexOne, indexTwo) if (token.length > 16) { settings.fediact_token = token resolve(true) return } } } } // reset token for inject.js to know settings.fediact_token = null log("Token could not be found.") resolve(false) }) } // grab all accounts/instances that are muted/blocked by the user // this is only done here in the bg script so we have data available on load of pages without first performing 3 (!) requests // otherwise this would lead to problems with element detection / low performance (espcially v3 instances) // mutes/blocks are updated in content script on page context changes and after performing mutes/block actions function fetchMutesAndBlocks() { return new Promise(async function(resolve) { try { // set empty initially [settings.fediact_mutes, settings.fediact_blocks, settings.fediact_domainblocks] = [[],[],[]] var [mutes, blocks, domainblocks] = await Promise.all([ fetch("https://" + settings.fediact_homeinstance + mutesApi, {headers: {"Authorization": "Bearer "+settings.fediact_token}}).then((response) => response.json()), fetch("https://" + settings.fediact_homeinstance + blocksApi, {headers: {"Authorization": "Bearer "+settings.fediact_token}}).then((response) => response.json()), fetch("https://" + settings.fediact_homeinstance + domainBlocksApi, {headers: {"Authorization": "Bearer "+settings.fediact_token}}).then((response) => response.json()) ]) if (mutes.length) { settings.fediact_mutes.push( => acc.acct)) } if (blocks.length) { settings.fediact_blocks.push( => acc.acct)) } if (domainblocks.length) { settings.fediact_domainblocks = domainblocks } resolve(true) } catch { resolve(false) } }) } async function fetchData(token, mutesblocks) { return new Promise(async function(resolve) { var resolved = false try { settings = await (browser || chrome).storage.local.get(settingsDefaults) if (settings.fediact_homeinstance) { if (token || mutesblocks) { if (token || !(settings.fediact_token)) { await fetchBearerToken() } if (mutesblocks) { await fetchMutesAndBlocks() } try { await (browser || chrome).storage.local.set(settings) resolved = true } catch { log(e) } } } else { log("Home instance not set") } } catch(e) { log(e) } resolve(resolved) }) } async function reloadListeningScripts() { chrome.tabs.query({}, async function(tabs) { for (var i=0; i { // the content script gave us an url to perform a 302 redirect with if(request.externaltoot) { resolveExternalTootHome(request.externaltoot).then(sendResponse) return true } // the content script gave us an url to perform a 302 redirect with if(request.requestdata) { generalRequest(request.requestdata).then(sendResponse) return true } // immediately fetch api token after settings are updated if (request.updatedsettings) { fetchData(true, true).then(reloadListeningScripts) return true } if (request.updatemutedblocked) { fetchData(false, true).then(sendResponse) return true } // when the content script starts to process on a site, listen for tab changes (url) if (request.running) { chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(async function(tabId, changeInfo, tab) { // chrome tabs api does not support listener filters here // if the tabId of the update event is the same like the tabId that started the listener in the first place AND when the update event is an URL if (tabId === && changeInfo.url) { // ... then let the content script know about the change try { await chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabId, {urlchanged: changeInfo.url}) } catch(e) { log(e) } } }) } })