
966 wiersze
32 KiB
Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

// =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=
// =-=-=-=-=-= CONSTANTS =-==-=-=-=
// =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=
const followButtonPaths = ["div.account__header button.logo-button","div.public-account-header a.logo-button","div.account-card a.logo-button","div.directory-card a.icon-button", "div.detailed-status a.logo-button"];
const profileNamePaths = ["div.account__header__tabs__name small", "div.public-account-header__tabs__name small", "div.detailed-status span.display-name__account", "div.display-name > span"];
const domainRegex = /^([a-z0-9]+(-[a-z0-9]+)*\.)+[a-z]{2,}$/;
const followPageRegex = /^(https?:\/\/(www\.)?.*\..*?\/)((@\w+(@([\w-]+\.)+?\w+)?)|explore|following|followers)\/?(\d+)?\/?$/;
const tootsPageRegex = /^(https?:\/\/(www\.)?.*\..*?\/)((@\w+(@([\w-]+\.)+?\w+)?)|explore|public|public\/local)\/?(\d+)?\/?$/;
const tootRegex = /^(?:https?:\/\/(www\.)?.*\..*?\/)(@\w+(?:@([\w-]+\.)+?\w+)?)\/\d+\/?$/;
const handleExtractRegex = /^[^@]*@(?<handle>\w+)(@(?<handledomain>([\w-]+\.)+?\w+))?\/?$/;
const enableConsoleLog = true;
const logPrepend = "[FediFollow]";
const maxElementWaitFactor = 200; // x 100ms for total time
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
const instanceApi = "/api/v1/instance";
const statusApi = "/api/v1/statuses";
const searchApi = "/api/v2/search";
const accountsApi = "/api/v1/accounts";
const apiDelay = 500
// settings keys with defauls
var settings = {}
const settingsDefaults = {
fedifollow_homeinstance: null,
fedifollow_alert: false,
fedifollow_mode: "blacklist",
fedifollow_whitelist: null,
fedifollow_blacklist: null,
fedifollow_target: "_self",
fedifollow_autoaction: true,
fedifollow_token: null,
fedifollow_showfollows: true,
fedifollow_redirects: true,
fedifollow_enabledelay: true
2022-12-03 01:09:23 +00:00
// fix for cross-browser storage api compatibility and other global vars
var browser, chrome, lasthomerequest;
var lastUrl = window.location.href;
// =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-
// =-=-=-=-=-= UTILS =-==-=-=-=
// =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-
// wrappers to prepend to log messages
function log(text) {
if (enableConsoleLog) {
console.log(logPrepend + ' ' + text)
2022-12-03 01:09:23 +00:00
// Custom solution for detecting inserted nodes
// Works in combination with nodeinserted.css (fixes Firefox blocking addon-inserted <style> elements for sites with CSP)
// Is more reliable in certain situation than mutationobserver
(function($) {
$.fn.DOMNodeAppear = function(callback, selector) {
var $this = $(this)
selector = selector || (typeof $this.selector === 'function' && $this.selector)
if (!selector) {
return false
$(document).on('animationstart webkitAnimationStart oanimationstart MSAnimationStart', function(e){
if (e.originalEvent.animationName == 'nodeInserted' && $(e.target).is(selector)) {
if (typeof callback == 'function') {
jQuery.fn.onAppear = jQuery.fn.DOMNodeAppear;
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
// promisified xhr for api calls
async function makeRequest(method, url, extraheaders) {
// try to prevent error 429 too many request by delaying home instance requests
if (~url.indexOf(settings.fedifollow_homeinstance) && settings.fedifollow_enabledelay) {
var currenttime = Date.now()
var difference = currenttime - lasthomerequest
if (difference < 300) {
await new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(function() {
}, apiDelay-difference)
lasthomerequest = currenttime
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open(method, url);
xhr.timeout = 3000;
if (extraheaders) {
for (var key in extraheaders) {
xhr.setRequestHeader(key, extraheaders[key])
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
xhr.onload = function () {
if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300) {
} else {
xhr.onerror = function () {
status: this.status,
statusText: xhr.statusText
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
2022-12-03 01:09:23 +00:00
// Escape characters used for regex
function escapeRegExp(string) {
return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); // $& means the whole matched string
2022-12-03 01:09:23 +00:00
// Replace all occurrences of a substring
function replaceAll(str, find, replace) {
return str.replace(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(find), 'g'), replace);
2022-12-03 01:09:23 +00:00
// handles redirects to home instance
function redirectTo(url) {
if (settings.fedifollow_redirects) {
if (settings.fedifollow_alert) {
// open the url in same/new tab
var win = window.open(url, settings.fedifollow_target);
log("Redirected to " + url)
// focus the new tab if open was successfull
if (win) {
} else {
// otherwise notify user...
log('Could not open new window. Please allow popups for this website.');
} else {
log("Redirects disabled.")
