
1015 wiersze
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// 1-channel LoRa Gateway for ESP8266
// Copyright (c) 2016, 2017, 2018 Maarten Westenberg version for ESP8266
// Version 5.2.1
// Date: 2018-06-06
// based on work done by Thomas Telkamp for Raspberry PI 1ch gateway
// and many others.
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
// are made available under the terms of the MIT License
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
// Author: Maarten Westenberg (
// This file contains the LoRa modem specific code enabling to receive
// and transmit packages/messages.
// ========================================================================================
// The RFM96/SX1276 communicaties with the ESP8266 by means of interrupts
// and SPI interface. The SPI interface is bidirectional and allows both
// parties to simultaneous write and read to registers.
// Major drawback is that access is not protected for interrupt and non-
// interrupt access. This means that when a program in loop() and a program
// in interrupt do access the readregister and writeRegister() function
// at teh same time that probably an error will occur.
// Therefore it is best to Either not use interrupts AT all (like LMIC)
// or only use these functions in inteerupts and to further processing
// in the main loop() program.
// ============================================================================
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mutex definitiona
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if MUTEX==1
void CreateMutux(int *mutex) {
#define LIB_MUTEX 1
#if LIB_MUTEX==1
bool GetMutex(int *mutex) {
if (*mutex==1) {
bool GetMutex(int *mutex) {
int iOld = 1, iNew = 0;
asm volatile (
"rsil a15, 1\n" // read and set interrupt level to 1
"l32i %0, %1, 0\n" // load value of mutex
"bne %0, %2, 1f\n" // compare with iOld, branch if not equal
"s32i %3, %1, 0\n" // store iNew in mutex
"1:\n" // branch target
" a15\n" // restore program state
: "=&r" (iOld)
: "r" (mutex), "r" (iOld), "r" (iNew)
: "a15", "memory"
return (bool)iOld;
void ReleaseMutex(int *mutex) {
#endif //MUTEX==1
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Read one byte value, par addr is address
// Returns the value of register(addr)
// The SS (Chip select) pin is used to make sure the RFM95 is selected
// The variable is for obvious reasons valid for read and write traffic at the
// same time. Since both read and write mean that we write to the SPI interface.
// Parameters:
// Address: SPI address to read from. Type uint8_t
// Return:
// Value read from address
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// define the SPI settings for reading messages
SPISettings readSettings(SPISPEED, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0);
uint8_t readRegister(uint8_t addr)
digitalWrite(, LOW); // Select Receiver
SPI.transfer(addr & 0x7F);
uint8_t res = (uint8_t) SPI.transfer(0x00);
digitalWrite(, HIGH); // Unselect Receiver
return((uint8_t) res);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Write value to a register with address addr.
// Function writes one byte at a time.
// Parameters:
// addr: SPI address to write to
// value: The value to write to address
// Returns:
// <void>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// define the settings for SPI writing
SPISettings writeSettings(SPISPEED, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0);
void writeRegister(uint8_t addr, uint8_t value)
digitalWrite(, LOW); // Select Receiver
SPI.transfer((addr | 0x80) & 0xFF);
SPI.transfer(value & 0xFF);
digitalWrite(, HIGH); // Unselect Receiver
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Write a buffer to a register with address addr.
// Function writes one byte at a time.
