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// 1-channel LoRa Gateway for ESP8266
// Copyright (c) 2016, 2017 Maarten Westenberg version for ESP8266
// Version 5.0.6
// Date: 2018-02-12
// based on work done by Thomas Telkamp for Raspberry PI 1ch gateway
// and many other contributors.
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
// are made available under the terms of the MIT License
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
// Author: Maarten Westenberg (
// This file contains a number of compile-time settings and declarations that are
// specific to the LoRa rfm95, sx1276, sx1272 radio of the gateway.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------
// Used by REG_PAYLOAD_LENGTH to set receive payload length
#define PAYLOAD_LENGTH 0x40 // 64 bytes
#define MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH 0x80 // 128 bytes
// In order to make the CAD behaviour dynamic we set a variable
// when the CAD functions are defined. Value of 3 is minimum frequencies a
// gateway should support to be fully LoRa compliant.
#define NUM_HOPS 2 // 3 should be the minimum
// Do not change these setting for RSSI detection. They are used for CAD
// Given the correction factor of 157, we can get to -122dB with this rating
#define RSSI_LIMIT 35 //
// How long to wait in LoRa mode before using the RSSI value.
// This period should be as short as possible, yet sufficient
#define RSSI_WAIT 6 // was 25
// How long will it take when hopping before a CDONE or CDETD value
// is measured.
#define EVENT_WAIT 600 // was 200
// Our code should correct the server Tramission delay settings
long txDelay= 0x00; // tx delay time on top of server TMST
// SPI setting. 8MHz seems to be the max
#define SPISPEED 8000000 // Set to 8 * 10E6
// Frequencies
// Set center frequency. If in doubt, choose the first one, comment all others
// Each "real" gateway should support the first 3 frequencies according to LoRa spec.
int freqs [] = {
868100000, // Channel 0, 868.1 MHz primary
868300000, // Channel 1, 868.3 MHz mandatory
868500000, // Channel 2, 868.5 MHz mandatory
867100000, // Channel 3, 867.1 MHz Optional
869525000 // Channel, for responses gateway (10%)
// TTN defines an additional channel at 869.525Mhz using SF9 for class B. Not used
uint32_t freq = freqs[0];
uint8_t ifreq = 0; // Channel Index
// Set the structure for spreading factor
enum sf_t { SF6=6, SF7, SF8, SF9, SF10, SF11, SF12 };
// The state of the receiver. See Semtech Datasheet (rev 4, March 2015) page 43
// The _state is of the enum type (and should be cast when used as a number)
enum state_t { S_INIT=0, S_SCAN, S_CAD, S_RX, S_TX, S_TXDONE};
volatile state_t _state;
volatile uint8_t _event=0;
// rssi is measured at specific moments and reported on others
// so we need to store the current value we like to work with
uint8_t _rssi;
bool _cad= (bool) _CAD; // Set to true for Channel Activity Detection, only when dio 1 connected
bool _hop=false; // experimental; frequency hopping. Only use when dio2 connected
bool inHop=false;
unsigned long nowTime=0;
unsigned long msgTime=0;
unsigned long hopTime=0;
unsigned long detTime=0;
#if _PIN_OUT==1
// Definition of the GPIO pins used by the Gateway for Hallard type boards
struct pins {
uint8_t dio0=15; // GPIO15 / D8. For the Hallard board shared between DIO0/DIO1/DIO2
uint8_t dio1=15; // GPIO15 / D8. Used for CAD, may or not be shared with DIO0
uint8_t dio2=15; // GPIO15 / D8. Used for frequency hopping, don't care
uint8_t ss=16; // GPIO16 / D0. Select pin connected to GPIO16 / D0
uint8_t rst=0; // GPIO 0 / D3. Reset pin not used
// MISO 12 / D6
// MOSI 13 / D7
// CLK 14 / D5
} pins;
#elif _PIN_OUT==2
// For ComResult gateway PCB use the following settings
struct pins {
uint8_t dio0=5; // GPIO5 / D1. Dio0 used for one frequency and one SF
uint8_t dio1=4; // GPIO4 / D2. Used for CAD, may or not be shared with DIO0
uint8_t dio2=0; // GPIO0 / D3. Used for frequency hopping, don't care
uint8_t ss=15; // GPIO15 / D8. Select pin connected to GPIO15
uint8_t rst=0; // GPIO0 / D3. Reset pin not used
} pins;
#elif _PIN_OUT==3
// For ESP32 based board
// SCK == GPIO5/ PIN5
// SS == GPIO18/PIN18
// MISO == GPIO19/ PIN19
// MOSI == GPIO27/ PIN27
// RST == GPIO14/ PIN14
struct pins {
uint8_t dio0=26; // GPIO26 / Dio0 used for one frequency and one SF
uint8_t dio1=26; // GPIO26 / Used for CAD, may or not be shared with DIO0
uint8_t dio2=26; // GPI26 / Used for frequency hopping, don't care
uint8_t ss=18; // GPIO18 / Dx. Select pin connected to GPIO18
uint8_t rst=14; // GPIO0 / D3. Reset pin not used
} pins;
// Use your own pin definitions, and comment #error line below
// MISO 12 / D6
// MOSI 13 / D7
// CLK 14 / D5
// SS 16 / D0
#error "Pin Definitions _PIN_OUT must be 1(HALLARD) or 2 (COMRESULT)"
// STATR contains the statictis that are kept by message.
