Updated KFX info
Apprentice Harper 2018-06-02 17:07:35 +01:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Just download and use these tools, that's all! Uh, almost. There are a few, uh,
But otherwise, if your ebook is from Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble or any of the ebook stores selling ebooks compatible with Adobe Digital Editions 2.0.1, you should be able to remove the DRM that's been applied to your ebooks.
### A Recent Change to Kindle for PC/Kindle for Mac
Starting with version 1.19, Kindle for PC/Mac uses Amazon's new KFX format which these tools can't handle. There are two options to get the older formats that the tools can decrypt. Either stick with version 1.17 or earlier, or modify the executable by changing a file name.
Starting with version 1.19, Kindle for PC/Mac uses Amazon's new KFX format which isn't quite as good a source fro conversion to ePub as the older KF8 (& MOBI) formats. There are two options to get the older formats. Either stick with version 1.17 or earlier, or modify the executable by changing a file name.
Version 1.17 of Kindle is are no longer available directly from Amazon, so you will need to search for the proper file name and find it on a third party site. The name is "KindleForPC-installer-1.17.44170.exe" for PC and "KindleForMac-44182.dmg" for Mac.
Verify the one of the following cryptographic hash values, using software of your choice, before installing the downloaded file in order to avoid viruses. If the hash does not match, delete the downloaded file and try again from another site.
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ SHA-256: 28DC21246A9C7CDEDD2D6F0F4082E6BF7EF9DB9CE9D485548E 8A9E1D19EAE2AC.
You will need to go to the preferences and uncheck the auto update checkbox. Then download and install 1.17 over the top of the 1.19 installation. You'll also need to delete the KFX folders from your My Kindle Content folder.
A second possible solution is to use 1.19 or later, but disable KFX by renaming or disabling a necessary component of the application. This may or may not work on versions after 1.20. In a command window, enter the following commands when Kindle for PC/Mac is not running:
A other possible solution is to use 1.19 or later, but disable KFX by renaming or disabling a necessary component of the application. This may or may not work on versions after 1.20. In a command window, enter the following commands when Kindle for PC/Mac is not running:
#### Windows
ren %localappdata%\Amazon\Kindle\application\renderer-test.exe renderer-test.xxx
@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ Mac Note: If the chmod command fails with a permission error try again using sud
After restarting the Kindle program any books previously downloaded in KFX format will no longer open. You will need to remove them from your device and re-download them. All future downloads will use the older Kindle formats instead of KFX although they will continue to be placed in one individual subdirectory per book.
#### Another Note on KFX
It now possible, but not easy, to convert books from KFX to other formats in calibre by installing the optional KFX Input plugin. The lack of automatic DRM removal makes this process difficult so it is not recommended unless there is no other alternative, such as for Indic language books only available in KFX. There is a windows-only KFX DRM rmeoval program in the repository, but not yet integrated into the tools.
#### Decrypting KFX
Thanks to work by several people, the tools can now decrypt KFX format ebooks from Kindle for PC. In addition to the DeDRM plugin, calibre users will also need to install jhowell's KFX Input plugin which is available through the standard plugin menu in calibre, or directly from [his plugin thread](https://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=291290) on Mobileread.
#### Thanks
Thanks to jhowell for his investigations into KFX format and workarounds. Some of these instructions are from [his thread on the subject](https://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=283371) at MobileRead.
Thanks to jhowell for his investigations into KFX format and the KFX Input plugin. Some of these instructions are from [his thread on the subject](https://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=283371) at MobileRead.
## Where can I get the latest version of these free DRM removal tools?
Right here at github. Just go to the [releases page](https://github.com/apprenticeharper/DeDRM_tools/releases) and download the latest zip archive of the tools, named DeDRM\_tools\_X.X.X.zip, where X.X.X is the version number. You do not need to download the source code archive.
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ The authors tend to identify themselves only by pseudonyms:
* The Amazon Topaz format conversion was created by some_updates, clarknova, and Bart Simpson
* The DeDRM all-in-one AppleScript application was created by Apprentice Alf
* The DeDRM all-in-one Python application was created by some_updates
* The DeDRM all-in-one calibre plugins was created by Apprentice Alf
* The DeDRM all-in-one calibre plugin was created by Apprentice Alf
* The Scuolabooks tool was created by Hex
* The Microsoft code was created by drs
* The Apple DRM removal tool was created by Brahms