// Parameters:
// addr: SPI address to write to
// value: The value to write to address
// Returns:
// <void>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void writeBuffer(uint8_t addr, uint8_t *buf, uint8_t len)
//noInterrupts(); // XXX
digitalWrite(, LOW); // Select Receiver
SPI.transfer((addr | 0x80) & 0xFF); // write buffer address
for (uint8_t i=0; i<len; i++) {
SPI.transfer(buf[i] & 0xFF);
digitalWrite(, HIGH); // Unselect Receiver
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// setRate is setting rate and spreading factor and CRC etc. for transmission
// Modem Config 1 (MC1) == 0x72 for sx1276
// Modem Config 2 (MC2) == (CRC_ON) | (sf<<4)
// Modem Config 3 (MC3) == 0x04 | (optional SF11/12 LOW DATA OPTIMIZE 0x08)
// sf == SF7 default 0x07, (SF7<<4) == SX72_MC2_SF7
// bw == 125 == 0x70
// cr == CR4/5 == 0x02
// CRC_ON == 0x04
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void setRate(uint8_t sf, uint8_t crc)
uint8_t mc1=0, mc2=0, mc3=0;
#if DUSB>=2
if ((sf<SF7) || (sf>SF12)) {
if (( debug>=1 ) && ( pdebug & P_RADIO )) {
Serial.print(F("setRate:: SF="));
// Set rate based on Spreading Factor etc
if (sx1272) {
mc1= 0x0A; // SX1276_MC1_BW_250 0x80 | SX1276_MC1_CR_4_5 0x02
mc2= ((sf<<4) | crc) % 0xFF;
// SX1276_MC1_BW_250 0x80 | SX1276_MC1_CR_4_5 0x02 | SX1276_MC1_IMPLICIT_HEADER_MODE_ON 0x01
if (sf == SF11 || sf == SF12) { mc1= 0x0B; }
// For sx1276 chips is the CRC ON is
else {
if (sf==SF8) {
mc1= 0x78; // SX1276_MC1_BW_125==0x70 | SX1276_MC1_CR_4_8==0x08
else {
mc1= 0x72; // SX1276_MC1_BW_125==0x70 | SX1276_MC1_CR_4_5==0x02
mc2= ((sf<<4) | crc) & 0xFF; // crc is 0x00 or 0x04==SX1276_MC2_RX_PAYLOAD_CRCON
mc3= 0x04; // 0x04; SX1276_MC3_AGCAUTO
if (sf == SF11 || sf == SF12) { mc3|= 0x08; } // 0x08 | 0x04
// Implicit Header (IH), for class b beacons (&& SF6)
//if (getIh(LMIC.rps)) {
// writeRegister(REG_PAYLOAD_LENGTH, getIh(LMIC.rps)); // required length
writeRegister(REG_MODEM_CONFIG1, (uint8_t) mc1);
writeRegister(REG_MODEM_CONFIG2, (uint8_t) mc2);
writeRegister(REG_MODEM_CONFIG3, (uint8_t) mc3);
// Symbol timeout settings
if (sf == SF10 || sf == SF11 || sf == SF12) {
writeRegister(REG_SYMB_TIMEOUT_LSB, (uint8_t) 0x05);
} else {
writeRegister(REG_SYMB_TIMEOUT_LSB, (uint8_t) 0x08);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set the frequency for our gateway
// The function has no parameter other than the freq setting used in init.
// Since we are usin a 1ch gateway this value is set fixed.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void setFreq(uint32_t freq)
// set frequency
uint64_t frf = ((uint64_t)freq << 19) / 32000000;
writeRegister(REG_FRF_MSB, (uint8_t)(frf>>16) );
writeRegister(REG_FRF_MID, (uint8_t)(frf>> 8) );
writeRegister(REG_FRF_LSB, (uint8_t)(frf>> 0) );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set Power for our gateway
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void setPow(uint8_t powe)
if (powe >= 16) powe = 15;
//if (powe >= 15) powe = 14;
else if (powe < 2) powe =2;
uint8_t pac = (0x80 | (powe & 0xF)) & 0xFF;
writeRegister(REG_PAC, (uint8_t)pac); // set 0x09 to pac
// XXX Power settings for CFG_sx1272 are different
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Used to set the radio to LoRa mode (transmitter)
// Please note that this mode can only be set in SLEEP mode and not in Standby.
// Also there should be not need to re-init this mode is set in the setup()
// function.
