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Embroidery Reader - an application to view .pes embroidery designs
Copyright (C) 2013 Nathan Crawford
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307, USA.
A copy of the full GPL 2 license can be found in the docs directory.
You can contact me at http://www.njcrawford.com/contact/.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
namespace PesFile
public enum statusEnum { NotOpen, IOError, ParseError, Ready };
public struct intPair
public int a;
public int b;
public class PesFile
System.IO.BinaryReader fileIn;
int imageWidth;
int imageHeight;
string _filename;
public List<Int64> pesHeader = new List<Int64>();
public List<Int16> embOneHeader = new List<short>();
public List<Int16> sewSegHeader = new List<short>();
public List<Int16> embPunchHeader = new List<short>();
public List<Int16> sewFigSegHeader = new List<short>();
public List<StitchBlock> blocks = new List<StitchBlock>();
public List<intPair> colorTable = new List<intPair>();
private statusEnum readyStatus = statusEnum.NotOpen;
Int64 startStitches = 0;
string lastError = "";
Point translateStart;
UInt16 pesVersion;
// If set to true, this variable means we couldn't figure out some or
// all of the colors and white will be used instead of those colors.
private bool colorWarning = false;
private bool formatWarning = false;
private bool classWarning = false;
public PesFile(string filename)
// Returns an Int16 representation of the 12 bit signed int contained in
// high and low bytes
private Int16 get12Bit2sComplement(byte high, byte low)
Int32 retval;
// Get the bottom 4 bits of the high byte
retval = high & 0x0f;
// Shift those bits up where they belong
retval = retval << 8;
// Add in the bottom 8 bits
retval += low;
// Check for a negative number (check if 12th bit is 1)
if ((retval & 0x0800) == 0x0800)
// Make the number negative by subtracting 4096, which is the
// number of values a 12 bit integer can represent.
// This is a shortcut for getting the 2's complement value.
retval -= 4096;
return (Int16)retval;
// Returns a signed byte representation of the 7 bit signed int contained
// in b.
private SByte get7Bit2sComplement(byte b)
SByte retval;
// Ignore the 8th bit. (make sure it's 0)
b &= 0x7f;
// Check for a negative number (check if 7th bit is 1)
if ((b & 0x40) == 0x40)
// Make the number negative by subtracting 128, which is the
// number of values a 7 bit integer can represent.
// This is a shortcut for getting the 2's complement value.
retval = (SByte)(b - 128);
// Positive number - no modification needed
retval = (SByte)b;
return retval;
private void OpenFile(string filename)
#if !DEBUG
_filename = filename;
fileIn = new System.IO.BinaryReader(System.IO.File.Open(filename, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read));
string startFileSig = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) // 4 bytes
startFileSig += fileIn.ReadChar();
if (startFileSig != "#PES")
// This is not a file that we can read
readyStatus = statusEnum.ParseError;
lastError = "Missing #PES at beginning of file";
// PES version
string versionString = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) // 4 bytes
versionString += fileIn.ReadChar();
pesVersion = Convert.ToUInt16(versionString);
int pecstart = fileIn.ReadInt32();
// Read number of colors in this design
fileIn.BaseStream.Position = pecstart + 48;
int numColors = fileIn.ReadByte() +1;
List<byte> colorList = new List<byte>();
for (int x = 0; x < numColors; x++)
// Read stitch data
fileIn.BaseStream.Position = pecstart + 532;
bool thisPartIsDone = false;
StitchBlock curBlock;
int prevX = 0;
int prevY = 0;
int maxX = 0;
int minX = 0;
int maxY = 0;
int minY = 0;
int colorNum = -1;
int colorIndex = 0;
List<Stitch> tempStitches = new List<Stitch>();
while (!thisPartIsDone)
byte val1;
byte val2;
val1 = fileIn.ReadByte();
val2 = fileIn.ReadByte();
if (val1 == 0xff && val2 == 0x00)
//end of stitches
thisPartIsDone = true;
//add the last block
curBlock = new StitchBlock();
curBlock.stitches = new Stitch[tempStitches.Count];
curBlock.stitchesTotal = tempStitches.Count;
colorIndex = colorList[colorNum];
curBlock.colorIndex = colorIndex;
curBlock.color = getColorFromIndex(colorIndex);
else if (val1 == 0xfe && val2 == 0xb0)
//color switch, start a new block
curBlock = new StitchBlock();
curBlock.stitches = new Stitch[tempStitches.Count];
curBlock.stitchesTotal = tempStitches.Count;
colorIndex = colorList[colorNum];
curBlock.colorIndex = colorIndex;
curBlock.color = getColorFromIndex(colorIndex);
//read useless(?) byte
// The value of this 'useless' byte seems to alternate
// between 2 and 1 for every other block. The only
// exception I've noted is the last block which appears
// to always be 0.
