Thomas Osterried 8fbaab750b Support for heltec wireless tracker. And many fixes.
Two weeks hard work.

- Webserver config:
  - Allow freq to be configured down to 430.1000.
    Set to at minimum 430.150 if you use bandwith 250 kHz!
  - Added hint for wifi tcp kiss android config

- platformio.ini:
  - less monolithic lib dependencies, because with
    heltec wireless tracker we have another radiolib and
    a TFT instead of OLED, no AXP chip, etc.
 - heltec section: need to have the many defineshere (two hand full
   are needed for TFT)

- heltec wireless tracker:
  - long press (if WiFi off) sets the tracker to deep sleep (there's no
    real power-off due to the lack of an axp chip. But the current is
    very very low). See also notes at webserver config.
  - uses RadioLib SX126X
  - has no AXP chip, and the VEXT_CTRL pin only switches (both at the
    same time!), gps and tft.
    For power saving ("lora rx disabled" config setting), we can
    call radio.sleep(), and wake it up with radio.standby()
  - If you set gps to allow sleep, VEXT_CTRL turns also TFT. Be aware
    of it, it's not a bug but a hardware limitation.
    GPS sleep is for powersave. TFT off saves also power. That's what
    you should expect.
    On wakeup, tft is reinitialized.
  - Funny: If you do Serial.flush() and immediately call
    then USB chip is reset to a state before that what
    the esp32 driver inizializes. -> Serial.printf's don't work.
    This lead to
      Serial.print("CPU Freq ad"); Serial.flush();
      // ..survived
      Serial.printf("justed to: %d MHz\r\n", adjust_cpuFreq_to);
    -> "CPU Freq ad" - and finito.
    => removed the flush()
  - TODO: bluetooth LE support. Unfortunately, the chip lacks support
    for classic bluetooth serial.
    If you need to connect aprsdroid to the device, look at the
    wifi tcp server description.