// For high freqs (>860 MHz) we need to & with 0x08 otherwise with 0x00
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR opmodeLora()
//#ifdef CFG_sx1276_radio
// uint8_t u = OPMODE_LORA | 0x80; // TBD: sx1276 high freq
//#else // SX-1272
// uint8_t u = OPMODE_LORA | 0x08;
// writeRegister(REG_OPMODE, (uint8_t) u);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set the opmode to a value as defined on top
// Values are 0x00 to 0x07
// The value is set for the lowest 3 bits, the other bits are as before.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void opmode(uint8_t mode)
if (mode == OPMODE_LORA)
writeRegister(REG_OPMODE, (uint8_t) mode);
writeRegister(REG_OPMODE, (uint8_t)((readRegister(REG_OPMODE) & ~OPMODE_MASK) | mode));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Hop to next frequency as defined by NUM_HOPS
// This function should only be used for receiver operation. The current
// receiver frequency is determined by ifreq index like so: freqs[ifreq]
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void hop() {
// 1. Set radio to standby
// 3. Set frequency based on value in freq
ifreq = (ifreq + 1) % NUM_HOPS ; // Increment the freq round robin
freq = freqs[ifreq];
// 4. Set spreading Factor
sf = SF7; // Starting the new frequency
setRate(sf, 0x40); // set the sf to SF7
// Low Noise Amplifier used in receiver
writeRegister(REG_LNA, (uint8_t) LNA_MAX_GAIN); // 0x0C, 0x23
// 7. set sync word
writeRegister(REG_SYNC_WORD, (uint8_t) 0x34); // set 0x39 to 0x34 LORA_MAC_PREAMBLE
// prevent node to node communication
writeRegister(REG_INVERTIQ,0x27); // 0x33, 0x27; to reset from TX
// Max Payload length is dependent on 256 byte buffer. At startup TX starts at
// 0x80 and RX at 0x00. RX therefore maximized at 128 Bytes
writeRegister(REG_MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH,MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH); // set 0x23 to 0x80==128 bytes
writeRegister(REG_PAYLOAD_LENGTH,PAYLOAD_LENGTH); // 0x22, 0x40==64Byte long
writeRegister(REG_FIFO_ADDR_PTR, (uint8_t) readRegister(REG_FIFO_RX_BASE_AD)); // set reg 0x0D to 0x0F
writeRegister(REG_HOP_PERIOD,0x00); // reg 0x24, set to 0x00
// 5. Config PA Ramp up time // set reg 0x0A
writeRegister(REG_PARAMP, (readRegister(REG_PARAMP) & 0xF0) | 0x08); // set PA ramp-up time 50 uSec
// Set 0x4D PADAC for SX1276 ; XXX register is 0x5a for sx1272
writeRegister(REG_PADAC_SX1276, 0x84); // set 0x4D (PADAC) to 0x84
//writeRegister(REG_PADAC, readRegister(REG_PADAC) | 0x4);
// 8. Reset interrupt Mask, enable all interrupts
writeRegister(REG_IRQ_FLAGS_MASK, 0x00);
// 9. clear all radio IRQ flags
writeRegister(REG_IRQ_FLAGS, 0xFF);
// Be aware that micros() has increased significantly from calling
// the hop function until printed below
#if DUSB>=1
if (( debug>=2 ) && ( pdebug & P_RADIO )){
Serial.print(F("hop:: hopTime:: "));
Serial.print(micros() - hopTime);
Serial.print(F(", "));
// Remember the last time we hop
hopTime = micros(); // At what time did we hop
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This LoRa function reads a message from the LoRa transceiver
// on Success: returns message length read when message correctly received
// on Failure: it returns a negative value on error (CRC error for example).
// UP function
// This is the "lowlevel" receive function called by stateMachine()
// dealing with the radio specific LoRa functions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
uint8_t receivePkt(uint8_t *payload)
uint8_t irqflags = readRegister(REG_IRQ_FLAGS); // 0x12; read back flags
cp_nb_rx_rcv++; // Receive statistics counter
uint8_t crcUsed = readRegister(REG_HOP_CHANNEL);
if (crcUsed & 0x40) {
#if DUSB>=1
if (debug>=2) Serial.println(F("rxPkt:: CRC used"));
// Check for payload IRQ_LORA_CRCERR_MASK=0x20 set
if (irqflags & IRQ_LORA_CRCERR_MASK)
#if DUSB>=1
if (( debug>=0) && ( pdebug & P_RADIO )) {
Serial.print(F("RxPkt:: Err CRC, ="));
// Reset CRC flag 0x20
//writeRegister(REG_IRQ_FLAGS, (uint8_t)(IRQ_LORA_CRCERR_MASK | IRQ_LORA_RXDONE_MASK)); // 0x12; clear CRC (== 0x20) flag
//writeRegister(REG_IRQ_FLAGS_MASK, (uint8_t) 0x00);
//writeRegister(REG_IRQ_FLAGS, (uint8_t) 0xFF); // XXX 180324 done in state machine
return 0;
// Is header OK?
