/* * Report on a pcap (.pcap) file. * * 2008-09-05 * * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is the MPEG TS, PS and ES tools. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Amino Communications Ltd. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Richard Watts, Kynesim * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #else // _WIN32 #include #include #include #include #endif // _WIN32 #include "compat.h" #include "pcap.h" #include "ethernet.h" #include "ipv4.h" #include "version.h" #include "misc_fns.h" #include "ts_fns.h" typedef struct pcapreport_ctx_struct { int use_stdin; char *input_name; int had_input_name; int dump_data; int dump_extra; int time_report; int verbose; PCAP_reader_p pcreader; pcap_hdr_t pcap_hdr; char *output_name; FILE *output_file; uint32_t output_dest_addr; uint32_t output_dest_port; TS_reader_p ts_r; // The temporary read buffer used by our ts reader. byte *tmp_buf; uint32_t tmp_len; // ts packet counter for error reporting. uint32_t ts_counter; // packet counter. uint32_t pkt_counter; // Last continuity counter. int last_cc; // Do we think we currently have cc? int have_cc; /*! In 90kHz units, what do you reckon you need to add to * PCR to make it into packet time? */ int64_t pcr_time_offset; /*! What was the last difference between pcr_time_offset and * the measured time offset? */ int64_t last_time_offset; /*! Do we think pcr_time_offset is valid at the minute? */ int pcr_time_offset_valid; /*! How far do we need to skew (in 90kHz units) to signal a discontinuity? */ int64_t skew_discontinuity_threshold; /*! Time of last discontinuity, in us */ int64_t last_d_us; } pcapreport_ctx_t; // Discontinuity threshold is 6s. #define SKEW_DISCONTINUITY_THRESHOLD (6*90000) static int digest_times_read(void *handle, byte *out_buf, size_t len) { pcapreport_ctx_t *ctx = (pcapreport_ctx_t *)handle; int nr_bytes = (len < ctx->tmp_len ? len : ctx->tmp_len); int new_tmp_len = ctx->tmp_len - nr_bytes; memcpy(out_buf, ctx->tmp_buf, nr_bytes); memmove(ctx->tmp_buf, &ctx->tmp_buf[nr_bytes], new_tmp_len); ctx->tmp_len = new_tmp_len; // printf(">> read %d bytes from intermediate buffer. \n", nr_bytes); return nr_bytes; } static int digest_times_seek(void *handle, offset_t val) { // Cannot seek in a ts stream. return 1; } static int digest_times(pcapreport_ctx_t *ctx, pcaprec_hdr_t *pcap_pkt_hdr, ethernet_packet_t *epkt, ipv4_header_t *ipv4_header, ipv4_udp_header_t *udp_header, const byte *data, const uint32_t len) { int rv; if (!ctx->ts_r) { rv = build_TS_reader_with_fns(ctx, digest_times_read, digest_times_seek, &ctx->ts_r); if (rv) { fprintf(stderr, "### pcapreport: Cannot create ts reader.\n"); return 1; } } // Add all our data to the pool. ctx->tmp_buf = (byte *)realloc(ctx->tmp_buf, ctx->tmp_len + len); memcpy(&ctx->tmp_buf[ctx->tmp_len], data, len); ctx->tmp_len += len; // Now read out all the ts packets we can. while (1) { byte *pkt; int rv; rv = read_next_TS_packet(ctx->ts_r, &pkt); if (rv == EOF) { // Got to EOF - return for more data return 0; } // Right. Split it .. { uint32_t pid; int pusi; byte *adapt; int adapt_len; byte *payload; int payload_len; rv = split_TS_packet(pkt, &pid, &pusi, &adapt, &adapt_len, &payload, &payload_len); if (rv) { printf(">> WARNING: TS packet %d [ packet %d @ %d.