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2017-02-01 08:38:03 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# eotk (c) 2017 Alec Muffett
use Data::Dumper;
die "$0: needs EOTK_HOME environment variable to be set\n"
unless (defined($ENV{EOTK_HOME}));
# state
my %projects = ();
my $unset_variable = "<-UNSET-VARIABLE->";
my $here = $ENV{EOTK_HOME};
chdir($here) or die "chdir: $here: $!\n";
sub SetEnv {
my ($var, $val, $why) = @_;
die "bad varname: $var\n" if ($var !~ /^[A-Za-z_]\w+/);
$var =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
$ENV{$var} = $val;
warn (($why ? "($why) " : "") . "set $var to $val\n");
sub RunOrDie {
warn "RunOrDie @_\n";
(system(@_) == 0) or die "system: @_: $!\n";
sub GoAndRun {
warn "GoAndRun @_\n";
my ($where, @cmd) = @_;
chdir($where) or die "chdir: $where: $!\n";
chdir($here) or die "chdir: $here: $!\n";
sub Pipeify {
my ($cmd, @hashreflist) = @_; # there WILL be shell syntax in $cmd
warn "Pipeify $cmd ...\n";
my $first = $hashreflist[0];
if (!defined($first)) {
warn "Pipeify note: empty template\n";
my @vars = sort keys %{$first}; # get column names, assume uniformity
open(PIPE, "|$cmd") or die "popen: $cmd: $!\n";
warn "head @vars\n";
print PIPE join(" ", @vars), "\n"; # send the column names, even if "empty"
foreach my $hashref (@hashreflist) { # send the rows
my @row = ();
foreach my $var (@vars) {
my $val = ${$hashref}{$var};
die "Pipeify: empty var $var\n" unless ($val ne "");
die "Pipeify: whitespace var $var: $val\n" if ($val =~ /\s/);
push(@row, $val);
warn "body @row\n";
print PIPE join(" ", @row), "\n";
close(PIPE) or die "pclose: $cmd: $!\n";
sub MakeDir {
warn "MakeDir @_\n";
my $path = shift;
die "MakeDir: empty path?\n" unless ($path);
if (! -d $path) {
&RunOrDie("mkdir", "-p", $path);
chmod(0700, $path) or die "chmod: $path: $!\n";
sub CopyFile {
warn "CopyFile: @_\n";
my ($from, $to) = @_;
&RunOrDie("cp", $from, $to);
chmod(0600, $to) or die "chmod: $to: $!\n";
sub Dotify { # dotify a regexp
warn "Dotify @_\n";
my $arg = shift;
$arg =~ s!\.!\\.!g;
return $arg;
# $projects{$project}{ROWS} = [ {}, {}, ... ] # see $row
# $projects{$project}{SUBDOMAINS} = {} # keys-only
# $projects{$project}{FIRST_ONION} = ""
# $projects{$project}{TYPE} = ""
# $projects{$project}{IS_SOFTMAP} = 0/1
# each $row = {
# }
# also, calling the templater will dynamically set:
sub DoMap {
warn "DoMap @_\n";
my ($what, $from, $to, @subdomains) = @_;
my $foo;
my $project = $ENV{PROJECT}; # the instantaneous value of `project` is stored
if (!defined($projects{$project})) {
$projects{$project} = {};
if (!defined($projects{$project}{TYPE})) {
$projects{$project}{TYPE} = $what;
$projects{$project}{IS_SOFTMAP} = ($what eq "softmap" ? 1 : 0);
$foo = $projects{$project}{TYPE};
if ($foo ne $what) {
die "DoMap: you cannot add $what ($from/$to) to an existing $foo project\n";
my $keyfile = $unset_variable;
my $onion;
if ($what eq "hardmap") {
$keyfile = $from;