// Please note that if we reset the HEADER interrupt in RX,
// that we would here conclude that ther eis no HEADER
else if ((irqflags & IRQ_LORA_HEADER_MASK) == false)
#if DUSB>=1
if (( debug>=0) && ( pdebug & P_RADIO )) {
Serial.println(F("RxPkt:: Err HEADER"));
// Reset VALID-HEADER flag 0x10
writeRegister(REG_IRQ_FLAGS, (uint8_t)(IRQ_LORA_HEADER_MASK | IRQ_LORA_RXDONE_MASK)); // 0x12; clear HEADER (== 0x10) flag
return 0;
// If there are no error messages, read the buffer from the FIFO
// This means "Set FifoAddrPtr to FifoRxBaseAddr"
else {
cp_nb_rx_ok++; // Receive OK statistics counter
if (readRegister(REG_FIFO_RX_CURRENT_ADDR) != readRegister(REG_FIFO_RX_BASE_AD)) {
if (debug>=1) {
Serial.print(F("RX BASE <"));
Serial.print(F("> != RX CURRENT <"));
//uint8_t currentAddr = readRegister(REG_FIFO_RX_CURRENT_ADDR); // 0x10
uint8_t currentAddr = readRegister(REG_FIFO_RX_BASE_AD); // 0x0F
uint8_t receivedCount = readRegister(REG_RX_NB_BYTES); // 0x13; How many bytes were read
#if DUSB>=1
if ((debug>=0) && (currentAddr > 64)) {
Serial.print(F("rxPkt:: Rx addr>64"));
writeRegister(REG_FIFO_ADDR_PTR, (uint8_t) currentAddr); // 0x0D
if (receivedCount > PAYLOAD_LENGTH) {
#if DUSB>=1
if (( debug>=0 ) & ( pdebug & P_RADIO )) {
Serial.print(F("rxPkt:: receivedCount="));
for(int i=0; i < receivedCount; i++)
payload[i] = readRegister(REG_FIFO); // 0x00, FIFO will auto shift register
writeRegister(REG_IRQ_FLAGS, (uint8_t) 0xFF); // Reset ALL interrupts
#if DUSB>=1
if (( debug>=0 ) && ( pdebug & P_RX )){
Serial.print(F("rxPkt:: t="));
Serial.print(F(", f="));
Serial.print(F(", sf="));
Serial.print(F(", a="));
if (payload[4]<0x10) Serial.print('0'); Serial.print(payload[4], HEX);
if (payload[3]<0x10) Serial.print('0'); Serial.print(payload[3], HEX);
if (payload[2]<0x10) Serial.print('0'); Serial.print(payload[2], HEX);
if (payload[1]<0x10) Serial.print('0'); Serial.print(payload[1], HEX);
Serial.print(F(", flags="));
Serial.print(F(", addr="));
Serial.print(F(", len="));
if (debug>=2) Serial.flush();
writeRegister(REG_IRQ_FLAGS, (uint8_t) (
return 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This DOWN function sends a payload to the LoRa node over the air
// Radio must go back in standby mode as soon as the transmission is finished
// NOTE:: writeRegister functions should not be used outside interrupts
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool sendPkt(uint8_t *payLoad, uint8_t payLength)
#if DUSB>=2
if (payLength>=128) {
if (debug>=1) {
Serial.print("sendPkt:: len=");
return false;
writeRegister(REG_FIFO_ADDR_PTR, (uint8_t) readRegister(REG_FIFO_TX_BASE_AD)); // 0x0D, 0x0E
writeRegister(REG_PAYLOAD_LENGTH, (uint8_t) payLength); // 0x22
payLoad[payLength] = 0x00;
writeBuffer(REG_FIFO, (uint8_t *) payLoad, payLength);
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// loraWait()
// This function implements the wait protocol needed for downstream transmissions.
