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* Prototypes for manipulating NAL units in H.264 elementary streams.
* Version: MPL 1.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is the MPEG TS, PS and ES tools.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Amino Communications Ltd.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Amino Communications Ltd, Swavesey, Cambridge UK
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
#ifndef _nalunit_fns
#define _nalunit_fns
#include "nalunit_defns.h"
* Request details of the NAL unit contents as they are read
extern void set_show_nal_reading_details(nal_unit_context_p context,
int show);
* Build a new NAL unit context, for reading NAL units from an ES.
* Returns 0 if it succeeds, 1 if some error occurs.
extern int build_nal_unit_context(ES_p es,
nal_unit_context_p *context);
* Free a NAL unit context datastructure.
* Clears the datastructure, frees it, and returns `context` as NULL.
* Does nothing if `context` is already NULL.
extern void free_nal_unit_context(nal_unit_context_p *context);
* Rewind a file being read as NAL units.
* A thin jacket for `seek_ES`.
* Doesn't unset the sequence and picture parameter dictionaries
* that have been built up when reading the file - this may possibly
* not be the desired behaviour, but should be OK for well behaved files.
* Returns 0 if all goes well, 1 if something goes wrong.
extern int rewind_nal_unit_context(nal_unit_context_p context);
* Build a new NAL unit datastructure.
* Returns 0 if it succeeds, 1 if some error occurs.
extern int build_nal_unit(nal_unit_p *nal);
* Tidy up and free a NAL unit datastructure after we've finished with it.
* Empties the NAL unit datastructure, frees it, and sets `nal` to NULL.
* If `nal` is already NULL, does nothing.
extern void free_nal_unit(nal_unit_p *nal);
* Find and read in the next NAL unit.
* - `context` is the NAL unit context we're reading from
* - `verbose` is true if a brief report on the NAL unit should be given
* - `nal` is the datastructure containing the NAL unit found, or NULL
* if there was none.
* Returns:
* * 0 if it succeeds,
* * EOF if the end-of-file is read (i.e., there is no next NAL unit),
* * 2 if the NAL unit data does not make sense, so it should be ignored
* (specifically, if the NAL unit's RBSP data cannot be understood),
* * 1 if some other error occurs.
extern int find_next_NAL_unit(nal_unit_context_p context,
int verbose,
nal_unit_p *nal);
* Write (copy) the current NAL unit to the ES output stream.
* - `output` is the output stream (file descriptor) to write to
* - `nal` is the NAL unit to write
* Returns 0 if all went well, 1 if something went wrong.
extern int write_NAL_unit_as_ES(FILE *output,
nal_unit_p nal);
* Write (copy) the current NAL unit to the output stream, wrapped up in a
* PES within TS.
* - `output` is the TS writer to write to
* - `nal` is the NAL unit to write
* - `video_pid` is the video PID to use
* Returns 0 if all went well, 1 if something went wrong.
extern int write_NAL_unit_as_TS(TS_writer_p tswriter,
nal_unit_p nal,
u_int32 video_pid);
* Create a new "dictionary" for remembering picture or sequence
* parameter sets.
* Returns 0 if it succeeds, 1 if some error occurs.
extern int build_param_dict(param_dict_p *param_dict);
* Tidy up and free a parameters "dictionary" datastructure after we've
* finished with it.
* Empties the datastructure, frees it, and sets `param_dict` to NULL.
* Does nothing if `param_dict` is already NULL.
extern void free_param_dict(param_dict_p *param_dict);
* Remember parameter set data in a "dictionary".
* - `param_dict` should be an appropriate "dictionary" - i.e., one
* being used to store picture or sequence parameter set data, as
* appropriate.
* - `param_id` is the id for this picture or sequence parameter set.
* - `nal` is the NAL unit containing the parameter set data.
* Note that a copy will be taken of the parameter set data, which
* means that the caller may free the NAL unit.
* Any previous data for this picture or sequence parameter set id will be
* forgotten (overwritten).
* Returns 0 if it succeeds, 1 if some error occurs.
extern int remember_param_data(param_dict_p param_dict,
u_int32 param_id,
nal_unit_p nal);
* Retrieve the picture parameter set data for the given id.
* - `pic_param_dict` is a parameter "dictionary" of the appropriate type.
* - `pic_param_id` is the id to look up.
* - `pic_param_data` is the data for that id. Do not free this, it refers
* into the "dictionary" datastructure.
* Note that altering the "dictionary" (with `remember_param_data()`) may
* cause the underlying datastructures to be realloc'ed, which in turn means
* that the address returned as `pic_param_data` may not be valid after such
* an action.
* Returns 0 if it succeeds, 1 if the id is not recognised.
extern int get_pic_param_data(param_dict_p pic_param_dict,
u_int32 pic_param_id,
nal_pic_param_data_p *pic_param_data);
* Retrieve the sequence parameter set data for the given id.
* - `seq_param_dict` is a parameter "dictionary" of the appropriate type.
* - `seq_param_id` is the id to look up.
