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1.3 KiB
Executable File

# -*- conf -*-
# eotk (c) 2017 Alec Muffett
# template note: here we use TOR_DIR not PROJECT_DIR because of the
# relocation of Tor directories under `softmap`
DataDirectory %TOR_DIR%
ControlPort unix:%TOR_DIR%/tor-control.sock
PidFile %TOR_DIR%/tor.pid
Log info file %TOR_DIR%/tor.log
DataDirectory %PROJECT_DIR%
ControlPort unix:%PROJECT_DIR%/tor-control.sock
PidFile %PROJECT_DIR%/tor.pid
Log info file %LOG_DIR%/tor.log
SafeLogging 1
HeartbeatPeriod 60 minutes
LongLivedPorts 80,443
RunAsDaemon 1
# use single onions
SocksPort 0 # have to disable this for single onions
HiddenServiceSingleHopMode 1 # yep, i want single onions
HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode 1 # yes, really, honest, i swear
# use normal onions
SocksPort 0 # frankly we don't want SOCKS anyway
# softmap
HiddenServiceDir %TOR_DIR%
HiddenServicePort 80 unix:%TOR_DIR%/port-80.sock
HiddenServicePort 443 unix:%TOR_DIR%/port-443.sock
HiddenServiceNumIntroductionPoints %TOR_INTROS_PER_DAEMON%
# hardmap for: %DNS_DOMAIN% -> %ONION_ADDRESS%
HiddenServicePort 80 unix:%PROJECT_DIR%/%ONION_ADDRESS%.d/port-80.sock
HiddenServicePort 443 unix:%PROJECT_DIR%/%ONION_ADDRESS%.d/port-443.sock
HiddenServiceNumIntroductionPoints %TOR_INTROS_PER_DAEMON%