// Note: Timing of downstream and JoinAccept messages is VERY critical.
// As the ESP8266 watchdog will not like us to wait more than a few hundred
// milliseconds (or it will kick in) we have to implement a simple way to wait
// time in case we have to wait seconds before sending messages (e.g. for OTAA 5 or 6 seconds)
// Without it, the system is known to crash in half of the cases it has to wait for
// JOIN-ACCEPT messages to send.
// This function uses a combination of delay() statements and delayMicroseconds().
// As we use delay() only when there is still enough time to wait and we use micros()
// to make sure that delay() did not take too much time this works.
// Parameter: uint32-t tmst gives the micros() value when transmission should start.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void loraWait(uint32_t tmst)
uint32_t startMics = micros(); // Start of the loraWait function
tmst += txDelay;
uint32_t waitTime = tmst - micros();
while (waitTime > 16000) {
delay(15); // ms delay including yield, slightly shorter
waitTime= tmst - micros();
if (waitTime>0) delayMicroseconds(waitTime);
#if DUSB>=2
else if ((waitTime+20) < 0) {
Serial.println(F("loraWait TOO LATE"));
if (debug >=1) {
Serial.print(F("start: "));
Serial.print(F(", end: "));
Serial.print(F(", waited: "));
Serial.print(tmst - startMics);
Serial.print(F(", delay="));
if (debug>=2) Serial.flush();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// txLoraModem
// Init the transmitter and transmit the buffer
// After successful transmission (dio0==1) TxDone re-init the receiver
// crc is set to 0x00 for TX
// iiq is set to 0x27 (or 0x40 based on ipol value in txpkt)
// 1. opmode Lora (only in Sleep mode)
// 2. opmode StandBY
// 3. Configure Modem
// 4. Configure Channel
// 5. write PA Ramp
// 6. config Power
// 8. write REG dio mapping (dio0)
// 9. write REG IRQ flags
// 10. write REG IRQ mask
// 11. write REG LoRa Fifo Base Address
// 12. write REG LoRa Fifo Addr Ptr
// 13. write REG LoRa Payload Length
// 14. Write buffer (byte by byte)
// 15. Wait until the right time to transmit has arrived
// 16. opmode TX
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void txLoraModem(uint8_t *payLoad, uint8_t payLength, uint32_t tmst, uint8_t sfTx,
uint8_t powe, uint32_t freq, uint8_t crc, uint8_t iiq)
#if DUSB>=2
if (debug>=1) {
// Make sure that all serial stuff is done before continuing
Serial.print(F(" powe: ")); Serial.print(powe);
Serial.print(F(", freq: ")); Serial.print(freq);
Serial.print(F(", crc: ")); Serial.print(crc);
Serial.print(F(", iiq: 0X")); Serial.print(iiq,HEX);
if (debug>=2) Serial.flush();
_state = S_TX;
// 1. Select LoRa modem from sleep mode
//opmode(OPMODE_LORA); // set register 0x01 to 0x80
// Assert the value of the current mode
ASSERT((readRegister(REG_OPMODE) & OPMODE_LORA) != 0);
// 2. enter standby mode (required for FIFO loading))
opmode(OPMODE_STANDBY); // set 0x01 to 0x01
// 3. Init spreading factor and other Modem setting
setRate(sfTx, crc);
// Frquency hopping
//writeRegister(REG_HOP_PERIOD, (uint8_t) 0x00); // set 0x24 to 0x00 only for receivers
// 4. Init Frequency, config channel
// 6. Set power level, REG_PAC
// 7. prevent node to node communication
writeRegister(REG_INVERTIQ, (uint8_t) iiq); // 0x33, (0x27 or 0x40)
// 8. set the IRQ mapping DIO0=TxDone DIO1=NOP DIO2=NOP (or lesss for 1ch gateway)
writeRegister(REG_DIO_MAPPING_1, (uint8_t)(
// 9. clear all radio IRQ flags
writeRegister(REG_IRQ_FLAGS, (uint8_t) 0xFF);
// 10. mask all IRQs but TxDone
writeRegister(REG_IRQ_FLAGS_MASK, (uint8_t) ~IRQ_LORA_TXDONE_MASK);
// txLora
opmode(OPMODE_FSTX); // set 0x01 to 0x02 (actual value becomes 0x82)
// 11, 12, 13, 14. write the buffer to the FiFo
sendPkt(payLoad, payLength);
// 15. wait extra delay out. The delayMicroseconds timer is accurate until 16383 uSec.
