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// ****************** STOLEN FROM WIRING PI ******************************************************************
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE (1==1)
#define FALSE (1==2)
static int piModel2 = FALSE ;
const char *piModelNames [7] =
"Model A",
"Model B",
"Model B+",
"Compute Module",
"Model A+",
"Model 2", // Quad Core
} ;
const char *piRevisionNames [5] =
} ;
const char *piMakerNames [5] =
} ;
// Pi model types and version numbers
// Intended for the GPIO program Use at your own risk.
#define PI_MODEL_A 1
#define PI_MODEL_B 2
#define PI_MODEL_BP 3
#define PI_MODEL_CM 4
#define PI_MODEL_AP 5
#define PI_MODEL_2 6
#define PI_VERSION_1 1
#define PI_VERSION_1_1 2
#define PI_VERSION_1_2 3
#define PI_VERSION_2 4
#define PI_MAKER_SONY 2
#define PI_MAKER_QISDA 3
#define PI_MAKER_MBEST 4
* piBoardRev:
* Return a number representing the hardware revision of the board.
* Revision 1 really means the early Model B's.
* Revision 2 is everything else - it covers the B, B+ and CM.
* ... and the Pi 2 - which is a B+ ++ ...
* Seems there are some boards with 0000 in them (mistake in manufacture)
* So the distinction between boards that I can see is:
* 0000 - Error
* 0001 - Not used
* 0002 - Model B, Rev 1, 256MB, Egoman
* 0003 - Model B, Rev 1.1, 256MB, Egoman, Fuses/D14 removed.
* 0004 - Model B, Rev 2, 256MB, Sony
* 0005 - Model B, Rev 2, 256MB, Qisda
* 0006 - Model B, Rev 2, 256MB, Egoman
* 0007 - Model A, Rev 2, 256MB, Egoman
* 0008 - Model A, Rev 2, 256MB, Sony
* 0009 - Model A, Rev 2, 256MB, Qisda
* 000d - Model B, Rev 2, 512MB, Egoman
* 000e - Model B, Rev 2, 512MB, Sony
* 000f - Model B, Rev 2, 512MB, Qisda
* 0010 - Model B+, Rev 1.2, 512MB, Sony
* 0011 - Pi CM, Rev 1.2, 512MB, Sony
* 0012 - Model A+ Rev 1.2, 256MB, Sony
* For the Pi 2:
* 0010 - Model 2, Rev 1.1, Quad Core, 1GB, Sony
* A small thorn is the olde style overvolting - that will add in
* 1000000
* The Pi compute module has an revision of 0011 - since we only check the
* last digit, then it's 1, therefore it'll default to not 2 or 3 for a
* Rev 1, so will appear as a Rev 2. This is fine for the most part, but
* we'll properly detect the Compute Module later and adjust accordingly.
static void piBoardRevOops (const char *why)
fprintf (stderr, "piBoardRev: Unable to determine board revision from /proc/cpuinfo\n") ;
fprintf (stderr, " -> %s\n", why) ;
fprintf (stderr, " -> You may want to check:\n") ;
fprintf (stderr, " -> http://www.raspberrypi.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?p=184410#p184410\n") ;
int piBoardRev (void)
FILE *cpuFd ;
char line [120] ;
char *c ;
static int boardRev = -1 ;
if (boardRev != -1) // No point checking twice
return boardRev ;
if ((cpuFd = fopen ("/proc/cpuinfo", "r")) == NULL)
piBoardRevOops ("Unable to open /proc/cpuinfo") ;
// Start by looking for the Architecture, then we can look for a B2 revision....
while (fgets (line, 120, cpuFd) != NULL)
if (strncmp (line, "Hardware", 8) == 0)
break ;
if (strncmp (line, "Hardware", 8) != 0)
piBoardRevOops ("No \"Hardware\" line") ;
// See if it's BCM2708 or BCM2709
if (strstr (line, "BCM2709") != NULL)
piModel2 = TRUE ;
else if (strstr (line, "BCM2708") == NULL)
fprintf (stderr, "Unable to determine hardware version. I see: %s,\n", line) ;
fprintf (stderr, " - expecting BCM2708 or BCM2709. Please report this to projects@drogon.net\n") ;
// Now do the rest of it as before
rewind (cpuFd) ;
while (fgets (line, 120, cpuFd) != NULL)
if (strncmp (line, "Revision", 8) == 0)
break ;
fclose (cpuFd) ;
if (strncmp (line, "Revision", 8) != 0)
piBoardRevOops ("No \"Revision\" line") ;
// Chomp trailing CR/NL
for (c = &line [strlen (line) - 1] ; (*c == '\n') || (*c == '\r') ; --c)
*c = 0 ;
//if (wiringPiDebug)
printf ("piboardRev: Revision string: %s\n", line) ;
// Scan to first digit
for (c = line ; *c ; ++c)
if (isdigit (*c))
break ;
if (!isdigit (*c))
piBoardRevOops ("No numeric revision string") ;
// Make sure its long enough
if (strlen (c) < 4)
piBoardRevOops ("Bogus \"Revision\" line (too small)") ;
// If you have overvolted the Pi, then it appears that the revision
// has 100000 added to it!