* - `seq_param_data` is the data for that id. Do not free this, it refers
* into the "dictionary" datastructure.
* Note that altering the "dictionary" (with `remember_param_data()`) may
* cause the underlying datastructures to be realloc'ed, which in turn means
* that the address returned as `seq_param_data` may not be valid after such
* an action.
* Returns 0 if it succeeds, 1 if the id is not recognised.
extern int get_seq_param_data(param_dict_p seq_param_dict,
u_int32 seq_param_id,
nal_seq_param_data_p *seq_param_data);
* Is this NAL unit a slice?
* Returns true if its ``nal_unit_type`` is 1 (coded slice of IDR picture)
* or 5 (coded slice of IDR picture).
extern int nal_is_slice(nal_unit_p nal);
* Is this NAL unit a picture parameter set?
* Returns true if its ``nal_unit_type`` is 8.
extern int nal_is_pic_param_set(nal_unit_p nal);
* Is this NAL unit a sequence parameter set?
* Returns true if its ``nal_unit_type`` is 7.
extern int nal_is_seq_param_set(nal_unit_p nal);
* Is this NAL unit marked as part of a redundant picture?
extern int nal_is_redundant(nal_unit_p nal);
* Is this VCL NAL unit the first of a new primary coded picture?
* - `nal` is the NAL unit we need to decide about.
* - `last` is a slice NAL unit from the last primary coded picture
* (likely to be the first NAL unit therefrom, in fact)
* Both `nal` and `last` must be VCL NALs representing slices of a reference
* picture - i.e., with nal_unit_type 1 or 5 (if we were supporting type A
* slice data partitions, we would have to take them into account as well).
* Both `nal` and `last` must have had their innards decoded with
* `read_slice_data`, which should have occurred automatically if they are
* both appropriate NAL units for this process.
* Acording to H.264 (from the JVT-J010d7 draft):
* The first NAL unit of a new primary code picture can be detected
* because:
* - its frame number differs in value from that of the last slice (NB:
* IDR pictures always have frame_num == 0)
* - its field_pic_flag differs in value (i.e., one is a field slice, and
* the other a frame slice)
* - the bottom_field_flag is present in both (determined by
* frame_mbs_only_flag in the sequence parameter set, and by
* field_pic_flag) and differs (i.e., both are field slices, but one
* is top and the other bottom) [*]_
* - nal_ref_idc differs in value, and one of them has nal_ref_idc == 0
* (i.e., one is a reference picture and the other is not)
* - pic_order_cnt_type (found in the sequence parameter set) == 0 for
* both and either pic_order_cnt_lsb differs in value or
* delta_pic_order_cnt_bottom differs in value [*]_
* - pic_order_cnt_type == 1 for both and either delta_pic_order_cnt[0]
* or delta_pic_order_cnt[1] differs in value [*]_
* - nal_unit_type == 5 for one and not in the other (i.e., one is IDR
* and the other is not)
* - nal_unit_type == 5 for both (i.e., both are IDR), and idr_pic_id
* differs (i.e., they're not the same IDR)
* It is possible that later drafts may alter/augment these criteria -
* that has already happened between JVT-G050r1 and JVT-J010d7.
* .. [*] For these three items, we need to have decoded the active
* sequence parameter set (which, for now, I'll assume to be the last
* set we found with the appropriate id).
extern int nal_is_first_VCL_NAL(nal_unit_p nal,
nal_unit_p last);
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Lists of NAL units
// This duplicates the functionality provided by ES unit lists
// in es.h, but it works at the higher level of NAL units,
// which is useful if one wants to report on the content of the
// lists *as* NAL units.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
* Build a new list-of-nal-units datastructure.
* Returns 0 if it succeeds, 1 if some error occurs.
extern int build_nal_unit_list(nal_unit_list_p *list);
* Add a NAL unit to the end of the NAL unit list. Does not take a copy.
* Returns 0 if it succeeds, 1 if some error occurs.
extern int append_to_nal_unit_list(nal_unit_list_p list,
nal_unit_p nal);
* Reset (empty) a NAL unit list.
* If `deep` is true, then any NAL units in the list will be freed
* as well (this will be a Bad Thing if anywhere else is using them).
extern void reset_nal_unit_list(nal_unit_list_p list,
int deep);
* Tidy up and free a NAL unit list datastructure after we've finished with it.
* If `deep` is true, then any NAL units in the list will be freed
* as well (this will be a Bad Thing if anywhere else is using them).
* Clears the datastructure, frees it and returns `list` as NULL.
* Does nothing if `list` is already NULL.
extern void free_nal_unit_list(nal_unit_list_p *list,
int deep);
* Report on a NAL unit list's contents, to the given stream.
extern void report_nal_unit_list(FILE *stream,
char *prefix,
nal_unit_list_p list);
* Print out useful information about this NAL unit, on the given stream.
* This is intended as a single line of information.
extern void report_nal(FILE *stream,
nal_unit_p nal);
#endif // _nalunit_fns