//Set the base addres of the transmit buffer in FIFO
writeRegister(REG_FIFO_ADDR_PTR, (uint8_t) readRegister(REG_FIFO_TX_BASE_AD)); // set 0x0D to 0x0F (contains 0x80);
//For TX we have to set the PAYLOAD_LENGTH
writeRegister(REG_PAYLOAD_LENGTH, (uint8_t) payLength); // set 0x22, max 0x40==64Byte long
//For TX we have to set the MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH
writeRegister(REG_MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH, (uint8_t) MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH); // set 0x22, max 0x40==64Byte long
// Reset the IRQ register
writeRegister(REG_IRQ_FLAGS_MASK, (uint8_t) 0x00); // Clear the mask
writeRegister(REG_IRQ_FLAGS, (uint8_t) IRQ_LORA_TXDONE_MASK);// set 0x12 to 0x08, clear TXDONE
// 16. Initiate actual transmission of FiFo
opmode(OPMODE_TX); // set 0x01 to 0x03 (actual value becomes 0x83)
}// txLoraModem
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Setup the LoRa receiver on the connected transceiver.
// - Determine the correct transceiver type (sx1272/RFM92 or sx1276/RFM95)
// - Set the frequency to listen to (1-channel remember)
// - Set Spreading Factor (standard SF7)
// The reset RST pin might not be necessary for at least the RGM95 transceiver
// 1. Put the radio in LoRa mode
// 2. Put modem in sleep or in standby
// 3. Set Frequency
// 4. Spreading Factor
// 5. Set interrupt mask
// 6. Clear all interrupt flags
// 7. Set opmode to OPMODE_RX
// 8. Set _state to S_RX
// 9. Reset all interrupts
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void rxLoraModem()
// 1. Put system in LoRa mode
//opmode(OPMODE_LORA); // Is already so
// 2. Put the radio in sleep mode
opmode(OPMODE_STANDBY); // CAD set 0x01 to 0x00
// 3. Set frequency based on value in freq
setFreq(freqs[ifreq]); // set to 868.1MHz
// 4. Set spreading Factor and CRC
setRate(sf, 0x04);
// prevent node to node communication
writeRegister(REG_INVERTIQ, (uint8_t) 0x27); // 0x33, 0x27; to reset from TX
// Max Payload length is dependent on 256 byte buffer.
// At startup TX starts at 0x80 and RX at 0x00. RX therefore maximized at 128 Bytes
//For TX we have to set the PAYLOAD_LENGTH
//writeRegister(REG_PAYLOAD_LENGTH, (uint8_t) PAYLOAD_LENGTH); // set 0x22, 0x40==64Byte long
// Set CRC Protection or MAX payload protection
//writeRegister(REG_MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH, (uint8_t) MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH); // set 0x23 to 0x80==128
//Set the start address for the FiFO (Which should be 0)
writeRegister(REG_FIFO_ADDR_PTR, (uint8_t) readRegister(REG_FIFO_RX_BASE_AD)); // set 0x0D to 0x0F (contains 0x00);
// Low Noise Amplifier used in receiver
writeRegister(REG_LNA, (uint8_t) LNA_MAX_GAIN); // 0x0C, 0x23
// Accept no interrupts except RXDONE, RXTOUT en RXCRC
writeRegister(REG_IRQ_FLAGS_MASK, (uint8_t) ~(
// set frequency hopping
if (_hop) {
//writeRegister(REG_HOP_PERIOD, 0x01); // 0x24, 0x01 was 0xFF
writeRegister(REG_HOP_PERIOD,0x00); // 0x24, 0x00 was 0xFF
else {
writeRegister(REG_HOP_PERIOD,0x00); // 0x24, 0x00 was 0xFF
// Set RXDONE interrupt to dio0
writeRegister(REG_DIO_MAPPING_1, (uint8_t)(
// Set the opmode to either single or continuous receive. The first is used when
// every message can come on a different SF, the second when we have fixed SF
if (_cad) {
// cad Scanner setup, set _state to S_RX
// Set Single Receive Mode, goes in STANDBY mode after receipt
_state= S_RX;
opmode(OPMODE_RX_SINGLE); // 0x80 | 0x06 (listen one message)
else {
// Set Continous Receive Mode, usefull if we stay on one SF
_state= S_RX;
if (_hop) Serial.println(F("rxLoraModem:: ERROR continuous receive in hop mode"));
opmode(OPMODE_RX); // 0x80 | 0x05 (listen)
// 9. clear all radio IRQ flags
writeRegister(REG_IRQ_FLAGS, 0xFF);
}// rxLoraModem
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// function cadScanner()
// CAD Scanner will scan on the given channel for a valid Symbol/Preamble signal.
