/* This version is to allow back compatibility with rpitx v1 Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Evariste COURJAUD F5OEO (evaristec@gmail.com) Transmitting on HF band is surely not permitted without license (Hamradio for example). Usage of this software is not the responsability of the author. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . Thanks to first test of RF with Pifm by Oliver Mattos and Oskar Weigl INSPIRED BY THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PIFMDMA by Richard Hirst December 2012 Helped by a code fragment by PE1NNZ (http://pe1nnz.nl.eu.org/2013/05/direct-ssb-generation-on-pll.html) */ #include #include "../librpitx/src/librpitx.h" #include "stdio.h" #include /* va_list, va_start, va_arg, va_end */ #include #include #include #define PROGRAM_VERSION "2.0" bool running=true; void print_usage(void) { fprintf(stderr,"Warning : rpitx V2 is only to try to be compatible with version 1\n"); fprintf(stderr,\ "\nrpitx -%s\n\ Usage:\nrpitx [-i File Input][-m ModeInput] [-f frequency output] [-s Samplerate] [-l] [-p ppm] [-h] \n\ -m {IQ(FileInput is a Stereo Wav contains I on left Channel, Q on right channel)}\n\ {IQFLOAT(FileInput is a Raw float interlaced I,Q)}\n\ {RF(FileInput is a (double)Frequency,Time in nanoseconds}\n\ {RFA(FileInput is a (double)Frequency,(int)Time in nanoseconds,(float)Amplitude}\n\ {VFO (constant frequency)}\n\ -i path to File Input \n\ -f float frequency to output on GPIO_4 pin 7 in khz : (130 kHz to 750 MHz),\n\ -l loop mode for file input\n\ -p float frequency correction in parts per million (ppm), positive or negative, for calibration, default 0.\n\ -h help (this help).\n\ \n",\ PROGRAM_VERSION); } /* end function print_usage */ static void terminate(int num) { running=false; fprintf(stderr,"Caught signal - Terminating %x\n",num); } static void fatal(char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); terminate(0); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { enum {MODE_RPITX_IQ=0,MODE_RPITX_RF,MODE_RPITX_RFA,MODE_RPITX_IQ_FLOAT,MODE_RPITX_VFO}; int a; int anyargs = 0; char Mode = MODE_IQ; // By default int SampleRate=48000; float SetFrequency=1e6;//1MHZ float ppmpll=0.0; int SetDma=0; char *FileName=NULL; FILE *FileInHandle=NULL; bool loop_mode_flag=false; bool useStdin; int Harmonic=1; while(1) { a = getopt(argc, argv, "i:f:m:s:p:hld:w:c:ra:"); if(a == -1) { if(anyargs) break; else a='h'; //print usage and exit } anyargs = 1; switch(a) { case 'i': // File name FileName = optarg; break; case 'f': // Frequency SetFrequency = atof(optarg)*1e3; break; case 'm': // Mode (IQ,IQFLOAT,RF,RFA) if(strcmp("IQ",optarg)==0) Mode=MODE_RPITX_IQ; if(strcmp("RF",optarg)==0) Mode=MODE_RPITX_RF; if(strcmp("RFA",optarg)==0) Mode=MODE_RPITX_RFA; if(strcmp("IQFLOAT",optarg)==0) Mode=MODE_RPITX_IQ_FLOAT; if(strcmp("VFO",optarg)==0) Mode=MODE_RPITX_VFO; break; case 's': // SampleRate (Only needeed in IQ mode) SampleRate = atoi(optarg); break; case 'p': // ppmcorrection ppmpll = atof(optarg); break; case 'h': // help print_usage(); exit(1); break; case 'l': // loop mode loop_mode_flag = true; break; case 'd': // Dma Sample Burst fprintf(stderr,"Warning : 'd' parameter not used in this version\n"); break; case 'c': fprintf(stderr,"Warning : 'c' parameter not used in this version\n"); break; case 'w': // No use pwmfrequency fprintf(stderr,"Warning : 'w' parameter not used in this version\n"); break; case 'r': // Randomize PWM frequency fprintf(stderr,"Warning : 'r' parameter not used in this version\n"); break; case 'a': // DMA Channel 1-14 fprintf(stderr,"Warning : 'a' parameter not used in this version\n"); break; case -1: break; case '?': if (isprint(optopt) ) { fprintf(stderr, "rpitx: unknown option `-%c'.