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2017-02-01 08:38:03 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# eotk (c) 2017 Alec Muffett
use Data::Dumper;
my $debug = 0;
my %used = (); # debug tracking for used variable names
my @scopes = (); # lookaside contexts for local variables
my @dataset = (); # the input rules
my @template = (); # the template, obvs
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
sub Warn {
my $warning = join('', @_);
warn $warning if ($debug);
sub Lookup {
my $var = shift;
$used{$var} = 1;
foreach $symref (@scopes) {
if (defined(${$symref}{$var})) {
return ${$symref}{$var};
if (defined($ENV{$var})) {
return $ENV{$var};
&Warn("start dumping scopes\n");
foreach $symref (@scopes) {
&Warn("finish dumping scopes\n");
die "lookup: $var not set\n";
sub Echo {
&Warn("Echo1 @_");
my $line = shift;
if ($line =~ /%/) {
$line =~ s/%([\w+]+)%/&Lookup($1)/ge;
&Warn("Echo2 $line");
print $line;
sub PrintExpansion {
my ($begin, $end) = @_; # inclusive
&Warn("expand begin: $begin $template[$begin]");
&Warn("expand end: $end $template[$end]");
my @vars = split(" ", $dataset[0]); # 1st line is vars
&Warn("vars: @vars\n");
# push down a scope
my %scope = ();
unshift(@scopes, \%scope);
&Warn("scope $#scopes pushed\n");
# load the variables into the local scope
for (my $i = 1; $i <= $#dataset; $i++) { # 2nd line onwards
# split the input
my @vals = split(" ", $dataset[$i]);
&Warn("vals: @vals\n");
# sanity check
die "array mismatch:\n@vars\n@vals\n" if ($#vars != $#vals);
# populate the scope
my $j = 0;
foreach my $val (@vals) {
$var = $vars[$j++];
$scope{$var} = $val;
&Warn("setting $var = $val in scope $#scopes\n");
# print the block
&PrintBlock($begin, $end);
# nuke the scope
&Warn("scope $#scopes popped\n");
sub PrintRange {
my ($line, $begin, $end) = @_;
&Warn("range begin: $begin $template[$begin]");
&Warn("range end: $end $template[$end]");
# limits
$line =~ s/%([\w+]+)%/&Lookup($1)/ge;
my ($crap, $var, $start, $finish, @rest) = split(" ", $line);
&Warn("range: $var, $start, $finish\n");
# push down a scope
my %scope = ();
unshift(@scopes, \%scope);
&Warn("scope $#scopes pushed\n");
# loop
for (my $val = $start; $val <= $finish; $val++) {
# populate the scope
$scope{$var} = $val;
# print the block
&PrintBlock($begin, $end);
# nuke the scope
&Warn("scope $#scopes popped\n");
sub FindMatchingEnd {
my $i = shift;
my $nestlevel = 0;
&Warn("looking for %%END starting from $i $template[$i]");
for (undef; $i <= $#template; $i++) {
if ($template[$i] =~ /^\s*%%BEGIN\b/) {
if ($template[$i] =~ /^\s*%%END\b/) {
if ($nestlevel > 0) {
&Warn("found nested($nestlevel) %%END at $i $template[$i]");
&Warn("found %%END at $i $template[$i]");
return $i;
die "runaway search for %%END\n";
sub FindMatchingEndRange { # yes it's cut and paste, no i don't care yet
my $i = shift;
my $nestlevel = 0;
&Warn("looking for %%ENDRANGE starting from $i $template[$i]");
for (undef; $i <= $#template; $i++) {
if ($template[$i] =~ /^\s*%%RANGE\b/) {
if ($template[$i] =~ /^\s*%%ENDRANGE\b/) {
if ($nestlevel > 0) {
&Warn("found nested($nestlevel) %%ENDRANGE at $i $template[$i]");