// So instead of receiving continuous on a given channel/sf combination
// we will wait on the given channel and scan for a preamble. Once received
// we will set the radio to the SF with best rssi (indicating reception on that sf).
// The function sets the _state to S_SCAN
// NOTE: DO not set the frequency here but use the frequency hopper
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void cadScanner()
// 1. Put system in LoRa mode (which destroys all other nodes(
// 2. Put the radio in sleep mode
opmode(OPMODE_STANDBY); // Was old value
// 3. Set frequency based on value in ifreq // XXX New, might be needed when receiving down
// For every time we start the scanner, we set the SF to the begin value
//sf = SF7; // XXX 180501 Not by default
// 4. Set spreading Factor and CRC
setRate(sf, 0x04);
// listen to LORA_MAC_PREAMBLE
writeRegister(REG_SYNC_WORD, (uint8_t) 0x34); // set reg 0x39 to 0x34
// Set the interrupts we want to listen to
writeRegister(REG_DIO_MAPPING_1, (uint8_t)(
// Set the mask for interrupts (we do not want to listen to) except for
writeRegister(REG_IRQ_FLAGS_MASK, (uint8_t) ~(
// Set the opMode to CAD
// Clear all relevant interrupts
//writeRegister(REG_IRQ_FLAGS, (uint8_t) 0xFF ); // May work better, clear ALL interrupts
// If we are here. we either might have set the SF or we have a timeout in which
// case the receive is started just as normal.
}// cadScanner
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// First time initialisation of the LoRa modem
// Subsequent changes to the modem state etc. done by txLoraModem or rxLoraModem
// After initialisation the modem is put in rx mode (listen)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void initLoraModem()
_state = S_INIT;
#if ESP32_ARCH==1
digitalWrite(pins.rst, LOW);
digitalWrite(pins.rst, HIGH);
digitalWrite(, HIGH);
#if DUSB>=1
// Reset the transceiver chip with a pulse of 10 mSec
digitalWrite(pins.rst, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pins.rst, LOW);
// 2. Set radio to sleep
opmode(OPMODE_SLEEP); // set register 0x01 to 0x00
// 1 Set LoRa Mode
opmode(OPMODE_LORA); // set register 0x01 to 0x80
// 3. Set frequency based on value in freq
//ifreq = 0; // XXX 180326
setFreq(freq); // set to 868.1MHz or the last saved frequency
// 4. Set spreading Factor
setRate(sf, 0x04);
// Low Noise Amplifier used in receiver
writeRegister(REG_LNA, (uint8_t) LNA_MAX_GAIN); // 0x0C, 0x23
#if _PIN_OUT==4
uint8_t version = readRegister(REG_VERSION); // Read the LoRa chip version id
if (version == 0x22) {
// sx1272
#if DUSB>=2
Serial.println(F("WARNING:: SX1272 detected"));
sx1272 = true;
else if (version == 0x12) {
// sx1276?