- TTGO_T-Beam_LoRa_APRS.ino:
  - better platform dependend includes
  - I had a bad usb cable or switch with too less voltage which caused
    the ttgo to reboot
    -> Changes to minimum voltage for shutdown
       Disabled brownout detector (which was per default according  to esp32
   Please check if this would be a problem of deep discharging your akku:
     #if defined(T_BEAM_V1_0) || defined(T_BEAM_V1_2)
     -    if (InpVolts > 4.3) {
     +    //if (InpVolts > 4.3) {  // No, my usb hub suddenly only made 4.1V
     +    if (InpVolts > 4.0) {
   I suppose no, because AXP does it's job at thosee devices
  - Needed to define BATTERY_PIN for every hardware
  - Renamed definition of LOW to TXLED_LOW
  - What is key_up, t_lock and time_delay? Wrong, it's for button control. ->
    Changed the names to button_key_up, button_t_lock and button_time_delay
  - LORA_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN is for SX127X (B_RF95 lib), because it
    includes the 4 bytes header. For the RadioLib buffer we need to
    reserver more space.
  - quite nice hack for reusing the display.xxx() routines for tft
    (class Emulated_SSD1306 which provides the needed functions)
  - New OLED_LINE_LEN_MAX instead of hardcoded value 21, because
    heltec TFT has in the normal font a width of 25.
  - RadioLib calls interrupt drivven signal_new_packet_received after a packet
    was receeived.
  - RadioLib special: Added definition for lora speeds / coding rate,
    like they have been addigned in the BG_RF95 lib
  - Pseudo-Sema-Locks: does not work 100%. Avoided endless loop by
    adding ESP.restart after 5min
    Also a delay of 1s in LoraSend() to mitigate lock problems when
    digipeating to the second of the both frequencies.
  - BG_RF95 sometimes causes crashes, esp. in waitPacketSent().
    Introduced a delay. 100ms between sendAprs() and waitPacketSend()
    Changed calls to rf95.waitAvailableTimeout() to rf95.available()
    for stability reasons.
  - richonguzman has a good docu for power readings for non-AXP-chips.
    I use it for the heltec wireles tracker We may think about
    using it on T_BEAM_V0_7 and the rest. Problem: intensive testing
    needed, and the old T_BEAM_V0_7 devices became rare.
  - timer_once_a_second():
      This is ok:
        if (!freeze_display)
          fillDisplayLine1(0); //update time & uptime
      But the following operations destroyed line3to5 for a displayed
      "((RX))" packet. -> Commented it out. No side effects observed-.
  - write2display():
    now uses caching (calls write2display_cached()).
    Reason: TFT flickers when updates happen too often.
    On the other hand, caching on OLED is not possible because calling
    display.clearDisplay() is mandatory, else you get a pixel puzzle
    with old and new characters at each position.
    TFT has no display.display() and also nothing like clearLine.
    -> IF we write a line, we have to add (when using the normal font)
    blanks at the end of the text (up to position 25)-.
    Also, instead of OLED, TFT cannot brak long lins to the next;
    that's why we need to break the line ourself. The "next" lines
    we use in this case must not be cached.
  - fillDisplayLine1: Word "Up:" was behind the uptime value
    (caused by one of the commits of the last weeks). Fixed.
  - If own callsign is still N0CALL, disable lora_tx and set txPower to 0.
  - If during setup init lora chip or display fails, do not for(;;); , but
    sleep 5min and do ESP.restart(). Else you cannot land on the moon ;)
    TODO: check for correct initialization of SX126X chip
  - Removed tuplicate "Time used since start"-message
  - start of taskGPS moved to setup_phase2 section
  - If you double-click (or better "dit daah") the user button, manual
    beacon is triggered (like the behaviour at the end of the section).
    Needed by someone driving a car and cannot look at the display menu
    page number.
  - long press (if WiFi off) sets the heltec wireeless trackeer to deep sleep
    (nearly off - see description above). If wifi is off, press
    two times (first long-press starts webserver; second one does the
    If tracker is not compiled with WIFI, long-press does a shutdown
    on heltec and a a reboot on other devices. TODO (and TEST!): check if other
    non-AXP-chip esp32 devices would instead also profit from a deep sleep
  - Tests before radio.readData() on SX126X devices are easier
    (no locking; no call comparing to rf95.available()), because
    flag_lora_packet_available is set.
    Changed general variable name packet_available to flag_lora_packet_available.
  - In part "((TX))", enforce a display update:
    Reason: tracker had his first gps fix and transmits - but the OLED
    showed the old position during TX; the sent packet hat the correct
    current position.

- taskGPS:
  - support for heltec wireless tracker (Pin assignment and correct bitrate)
  - fix:
      -              Serial.println(gpsDataBuffer);
      +              Serial.print(gpsDataBuffer);
- taskTNC:
      -        if (serial_bt_client_is_connected) {
      +        if (enable_bluetooth && serial_bt_client_is_connected) {

- taskWebServer.cpp:
    deadlock protection, as in TTGO_T-Beam_LoRa_APRS.ino

- data_embed: style.css and js.js had many blanks and comments which needed
  a quite large amount of disk space.
  A new script ../tools/remove_comment_from_code.py  (which also can be used
  as a library) removes them, but leaves copyright comments intact. Feel free
  to use it in other projects.

In summuary, many changes
$ git diff|wc -l

Signed-off-by: Thomas Osterried <dl9sau@darc.de>
2024-05-27 09:29:21 +02:00
images.h Added images.h for future development 2021-09-17 20:53:54 +02:00
preference_storage.h Fixes and improvements: preamble, gps powersaving mode, LH, .. 2024-04-24 13:36:39 +02:00
taskGPS.h Experimental GPS output on TCP port 10110 2021-06-11 03:35:59 +02:00
taskTNC.h Experimental GPS output on TCP port 10110 2021-06-11 03:35:59 +02:00
taskWebServer.h Support for heltec wireless tracker. And many fixes. 2024-05-27 09:29:21 +02:00
wifi_clients.h Added missing files 2021-06-11 03:39:44 +02:00


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