die "map: $keyfile: no such file\n" unless -f ($keyfile);
$onion = $keyfile;
$onion =~ s!^.*/!!;
$onion =~ s!\.(key|pem)!!;
$onion =~ s!\.(onion)!!; # cleanup dups
elsif ($what eq "softmap") {
$onion = $from;
$onion =~ s!\.(onion)!!; # cleanup dups
die "map: $onion: bad onion address\n" unless ($onion =~ /^[a-z2-7]{16}$/);
else {
die "wtf?\n";
$onion = "$onion.onion"; # restore trailing .onion
warn "mapping $what($keyfile) from=$onion to=$to san=(@subdomains)\n";
if (!defined($projects{$project}{FIRST_ONION})) {
$projects{$project}{FIRST_ONION} = $onion;
# populate the subdomains
$projects{$project}{SUBDOMAINS}{$onion} = 1;
foreach my $sd (@subdomains) {
$projects{$project}{SUBDOMAINS}{"$sd.$onion"} = 1;
# create the row
my %row = ();
$row{DNS_DOMAIN} = $to;
$row{DNS_DOMAIN_RE} = &Dotify($to);
$row{ONION_ADDRESS} = $onion;
$row{ONION_ADDRESS_RE} = &Dotify($onion);
$row{KEYFILE} = $keyfile;
warn Dumper(\%row);
# push a reference to the row
push(@{$projects{$project}{ROWS}}, \%row);
sub DoProject {
warn "DoProject @_\n";
my $project = shift;
# set the ephemerals
&SetEnv("project", $project, "defaulting");
&SetEnv("project_dir", "$ENV{PROJECTS_HOME}/$ENV{PROJECT}.d", "defaulting");
&SetEnv("log_dir", "$ENV{PROJECT_DIR}/log.d", "defaulting");
&SetEnv("ssl_dir", "$ENV{PROJECT_DIR}/ssl.d", "defaulting");
&SetEnv("is_softmap", $projects{$project}{IS_SOFTMAP}, "inheriting");
# tor_dir is a very special ephemeral, just for softmap, more later
# make the directories
# set the CommonName for the project cert; this is the first onion encountered:
my $cert_prefix;
if (defined($ENV{CERT_COMMON_NAME})) {
$cert_prefix = $ENV{CERT_COMMON_NAME};
else {
$cert_prefix = "$project.local";
else {
$cert_prefix = $projects{$project}{FIRST_ONION};
die "empty cert_prefix in project $project\n" unless (defined($cert_prefix));
&SetEnv("cert_prefix", $cert_prefix);
# clean up the SAN list; purge the CommonName for deduplication
my @sanlist = sort keys %{$projects{$project}{SUBDOMAINS}};
# debugging
warn "commit $ENV{PROJECT} san $cert_prefix @sanlist\n";
# cert generation
$cert = "$ENV{SSL_DIR}/$cert_prefix.cert";
if (-f $cert) {
warn "$cert exists!";
else {
warn "making cert for $cert_prefix\n";
$cert_prefix, # must be first argument
# nginx config: feed the rows to the template
&Pipeify($cmd, @{$projects{$project}{ROWS}});
# tor directory generation; we may nuke LOG_DIR in the process
# for each enumerated worker
foreach my $i (1..$ENV{SOFTMAP_TOR_WORKERS}) {
# make worker directory
my $hs_dir = "$ENV{PROJECT_DIR}/$ENV{TOR_WORKER_PREFIX}-$i.d";
# no keys to install, no poisoning to deal with
# tor config using TOR_DIR to drop everything in there
&SetEnv("tor_dir", $hs_dir, "softmap");
my $cmd = "$ENV{TEMPLATE_TOOL} $ENV{TOR_TEMPLATE} >$hs_dir/tor.conf";
&Pipeify($cmd, @{$projects{$project}{ROWS}});
else {
# setup tor hs directories and keys
foreach my $row (@{$projects{$project}{ROWS}}) {
2017-02-04 11:19:47 +00:00
# what dns?
my $dns = ${$row}{DNS_DOMAIN};