// =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=
// =-=-=-=-= INTERACTIONS =-=-=-=-=
// =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=
async function followHomeInstance(id) {
// if auto actions are enbaled...
if (settings.fedifollow_autoaction) {
// build follow post request
var requestUrl = 'https://' + settings.fedifollow_homeinstance + accountsApi + "/" + id + "/follow";
var responseFollow = await makeRequest("POST",requestUrl,settings.tokenheader);
// check if it worked (it is ignored if the user was already followed)
if (responseFollow) {
responseFollow = JSON.parse(responseFollow);
if (!responseFollow.following && !responseFollow.requested) {
log("Follow failed.")
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
log("Auto-action disabled.")
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
async function unfollowHomeInstance(id) {
// if auto actions are enbaled...
if (settings.fedifollow_autoaction) {
// build follow post request
var requestUrl = 'https://' + settings.fedifollow_homeinstance + accountsApi + "/" + id + "/unfollow";
var responseUnfollow = await makeRequest("POST",requestUrl,settings.tokenheader);
// check if it worked (it is ignored if the user was already followed)
if (responseUnfollow) {
responseUnfollow = JSON.parse(responseUnfollow);
if (responseUnfollow.following || responseUnfollow.requested) {
log("Unfollow failed.")
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
log("Auto-action disabled.")
async function boostHomeInstance(id) {
// if auto actions are enbaled...
if (settings.fedifollow_autoaction) {
// build follow post request
var requestUrl = 'https://' + settings.fedifollow_homeinstance + statusApi + "/" + id + "/reblog";
var responseBoost = await makeRequest("POST",requestUrl,settings.tokenheader);
// check if it worked (it is ignored if the user was already followed)
if (responseBoost) {
responseBoost = JSON.parse(responseBoost);
if (!responseBoost.reblogged) {
log("Boost failed.");
return false;
} else {
return true;
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
} else {
log("Auto-action disabled.")
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
async function unboostHomeInstance(id) {
// if auto actions are enbaled...
if (settings.fedifollow_autoaction) {
// build follow post request
var requestUrl = 'https://' + settings.fedifollow_homeinstance + statusApi + "/" + id + "/unreblog";
var responseUnboost = await makeRequest("POST",requestUrl,settings.tokenheader);
// check if it worked (it is ignored if the user was already followed)
if (responseUnboost) {
responseUnboost = JSON.parse(responseUnboost);
if (responseUnboost.reblogged) {
log("Unboost failed.");
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
log("Auto-action disabled.")
async function favouriteHomeInstance(id) {
// if auto actions are enbaled...
if (settings.fedifollow_autoaction) {
// build follow post request
var requestUrl = 'https://' + settings.fedifollow_homeinstance + statusApi + "/" + id + "/favourite";
var responseFav = await makeRequest("POST",requestUrl,settings.tokenheader);
// check if it worked (it is ignored if the user was already followed)
if (responseFav) {
responseFav = JSON.parse(responseFav);
if (!responseFav.favourited) {
log("Favourite failed.");
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
log("Auto-action disabled.")
async function unfavouriteHomeInstance(id) {
// if auto actions are enbaled...
if (settings.fedifollow_autoaction) {
// build follow post request
var requestUrl = 'https://' + settings.fedifollow_homeinstance + statusApi + "/" + id + "/unfavourite";
var responseUnFav = await makeRequest("POST",requestUrl,settings.tokenheader);
// check if it worked (it is ignored if the user was already followed)
if (responseUnFav) {
responseUnFav = JSON.parse(responseUnFav);
if (responseUnFav.favourited) {
log("Unfavourite failed.");
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
log("Auto-action disabled.")
