Update doc link for preferences code

This should really be properly explained, but at least it's not a dead link now!
Petra Lamborn 2020-10-09 22:25:01 +13:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
rodzic e31752e334
commit 41d3da12ec
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@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ platforms.
#### Enter your keys
- Figure out what format DeDRM wants your key in by looking in
[the code that handles that](dedrm_src/prefs.py).
[the code that handles that](DeDRM_plugin/prefs.py).
- For Kindle eInk devices, DeDRM expects you to put a list of serial
numbers in the `serials` field: `"serials": ["012345689abcdef"]` or
`"serials": ["1111111111111111", "2222222222222222"]`.