# Per-platform Installation ## Ubuntu 18.04LTS (prebuilt via tor and canonical) Install a `ubuntu-18.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso` server instance; and then: * `git clone https://github.com/alecmuffett/eotk.git` * `cd eotk` * `./opt.d/install-everything-on-ubuntu-18.04.sh` * this includes a full update ## macOS Mojave (prebuilt via homebrew) Install [Homebrew](https://brew.sh); and then: * `git clone https://github.com/alecmuffett/eotk.git` * `cd eotk` * `./opt.d/install-everything-on-macos.sh` ## Raspbian (manual builds) Serially, installation takes about 1h45m on a PiZero, or about 30m on a Pi3b. These figures should improve when recent Tor updates sediment into Raspbian; scripts are supplied for Raspbian "Stretch". * `sudo apt-get install -y git` * `git clone https://github.com/alecmuffett/eotk.git` * `cd eotk` * `./opt.d/build-nginx-on-raspbian-stretch.sh` * `./opt.d/build-tor-on-raspbian-stretch.sh` * `./opt.d/install-onionbalance-on-raspbian-stretch.sh` ## Other Platform Outline Requirements EOTK requires recent `tor` and also `nginx` with the following modules enabled; EOTK may need to be told about the modules via `set nginx_modules_dirs ...` * `headers_more` * `ngx_http_substitutions_filter_module` * `http_sub` * `http_ssl` * Lua and/or LuaJIT (ideally from OpenResty) # Dealing With OnionBalance And Load-Balancing *NEW FOR 2019:* OnionBalance as-of June 2019 is an flaky piece of software which is hard to run on modern Linux because an stale python crypto library; more than 90% of Onion sites will not practically need it - or, not initially, anyway - so I am *deprecating OnionBalance in EOTK* until it is majorly overhauled and also supports v3 onion addressing. So, I recommend people to avoid OnionBalance and use hardmap (local) for the moment, until Tor fix it. Consider OB if and only if your system is under sustained high bandwidth and strongly demonstrates extended choking on throughput. # Dealing With HTTPS Certificates When connecting to the resulting onions over HTTP/SSL, you will be using wildcard self-signed SSL certificates - you *will* encounter many "broken links" which are due to the SSL certificate not being valid. This is *expected* and *proper* behaviour; there are currently two ways to address this. ## Install `mkcert` The *best* solution for development purposes is to [install `mkcert` onto the machine which will be running EOTK](https://github.com/FiloSottile/mkcert#installation) and configure your own personal Certificate Authority for the certificates that you will need. You can then add `set ssl_mkcert 1` to configurations, and your `mkcert` root certificate will be used to sign the resulting onion certificates. You can [install that certificate into your local copy of Tor Browser](docs.d/ADDING-A-ROOT-CERTIFICATE-TO-TOR-BROWSER.md); of course it will not work for anyone else. ## Visit `/hello-onion/` URLs The old solution was/is much more manual: EOTK will use OpenSSL to create certificates, and then, for any onion - eg: www.a2s3c4d5e6f7g8h9.onion - EOTK provides a fixed url: * `https://www.a2s3c4d5e6f7g8h9.onion/hello-onion/` ...which (`/hello-onion/`) is internally served by the NGINX proxy and provides a stable, fixed URL for SSL certificate acceptance; inside TorBrowser another effective solution is to open all the broken links, images and resources "in a new Tab" and accept the certificate there. In production, of course, one would expect to use an SSL EV certificate to provide identity and assurance to an onion site, rendering these issues moot. # Proving Your Ownership To A Certificate Authority / Hardcoded Content Small amounts of plain-text page content may be embedded using regular-expressions for pathnames; this is done using `hardcoded_endpoint_csv` and the following example will emit `FOOPROOF` (or `BARPROOF`) for accesses to `/www/.well_known/foo` (or `bar`) respectively, ignoring trailing slashes. Note the use of double-backslash to escape "dots" in the regular expression, and use of backslash-indent to continue/enable several such paths. ``` # demo: CSV list to implement ownership proof URIs for EV SSL issuance set hardcoded_endpoint_csv \ ^/www/\\.well_known/foo/?