async function isFollowingHomeInstance(ids) {
var requestUrl = 'https://' + settings.fedifollow_homeinstance + accountsApi + "/relationships?"
for (const id of ids) {
// trailing & is no issue
requestUrl += "id[]=" + id.toString() + "&"
var responseFollowing = await makeRequest("GET",requestUrl,settings.tokenheader);
const follows = Array(ids.length).fill(false);
// check if it worked (it is ignored if the user was already followed)
if (responseFollowing) {
responseFollowing = JSON.parse(responseFollowing);
for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
for (account of responseFollowing) {
if (account.id == ids[i]) {
if (account.following) {
follows[i] = true
return follows
// =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=
// =-=-=-=-=-= RESOLVING =-=-==-=-=
// =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=
2022-12-03 01:09:23 +00:00
// Return the user id on the home instance
async function resolveHandleToHome(handle) {
var requestUrl = 'https://' + settings.fedifollow_homeinstance + accountsApi + "/search?q=" + handle
var searchResponse = await makeRequest("GET",requestUrl,settings.tokenheader)
if (searchResponse) {
searchResponse = JSON.parse(searchResponse)
if (searchResponse[0].id) {
return [searchResponse[0].id, searchResponse[0].acct]
return false
2022-12-03 01:09:23 +00:00
// Get a toot's (external) home instance url
function resolveTootToExternalHome(tooturl) {
if (tooturl) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({url: tooturl}, function(response) {
if(response) {
} else {
} else {
return false
// resolve content uri on home instance
async function resolveHomeInstance(searchstring, action) {
var requestUrl = 'https://' + settings.fedifollow_homeinstance + searchApi + "/?q="+searchstring+"&resolve=true&limit=10";
// api request: search endpoint, resolve search string locally (best support for edge cases (for ex. where subdomain does not equal the handle domain) and prevents uncached profile issue)
var response = await makeRequest("GET", requestUrl, settings.tokenheader);
if (response) {
response = JSON.parse(response);
// if we got no data (failed resolve) we can at least try to resolve a user by swapping the domain in case we got a domain in the handle
// this does not work for resolving post IDs so we check against the handle regex
if (!response.accounts.length && !response.statuses.length && handleExtractRegex.test(searchstring)) {
// get matches
var matches = searchstring.match(handleExtractRegex);
if (matches.groups.handle && matches.groups.handledomain) {
// we got handle + handledomain, so try to put the handle domain as host for this fallback (not guaranteed to resolve)
var searchstring = "https://" + matches.groups.handledomain + "/@" + matches.groups.handle;
var requestUrl = 'https://' + settings.fedifollow_homeinstance + searchApi + "/?q="+searchstring+"&resolve=true&limit=10";
// update response var
response = await makeRequest("GET", requestUrl, settings.tokenheader);
response = JSON.parse(response);
// set to false initially
var actionExecuted, faved, boosted;
// if we got an account but no statuses, redirect to profile (first result)
if (response.accounts.length && !response.statuses.length) {
// build redirect url
var redirect = 'https://' + settings.fedifollow_homeinstance + "/@" + response.accounts[0].acct;
if (action == "follow") {
actionExecuted = await followHomeInstance(response.accounts[0].id);
} else if (action == "unfollow") {
actionExecuted = await unfollowHomeInstance(response.accounts[0].id);
} else if (!response.accounts.length && response.statuses.length) {
// if statuses but no accounts, redirect to status (first result)
var status = response.statuses[0];
// build redirect url
var redirect = 'https://' + settings.fedifollow_homeinstance + "/@" + status.account.acct + "/" + status.id;
// perform action if set
if (action == "boost") {
actionExecuted = await boostHomeInstance(status.id)
} else if (action == "favourite") {
actionExecuted = await favouriteHomeInstance(status.id)
} else if (action == "unboost") {
actionExecuted = await unboostHomeInstance(status.id)
} else if (action == "unfavourite") {
actionExecuted = await unfavouriteHomeInstance(status.id)
faved = status.favourited;
boosted = status.reblogged;
// if we got a redirect url...