// The actual condition for it being set is:
// (force_turbo || current_limit_override || temp_limit>85) && over_voltage>0
//if (wiringPiDebug)
if (strlen (c) != 4)
printf ("piboardRev: This Pi has/is (force_turbo || current_limit_override || temp_limit>85) && over_voltage>0\n") ;
// Isolate last 4 characters:
c = c + strlen (c) - 4 ;
if ( (strcmp (c, "0002") == 0) || (strcmp (c, "0003") == 0))
boardRev = 1 ;
boardRev = 2 ;
return boardRev ;
* piBoardId:
* Do more digging into the board revision string as above, but return
* as much details as we can.
* This is undocumented and really only intended for the GPIO command.
* Use at your own risk!
* for Pi v2:
* NEW 23: will be 1 for the new scheme, 0 for the old scheme
* MEMSIZE 20: 0=256M 1=512M 2=1G
* PROCESSOR 12: 0=2835 1=2836
* REV 00: 0=REV0 1=REV1 2=REV2
void piBoardId (int *model, int *rev, int *mem, int *maker, int *overVolted)
FILE *cpuFd ;
char line [120] ;
char *c ;
// Will deal with the properly later on - for now, lets just get it going...
// unsigned int modelNum ;
(void)piBoardRev () ; // Call this first to make sure all's OK. Don't care about the result.
if ((cpuFd = fopen ("/proc/cpuinfo", "r")) == NULL)
piBoardRevOops ("Unable to open /proc/cpuinfo") ;
while (fgets (line, 120, cpuFd) != NULL)
if (strncmp (line, "Revision", 8) == 0)
break ;
fclose (cpuFd) ;
if (strncmp (line, "Revision", 8) != 0)
piBoardRevOops ("No \"Revision\" line") ;
// Chomp trailing CR/NL
for (c = &line [strlen (line) - 1] ; (*c == '\n') || (*c == '\r') ; --c)
*c = 0 ;
//if (wiringPiDebug)
printf ("piboardId: Revision string: %s\n", line) ;
if (piModel2)
// Scan to the colon
for (c = line ; *c ; ++c)
if (*c == ':')
break ;
if (*c != ':')
piBoardRevOops ("Bogus \"Revision\" line") ;
// modelNum = (unsigned int)strtol (++c, NULL, 16) ; // Hex number with no leading 0x
*model = PI_MODEL_2 ;
*rev = PI_VERSION_1_1 ;
*mem = 1024 ;
*maker = PI_MAKER_SONY ;
// Scan to first digit
for (c = line ; *c ; ++c)
if (isdigit (*c))
break ;
// Make sure its long enough
if (strlen (c) < 4)
piBoardRevOops ("Bogus \"Revision\" line") ;
// If longer than 4, we'll assume it's been overvolted
*overVolted = strlen (c) > 4 ;
// Extract last 4 characters:
c = c + strlen (c) - 4 ;
// Fill out the replys as appropriate
/**/ if (strcmp (c, "0002") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_B ; *rev = PI_VERSION_1 ; *mem = 256 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_EGOMAN ; }
else if (strcmp (c, "0003") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_B ; *rev = PI_VERSION_1_1 ; *mem = 256 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_EGOMAN ; }
else if (strcmp (c, "0004") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_B ; *rev = PI_VERSION_2 ; *mem = 256 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_SONY ; }
else if (strcmp (c, "0005") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_B ; *rev = PI_VERSION_2 ; *mem = 256 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_QISDA ; }
else if (strcmp (c, "0006") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_B ; *rev = PI_VERSION_2 ; *mem = 256 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_EGOMAN ; }
else if (strcmp (c, "0007") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_A ; *rev = PI_VERSION_2 ; *mem = 256 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_EGOMAN ; }
else if (strcmp (c, "0008") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_A ; *rev = PI_VERSION_2 ; *mem = 256 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_SONY ; ; }
else if (strcmp (c, "0009") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_B ; *rev = PI_VERSION_2 ; *mem = 256 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_QISDA ; }
else if (strcmp (c, "000d") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_B ; *rev = PI_VERSION_2 ; *mem = 512 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_EGOMAN ; }
else if (strcmp (c, "000e") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_B ; *rev = PI_VERSION_2 ; *mem = 512 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_SONY ; }
else if (strcmp (c, "000f") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_B ; *rev = PI_VERSION_2 ; *mem = 512 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_EGOMAN ; }
else if (strcmp (c, "0010") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_BP ; *rev = PI_VERSION_1_2 ; *mem = 512 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_SONY ; }
else if (strcmp (c, "0011") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_CM ; *rev = PI_VERSION_1_2 ; *mem = 512 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_SONY ; }
else if (strcmp (c, "0012") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_AP ; *rev = PI_VERSION_1_2 ; *mem = 256 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_SONY ; }
else if (strcmp (c, "0013") == 0) { *model = PI_MODEL_BP ; *rev = PI_VERSION_1_2 ; *mem = 512 ; *maker = PI_MAKER_MBEST ; }
else { *model = 0 ; *rev = 0 ; *mem = 0 ; *maker = 0 ; }