curBlock.unknownStartByte = fileIn.ReadByte();
tempStitches = new List<Stitch>();
int deltaX = 0;
int deltaY = 0;
if ((val1 & 0x80) == 0x80)
// This is a 12-bit int. Allows for needle movement
// of up to +2047 or -2048.
deltaX = get12Bit2sComplement(val1, val2);
// The X value used both bytes, so read next byte
// for Y value.
val1 = fileIn.ReadByte();
// This is a 7-bit int. Allows for needle movement
// of up to +63 or -64.
deltaX = get7Bit2sComplement(val1);
// The X value only used 1 byte, so copy the second
// to to the first for Y value.
val1 = val2;
if ((val1 & 0x80) == 0x80)
// This is a 12-bit int. Allows for needle movement
// of up to +2047 or -2048.
// Read in the next byte to get the full value
val2 = fileIn.ReadByte();
deltaY = get12Bit2sComplement(val1, val2);
// This is a 7-bit int. Allows for needle movement
// of up to +63 or -64.
deltaY = get7Bit2sComplement(val1);
// Finished reading data for this stitch, no more
// bytes needed.
new Stitch(
new Point(prevX, prevY),
new Point(prevX + deltaX, prevY + deltaY)
prevX = prevX + deltaX;
prevY = prevY + deltaY;
if (prevX > maxX)
maxX = prevX;
else if (prevX < minX)
minX = prevX;
if (prevY > maxY)
maxY = prevY;
else if (prevY < minY)
minY = prevY;
imageWidth = maxX - minX;
imageHeight = maxY - minY;
translateStart.X = -minX;
translateStart.Y = -minY;
readyStatus = statusEnum.Ready;
// Close the file
#if !DEBUG
catch (System.IO.IOException ioex)
readyStatus = statusEnum.IOError;
lastError = ioex.Message;
if (fileIn != null)
catch (Exception ex)
readyStatus = statusEnum.ParseError;
lastError = ex.Message;
if (fileIn != null)
/*void readCSewFigSeg(System.IO.BinaryReader file)
startStitches = fileIn.BaseStream.Position;
bool doneWithStitches = false;
int xValue = -100;
int yValue = -100;
stitchBlock currentBlock;
int blockType; //if this is equal to newColorMarker, it's time to change color
int colorIndex = 0;
int remainingStitches;
List<Point> stitchData;
stitchData = new List<Point>();
currentBlock = new stitchBlock();
while (!doneWithStitches)
//reset variables
xValue = 0;
yValue = 0;
blockType = file.ReadInt16();
if (blockType == 16716)
colorIndex = file.ReadInt16();
if (colorIndex == 16716)
remainingStitches = file.ReadInt16();
if (remainingStitches == 16716)
while (remainingStitches >= 0)
xValue = file.ReadInt16();
if (xValue == -32765)
break;//drop out before we start eating into the next section
if (remainingStitches == 0)
int junk2 = 0;
junk2 = blocks.Count;
if (file.ReadInt16() == -1)
doneWithStitches = true;
currentBlock.stitches = new Point[stitchData.Count];
currentBlock.colorIndex = colorIndex;
currentBlock.color = getColorFromIndex(colorIndex);
currentBlock.stitchesTotal = stitchData.Count;
stitchData = new List<Point>();
currentBlock = new stitchBlock();
else if (xValue == 16716 || xValue == 8224)
doneWithStitches = true;
yValue = fileIn.ReadInt16();
if (yValue == 16716 || yValue == 8224)
doneWithStitches = true;
stitchData.Add(new Point(xValue - translateStart.X, yValue + imageHeight - translateStart.Y));
if (stitchData.Count > 1)
currentBlock.stitches = new Point[stitchData.Count];
currentBlock.colorIndex = colorIndex;
currentBlock.color = getColorFromIndex(colorIndex);
currentBlock.stitchesTotal = stitchData.Count;
public int GetWidth()
return imageWidth;
public int GetHeight()
return imageHeight;
public string GetFileName()
if (_filename == null)
return "";
return _filename;
// Returns the path of the file it saved debug info to
public string saveDebugInfo()
string retval = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(_filename, ".txt");