#if DUSB>=2
if (debug >=1)
Serial.println(F("SX1276 starting"));
sx1272 = false;
else {
// Normally this means that we connected the wrong type of board and
// therefore specified the wrong type of wiring/pins to the software
// Maybe this issue can be resolved of we try one of the other defined
// boards. (Comresult or Hallard or ...)
#if DUSB>=1
Serial.print(F("Unknown transceiver="));
Serial.print(F(", pins.rst =")); Serial.print(pins.rst);
Serial.print(F(", =")); Serial.print(;
Serial.print(F(", pins.dio0 =")); Serial.print(pins.dio0);
Serial.print(F(", pins.dio1 =")); Serial.print(pins.dio1);
Serial.print(F(", pins.dio2 =")); Serial.print(pins.dio2);
die(""); // Maybe first try another kind of receiver
// If we are here, the chip is recognized successfully
// 7. set sync word
writeRegister(REG_SYNC_WORD, (uint8_t) 0x34); // set 0x39 to 0x34 LORA_MAC_PREAMBLE
// prevent node to node communication
writeRegister(REG_INVERTIQ,0x27); // 0x33, 0x27; to reset from TX
// Max Payload length is dependent on 256 byte buffer. At startup TX starts at
// 0x80 and RX at 0x00. RX therefore maximized at 128 Bytes
writeRegister(REG_MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH,MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH); // set 0x23 to 0x80==128 bytes
writeRegister(REG_PAYLOAD_LENGTH,PAYLOAD_LENGTH); // 0x22, 0x40==64Byte long
writeRegister(REG_FIFO_ADDR_PTR, (uint8_t) readRegister(REG_FIFO_RX_BASE_AD)); // set reg 0x0D to 0x0F
writeRegister(REG_HOP_PERIOD,0x00); // reg 0x24, set to 0x00
// 5. Config PA Ramp up time // set reg 0x0A
writeRegister(REG_PARAMP, (readRegister(REG_PARAMP) & 0xF0) | 0x08); // set PA ramp-up time 50 uSec
// Set 0x4D PADAC for SX1276 ; XXX register is 0x5a for sx1272
writeRegister(REG_PADAC_SX1276, 0x84); // set 0x4D (PADAC) to 0x84
//writeRegister(REG_PADAC, readRegister(REG_PADAC) | 0x4);
// Reset interrupt Mask, enable all interrupts
writeRegister(REG_IRQ_FLAGS_MASK, 0x00);
// 9. clear all radio IRQ flags
writeRegister(REG_IRQ_FLAGS, 0xFF);
}// initLoraModem
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Void function startReceiver.
// This function starts the receiver loop of the LoRa service.
// It starts the LoRa modem with initLoraModem(), and then starts
// the receiver either in single message (CAD) of in continuous
// reception (STD).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void startReceiver() {
initLoraModem(); // XXX 180326, after adapting this function
if (_cad) {
#if DUSB>=1
if (( debug>=1 ) && ( pdebug & P_MAIN )) {
Serial.print(F("PULL:: _state set to S_SCAN"));
_state = S_SCAN;
sf = SF7;
else {
_state = S_RX;
writeRegister(REG_IRQ_FLAGS_MASK, (uint8_t) 0x00);
writeRegister(REG_IRQ_FLAGS, 0xFF); // Reset all interrupt flags
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Interrupt_0 Handler.
// Both interrupts DIO0 and DIO1 are mapped on GPIO15. Se we have to look at
// the interrupt flags to see which interrupt(s) are called.
// NOTE:: This method may work not as good as just using more GPIO pins on
// the ESP8266 mcu. But in practice it works good enough
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR Interrupt_0()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Interrupt handler for DIO1 having High Value
// As DIO0 and DIO1 may be multiplexed on one GPIO interrupt handler
// (as we do) we have to be careful only to call the right Interrupt_x
// handler and clear the corresponding interrupts for that dio.
// NOTE: Make sure all Serial communication is only for debug level 3 and up.
// Handler for:
// - (RXDONE error only)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR Interrupt_1()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Frequency Hopping Channel (FHSS) dio2
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR Interrupt_2()