
249 wiersze
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Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

// prep
const buttonPaths = ["div.account__header button.logo-button","div.public-account-header a.logo-button"];
const domainRegex = /^([a-z0-9]+(-[a-z0-9]+)*\.)+[a-z]{2,}$/;
const handleRegex = /^(?:https?:\/\/(www\.)?.*\..*?\/)(?<handle>@\w+(?:@\w+\.\w+)?)(?:\/?.*|\z)$/;
const enableConsoleLog = true;
const logPrepend = "[FediFollow]";
const maxElementWaitFactor = 200; // x 100ms for total time
var lastUrl = window.location.href;
// settings keys with defauls
var settings = {
fedifollow_homeinstance: null,
fedifollow_alert: false,
fedifollow_mode: "blacklist",
fedifollow_whitelist: null,
fedifollow_blacklist: null,
fedifollow_target: "_blank"
// wrappers to prepend to log messages
function log(text) {
if (enableConsoleLog) {
console.log(logPrepend + ' ' + text)
function logerr(error) {
if (enableConsoleLog) {
console.error(logPrepend + ' Error: ' + error)
// function to wait for given elements to appear - first found element gets returned (but as of now the selectors are for different layouts anyways)
var waitForEl = function(counter, selectors, callback) {
var match = false;
// check all of the selectors
for (const selector of selectors) {
// if found
if ($(selector).length) {
// set match = true to prevent repetition hand over the found element
match = true;
// repeat if no match was found and we did not exceed the wait factor yet
if (!match && counter < maxElementWaitFactor) {
setTimeout(function() {
// increase counter
waitForEl(counter + 1, selectors, callback);
}, 100);
// extract handle from any mastodon url
var extractHandle = function(url, callback) {
// regex with named match group
var match = url.match(handleRegex);
match = match.groups.handle
// check if match is valid
ats = (match.match(/@/g) || []).length;
if (!(match == null) && ats >= 1 && ats <= 2) {
// return the named match group
function processDomainList(newLineList) {
// split by new line
var arrayFromList = newLineList.split(/\r?\n/);
// array to put checked domains into
var cleanedArray = [];
for (var domain of arrayFromList) {
// remove whitespace
domain = domain.trim();
if (domainRegex.test(domain)) {
} else {
log("Removed invalid domain " + domain + " from blacklist/whitelist.")
// return newly created set (remvoes duplicates)
return [...new Set(cleanedArray)];;
function runWithSettings(settings) {
function checkSettings() {
// if the home instance is undefined/null/empty
if (settings.fedifollow_homeinstance == null || !settings.fedifollow_homeinstance) {
log("Mastodon home instance is not set.");
return false;
// if the value looks like a domain...
if (!(domainRegex.test(settings.fedifollow_homeinstance))) {
log("Instance setting is not a valid domain name.");
return false;
// set default if wrong value
if ($.inArray(settings.fedifollow_mode, ["blacklist","whitelist"]) < 0) {
settings.fedifollow_mode = "blacklist";
if ($.inArray(settings.fedifollow_target, ["_blank","_self"]) < 0) {
settings.fedifollow_target = "_blank";
if (settings.fedifollow_mode == "whitelist") {
// if in whitelist mode and the cleaned whitelist is empty, return false
settings.fedifollow_whitelist = processDomainList(settings.fedifollow_whitelist);
if (settings.fedifollow_whitelist.length < 1) {
log("Whitelist is empty or invalid.")
return false;
} else {
// also process the blacklist if in blacklist mode, but an empty blacklist is OK so we do not return false
settings.fedifollow_blacklist = processDomainList(settings.fedifollow_blacklist);
return true;
// main function to listen for the follow button pressed and open a new tab with the home instance
function processSite() {
// check if we have a handle in the url
if (window.location.href.includes("@")) {
// grab the user handle
extractHandle(window.location.href, function(handle) {
// if we got one...
if (handle) {
// wait until follow button appears (document is already ready, but most content is loaded afterwards)
waitForEl(0, buttonPaths, function(found) {
if (found) {
// setup the button click listener
$(found).click(function(e) {
// prevent default action and other handlers
// check the alert setting and show it if set
if (settings.fedifollow_alert) {
alert("Redirecting to "+settings.fedifollow_homeinstance);
// backup the button text
var originaltext = $(found).text();
// replace the button text to indicate redirection
// timeout 1000ms to make it possible to notice the redirection indication
setTimeout(function() {
// if more than 1 @, we have a domain in the handle
if ((handle.match(/@/g) || []).length > 1) {
// but if its our own...
if (handle.includes(settings.fedifollow_homeinstance)) {
// ...then we need to remove it
handle = "@"+ handle.split("@")[1];
// request string
var request = 'https://'+settings.fedifollow_homeinstance+'/'+handle;
} else {
// with only 1 @, we have a local handle and need to append the domain
var request = 'https://'+settings.fedifollow_homeinstance+'/'+handle+'@'+document.domain;
// open the window
var win = window.open(request, settings.fedifollow_target);
log("Redirected to " + request)
// focus the new tab if open was successfull
if (win) {
} else {
// otherwise notify user...
log('Could not open new window. Please allow popups for this website.');
// restore original button text
}, 1000);
} else {
log("Could not find any follow button.");
} else {
log("Could not find a handle.");
} else {
log("No handle in this URL.");
// test if the current site should be processed or not
// this will also be the function for whitelist/blacklist feature
function checkSite() {
// is this site on our home instance?
if (document.domain == settings.fedifollow_homeinstance) {
log("Current site is your home instance.");
return false;
if (settings.fedifollow_mode == "whitelist") {
if ($.inArray(document.domain, settings.fedifollow_whitelist) < 0) {
log("Current site is not in whitelist.");
return false;
} else {
if ($.inArray(document.domain, settings.fedifollow_blacklist) > -1) {
log("Current site is in blacklist.");
return false;
// check if the current site looks like Mastodon
$(document).ready(function() {
if (!($("head").text().includes("mastodon") || $("head").text().includes("Mastodon") || $("div#mastodon").length)) {
log("Could not find a reference that this is a Mastodon site.")
return false;
return true;
// for some reason, locationchange event did not work for me so lets use this ugly thing... since it calls processSite, it needs to be in runWithSettings as well
function urlChangeLoop() {
// run every 100ms, can probably be reduced
setTimeout(function() {
// compare last to current url
if (!(lastUrl == window.location.href)) {
// update lastUrl and run main script
lastUrl = window.location.href;
// repeat
}, 300);
// check and process settings
if (checkSettings()) {
// check if the current URL should be processed
if (checkSite()) {
// ... run the actual script (once for the start and then in a loop depending on url changes)
} else {
log("Will not process this URL.")
function loadSettings() {
const waitForSettings = (chrome || browser).storage.local.get(settings);
waitForSettings.then(runWithSettings, logerr);