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#pragma once
#include <Eigen/Core>
namespace fratio {
template <typename T>
using vectX_t = Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>; /*!< Eigen column-vector */
template <typename T>
using vectXc_t = vectX_t<std::complex<T>>; /*!< Eigen complex column-vector */
/*! \brief Filter status */
enum class FilterStatus {
// Generic filter
NONE, /*!< Filter has not yet been initialized */
READY, /*!< Filter is ready to process data */
BAD_ORDER_SIZE, /*!< Order of the filter is bad */
BAD_A_COEFF, /*!< Denominator coefficients of the filter is bad */
A_COEFF_MISSING, /*!< Denominator coefficients have not been set */
B_COEFF_MISSING, /*!< Numerator coefficients have not been set */
ALL_COEFF_MISSING = A_COEFF_MISSING | B_COEFF_MISSING, /*!< Coefficients have not been set */
// Butterworth filter
BAD_FREQUENCY_VALUE, /*!< Given frequency is bad */
BAD_CUTOFF_FREQUENCY, /*!< Given ctu-off frequency is bad */
BAD_BAND_FREQUENCY /*!< Given band frequency is bad */
} // namespace fratio