if (redirect) {
return [redirect, actionExecuted, faved, boosted]
} else {
return false;
} else {
log("API call failed...");
return false;
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
// =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=
// =-=-=-=-= SITE PROCESSING =-==-=-=
// =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=
// custom implementation for allowing to toggle inline css - .css etc. are not working for all layouts
function toggleInlineCss(el, styles, toggleclass) {
var active = $(el).toggleClass(toggleclass).hasClass(toggleclass);
for (var style of styles) {
if (active) {
$(el).css(style[0], style[2])
} else {
if (style[1] == "!remove") {
var newinline = replaceAll($(el).attr('style'), style[0]+": "+style[2]+";", "")
$(el).attr('style', newinline)
} else {
$(el).css(style[0], style[1])
// returns a mutation observer for custom selectors
function getMutationObserver(targetparentselector, options, targetchildselectors, callback) {
// Create an observer instance
if (targetchildselectors) {
targetchildselectors = targetchildselectors.join(",");
var observer = new MutationObserver(function( mutations ) {
mutations.forEach(function( mutation ) {
var newNodes = mutation.addedNodes; // DOM NodeList
if( newNodes !== null ) { // If there are new nodes added
var $nodes = $( newNodes ); // jQuery set
if(targetchildselectors) {
if ($(this).is(targetchildselectors)) {
callback(this, mutation);
} else {
callback(this, mutation);
return observer.observe($(targetparentselector)[0], options);
// extract handle from elements
function extractHandle(selectors) {
// check all of the selectors
for (const selector of selectors) {
// if found
if ($(selector).length) {
return $(selector).text().trim();
return false;
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
// process any toots found on supported sites
async function processToots() {
async function clickAction(searchstring, e) {
var action = getTootAction(e);
if (action) {
// resolve url on home instance and execute action
var resolveAndAction = await resolveHomeInstance(searchstring, action);
if (resolveAndAction) {
if(resolveAndAction[1]) {
if (action == "boost" || action == "unboost") {
toggleInlineCss($(e.currentTarget).find("i"),[["color","!remove","rgb(140, 141, 255)"],["transition-duration", "!remove", "0.9s"],["background-position", "!remove", "0px 100%"]], "fediactive")
} else {
toggleInlineCss($(e.currentTarget),[["color","!remove","rgb(202, 143, 4)"]], "fediactive")
return resolveAndAction[0]
} else {
log("Could not resolve action on home instance.")
} else {
log("Could not determine action.")
function getTootAction(e) {
var action = false
if ($(e.currentTarget).children("i.fa-retweet").length) {
if ($(e.currentTarget).children("i.fa-retweet").hasClass("fediactive")) {
action = "unboost";
} else {
action = "boost";
} else if ($(e.currentTarget).children("i.fa-star").length) {
if ($(e.currentTarget).hasClass("fediactive")) {
action = "unfavourite";
} else {
action = "favourite";
} else if ($(e.currentTarget).attr("href")) {
if (~$(e.currentTarget).attr("href").indexOf("type=reblog")) {
if ($(e.currentTarget).hasClass("fediactive")) {
action = "unboost";
} else {
action = "boost";
} else if (~$(e.currentTarget).attr("href").indexOf("type=favourite")) {
if ($(e.currentTarget).hasClass("fediactive")) {
action = "unfavourite";
} else {
action = "favourite";
return action
function getTootIdAndAuthor(el) {
var [closestTootId, closestTootAuthor] = [false, false]
if ($(el).find("span.display-name__account").length) {
closestTootAuthor = $(el).find("span.display-name__account").text().trim()
if ($(el).is(".detailed-status__wrapper")) {
closestTootId = lastUrl.split("?")[0].split("/")[4]
} else if ($(el).find("a.status__relative-time").attr("href")) {
var temp = $(el).find("a.status__relative-time").attr("href").split("?")[0]
if (temp.startsWith("http")) {
closestTootId = temp.split("/")[4]
} else {
closestTootId = temp.split("/")[2]
} else if ($(el).find("a.detailed-status__datetime").attr("href")) {
var temp = $(el).find("a.detailed-status__datetime").attr("href").split("?")[0]
if (temp.startsWith("http")) {
closestTootId = temp.split("/")[4]
} else {
closestTootId = temp.split("/")[2]
} else if ($(el).attr("data-id")) {
closestTootId = $(el).attr("data-id").split("-").slice(-1)[0];
} else if ($(el).closest("article[data-id], div[data-id]").length) {
closestTootId = $(el).closest("article[data-id], div[data-id]")[0].attr("data-id").split("-").slice(-1)[0];
} else if ($(el).find("a.modal-button").length) {
var temp = $(el).find("a.modal-button").attr("href").split("?")[0]
if (temp.startsWith("http")) {
closestTootId = temp.split("/")[4]
} else {
closestTootId = temp.split("/")[2]
return [closestTootId, closestTootAuthor]
async function process(el) {
var homeResolveString = location.protocol + "//" + location.hostname + "/"
var tootData = getTootIdAndAuthor($(el))
if (tootData) {
// get handle/handledomain without @
var matches = tootData[1].match(handleExtractRegex);
// if we have a handledomain...
