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PiFmRds - FM/RDS transmitter for the Raspberry Pi
Copyright (C) 2014 Christophe Jacquet, F8FTK
See https://github.com/ChristopheJacquet/PiFmRds
rds_wav.c is a test program that writes a RDS baseband signal to a WAV
file. It requires libsndfile.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
fm_mpx.c: generates an FM multiplex signal containing RDS plus possibly
monaural or stereo audio.
#include <sndfile.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "rds.h"
#define PI 3.141592654
#define FIR_PHASES (32)
#define FIR_TAPS (32) // MUST be a power of 2 for the circular buffer
size_t length;
// coefficients of the low-pass FIR filter
float low_pass_fir[FIR_PHASES][FIR_TAPS];
float carrier_38[] = {0.0, 0.8660254037844386, 0.8660254037844388, 1.2246467991473532e-16, -0.8660254037844384, -0.8660254037844386};
float carrier_19[] = {0.0, 0.5, 0.8660254037844386, 1.0, 0.8660254037844388, 0.5, 1.2246467991473532e-16, -0.5, -0.8660254037844384, -1.0, -0.8660254037844386, -0.5};
int phase_38 = 0;
int phase_19 = 0;
float downsample_factor;
float *audio_buffer;
int audio_index = 0;
int audio_len = 0;
float audio_pos;
float fir_buffer_left[FIR_TAPS] = {0};
float fir_buffer_right[FIR_TAPS] = {0};
int fir_index = 0;
int channels;
float left_max=1, right_max=1; // start compressor with low gain
float *alloc_empty_buffer(size_t length) {
float *p =(float *) malloc(length * sizeof(float));
if(p == NULL) return NULL;
bzero(p, length * sizeof(float));
return p;
int fm_mpx_open(char *filename, size_t len) {
length = len;
if(filename != NULL) {
// Open the input file
SF_INFO sfinfo;
// stdin or file on the filesystem?
if(filename[0] == '-') {
if(! (inf = sf_open_fd(fileno(stdin), SFM_READ, &sfinfo, 0))) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not open stdin for audio input.\n") ;
return -1;
} else {
printf("Using stdin for audio input.\n");
} else {
if(! (inf = sf_open(filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo))) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not open input file %s.\n", filename) ;
return -1;
} else {
printf("Using audio file: %s\n", filename);
int in_samplerate = sfinfo.samplerate;
downsample_factor = 228000. / in_samplerate;
printf("Input: %d Hz, upsampling factor: %.2f\n", in_samplerate, downsample_factor);
channels = sfinfo.channels;
if(channels > 1) {
printf("%d channels, generating stereo multiplex.\n", channels);
} else {
printf("1 channel, monophonic operation.\n");
// Choose a cutoff frequency for the low-pass FIR filter
float cutoff_freq = 15700;
//float cutoff_freq = 3000; //For NBFM
if(in_samplerate/2 < cutoff_freq) cutoff_freq = in_samplerate/2 * .8;
// Create the low-pass FIR filter, with pre-emphasis
double window, firlowpass, firpreemph , sincpos;
double gain=FIR_PHASES/25.0; // Why??? Maybe gain adjustment for preemphais
// IIR pre-emphasis filter
// Reference material: http://jontio.zapto.org/hda1/preempiir.pdf
double tau=50e-6; // 50us default pre-emphasis, TODO: make it adjustable for the US to 75us
double delta=1/(2*PI*20000); // 20KHz frequency max for the emphasis function
double taup, deltap, bp, ap, a0, a1, b1;
taup=1.0/(2.0*(in_samplerate*FIR_PHASES))/tan( 1.0/(2*tau*(in_samplerate*FIR_PHASES) ));
deltap=1.0/(2.0*(in_samplerate*FIR_PHASES))/tan( 1.0/(2*delta*(in_samplerate*FIR_PHASES) ));
bp=sqrt( -taup*taup + sqrt(taup*taup*taup*taup + 8.0*taup*taup*deltap*deltap) ) / 2.0 ;
ap=sqrt( 2*bp*bp + taup*taup );
a0=( 2.0*ap + 1.0/(in_samplerate*FIR_PHASES) )/(2.0*bp + 1.0/(in_samplerate*FIR_PHASES) );
a1=(-2.0*ap + 1.0/(in_samplerate*FIR_PHASES) )/(2.0*bp + 1.0/(in_samplerate*FIR_PHASES) );
b1=( 2.0*bp - 1.0/(in_samplerate*FIR_PHASES) )/(2.0*bp + 1.0/(in_samplerate*FIR_PHASES) );
double x=0,y=0;
for(int i=0; i<FIR_TAPS; i++) {
for(int j=0; j<FIR_PHASES; j++) {
int mi=i*FIR_PHASES + j+1;// match indexing of Matlab script
sincpos = (mi)-(((FIR_TAPS*FIR_PHASES)+1.0)/2.0); // offset by 0.5 so sincpos!=0 (causes NaN x/0 )
//printf("%d=%f \n",mi ,sincpos);
firlowpass = sin(2 * PI * cutoff_freq * sincpos / (in_samplerate*FIR_PHASES) ) / (PI * sincpos) ;
y=a0*firlowpass + a1*x + b1*y ; // Find the combined impulse response
x=firlowpass; // of FIR low-pass and IIR pre-emphasis
firpreemph=y; // y could be replaced by firpreemph but this
// matches the example in the reference material
window = (.54 - .46 * cos(2*PI * (mi) / (double) FIR_TAPS*FIR_PHASES )) ; // Hamming window
low_pass_fir[j][i] = firpreemph * window * gain ;
printf("Created low-pass FIR filter for audio channels, with cutoff at %.1f Hz\n", cutoff_freq);
if( 0 )
printf("f = [ ");
for(int i=0; i<FIR_TAPS; i++) {
for(int j=0; j<FIR_PHASES; j++) {
printf("%.5f ", low_pass_fir[j][i]);
printf("]; \n");
audio_pos = downsample_factor;
audio_buffer = alloc_empty_buffer(length * channels);
if(audio_buffer == NULL) return -1;
} // end if(filename != NULL)
else {
inf = NULL;
// inf == NULL indicates that there is no audio
return 0;
// samples provided by this function are in 0..10: they need to be divided by
// 10 after.