// Ech time a message is received or sent the statistics are updated.
// In case STATISTICS==1 we define the last MAX_STAT messages as statistics
struct stat_t {
unsigned long tmst; // Time since 1970 in seconds
unsigned long node; // 4-byte DEVaddr (the only one known to gateway)
uint8_t ch; // Channel index to freqs array
uint8_t sf;
#if RSSI==1
int8_t rssi; // XXX Can be < -128
int8_t prssi; // XXX Can be < -128
} stat_t;
// STATC contains the statistic that are gateway related and not per
// message. Example: Number of messages received on SF7 or number of (re) boots
// So where statr contains the statistics gathered per packet the statc
// contains general statics of the node
#if STATISTICS >= 2 // Only if we explicitely set it higher
struct stat_c {
unsigned long sf7; // Spreading factor 7
unsigned long sf8; // Spreading factor 8
unsigned long sf9; // Spreading factor 9
unsigned long sf10; // Spreading factor 10
unsigned long sf11; // Spreading factor 11
unsigned long sf12; // Spreading factor 12
uint16_t boots; // Number of boots
uint16_t resets;
} stat_c;
struct stat_c statc;
// History of received uplink messages from nodes
struct stat_t statr[MAX_STAT];
#else // STATISTICS==0
struct stat_t statr[1]; // Always have at least one element to store in
// Define the payload structure used to separate interrupt ans SPI
// processing from the loop() part
uint8_t payLoad[128]; // Payload i
struct LoraBuffer {
uint8_t * payLoad;
uint8_t payLength;
uint32_t tmst; // in millis()
uint8_t sfTx;
uint8_t powe;
uint32_t fff;
uint8_t crc;
uint8_t iiq;
} LoraDown;
// Up buffer (from Lora sensor to UDP)
struct LoraUp {
uint8_t payLoad[128];
uint8_t payLength;
int prssi;
long snr;
int rssicorr;
uint8_t sf;
} LoraUp;
// ============================================================================
// Set all definitions for Gateway
// ============================================================================
// Register definitions. These are the addresses of the TFM95, SX1276 that we
// need to set in the program.
#define REG_FIFO 0x00 // rw FIFO address
#define REG_OPMODE 0x01
// Register 2 to 5 are unused for LoRa
#define REG_FRF_MSB 0x06
#define REG_FRF_MID 0x07
#define REG_FRF_LSB 0x08
#define REG_PAC 0x09
#define REG_PARAMP 0x0A
#define REG_LNA 0x0C
#define REG_FIFO_ADDR_PTR 0x0D // rw SPI interface address pointer in FIFO data buffer
#define REG_FIFO_TX_BASE_AD 0x0E // rw write base address in FIFO data buffer for TX modulator
#define REG_FIFO_RX_BASE_AD 0x0F // rw read base address in FIFO data buffer for RX demodulator (0x00)
#define REG_FIFO_RX_CURRENT_ADDR 0x10 // r Address of last packet received
#define REG_IRQ_FLAGS_MASK 0x11
#define REG_IRQ_FLAGS 0x12
#define REG_RX_NB_BYTES 0x13
#define REG_PKT_SNR_VALUE 0x19
#define REG_PKT_RSSI 0x1A // latest package
#define REG_RSSI 0x1B // Current RSSI, section 6.4, or 5.5.5
#define REG_HOP_CHANNEL 0x1C
#define REG_MODEM_CONFIG1 0x1D
#define REG_MODEM_CONFIG2 0x1E
#define REG_HOP_PERIOD 0x24
#define REG_MODEM_CONFIG3 0x26
#define REG_INVERTIQ 0x33
#define REG_DET_TRESH 0x37 // SF6
#define REG_SYNC_WORD 0x39
#define REG_TEMP 0x3C
#define REG_DIO_MAPPING_1 0x40
#define REG_DIO_MAPPING_2 0x41
#define REG_VERSION 0x42
#define REG_PADAC 0x5A
#define REG_PADAC_SX1272 0x5A
