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Copyright (c) 2018 Brian Lough. All right reserved.
UniversalTelegramBot - Library to create your own Telegram Bot using
ESP8266 or ESP32 on Arduino IDE.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#ifndef UniversalTelegramBot_h
#define UniversalTelegramBot_h
//#define TELEGRAM_DEBUG 0 //jz
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include <Client.h>
#define TELEGRAM_HOST ""
//unmark following line to enable debug mode
//#define _debug
typedef bool (*MoreDataAvailable)();
typedef byte (*GetNextByte)();
typedef byte* (*GetNextBuffer)();
typedef int (GetNextBufferLen)();
struct telegramMessage {
String text;
String chat_id;
String chat_title;
String from_id;
String from_name;
String date;
String type;
String file_caption;
String file_path;
String file_name;
bool hasDocument;
long file_size;
float longitude;
float latitude;
int update_id;
int reply_to_message_id;
String reply_to_text;
String query_id;
class UniversalTelegramBot {
UniversalTelegramBot(const String& token, Client &client);
void updateToken(const String& token);
String getToken();
String sendGetToTelegram(const String& command);
String sendPostToTelegram(const String& command, JsonObject payload);
sendMultipartFormDataToTelegram(const String& command, const String& binaryPropertyName,
const String& fileName, const String& contentType,
const String& chat_id, int fileSize,
MoreDataAvailable moreDataAvailableCallback,
GetNextByte getNextByteCallback,
GetNextBuffer getNextBufferCallback,
GetNextBufferLen getNextBufferLenCallback);
//jz caption
sendMultipartFormDataToTelegramWithCaption(const String& command, const String& binaryPropertyName,
const String& fileName, const String& contentType,
const String& caption,
const String& chat_id, int fileSize,
MoreDataAvailable moreDataAvailableCallback,
GetNextByte getNextByteCallback,
GetNextBuffer getNextBufferCallback,
GetNextBufferLen getNextBufferLenCallback);
bool readHTTPAnswer(String &body, String &headers);
bool getMe();
bool sendSimpleMessage(const String& chat_id, const String& text, const String& parse_mode);
bool sendMessage(const String& chat_id, const String& text, const String& parse_mode = "");
bool sendMessageWithReplyKeyboard(const String& chat_id, const String& text,
const String& parse_mode, const String& keyboard,
bool resize = false, bool oneTime = false,
bool selective = false);
bool sendMessageWithInlineKeyboard(const String& chat_id, const String& text,
const String& parse_mode, const String& keyboard);
bool sendChatAction(const String& chat_id, const String& text);
bool sendPostMessage(JsonObject payload);
String sendPostPhoto(JsonObject payload);
String sendPhotoByBinary(const String& chat_id, const String& contentType, int fileSize,
MoreDataAvailable moreDataAvailableCallback,
GetNextByte getNextByteCallback,
GetNextBuffer getNextBufferCallback,
GetNextBufferLen getNextBufferLenCallback);
String sendPhoto(const String& chat_id, const String& photo, const String& caption = "",
bool disable_notification = false,
int reply_to_message_id = 0, const String& keyboard = "");
bool answerCallbackQuery(const String &query_id,
const String &text = "",
bool show_alert = false,
const String &url = "",
int cache_time = 0);
bool setMyCommands(const String& commandArray);
String buildCommand(const String& cmd);
int getUpdates(long offset);
bool checkForOkResponse(const String& response);
telegramMessage messages[HANDLE_MESSAGES];
long last_message_received;
String name;
String userName;
int longPoll = 0;
int waitForResponse = 1500;
int _lastError;
int last_sent_message_id = 0;
int maxMessageLength = 1500;
int jzdelay = 0; // delay between multipart blocks
//int jzblocksize = 32 * 512;
#define jzblocksize 32 * 512
byte buffer[jzblocksize];
// JsonObject * parseUpdates(String response);
String _token;
Client *client;
void closeClient();
bool getFile(String& file_path, long& file_size, const String& file_id);
bool processResult(JsonObject result, int messageIndex);