int fm_mpx_get_samples(float *mpx_buffer) {
get_rds_samples(mpx_buffer, length);
if(inf == NULL) return 0; // if there is no audio, stop here
for(int i=0; i<length; i++) {
if(audio_pos >= downsample_factor) {
audio_pos -= downsample_factor;
if(audio_len <= channels ) {
for(int j=0; j<2; j++) { // one retry
audio_len = sf_read_float(inf, audio_buffer, length);
if (audio_len < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error reading audio\n");
return -1;
if(audio_len == 0) {
if( sf_seek(inf, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not rewind in audio file, terminating\n");
return -1;
} else {
audio_index = 0;
} else {
audio_index += channels;
audio_len -= channels;
fir_index++; // fir_index will point to newest valid data soon
if(fir_index >= FIR_TAPS) fir_index = 0;
// Store the current sample(s) into the FIR filter's ring buffer
fir_buffer_left[fir_index] = audio_buffer[audio_index];
if(channels > 1) {
fir_buffer_right[fir_index] = audio_buffer[audio_index+1];
} // if need new sample
// Polyphase FIR filter
float out_left = 0;
float out_right = 0;
// Calculate which FIR phase to use
//int iphase = FIR_PHASES-1 - ((int) (audio_pos/downsample_factor*FIR_PHASES) );
int iphase = ((int) (audio_pos*FIR_PHASES/downsample_factor) );// I think this is correct
//int iphase=FIR_PHASES-1; // test override
//printf("%d %d \n",fir_index,iphase); // diagnostics
// Sanity checks
if ( iphase < 0 ) {iphase=0; printf("low\n"); }// Seems to run faster with these checks in place
if ( iphase >= FIR_PHASES ) {iphase=FIR_PHASES-2; printf("high\n"); }
if( channels > 1 )
for(int fi=0; fi<FIR_TAPS; fi++) // fi = Filter Index
{ // use bit masking to implement circular buffer
out_left+= low_pass_fir[iphase][fi]* fir_buffer_left[(fir_index-fi)&(FIR_TAPS-1)];
for(int fi=0; fi<FIR_TAPS; fi++) // fi = Filter Index
{ // use bit masking to implement circular buffer
out_left+=low_pass_fir[iphase][fi] * fir_buffer_left[(fir_index-fi)&(FIR_TAPS-1)];
// Simple broadcast compressor
// The goal is to get the loudest sounding audio while
// keeping the deviation within legal limits, and
// without degrading the audio quality significantly.
// Don't expect this simple code to match the
// performance of commercial broadcast equipment.
float left_abs, right_abs;
float compressor_decay=0.999995;
float compressor_attack=1.0;
// Setting attack to anything other than 1.0 could cause overshoot.
float compressor_max_gain_recip=0.01;
if( left_abs>left_max )
left_max+= (left_abs-left_max)*compressor_attack;
if( channels > 1 )
if( right_abs>right_max )
right_max+= (right_abs-right_max)*compressor_attack;
if( 1 )// Experimental joint compressor mode
if( left_max > right_max )
else if( left_max < right_max )
out_left= out_left/(left_max+compressor_max_gain_recip); // Adjust volume with limited maximum gain
// Generate the stereo mpx
if( channels > 1 ) {
mpx_buffer[i] += 4.05*(out_left+out_right) + // Stereo sum signal
4.05 * carrier_38[phase_38] * (out_left-out_right) + // Stereo difference signal
.9*carrier_19[phase_19]; // Stereo pilot tone
if(phase_19 >= 12) phase_19 = 0;
if(phase_38 >= 6) phase_38 = 0;
mpx_buffer[i] =
mpx_buffer[i] + // RDS data samples are currently in mpx_buffer :to be Remove in NBFM
9.0*out_left; // Unmodulated monophonic signal
return 0;
int fm_mpx_close() {
if(sf_close(inf) ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error closing audio file");
if(audio_buffer != NULL) free(audio_buffer);
return 0;