$,"FOOPROOF" \ ^/www/\\.well_known/bar/?$,"BARPROOF" ``` # Demonstration And Testing After installation, you can do: * `./eotk config demo.d/wikipedia.tconf` * or: `./eotk config demo.d/wikipedia-v3.tconf` * `./eotk start wikipedia` * `./eotk maps -a` # and connect to one of the onions you've created # Configuring Start-On-Boot, And Logfile Compression Once you have installed EOTK (below) and configured and tested it for your project, run: * `./eotk make-scripts` This will create two files: * `./eotk-init.sh` - for installing on your system as a startup script * `./eotk-housekeeping.sh` - for cronjob log rotation and other cleanup work Please read the individual files for installation instructions; local setup is intended to be pretty simple, let me know if anything is confusing. # Using EOTK ## I Want To Create My Own Project! Okay, there are two ways to create your own project: ### Easy With Automatic Onions Create a config file with a `.tconf` suffix - we'll pretend it's `foo.tconf` - and use this kind of syntax: ``` set project myproject hardmap %NEW_ONION% foo.com hardmap %NEW_ONION% foo.co.uk hardmap %NEW_ONION% foo.de ``` ...and then run `eotk config foo.tconf` ...which will create the onions for you and will populate a `foo.conf` for you, and it will then configure EOTK from *that*. You should probably *delete* `foo.tconf` afterwards, since forcibly reusing it would trash your existing onions. ### Slightly Harder With Manually-Mined Onions * Do `eotk genkey` - it will print the name of the onion it generates * Do this as many times as you wish/need. * Alternately get a tool like `scallion`, `shallot`, or `eschalot` and use that to "mine" a desirable onion address. * https://github.com/katmagic/Shallot - in C, for CPUs * Seems okay on Linux, not sure about other platforms * https://github.com/lachesis/scallion - in C#, for CPUs & GPUs (GPU == very fast) * Advertised as working on Windows, Linux; works well on OSX under "Mono" * https://github.com/ReclaimYourPrivacy/eschalot - in C, for CPUs * Works well under Linux, and BSD systems. Uses multiple threads. Can use a wordlist to generate onion addresses * Be sure to store your mined private keys in `secrets.d` with a filename like `a2s3c4d5e6f7g8h9.key` where `a2s3c4d5e6f7g8h9` is the corresponding onion address. * Create a config file with a `.conf` suffix - we'll pretend it's `foo.conf` - and use this kind of syntax, substituting `a2s3c4d5e6f7g8h9` for the onion address that you generated. ``` set project myproject hardmap secrets.d/a2s3c4d5e6f7g8h9.key foo.com ``` ...and then (IMPORTANT) run: `eotk config foo.conf` ...which will configure EOTK. ### Then Start Your Project Like this: `eotk start myproject` ## What If I Have Subdomains? When you are setting up the mappings in a config file, you may have to accomodate "subdomains"; the general form of a internet hostname is like this: * `hostname.domain.tld` # like: www.facebook.com or www.gov.uk * or: `hostname.domain.sld.tld` # like: www.amazon.co.uk * `hostname.subdom.domain.tld` # like: www.prod.facebook.com * `hostname.subsubdom.subdom.domain.tld` # cdn.lhr.eu.foo.net * `hostname.subsubsubdom.subsubdom.subdom.domain.tld` # ... ...and so on, where: * tld = [top level domain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top-level_domain) * sld = [second level domain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.uk#Second-level_domains) * domain = *generally the name of the organisation you are interested in* * subdomain = *some kind of internal structure* * hostname = *actual computer, or equivalent* When you are setting up mappings, generally the rules are: * you will **map one domain per onion** * you will **ignore all hostnames** * you will **append all possible subdomain stems** So if your browser tells you that you are fetching content from `cdn7.dublin.ireland.europe.foo.co.jp`, you should add a line like: ``` hardmap %NEW_ONION% foo.co.jp europe ireland.europe dublin.ireland.europe ``` ...and EOTK should do the rest. All this is necessary purely for correctness of the self-signed SSL-Certificates - which are going to be weird, anyway - and the rest of the HTML-rewriting