Raspberry Pi bareback LF/MF/HF/VHF WSPR transmitter.Makes a very simple WSPR beacon from your RasberryPi by connecting GPIO port to Antenna (and LPF), operates on LF, MF, HF and VHF bands from 0 to 250 MHz.
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pe1nnz fe94fd0829 Several fixes 2013-03-20 11:07:10 +00:00


Raspberry Pi bareback LF/MF/HF/VHF WSPR transmitter

 Makes a very simple WSPR beacon from your RasberryPi by connecting GPIO
 port to Antanna (and LPF), operates on LF, MF, HF and VHF bands from
 0 to 250 MHz.

  Credits goes to Oliver Mattos and Oskar Weigl who implemented PiFM [1]
  based on the idea of exploiting RPi DPLL as FM transmitter. Dan MD1CLV
  combined this effort with WSPR encoding algorithm from F8CHK, resulting
  in WsprryPi a WSPR beacon for LF and MF bands. Guido PE1NNZ extended
  this effort with DMA based PWM modulation of fractional divider that was
  part of PiFM, allowing to operate the WSPR beacon also on HF and VHF bands.

  [1] PiFM code from http://www.icrobotics.co.uk/wiki/index.php/Turning_the_Raspberry_Pi_Into_an_FM_Transmitter

To use:
  In order to transmit legally, a HAM Radio License is required for running
  this experiment. The output is a square wave so a low pass filter is REQUIRED.
  Connect a low-pass filter to GPIO4 (GPCLK0) and Ground pins on your
  Raspberry Pi, connect an antenna to the LPF. The GPIO4 and GND pins can be
  found on header P1 pin 7 and 9 respectively, the pin closest to P1 label is
  pin 1 and its  3rd and 4th neighbour is pin 7 and 9 respectively, see this
  link for pin layout: http://elinux.org/RPi_Low-level_peripherals

  This software is using the system time to determine the start of a WSPR
  transmissions, so keep the system time synchronised within 1sec precision,
  i.e. use NTP network time synchronisation or set time manually with date
  command. Reception reports are logged on Weak Signal Propagation Reporter
  Network: http://wsprnet.org/drupal/wsprnet/spots

  sudo ./wspr <callsign> <locator> <power in dBm> <frequency in Hz>
        e.g.: sudo ./wspr K1JT FN20 10 7040074

  WSPR is used on the following frequencies (local restriction may apply):
     LF   137400 - 137600
     MF   475600 - 475800
    160m  1838000 - 1838200
     80m  3594000 - 3594200
     60m  5288600 - 5288800
     40m  7040000 - 7040200
     30m  10140100 - 10140300
     20m  14097000 - 14097200
     17m  18106000 - 18106200
     15m  21096000 - 21096200
     12m  24926000 - 24926200
     10m  28126000 - 28126200
      6m  50294400 - 50294600
      4m  70092400 - 70092600
      2m  144490400 -144490600

  gcc -lm -std=c99 wspr.c -owspr