\n", optopt); } else { fprintf(stderr, "rpitx: unknown option character `\\x%x'.\n", optopt); } print_usage(); exit(1); break; default: print_usage(); exit(1); break; }/* end switch a */ }/* end while getopt() */ //Open File Input for modes which need it if((Mode==MODE_RPITX_IQ)||(Mode==MODE_RPITX_IQ_FLOAT)||(Mode==MODE_RPITX_RF)||(Mode==MODE_RPITX_RFA)) { if(FileName && strcmp(FileName,"-")==0) { FileInHandle = stdin; useStdin = true; } else FileInHandle = fopen(FileName ,"rb"); if (FileInHandle ==NULL) { fatal("Failed to read Filein %s\n",FileName); } } for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { struct sigaction sa; std::memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.sa_handler = terminate; sigaction(i, &sa, NULL); } fprintf(stderr,"Warning : rpitx V2 is only to try to be compatible with version 1\n"); // For IQ #define IQBURST 4000 iqdmasync *iqsender=NULL; std::complex CIQBuffer[IQBURST]; int Decimation=1; // For RF (FM) //For RFA (AM) amdmasync *amsender=NULL; ngfmdmasync *fmsender=NULL; float AmOrFmBuffer[IQBURST]; int FifoSize=IQBURST*4; //Init switch(Mode) { case MODE_RPITX_IQ: case MODE_RPITX_IQ_FLOAT: { iqsender=new iqdmasync(SetFrequency,SampleRate,14,FifoSize,MODE_IQ); iqsender->Setppm(ppmpll); } break; case MODE_RPITX_RFA://Amplitude { amsender=new amdmasync(SetFrequency,SampleRate,14,FifoSize); } break; case MODE_RPITX_RF://Frequency { fmsender=new ngfmdmasync(SetFrequency,SampleRate,14,FifoSize); } } //resetFile(); //return pitx_run(Mode, SampleRate, SetFrequency, ppmpll, NoUsePwmFrequency, readFile, resetFile, NULL,SetDma); while(running) { switch(Mode) { case MODE_RPITX_IQ: case MODE_RPITX_IQ_FLOAT: { int CplxSampleNumber=0; switch(Mode) { case MODE_RPITX_IQ://I16 { static short IQBuffer[IQBURST*2]; int nbread=fread(IQBuffer,sizeof(short),IQBURST*2,FileInHandle); //if(nbread==0) continue; if(nbread>0) { for(int i=0;i(IQBuffer[i*2]/32768.0,IQBuffer[i*2+1]/32768.0); } } } else { printf("End of file\n"); if(loop_mode_flag&&!useStdin) fseek ( FileInHandle , 0 , SEEK_SET ); else running=false; } } break; case MODE_RPITX_IQ_FLOAT: { static float IQBuffer[IQBURST*2]; int nbread=fread(IQBuffer,sizeof(float),IQBURST*2,FileInHandle); //if(nbread==0) continue; if(nbread>0) { for(int i=0;i(IQBuffer[i*2],IQBuffer[i*2+1]); } //printf("%f %f\n",(IQBuffer[i*2]-127.5)/128.0,(IQBuffer[i*2+1]-127.5)/128.0); } } else { printf("End of file\n"); if(loop_mode_flag&&useStdin) fseek ( FileInHandle , 0 , SEEK_SET ); else running=false; } } break; } iqsender->SetIQSamples(CIQBuffer,CplxSampleNumber,Harmonic); } break; case MODE_RPITX_RFA://Amplitude case MODE_RPITX_RF://Frequence { typedef struct { double Frequency; uint32_t WaitForThisSample; } samplerf_t; int SampleNumber=0; static samplerf_t RfBuffer[IQBURST]; int nbread=fread(RfBuffer,sizeof(samplerf_t),IQBURST,FileInHandle); //if(nbread==0) continue; if(nbread>0) { for(int i=0;iSetAmSamples(AmOrFmBuffer,SampleNumber); } break; case MODE_RPITX_RF: { fmsender->SetFrequencySamples(AmOrFmBuffer,SampleNumber); } break; } } break; case MODE_RPITX_VFO: { } break; } } // This is the end switch(Mode) { case MODE_RPITX_IQ: case MODE_RPITX_IQ_FLOAT:delete(iqsender); break; case MODE_RPITX_RFA:delete(amsender);break; case MODE_RPITX_RF:delete(fmsender);break; } }