System.IO.StreamWriter outfile = new System.IO.StreamWriter(retval);
return retval;
public string getDebugInfo()
System.IO.StringWriter outfile = new System.IO.StringWriter();
string name = "";
outfile.WriteLine("PES header");
outfile.WriteLine("PES version:\t" + pesVersion);
for (int i = 0; i < pesHeader.Count; i++)
name = (i + 1).ToString();
outfile.WriteLine(name + "\t" + pesHeader[i].ToString());
if (embOneHeader.Count > 0)
outfile.WriteLine("CEmbOne header");
for (int i = 0; i < embOneHeader.Count; i++)
switch (i + 1)
case 22:
name = "translate x";
case 23:
name = "translate y";
case 24:
name = "width";
case 25:
name = "height";
name = (i + 1).ToString();
outfile.WriteLine(name + "\t" + embOneHeader[i].ToString());
if (embPunchHeader.Count > 0)
outfile.WriteLine("CEmbPunch header");
for (int i = 0; i < embPunchHeader.Count; i++)
switch (i + 1)
name = (i + 1).ToString();
outfile.WriteLine(name + "\t" + embPunchHeader[i].ToString());
outfile.WriteLine("stitches start: " + startStitches.ToString());
outfile.WriteLine("block info");
for (int i = 0; i < this.blocks.Count; i++)
outfile.WriteLine((i + 1).ToString() + "\t" + blocks[i].colorIndex.ToString() + "\t" + blocks[i].stitchesTotal.ToString());
outfile.WriteLine("color table");
for (int i = 0; i < colorTable.Count; i++)
outfile.WriteLine((i + 1).ToString() + "\t" + colorTable[i].a.ToString() + ", " + colorTable[i].b.ToString());
if (blocks.Count > 0)
outfile.WriteLine("Extended stitch debug info");
for (int blocky = 0; blocky < blocks.Count; blocky++)
outfile.WriteLine("block " + (blocky + 1).ToString() + " start");
outfile.WriteLine("unknown start byte: " + blocks[blocky].unknownStartByte.ToString("X2"));
for (int stitchy = 0; stitchy < blocks[blocky].stitches.Length; stitchy++)
outfile.WriteLine(blocks[blocky].stitches[stitchy].a.ToString() + " - " + blocks[blocky].stitches[stitchy].b.ToString());
return outfile.ToString();
public statusEnum getStatus()
return readyStatus;
public string getLastError()
return lastError;
public bool getColorWarning()
return colorWarning;
public bool getFormatWarning()
return formatWarning;
public bool getClassWarning()
return classWarning;
private Color getColorFromIndex(int index)
if(index >= 1 && index <= 64)
return Color.FromArgb(
colorWarning = true;
return Color.White;
public Bitmap designToBitmap(Single threadThickness, bool filterUglyStitches, double filterUglyStitchesThreshold)
Bitmap DrawArea;
Graphics xGraph;
int imageWidth = GetWidth() + (int)(threadThickness * 2);
int imageHeight = GetHeight() + (int)(threadThickness * 2);
DrawArea = new Bitmap(imageWidth, imageHeight);
using (xGraph = Graphics.FromImage(DrawArea))
xGraph.TranslateTransform(threadThickness + translateStart.X, threadThickness + translateStart.Y);
// Draw smoother lines
xGraph.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
for (int i = 0; i < blocks.Count; i++)
using (Pen tempPen = new Pen(blocks[i].color, threadThickness))
tempPen.StartCap = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineCap.Round;
tempPen.EndCap = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineCap.Round;
tempPen.LineJoin = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.LineJoin.Round;
foreach (Stitch thisStitch in blocks[i].stitches)
if (filterUglyStitches && // Check for filter ugly stitches option
!formatWarning && // Only filter stitches if we think we understand the format
thisStitch.calcLength() > filterUglyStitchesThreshold) // Check stitch length
// This stitch is too long, so skip it
xGraph.DrawLine(tempPen, thisStitch.a, thisStitch.b);
return DrawArea;