%d s ] cannot be split.\n", ctx->ts_counter, ctx->pkt_counter, pcap_pkt_hdr->ts_sec, pcap_pkt_hdr->ts_usec); } else { //int cc; // PCR ? if (adapt && adapt_len) { int has_pcr; uint64_t pcr; uint64_t t_pcr; int64_t pcr_time_offset; get_PCR_from_adaptation_field(adapt, adapt_len, &has_pcr, &pcr); if (has_pcr) { printf(">> Found PCR %lld at %d.%d s \n", pcr, pcap_pkt_hdr->ts_sec, pcap_pkt_hdr->ts_usec); // PCR pops out in 27MHz units. Let's do all our comparisons // in 90kHz. pcr = pcr / 300; t_pcr = (((int64_t)pcap_pkt_hdr->ts_usec*9)/100) + ((int64_t)pcap_pkt_hdr->ts_sec * 90000); // printf("pcr = %lld t_pcr = %lld diff = %lld\n", // pcr, t_pcr, // t_pcr - pcr); pcr_time_offset = ((int64_t)t_pcr - (int64_t)pcr); if (ctx->pcr_time_offset_valid) { int64_t skew = (pcr_time_offset - ctx->pcr_time_offset); if (skew > ctx->skew_discontinuity_threshold || skew < -ctx->skew_discontinuity_threshold) { printf(">> Skew discontinuity! Skew = %lld (> %lld) at" " ts = %d network = %d (PCR %lld Time %d.%d)\n", skew, ctx->skew_discontinuity_threshold, ctx->ts_counter, ctx->pkt_counter, pcr, pcap_pkt_hdr->ts_sec, pcap_pkt_hdr->ts_usec); ctx->pcr_time_offset = pcr_time_offset; } else { int64_t rel_tim; double skew_rate; rel_tim = ((int64_t)pcap_pkt_hdr->ts_usec) + ((int64_t)pcap_pkt_hdr->ts_sec * 1000000); rel_tim -= ctx->last_d_us; skew_rate = (double)skew / ((double)((double)rel_tim / (60*1000000))); printf(">> [ts %d net %d ] PCR %lld Time %d.%d [rel %d.%d] - skew = %lld (delta = %lld, rate = %.4g PTS/min)\n", ctx->ts_counter, ctx->pkt_counter, pcr, pcap_pkt_hdr->ts_sec, pcap_pkt_hdr->ts_usec, (int)(rel_tim / (int64_t)1000000), (int)rel_tim%1000000, skew, pcr_time_offset - ctx->last_time_offset, skew_rate); } ctx->last_time_offset = pcr_time_offset; } else { ctx->pcr_time_offset = ctx->last_time_offset = pcr_time_offset; ctx->last_d_us = ((int64_t)pcap_pkt_hdr->ts_usec) + (((int64_t)pcap_pkt_hdr->ts_sec) * 1000000); ctx->pcr_time_offset_valid = 1; } } } #if 0 // CC? cc = pkt[3]&0x0f; //printf("cc = %d \n", cc); if (!ctx->have_cc) { ctx->have_cc = 1; } else { if (cc != ((ctx->last_cc + 1)&0xf)) { printf(">> CC discontinuity! ts = %d network = %d expected %d got %d.\n", ctx->ts_counter, ctx->pkt_counter, (ctx->last_cc+1)&0xf, cc); } } ctx->last_cc = cc; #endif } ++ctx->ts_counter; } } } static int write_out_packet(pcapreport_ctx_t *ctx, const byte *data, const uint32_t len) { int rv; if (ctx->output_name) { if (!ctx->output_file) { ctx->output_file = fopen(ctx->output_name, "wb"); if (!ctx->output_file) { fprintf(stderr,"### pcapreport: Cannot open %s .\n", ctx->output_name); return 1; } } if (ctx->verbose) { printf("++ Dumping %d bytes to output file.\n", len); } rv = fwrite(data, len, 1, ctx->output_file); if (rv != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "### pcapreport: Couldn't write %d bytes" " to %s (error = %d).\n", len, ctx->output_name, ferror(ctx->output_file)); return 1; } } return 0; } static void print_usage() { printf("Usage: pcapreport [switches] [] [switches]\n" "\n" ); REPORT_VERSION("pcap"); printf( "\n" " Report on a pcap capture file.\n" "\n" " -o Dump selected UDP payloads to the named output file.\n" " -d : Select data with the given destination IP and port.