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Executable File

# Script used to set up WiFi from rpidatv menu
reset # Clear the screen
# Check that wifi has not been disabled
if [ -f ~/.wifi_off ]; then
printf "WiFi was disabled at start-up.\n"
printf "You cannot set up the WiFi until it is re-enabled.\n"
printf "Do you want to re-enable it and reboot immediately? (y/n)\n"
read -n 1
printf "\n"
if [ "$REPLY" = "Y" ]; then
echo "rebooting"
rm ~/.wifi_off
sudo reboot now
if [ "$REPLY" = "y" ]; then
echo "rebooting"
rm ~/.wifi_off
sudo reboot now
## Wifi is enabled so
## Check current network name
printf "Current WiFi Status:\n\n"
printf "\nDo you want to set up a new network? (y/n)\n"
read -n 1
printf "\n"
if [ "$REPLY" = "N" ]; then
if [ "$REPLY" = "n" ]; then
## Set up new network
printf "\nThe following networks are available:\n"
printf "\n"
sudo iwlist wlan0 scan | grep 'ESSID'
printf "\n"
printf "Type the SSID of the network that you want to connect to (without qoutes) and press enter\n"
printf "\n"
read SSID
printf "\n"
printf "Type the network password and press enter\n"
printf "Characters will not be displayed\n"
printf "\n"
stty -echo
read PW
stty echo
printf "\nWorking....\n\n"
stty -echo
PSK_TEXT=$(wpa_passphrase "$SSID" "$PW" | grep 'psk=' | grep -v '#psk')
PATHCONFIGS="/home/pi/rpidatv/scripts/configs" ## Path to config files
## Build text for supplicant file
rm $PATHCONFIGS"/wpa_text.txt"
echo -e "network={" >> $PATHCONFIGS"/wpa_text.txt"
echo -e " ssid="\"""$SSID"\"" >> $PATHCONFIGS"/wpa_text.txt"
echo -e " "$PSK_TEXT >> $PATHCONFIGS"/wpa_text.txt"
echo -e "}" >> $PATHCONFIGS"/wpa_text.txt"
## Copy the existing wpa_supplicant file to work on
sudo cp /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf $PATHCONFIGS"/wpa_supcopy.txt"
sudo chown pi:pi $PATHCONFIGS"/wpa_supcopy.txt"
## Define the parameters for the replace script
lead='^##STARTNW' ## Marker for start of inserted text
tail='^##ENDNW' ## Marker for end of inserted text
CHANGEFILE=$PATHCONFIGS"/wpa_supcopy.txt" ## File requiring added text
APPENDFILE=$PATHCONFIGS"/wpa_markers.txt" ## File containing both markers
TRANSFILE=$PATHCONFIGS"/transfer.txt" ## File used for transfer
INSERTFILE=$PATHCONFIGS"/wpa_text.txt" ## File to be included
grep -q "$lead" "$CHANGEFILE" ## Is the first marker already present?
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
sudo bash -c 'cat '$APPENDFILE' >> '$CHANGEFILE' ' ## If not append the markers
## Replace whatever is between the markers with the insert text
sed -e "/$lead/,/$tail/{ /$lead/{p; r $INSERTFILE
}; /$tail/p; d }" $CHANGEFILE >> $TRANSFILE
sudo cp "$TRANSFILE" "$CHANGEFILE" ## Copy from the transfer file
rm $TRANSFILE ## Delete the transfer file
## Give the file root ownership and copy it back over the original
sudo chown root:root $PATHCONFIGS"/wpa_supcopy.txt"
sudo cp $PATHCONFIGS"/wpa_supcopy.txt" /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
sudo rm $PATHCONFIGS"/wpa_supcopy.txt"
stty echo
##bring wifi down and up again
sudo ifdown wlan0
sudo ifup wlan0
printf "WiFi Configured\n"
sleep 1