
66 wiersze
3.9 KiB

static const char devname[] = "desklens"; // name of your camera for mDNS, Router, and filenames
#define include_telegram
#define include_pir_and_touch
#define include_ftp
#define include_streaming
#define get_rid_of_touch
int delete_old_files = 1; // set to 1 and it will delete your oldest day of files so you SD is always 10% empty
// -- find your timezone here
#define TIMEZONE "GMT0BST,M3.5.0/01,M10.5.0/02" // your timezone - this is GMT
// 1 for blink red led with every sd card write, at your frame rate
// 0 for blink only for skipping frames and SOS if camera or sd is broken
#define BlinkWithWrite 1
// EDIT ssid and password
const char* ssid = "jzjzjz";
const char* password = "jzjzjz";
// reboot startup parameters here
int Internet_Enabled = 1; // set to 0 to shut off all internet activities - wifi, time, http, ftp, telegram
int DeepSleepPir = 0; // set to 1 to deepsleep between pir videos
int record_on_reboot = 1; // set to 1 to record, or 0 to NOT record on reboot
int PIRpin = 13; // for active high pir or microwave etc
int PIRenabled = 0; // 1 is PIR is enable on reboot, will only work if you are not recording
int MagicNumber = 011; // change this if you are re-compiling and you dont want to use the ESPROM settings
int stream_interval = 333; // milliseconds between frames delivered during the live stream - 333 is 3 fps
// here are 2 sets of startup parameters -- more down in the stop and restart webpage
// VGA 10 fps for 30 minutes, and repeat, play at real time
int framesize = 6; // 10 UXGA, 7 SVGA, 6 VGA, 5 CIF
int repeat_config = 100; // repaeat same movie this many times
int xspeed = 1; // playback speed - realtime is 1, or 300 means playpack 30 fps of frames at 10 second per frame ( 30 fps / 0.1 fps )
int gray = 0; // not gray
int quality = 12; // quality on the 10..50 subscale - 10 is good, 20 is grainy and smaller files, 12 is better in bright sunshine due to clipping
int capture_interval = 100; // milli-seconds between frames
volatile int total_frames_config = 18000; // how many frames - length of movie in ms is total_frames x capture_interval
// UXGA 1 frame every 10 seconds for 60 minutes, and repeat, play at 30 fps or 300 times speed
int framesize = 10; // 10 UXGA, 7 SVGA, 6 VGA, 5 CIF
int repeat_config = 300; // repaeat same movie this many times
int xspeed = 300; // playback speed - realtime is 1, or 300 means playpack 30 fps of frames at 10 second per frames ( 30 fps / 0.1 fps )
int gray = 0; // not gray
int quality = 6; // quality on the 10..50 subscale - 10 is good, 20 is grainy and smaller files, 12 is better in bright sunshine due to clipping
int capture_interval = 10000; // milli-seconds between frames
volatile int total_frames_config = 360; // how many frames - length of movie is total_frames x capture_interval
// enable the BOT - it sends a text and and snapshot to you every time it starts a video
// I'm using the branch v1.2 from June 2020 - new master introduced late june, but not working for picture and captions, so my v1.2 mods included here
// You need to create a bot, and get its number BOTtoken, and then get your telegram number -- all free at
// detailed instructions here
RTC_DATA_ATTR int EnableBOT = 0;
#define BOTtoken "9876543210:qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuio" // get your own bot and id at
#define BOTme "1234567890"