f5oeo ea0cfb64a8 Move OOK parse to ook project 2020-11-02 13:02:10 +00:00
sendook.cpp Move OOK parse to ook project 2020-11-02 13:02:10 +00:00



sendook allow you to send On Off Keying packend with librpitx.


Run the program in SUDO, even if using the "dry run" switch. It is because of the DMA things of librpitx.

usage : sendook [options] "binary code"
-h : this help
-v : verbose (-vv : more verbose)
-d : dry run : do not send anything
-f freq : frequency in Hz (default : 433.92MHz)
-0 nb : duration in microsecond of 0 bit (by default : 500us). Use integer only.
-1 nb : duration in microsecond of 1 bit (by default : 250us)
-r nb : repeat nb times the message (default : 3)
-p nb : pause between each message (default : 1000us=1ms)

"binary code":
  a serie of 0 or 1 char (space allowed and ignored)

  sendook -f 868.3M -0 500 -1 250 -r 3 1010101001010101
    send 0xaa55 three times (with the default pause of 1ms) on 868.3MHz. A 0 is a gap of 500us, a 1 is a pulse of 250us

The program return 0 if message send.

Known limitation

  • a gap or a pulse can not be shorter than 10us (options -0 or -1).
  • the pulse is not really a pulse : it is not modulated (you cant have a pulse of 7Khz for ex.)
  • but the signal is not really a square signal too, because librpitx, for an unkown reason, modulate the generated signal globally : -- for example, the command sendook -f 868.3M -0 500 -1 250 -r 3 101010 should generate :
| ....    ....    ....
| :  :    :  :    :  :

-- but if record the I/Q of the signal, you will see :