if (matches.groups.handledomain) {
// check if the current hostname includes that handle domain...
if (~location.hostname.indexOf(matches.groups.handledomain)) {
// yes? then clear it for further processing
clearedHandle = tootData[1].split("@"+matches.groups.handledomain)[0]
homeResolveString += clearedHandle + "/" + tootData[0]
} else {
// otherwise this is an external handle and we will use external home URI resolving
var resolveString = location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname + "/" + tootData[1] + "/" + tootData[0]
var resolveTootHome = await resolveTootToExternalHome(resolveString)
if (resolveTootHome) {
homeResolveString = resolveTootHome
} else {
// fallback, less probability for resolving
homeResolveString = 'https://' + matches.groups.handledomain + '/' + '@' + matches.groups.handle + '/' + tootData[0]
} else {
homeResolveString += tootData[1] + "/" + tootData[0]
if (homeResolveString) {
// redirect to home instance
// resolve url on home instance and execute action
resolveAndAction = await resolveHomeInstance(homeResolveString, null); // redirect, actionExecuted, faved, boosted
if (resolveAndAction) {
var favButton = $(el).find("button:has(i.fa-star), a.icon-button:has(i.fa-star)")
var boostButton = $(el).find("button:has(i.fa-retweet), a.icon-button:has(i.fa-retweet)")
if (resolveAndAction[2]) {
if (!$(favButton).hasClass("fediactive")) {
toggleInlineCss($(favButton),[["color","!remove","rgb(202, 143, 4)"]], "fediactive")
2022-11-22 21:14:43 +00:00
if (resolveAndAction[3]) {
if (!$(boostButton).find("i.fediactive").length) {
toggleInlineCss($(boostButton).find("i"),[["color","!remove","rgb(140, 141, 255)"],["transition-duration", "!remove", "0.9s"],["background-position", "!remove", "0px 100%"]], "fediactive")
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
// continue with click handling...
var clicks = 0;
var timer;
$(favButton).add(boostButton).on("click", async function(e) {
// prevent default and immediate propagation
if (clicks == 1) {
timer = setTimeout(async function() {
await clickAction(homeResolveString, e); // TODO: replace postUri with resolveAndAction[0] and make a separate function for action execute, so we do not need to resolve two times
clicks = 0;
2022-12-02 22:18:11 +00:00
}, 350);
} else {
url = await clickAction(homeResolveString, e);
if (url) {
clicks = 0;
}).on("dblclick", function(e) {
} else {
log("Failed to resolve: "+homeResolveString)
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
} else {
log("Could not identify a post URI for home resolving.")
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
} else {
log("Could not get toot data.")
if (tootsPageRegex.test(lastUrl.split("?")[0])) {
// single toot pages load all replies instantly, so this is easy
if (tootRegex.test(lastUrl)) {
// on page changes, the detailed status (either reply or original toot) are on the page right away
$(document).find("div.detailed-status__wrapper").each(function() {
// all others will be inserted
$(document).DOMNodeAppear(async function(e) {
}, "div.status, div.detailed-status__wrapper");
// OTHERWISE (/explore and profile pages), we need additional steps.