code in EOTK will be blind to subdomains. ### Subdomain Summary Subdomains are supported like this, for `dev` as an example: ``` set project myproject hardmap secrets.d/a2s3c4d5e6f7g8h9.key foo.com dev ``` ...and if you have multiple subdomains: ``` hardmap secrets.d/a2s3c4d5e6f7g8h9.key foo.com dev blogs dev.blogs [...] ``` ## My Company Has A Lot Of Sites/Domains! Example: * `www.foo.com.au` * `www.syd.foo.com.au` * `www.per.foo.com.au`, * `www.cdn.foo.net` * `www.foo.aws.amazon.com` * ... Put them all in the same project as separate mappings, remembering to avoid the actual "hostnames" as described above: ``` set project fooproj hardmap %NEW_ONION% foo.com.au syd per hardmap %NEW_ONION% foo.net cdn hardmap %NEW_ONION% foo.aws.amazon.com ``` Onion mapping/translations will be applied for all sites in the same project. ## Troubleshooting The logs for any given project will reside in `projects.d/.d/logs.d/` If something is problematic, first try: * `git pull` and... * `eotk config .conf` again, and then... * `eotk bounce -a` ### Lots Of Broken Images, Missing Images, Missing CSS This is probably an SSL/HTTPS thing. Because of the nature of SSL self-signed certificates, you have to manually accept the certificate of each and every site for which a certificate has been created. See the second of the YouTube videos for some mention of this. In short: this is normal and expected behaviour. You can temporarily fix this by: * right-clicking on the image for `Open In New Tab`, and accepting the certificate * or using `Inspect Element > Network` to find broken resources, and doing the same * or - if you know the list of domains in advance - visiting the `/hello-onion/` URL for each of them, in advance, to accept certificates. If you get an [official SSL certificate for your onion site](https://blog.digicert.com/ordering-a-onion-certificate-from-digicert/) then the problem will vanish. Until then, I am afraid that you will be stuck playing certificate "whack-a-mole". ### NGINX: Bad Gateway Generally this means that NGINX cannot connect to the remote website, which usually happens because: * the site name in the config file, is wrong * the nginx daemon tries to do a DNS resolution, which fails Check the NGINX logfiles in the directory cited above, for confirmation. If DNS resolution is failing, *PROBABLY* the cause is probably lack of access to Google DNS /; therefore in your config file you should add a line like this - to use `localhost` as an example: ``` set nginx_resolver ``` ...and then do: ``` eotk stop -a eotk config filename.conf eotk start -a ``` If you need a local DNS resolver, I recommend `dnsmasq`. ### I Can't Connect, It's Just Hanging! If your onion project has just started, it can take up to a few minutes to connect for the first time; also sometimes TorBrowser caches stale descriptors for older onions. Try restarting TorBrowser (or use the `New Identity` menu item) and have a cup of tea. If it persists, check the logfiles. ### OnionBalance Runs For A Few Days, And Then Just Stops Responding! Is the clock/time of day correct on all your machines? Are you running NTP? We are not sure but having an incorrect clock may be a contributory factor to this issue. ## Video Demonstrations **These videos are instructive, but dated.** Commands have changed - but not very much - but please check the documentation rather than trust the videos; consider the videos to be advisory rather than correct. * [Basic Introduction to EOTK](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ti_VkVmE3J4) * [Rough Edges: SSL Certificates & Strange Behaviour](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UieLTllLPlQ) * [Using OnionBalance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNJaMNVCb-U) [![Basic Introduction to EOTK](http://img.youtube.com/vi/ti_VkVmE3J4/0.jpg)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ti_VkVmE3J4) [![Rough Edges: SSL Certificates & Strange Behaviour](http://img.youtube.com/vi/UieLTllLPlQ/0.jpg)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UieLTllLPlQ) [![Using OnionBalance](http://img.youtube.com/vi/HNJaMNVCb-U/0.jpg)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNJaMNVCb-U)