#define REG_PADAC_SX1276 0x4D
// ----------------------------------------
// opModes
#define SX72_MODE_SLEEP 0x80
#define SX72_MODE_STANDBY 0x81
#define SX72_MODE_FSTX 0x82
#define SX72_MODE_TX 0x83 // 0x80 | 0x03
#define SX72_MODE_RX_CONTINUOS 0x85
// ----------------------------------------
// LMIC Constants for radio registers
#define OPMODE_LORA 0x80
#define OPMODE_MASK 0x07
#define OPMODE_SLEEP 0x00
#define OPMODE_STANDBY 0x01
#define OPMODE_FSTX 0x02
#define OPMODE_TX 0x03
#define OPMODE_FSRX 0x04
#define OPMODE_RX 0x05
#define OPMODE_RX_SINGLE 0x06
#define OPMODE_CAD 0x07
// ----------------------------------------
#define LNA_MAX_GAIN 0x23 // Max gain 0x20 | Boost 0x03
#define LNA_OFF_GAIN 0x00
#define LNA_LOW_GAIN 0x20
#define REG1 0x0A
#define REG2 0x84
// ----------------------------------------
// MC1 sx1276 RegModemConfig1
#define SX1276_MC1_BW_125 0x70
#define SX1276_MC1_BW_250 0x80
#define SX1276_MC1_BW_500 0x90
#define SX1276_MC1_CR_4_5 0x02
#define SX1276_MC1_CR_4_6 0x04
#define SX1276_MC1_CR_4_7 0x06
#define SX1276_MC1_CR_4_8 0x08
#define SX72_MC1_LOW_DATA_RATE_OPTIMIZE 0x01 // mandated for SF11 and SF12
// ----------------------------------------
// MC2 definitions
#define SX72_MC2_FSK 0x00
#define SX72_MC2_SF7 0x70 // SF7 == 0x07, so (SF7<<4) == SX7_MC2_SF7
#define SX72_MC2_SF8 0x80
#define SX72_MC2_SF9 0x90
#define SX72_MC2_SF10 0xA0
#define SX72_MC2_SF11 0xB0
#define SX72_MC2_SF12 0xC0
// ----------------------------------------
// MC3
#define SX1276_MC3_LOW_DATA_RATE_OPTIMIZE 0x08
#define SX1276_MC3_AGCAUTO 0x04
// ----------------------------------------
// FRF
#define FRF_MSB 0xD9 // 868.1 Mhz
#define FRF_MID 0x06
#define FRF_LSB 0x66
// ----------------------------------------
// DIO function mappings D0D1D2D3
#define MAP_DIO0_LORA_RXDONE 0x00 // 00------ bit 7 and 6
#define MAP_DIO0_LORA_TXDONE 0x40 // 01------
#define MAP_DIO0_LORA_CADDONE 0x80 // 10------
#define MAP_DIO0_LORA_NOP 0xC0 // 11------
#define MAP_DIO1_LORA_RXTOUT 0x00 // --00---- bit 5 and 4
#define MAP_DIO1_LORA_FCC 0x10 // --01----
#define MAP_DIO1_LORA_CADDETECT 0x20 // --10----
#define MAP_DIO1_LORA_NOP 0x30 // --11----
#define MAP_DIO2_LORA_FCC0 0x00 // ----00-- bit 3 and 2
#define MAP_DIO2_LORA_FCC1 0x04 // ----01-- bit 3 and 2
#define MAP_DIO2_LORA_FCC2 0x08 // ----10-- bit 3 and 2
#define MAP_DIO2_LORA_NOP 0x0C // ----11-- bit 3 and 2
#define MAP_DIO3_LORA_CADDONE 0x00 // ------00 bit 1 and 0
#define MAP_DIO3_LORA_HEADER 0x01 // ------01
#define MAP_DIO3_LORA_CRC 0x02 // ------10
#define MAP_DIO3_LORA_NOP 0x03 // ------11
// FSK specific
#define MAP_DIO0_FSK_READY 0x00 // 00------ (packet sent / payload ready)
#define MAP_DIO1_FSK_NOP 0x30 // --11----
#define MAP_DIO2_FSK_TXNOP 0x04 // ----01--
#define MAP_DIO2_FSK_TIMEOUT 0x08 // ----10--
// ----------------------------------------
// Bits masking the corresponding IRQs from the radio
// ----------------------------------------
// Definitions for UDP message arriving from server
#define PKT_PUSH_DATA 0x00
#define PKT_PUSH_ACK 0x01
#define PKT_PULL_DATA 0x02
#define PKT_PULL_RESP 0x03
#define PKT_PULL_ACK 0x04
#define PKT_TX_ACK 0x05
#define MGT_RESET 0x15 // Not a LoRa Gateway Spec message
#define MGT_SET_SF 0x16
#define MGT_SET_FREQ 0x17