2017-02-01 08:38:03 +00:00
# which onion?
my $onion = ${$row}{ONION_ADDRESS};
# make hs directory
my $hs_dir = "$ENV{PROJECT_DIR}/$onion.d";
# install keyfile
my $keyfile = ${$row}{KEYFILE};
&CopyFile($keyfile, "$hs_dir/private_key");
# bypass key-poisoning obscurity hassle
$poison = "$hs_dir/onion_service_non_anonymous";
&CopyFile("/dev/null", $poison) if (! -f $poison);
else {
unlink($poison) if (-f $poison);
# tor config
&Pipeify($cmd, @{$projects{$project}{ROWS}});
# various scripts
foreach my $script (split(" ", $ENV{SCRIPT_NAMES})) {
my $path = "$ENV{PROJECT_DIR}/$script.sh";
my $cmd = "$ENV{TEMPLATE_TOOL} templates.d/$script.txt >$path";
2017-02-04 12:45:05 +00:00
&Pipeify($cmd, @{$projects{$project}{ROWS}});
chmod(0700, $path) or die "chmod: $path: $!\n";
# tell the user
foreach my $row (@{$projects{$project}{ROWS}}) {
2017-02-04 12:37:31 +00:00
print "mapping ${$row}{ONION_ADDRESS} to ${$row}{DNS_DOMAIN} project $project\n";
2017-02-01 08:38:03 +00:00
# where stuff lives
&SetEnv("projects_home", "$here/projects.d");
&SetEnv("project", "default");
&SetEnv("nginx_template", "$here/templates.d/nginx.txt");
&SetEnv("tor_template", "$here/templates.d/tor.txt");
2017-02-04 18:02:38 +00:00
&SetEnv("ssl_tool", "$here/lib.d/make-selfsigned-wildcard-ssl-cert.sh");
&SetEnv("template_tool", "$here/lib.d/expand-template.pl");
2017-02-01 08:38:03 +00:00
# in-template settings
&SetEnv("nginx_hello_onion", 1);
&SetEnv("nginx_resolver", "");
&SetEnv("nginx_rlim", 1024);
&SetEnv("nginx_timeout", 30);
&SetEnv("nginx_workers", 5);
&SetEnv("tor_intros_per_daemon", 3);
&SetEnv("tor_single_onion", 0);
&SetEnv("tor_worker_prefix", "hs");
&SetEnv("softmap_tor_workers", 4);
&SetEnv("softmap_nginx_workers", 5 * 4);
2017-02-04 11:19:47 +00:00
&SetEnv("SCRIPT_NAMES", "bounce debugoff debugon harvest maps start status stop syntax");
2017-02-01 08:38:03 +00:00
&SetEnv("SCRIPT_PAUSE", 5);
# dynamic settings: overridable / may be given a global setting
&SetEnv("CERT_PREFIX", $unset_variable);
&SetEnv("LOG_DIR", $unset_variable);
&SetEnv("SSL_DIR", $unset_variable);
# nb: see DoMap() for non-overridable, project-local settings
# fetch the config
if ($#ARGV < 0) {
$config = "onions.conf"; # in $here
2017-02-01 08:38:03 +00:00
else {
$config = $ARGV[0];
2017-02-01 13:02:24 +00:00
die "$config: no such file / missing configuration: $config\n" unless (-f $config);
2017-02-01 08:38:03 +00:00
open(CONFIG, $config) or die "$config: $!\n";
chomp(@config = grep(!/^\s*(#.*)?$/, <CONFIG>));
# run it
foreach (@config) {
my ($cmd, @args) = split;
if ($cmd eq "set") {
my $var = shift(@args);
my $val = "@args";
&SetEnv($var, $val);
elsif ($cmd eq "hardmap") {
&DoMap($cmd, @args);
elsif ($cmd eq "softmap") {
&DoMap($cmd, @args);
else {
die "error: what does '$cmd @args' mean?";
# what did we get?
warn "dumping final state\n";
warn Dumper(\%projects);
# create a home
# lay it out
foreach my $project (sort keys %projects) {
# done
exit 0;