&Warn("found %%ENDRANGE at $i $template[$i]");
return $i;
die "runaway search for %%ENDRANGE\n";
sub PrintIf { # having %%ELSE makes this a little more complex
my $start = shift;
my $cond = $template[$start];
my $nestlevel = 0;
&Warn("found %%IF at $start: $cond");
my $fi_ptr = undef;
my $else_ptr = undef;
for (my $i = $start + 1; $i <= $#template; $i++) {
if ($template[$i] =~ /^\s*%%IF\b/) { # nested
&Warn("found nested($nestlevel) %%IF at $i: $template[$i]");
if ($template[$i] =~ /^\s*%%ENDIF\b/) {
if ($nestlevel > 0) {
&Warn("found nested($nestlevel) %%ENDIF at $i: $template[$i]");
&Warn("found %%ENDIF at $i: $template[$i]");
$fi_ptr = $i;
if ($template[$i] =~ /^\s*%%ELSE\b/) {
next if ($nestlevel > 0); # stay blind to nested code
&Warn("found %%ELSE at $i: $template[$i]");
$else_ptr = $i;
die "runaway search for %%ENDIF\n" if (!defined($fi_ptr));
$cond =~ s/%([\w+]+)%/&Lookup($1)/ge;
&Warn("evaluate: $cond");
my $result = (split(" ", $cond))[1];
die "bad conditional: $template[$start]\n" if (!defined($result));
&Warn("result: $result\n");
if ($result) { # true
&Warn("print true block\n");
my $begin2 = $start + 1;
my $end2 = defined($else_ptr) ? ($else_ptr - 1) : ($fi_ptr - 1);
&PrintBlock($begin2, $end2);
elsif (defined($else_ptr)) { # false, maybe print else-block?
&Warn("print else block\n");
my $begin2 = $else_ptr + 1;
my $end2 = $fi_ptr - 1;
&PrintBlock($begin2, $end2);
return $fi_ptr;
sub PrintBlock {
my ($begin, $end) = @_; # inclusive
&Warn("PrintBlock: begin at $begin, end at $end\n");
if ($begin > $end) {
warn "begin: $template[$begin]";
warn "end: $template[$end]";
die "PrintBlock: end($end) before begin($begin)\n";
for (my $i = $begin; $i <= $end; $i++) {
my $line = $template[$i];
if ($line =~ /^\s*%%IF\b/) {
$i = &PrintIf($i); # point at %%ENDIF
die "bounds error $begin/$i/$end\n" if ($i < $begin or $i > $end);
next; # bump pointer and continue
if ($line =~ /^\s*%%RANGE\b/) {
my $begin2 = $i + 1;
my $end2 = FindMatchingEndRange($begin2) - 1;
if ($end2 >= $begin2) {
&PrintRange($line, $begin2, $end2);
else {
&Warn("empty or negative range block: $begin2 $end2\n");
$i = $end2 + 1; # point at %%ENDRANGE
next; # bump pointer and continue
if ($line =~ /^\s*%%BEGIN\b/) {
my $begin2 = $i + 1;
my $end2 = FindMatchingEnd($begin2) - 1;
if ($end2 >= $begin2) {
&PrintExpansion($begin2, $end2);
else {
&Warn("empty or negative iteration block: $begin2 $end2\n");
$i = $end2 + 1; # point at %%END
next; # bump pointer and continue
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# get the template
if ($ARGV[0] eq '--debug') {
$debug = 1;
if ($#ARGV < 0) {
die "usage: expand-template.pl template.txt < dataset\n"
else {
$template = $ARGV[0];
open(TEMPLATE, $template) or die "open: $template: $!\n";
@template = <TEMPLATE>; # DO NOT CHOMP
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# get the dataset to work on
chomp(@dataset = <STDIN>);
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# print the results
&PrintBlock(0, $#template);
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
&Warn("symbol dump:\n");
foreach $v (sort keys %used) {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
exit 0;