\n" " --dump-data | -D Dump any data in the input file to stdout.\n" " --extra-dump | -e Dump only data which isn't being sent to the -o file.\n" " --times | -t Report on PCR vs PCAP timing for the destination specified in -d.\n" " --verbose | -v Output metadata about every packet.\n" " --skew-discontinuity-threshold \n" " Gives the skew discontinuity threshold in 90kHz units.\n" "\n" " Specifying for destination IP or 0 for destination port will capture all\n" " hosts and ports respectively.\n" "\n" " Network packet and TS packet numbers start at 0.\n" "\n" " Positive skew means that we received too low a PCR for this timestamp.\n" "\n" ); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int err = 0; int ii = 1; pcapreport_ctx_t ctx; memset(&ctx, '\0', sizeof(pcapreport_ctx_t)); ctx.skew_discontinuity_threshold = SKEW_DISCONTINUITY_THRESHOLD; if (argc < 2) { print_usage(); return 0; } while (ii < argc) { if (argv[ii][0] == '-') { if (!strcmp("--help", argv[ii]) || !strcmp("-h", argv[ii]) || !strcmp("-help", argv[ii])) { print_usage(); return 0; } else if (!strcmp("--o", argv[ii]) || !strcmp("-o", argv[ii])) { ++ii; if (ii < argc) { ctx.output_name = argv[ii]; } else { fprintf(stderr, "### pcapreport: -o requires an argument.\n"); return 1; } } else if (!strcmp("-times", argv[ii]) || !strcmp("--times", argv[ii]) || !strcmp("-t", argv[ii])) { ++ctx.time_report; } else if (!strcmp("-verbose", argv[ii]) || !strcmp("--verbose", argv[ii]) || !strcmp("-v", argv[ii])) { ++ctx.verbose; } else if (!strcmp("--d", argv[ii]) || !strcmp("-d", argv[ii])) { char *hostname; int port; err = host_value("pcapreport", argv[ii], argv[ii+1], &hostname, &port); if (err) return 1; ++ii; ctx.output_dest_port = port; if (ipv4_string_to_addr(&ctx.output_dest_addr, hostname)) { fprintf(stderr, "### pcapreport: '%s' is not a host IP address (names are not allowed!)\n", hostname); return 1; } } else if (!strcmp("--dump-data", argv[ii]) || !strcmp("-D", argv[ii])) { ++ctx.dump_data; } else if (!strcmp("--extra-dump", argv[ii]) || !strcmp("-E", argv[ii])) { ++ctx.dump_extra; } else if (!strcmp("--skew-discontinuity-threshold", argv[ii])) { int val; int rv = int_value("pcapreport", argv[ii], argv[ii+1], TRUE, 0, &val); ctx.skew_discontinuity_threshold = val; if (rv) { return 1; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "### pcapreport: " "Unrecognised command line switch '%s'\n", argv[ii]); return 1; } } else { if (ctx.had_input_name) { fprintf(stderr, "### pcapreport: Unexpected '%s'\n", argv[ii]); return 1; } else { ctx.input_name = argv[ii]; ctx.had_input_name = TRUE; } } ++ii; } err = pcap_open(&ctx.pcreader, &ctx.pcap_hdr, ctx.input_name); if (err) { fprintf(stderr, "### pcapreport: Unable to open input file %s for reading " "PCAP (code %d)\n", ctx.had_input_name ? "": ctx.input_name, err); } if (ctx.output_name) { printf("pcapreport: Dumping all packets for %s:%d to %s .\n", ipv4_addr_to_string(ctx.output_dest_addr), ctx.output_dest_port, ctx.output_name); } printf("Capture made by version %u.%u local_tz_correction " "%d sigfigs %u snaplen %d network %u\n", ctx.pcap_hdr.version_major, ctx.pcap_hdr.version_minor, ctx.pcap_hdr.thiszone, ctx.pcap_hdr.sigfigs, ctx.pcap_hdr.snaplen, ctx.pcap_hdr.network); if (ctx.pcap_hdr.snaplen < 65535) { fprintf(stderr,"### pcapreport: WARNING snaplen is %d, not >= 65535 - " "not all data may have been captured.