} else {
// this is for v3 only
$(document).ready(async function() {
var lasthtml = $("body").html()
// wait for the html to not change anymore
await new Promise(resolve => {
// check all 100ms
var i = setInterval(function() {
let currenthtml = $("body").html()
if (currenthtml == lasthtml) {
changing = false
} else {
lasthtml = currenthtml
$(document).find("div.entry > div.status").each(function() {
// wait for any articles to appear
// this solution utilizes css animation events and is WAY more reliable than a) DOMInsertedNode (depcrecated), b) on ready delegation and c) MutationObserver (will not observe childs if only their parent was inserted)
$(document).DOMNodeAppear(async function(e) {
let article = $(e.target)
var lasthtml = $("body").html()
// wait for the html to not change anymore
// mastodon 4 feeds will have all div.status elements on load BUT will replace them after a short time, leading to the found div.status being gone
await new Promise(resolve => {
// check all 100ms
var i = setInterval(function() {
let currenthtml = $("body").html()
if (currenthtml == lasthtml) {
changing = false
} else {
lasthtml = currenthtml
// okay, now we look for ACTUAL div.status elements that are still there and will not be catched by below mutation observer
article.find("div.status").each(async function() {
// one last check if it really exists...
if (document.body.contains($(this)[0])) {
// okay, lets go
// all other div.status elements will be updated/inserted/replaced when the user is scrolling, so here the mutationobserver is a great choice
let observe = getMutationObserver(article, {subtree: true, childList: true}, ["div.status"], function(el, mutation) {
}, "article, div.entry > div.status");
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
} else {
log("There are no toots on this site");
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
// main function to listen for the follow button pressed and open a new tab with the home instance
// TODO: this is still an old implementation, update in accordance with processToots as far as possible
async function processFollow() {
async function clickAction(result, handle, handleDomain, action) {
if (result) {
// add the handle
var redirectUrl = result + "/@" + handle;
var resolveAndAction = await resolveHomeInstance(redirectUrl, action);
if (resolveAndAction) {
return resolveAndAction
} else {
log("Could not get instance URL from API search, resolve probability will be lower.");
var rawRedirect = lastUrl;
// dirty fix for some v3 views
if (~rawRedirect.indexOf("/explore") || tootRegex.test(rawRedirect)) {
rawRedirect = "https://" + handleDomain + "/@" + handle;
var resolveAndAction = await resolveHomeInstance(rawRedirect, action);
if (resolveAndAction) {
return resolveAndAction
// for mastodon v3 - v4 does not show follow buttons / account cards on /explore
async function process(el) {
var fullHandle
var action = "follow"
// for mastodon v3 explore page
if ($(el).closest("div.account-card").length) {
fullHandle = $(el).closest("div.account-card").find("div.display-name > span").text().trim()
} else {
// for all other pages, where only one of the selection elements is present
for (const selector of profileNamePaths) {
if ($(selector).length) {
fullHandle = $(selector).text().trim()
if (fullHandle) {
var resolvedHandle = await resolveHandleToHome(fullHandle)
if (resolvedHandle) {
if (settings.fedifollow_showfollows) {
var isFollowing = await isFollowingHomeInstance([resolvedHandle[0]])
if (isFollowing[0]) {
action = "unfollow";
var clicks = 0;
var timer;
$(el).on("click", async function(e) {
// prevent default and immediate propagation
if (clicks == 1) {
timer = setTimeout(async function() {
if (action == "follow") {
var followed = await followHomeInstance(resolvedHandle[0])
if (followed) {
action = "unfollow"
} else {
var unfollowed = await unfollowHomeInstance(resolvedHandle[0])
if (unfollowed) {
action = "follow"
clicks = 0;
2022-12-02 22:18:11 +00:00
}, 350);
} else {
var done
if (action == "follow") {
var followed = await followHomeInstance(resolvedHandle[0])
if (followed) {
action = "unfollow"
done = true
} else {
var unfollowed = await unfollowHomeInstance(resolvedHandle[0])
if (unfollowed) {
action = "follow"
done = true
if (done) {
var saveText = $(el).text()
var redirectUrl = 'https://' + settings.fedifollow_homeinstance + '/@' + resolvedHandle[1]
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
} else {
log("Action failed.")
clicks = 0;
}).on("dblclick", function(e) {
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
} else {
log("Could not resolve user home ID.")
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
// check if this is a profile url or explore page with account cards
if (followPageRegex.test(lastUrl.split("?")[0])) {
// dirty fix for some v3 instance views
var allFollowPaths = followButtonPaths.join(",")
$(document).DOMNodeAppear(async function(e) {
}, allFollowPaths)
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
} else {
log("Not a profile URL.");
2022-11-22 21:14:43 +00:00
// for some reason, locationchange event did not work for me so lets use this ugly thing...
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
async function urlChangeLoop() {
// run every 100ms, can probably be reduced
setTimeout(function() {
// compare last to current url
if (!(lastUrl == window.location.href)) {
// update lastUrl and run main script
lastUrl = window.location.href;
// repeat
}, 300);
// =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=
// =-=-=-=-=-= SETUP / RUN =-==-=-=-=
// =-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=
// process white/blacklist from ext settings
function processDomainList(newLineList) {
// split by new line
var arrayFromList = newLineList.split(/\r?\n/);
// array to put checked domains into
var cleanedArray = [];
for (var domain of arrayFromList) {
// remove whitespace
domain = domain.trim();
if (domainRegex.test(domain)) {
} else {
log("Removed invalid domain " + domain + " from blacklist/whitelist.")
// return newly created set (remvoes duplicates)
return [...new Set(cleanedArray)];;
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
function checkSettings() {
// if the home instance is undefined/null/empty
if (settings.fedifollow_homeinstance == null || !settings.fedifollow_homeinstance) {
log("Mastodon home instance is not set.");
return false;
// no token for api available (see background.js)
if (!settings.fedifollow_token) {
log("No API token available. Are you logged in to your home instance? If yes, wait for 1-2 minutes and reload page.");
return false;
} else {
settings.tokenheader = {"Authorization":"Bearer " + settings.fedifollow_token,};
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
// if the value looks like a domain...
if (!(domainRegex.test(settings.fedifollow_homeinstance))) {
log("Instance setting is not a valid domain name.");
return false;
// set default if wrong value
if ($.inArray(settings.fedifollow_mode, ["blacklist","whitelist"]) < 0) {
settings.fedifollow_mode = "blacklist";
if ($.inArray(settings.fedifollow_target, ["_blank","_self"]) < 0) {
settings.fedifollow_target = "_blank";
if (settings.fedifollow_mode == "whitelist") {
// if in whitelist mode and the cleaned whitelist is empty, return false
settings.fedifollow_whitelist = processDomainList(settings.fedifollow_whitelist);
if (settings.fedifollow_whitelist.length < 1) {
log("Whitelist is empty or invalid.")
return false;
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
} else {
// also process the blacklist if in blacklist mode, but an empty blacklist is OK so we do not return false
settings.fedifollow_blacklist = processDomainList(settings.fedifollow_blacklist);
return true;
// test if the current site should be processed or not
// this will also be the function for whitelist/blacklist feature
async function checkSite() {
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
// is this site on our home instance?
2022-11-22 18:33:49 +00:00
if (location.hostname == settings.fedifollow_homeinstance) {
log("Current site is your home instance.");
return false;
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
// are we in whitelist mode?
if (settings.fedifollow_mode == "whitelist") {
// if so, check if site is NOT in whitelist
2022-11-22 18:33:49 +00:00
if ($.inArray(location.hostname, settings.fedifollow_whitelist) < 0) {
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
log("Current site is not in whitelist.");
return false;
} else {
// otherwise we are in blacklist mode, so check if site is on blacklist
2022-11-22 18:33:49 +00:00
if ($.inArray(location.hostname, settings.fedifollow_blacklist) > -1) {
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
log("Current site is in blacklist.");
return false;
// last check - and probably the most accurate to determine if it actually is mastadon
2022-11-22 18:33:49 +00:00
var requestUrl = location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname + instanceApi;
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
// call instance api to confirm its mastodon and get normalized handle uri
var response = await makeRequest("GET", requestUrl, null);
if (response) {
var uri = JSON.parse(response).uri;
if (uri) {
// run external mode
return true;
2022-11-22 21:14:43 +00:00
log("Does not look like a Mastodon instance.");
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
return false;
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
// run wrapper
async function run() {
// get settings
settings = await (browser || chrome).storage.local.get(settingsDefaults);
if (settings) {
// validate settings
if (checkSettings()) {
// check site (if and which scripts should run)
if (await checkSite()) {
2022-11-21 22:47:32 +00:00
} else {
log("Will not process this site.")
} else {
log("Could not load settings.")
2022-12-03 00:59:32 +00:00