UPDATE_LOCATION=update location BACKGROUND_COLOR=background color ENABLED=enabled RED=red GREEN=green BLUE=blue FILTER_STITCHES=filter stitches FILTER_STTCHES_THRESHOLD=filter stitches threshold THREAD_THICKNESS=thread thickness LAST_OPEN=last open file folder LAST_SAVElast save image location WINDOW_WIDTH=window width WINDOW_HEIGHT=window height YES=yes UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT=The format of this file is not completely supported COLOR_WARNING=The format of this file is not completely supported ERROR_FILE=An error occured while reading the file: CORRUPT_FILE=This file is either corrupt or not a valid PES file. FILE_TYPES=Embroidery Files (*.pes)|*.pes|All Files (*.*)|*.* VERSION_MESSAGE=EmbroideryReader version ERROR_UPDATE=Encountered an error while checking for updates: VERSION=Version ERROR_WEBPAGE=An error occured while trying to open the webpage: NO_UPDATE=No updates are available right now. ERROR_DEBUG=There was an error while saving debug info: NO_DESIGN=No design loaded. UNSUPPORTED_CLASS=This file contains a class that is not yet supported IMAGE_FILE_TYPES=Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp|PNG (*.png)|*.png|JPEG (*.jpg)|*.jpg|GIF (*.gif)|*.gif|TIFF (*.tif)|*.tif|All Files (*.*)|*.* IMAGE_SAVED=Image saved MENU_OPEN=Open... MENU_SAVE_IMAGE=Save as image... MENU_PRINT=Print... MENU_PRINT_PREVIEW=Print Preview... MENU_EXIT=Exit MENU_EDIT=Edit MENU_COPY=Copy MENU_PREFS=Preferences... MENU_VIEW=View ROTATE_LEFT=Rotate left ROTATE_RIGHT=Rotate right RESET=Reset HELP=Help CHECK_UPDATE=Check for update SAVE_DEBUG=Save design debug info SHOW_DEBUG=Show design debug info ABOUT=About PICK_COLOR=Pick Color... BACKGROUND_COLOR=Background Color RESET_COLOR=Reset Color CANCEL=Cancel THREAD_THICKNESS=Thread thickness: PIXELS=pixels BACKGROUND=Background STITCH_DRAW=Stitch drawing REMOVE_UGLY_STITCHES=Remove 'ugly' stitches UGLY_STITCH_LENGTH=Ugly Length: SETTINGS=Embroidery Reader Settings LATEST_VERSION=Latest versoin is INSTALLED_VERSION=you have version ABOUT_APP=This program reads and displays embroidery designs from .PES files NEW_VERSION_MESSAGE="Version " + updater.VersionAvailable() + " was released on " + updater.getReleaseDate().ToShortDateString() + "." + Environment.NewLine + "You have version " + currentVersion() + ". Would you like to go to the Embroidery Reader website to download or find out more about the new version?" NEW_VERSION_TITLE=New version available