\n", ctx.pcap_hdr.snaplen); } { int done = 0; while (!done) { pcaprec_hdr_t rec_hdr; byte *data = NULL; uint32_t len = 0; int sent_to_output = 0; err = pcap_read_next(ctx.pcreader, &rec_hdr, &data, &len); switch (err) { case 0: // EOF. ++done; break; case 1: // Got a packet. { byte *allocated = data; if (ctx.verbose) { printf("pkt: Time = %d.%d orig_len = %d \n", rec_hdr.ts_sec, rec_hdr.ts_usec, rec_hdr.orig_len); } if (!(ctx.pcap_hdr.network == PCAP_NETWORK_TYPE_ETHERNET)) { goto dump_out; } { ethernet_packet_t epkt; uint32_t out_st, out_len; int rv; ipv4_header_t ipv4_hdr; ipv4_udp_header_t udp_hdr; rv = ethernet_packet_from_pcap(&rec_hdr, data, len, &epkt, &out_st, &out_len); if (rv) { goto dump_out; } if (ctx.verbose) { printf("++ 802.11: src %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x " " dst %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x " "typeorlen 0x%04x\n", epkt.src_addr[0], epkt.src_addr[1], epkt.src_addr[2], epkt.src_addr[3], epkt.src_addr[4], epkt.src_addr[5], epkt.dst_addr[0], epkt.dst_addr[1], epkt.dst_addr[2], epkt.dst_addr[3], epkt.dst_addr[4], epkt.dst_addr[5], epkt.typeorlen); } data = &data[out_st]; len = out_len; // Is it IP? if (epkt.typeorlen != 0x800) { goto dump_out; } rv = ipv4_from_payload(data, len, &ipv4_hdr, &out_st, &out_len); if (rv) { goto dump_out; } if (ctx.verbose) { printf("++ IPv4: src = %s", ipv4_addr_to_string(ipv4_hdr.src_addr)); printf(" dest = %s \n", ipv4_addr_to_string(ipv4_hdr.dest_addr)); printf( "++ IPv4: version = 0x%x hdr_length = 0x%x" " serv_type = 0x%08x length = 0x%04x\n" "++ IPv4: ident = 0x%04x flags = 0x%02x" " frag_offset = 0x%04x ttl = %d\n" "++ IPv4: proto = %d csum = 0x%04x\n", ipv4_hdr.version, ipv4_hdr.hdr_length, ipv4_hdr.serv_type, ipv4_hdr.length, ipv4_hdr.ident, ipv4_hdr.flags, ipv4_hdr.frag_offset, ipv4_hdr.ttl, ipv4_hdr.proto, ipv4_hdr.csum); } data = &data[out_st]; len = out_len; if (!(IPV4_HDR_IS_UDP(&ipv4_hdr))) { goto dump_out; } rv = ipv4_udp_from_payload(data, len, &udp_hdr, &out_st, &out_len); if (rv) { goto dump_out; } if (ctx.verbose) { printf("++ udp: src port = %d " "dest port = %d len = %d \n", udp_hdr.source_port, udp_hdr.dest_port, udp_hdr.length); } data = &data[out_st]; len = out_len; if ( (!ctx.output_dest_addr || (ipv4_hdr.dest_addr == ctx.output_dest_addr)) && (!ctx.output_dest_port || (udp_hdr.dest_port == ctx.output_dest_port))) { ++sent_to_output; if (ctx.time_report) { rv =digest_times(&ctx, &rec_hdr, &epkt, &ipv4_hdr, &udp_hdr, data, len); if (rv) { return rv; } } if (ctx.output_name) { rv = write_out_packet(&ctx, data, len); if (rv) { return rv; } } } } // Adjust dump_out: if (ctx.dump_data || (ctx.dump_extra && !sent_to_output)) { print_data(stdout, "data", data, len, len); } free(allocated); allocated = data = NULL; } break; default: // Some other error. fprintf(stderr, "### pcapreport: Can't read packet %d - code %d\n", ctx.pkt_counter, err); ++done; break; } ++ctx.pkt_counter; } } if (ctx.output_file) { printf("Closing output file.\n"); fclose(ctx.output_file); } return 0; } // Local Variables: // tab-width: 8 // indent-tabs-mode: nil // c-basic-offset: 2 // End: // vim: set tabstop=8 shiftwidth=2 expandtab: