
2964 wiersze
113 KiB

// Tracker for LoRA APRS
// from OE1ACM and OE3CJB redesigned by SQ9MDD
// KISS ans Bluetooth by SQ5RWU
// TTGO T-Beam v1.0 only
// licensed under CC BY-NC-SA
// Includes
//#include <TTGO_T-Beam_LoRa_APRS_config.h> // to config user parameters
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <BG_RF95.h> // library from OE1ACM
#include <math.h>
#include <driver/adc.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_I2CDevice.h>
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>
#include <splash.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_SPITFT.h>
#include <Adafruit_SPITFT_Macros.h>
#include <gfxfont.h>
#include <axp20x.h>
#include <esp_task_wdt.h>
#include "taskGPS.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "preference_storage.h"
#include "syslog_log.h"
#include "taskTNC.h"
#include "taskWebServer.h"
// oled address
#define SSD1306_ADDRESS 0x3C
// SPI config
#define SPI_sck 5
#define SPI_miso 19
#define SPI_mosi 27
#define SPI_ss 18
// IO config
#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0
#define I2C_SDA 21
#define I2C_SCL 22
#define BUTTON 38 //pin number for Button on TTGO T-Beam
#define BUZZER 15 // enter your buzzer pin gpio
const byte TXLED = 4; //pin number for LED on TX Tracker
#elif T_BEAM_V0_7
#define I2C_SDA 21
#define I2C_SCL 22
#define BUTTON 39 //pin number for Button on TTGO T-Beam
#define BUZZER 15 // enter your buzzer pin gpio
const byte TXLED = 4; //pin number for LED on TX Tracker
/* Original LORA32 V2.1 Setup
#elif LORA32_21
#define I2C_SDA 4
#define I2C_SCL 15
#define BUTTON 2 //pin number for BUTTO
#define BUZZER 13 // enter your buzzer pin gpio
const byte TXLED = 4; //pin number for LED on TX Tracker
#elif LORA32_21 // Modified as in #47
#define I2C_SDA 21
#define I2C_SCL 22
#define BUTTON 2 //pin number for BUTTO
#define BUZZER 13 // enter your buzzer pin gpio
const byte TXLED = 4; //pin number for LED on TX Tracker
#elif LORA32_2
#define I2C_SDA 21
#define I2C_SCL 22
#define BUTTON 2 //pin number for BUTTO
#define BUZZER 13 // enter your buzzer pin gpio
const byte TXLED = 4; //pin number for LED on TX Tracker
#elif LORA32_1
#define I2C_SDA 21
#define I2C_SCL 22
#define BUTTON 2 //pin number for BUTTO
#define BUZZER 13 // enter your buzzer pin gpio
const byte TXLED = 4; //pin number for LED on TX Tracker
#elif HELTEC_V1
#define I2C_SDA 4
#define I2C_SCL 15
#define BUTTON 2 //pin number for BUTTO
#define BUZZER 13 // enter your buzzer pin gpio
const byte TXLED = 4; //pin number for LED on TX Tracker
#elif HELTEC_V2
#define I2C_SDA 4
#define I2C_SCL 15
#define BUTTON 2 //pin number for BUTTO
#define BUZZER 13 // enter your buzzer pin gpio
const byte TXLED = 4; //pin number for LED on TX Tracker
// Variables for LoRa settings
#ifdef LORA_SPEED_1200
ulong lora_speed = 1200;
ulong lora_speed = 300;
#ifdef TXFREQ
double lora_freq = TXFREQ;
double lora_freq = 433.775;
ulong lora_speed_cross_digi = 1200;
double lora_freq_cross_digi = 433.900;
double lora_freq_rx_curr = lora_freq;
ulong lora_speed_rx_curr = lora_speed;
// Variables for WIFI APRS-IS connection. Requires ENABLE_WIFI
boolean aprsis_enabled = false;
String aprsis_host = "euro.aprs2.net";
uint16_t aprsis_port = 14580;
String aprsis_filter = "";
String aprsis_callsign = "";
String aprsis_password = "-1";
uint8_t aprsis_data_allow_inet_to_rf = 2; // 0: disable. 1: gate to main qrg. 2: gate to secondary qrg. 3: gate to both frequencies
// Variables for APRS packaging
String Tcall; //your Call Sign for normal position reports
String aprsSymbolTable = APRS_SYMBOL_TABLE;
String aprsSymbol = APRS_SYMBOL;
String relay_path;
String aprsComment = MY_COMMENT;
String aprsLatPreset = LATITUDE_PRESET;
String aprsLonPreset = LONGITUDE_PRESET;
String LatShownP = aprsLonPreset;
String LongShownP = aprsLonPreset;
#if defined(T_BEAM_V1_0) || defined(T_BEAM_V0_7)
boolean gps_state = true;
boolean gps_state = false;
boolean key_up = true;
boolean t_lock = false;
boolean fixed_beacon_enabled = false;
boolean show_cmt = true;
// Telemetry sequence, current value
int tel_sequence;
// Telemetry path
String tel_path;
#ifdef SHOW_ALT
boolean showAltitude = true; /* obsolete. use altitude_ratio 0 .. 100 % */
uint8_t altitude_ratio = 100; // Recommended: 10%. May be 0 % speed (-> 100% altitude), 100 % speed (-> no altitude), or something in between
boolean showAltitude = false; /* obsolete. use altitude_ratio 0 .. 100 % */
uint8_t altitude_ratio = 0; // Recommended 10%. May be 0 % speed (-> 100% altitude), 100 % speed (-> no altitude), or something in between
boolean showAltitudeInsideCompressedPosition = true;
#ifdef SHOW_BATT
boolean showBattery = true;
boolean showBattery = false;
boolean enable_tel = true;
boolean enable_tel = false;
// Telemetry interval, seconds
int tel_interval = 3600;
int tel_mic = 1; // telemetry as "T#MIC"
int tel_mic = 0; // telemetry as "T#001"
#if defined(ENABLE_BLUETOOTH) && defined(KISS_PROTOCOL)
boolean enable_bluetooth = true;
boolean enable_bluetooth = false;
#if defined(ENABLE_WIFI)
uint8_t enable_webserver = 2;
boolean webserverStarted = 0;
boolean tncServer_enabled = false;
boolean gpsServer_enabled = false;
// Mapping Table {Power, max_tx_power} = {{8, 2}, {20, 5}, {28, 7}, {34, 8}, {44, 11}, {52, 13}, {56, 14}, {60, 15}, {66, 16}, {72, 18}, {80,20}}.
// We'll use "min", "low", "mid", "high", "max" -> 2dBm (1.5mW) -> 8, 11dBm (12mW) -> 44, 15dBm (32mW) -> 60, 18dBm (63mW) ->72, 20dBm (100mW) ->80
int8_t wifi_txpwr_mode_AP = 8;
int8_t wifi_txpwr_mode_STA = 80;
boolean enabled_oled = true;
boolean enabled_oled = false;
// Variables and Constants
String loraReceivedFrameString = ""; //data on buff is copied to this string
String Outputstring = "";
String outString=""; //The new Output String with GPS Conversion RAW
time_t nextTelemetryFrame;
//byte arrays
byte lora_TXBUFF[BG_RF95_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN]; //buffer for packet to send
byte lora_RXBUFF[BG_RF95_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN]; //buffer for packet to send
//byte Variables
byte lora_TXStart; //start of packet data in TXbuff
byte lora_TXEnd; //end of packet data in TXbuff
byte lora_FTXOK; //flag, set to 1 if TX OK
byte lora_TXPacketType; //type number of packet to send
byte lora_TXDestination; //destination address of packet to send
byte lora_TXSource; //source address of packet received
byte lora_FDeviceError; //flag, set to 1 if RFM98 device error
byte lora_TXPacketL; //length of packet to send, includes source, destination and packet type.
unsigned long lastTX = 0L;
float BattVolts;
float InpVolts;
// variables for smart beaconing
// Kenwood scales better on lower speed.
ulong sb_min_interval = 120000L;
ulong sb_max_interval = 1800000L;
float sb_min_speed = 5;
float sb_max_speed = 70;
float sb_angle = 28;
ulong sb_min_interval = 60000L;
ulong sb_max_interval = 360000L;
float sb_min_speed = 0;
float sb_max_speed = 30;
float sb_angle = 30; // angle to send packet at smart beaconing
int sb_turn_slope = 26; // kenwood example: 26 in mph. Yaesu suggests 26 in high speed car, 11 car in low/mid speed, 7 on walking;
// TS 7 if <= 20km/h, TS 11 if <= 50km/h, TS 26 else.
int sb_turn_time = 30; // min. 30s between transmissions (kenwood example)
float average_speed[5] = {0,0,0,0,0}, average_speed_final=0;
float old_course = 0, new_course = 0;
int point_avg_speed = 0, point_avg_course = 0;
ulong nextTX=60000L; // preset time period between TX = 60000ms = 60secs = 1min
ulong time_to_refresh = 0;
ulong next_fixed_beacon = 0;
ulong fix_beacon_interval = FIX_BEACON_INTERVAL;
ulong showRXTime = SHOW_RX_TIME;
ulong time_delay = 0;
ulong shutdown_delay = 0;
ulong shutdown_delay_time = 10000;
ulong shutdown_countdown_timer = 0;
boolean shutdown_active =true;
boolean shutdown_countdown_timer_enable = false;
boolean shutdown_usb_status_bef = false;
uint32_t reboot_interval = 0L;
// Variables required to Power Save OLED
// With "Display dimmer enabled" it will turn OLED off after some time
// if the checkbox is disabled the display stays OFF
uint oled_timeout = SHOW_OLED_TIME; // OLED Timeout
bool tempOled = true; // Turn ON OLED at first startup
ulong oled_timer;
// Variable to manually send beacon from html page
bool manBeacon = false;
// Variable to show AP settings on OLED
bool apEnabled = false;
bool apConnected = false;
String infoApName = "";
String infoApPass = "";
String infoApAddr = "";
#define ANGLE_AVGS 3 // angle averaging - x times
float average_course[ANGLE_AVGS];
float avg_c_y, avg_c_x;
#ifdef RXDISABLE // define RXDISABLE if you don't like to receive packets. Saves power consumption
boolean lora_rx_enabled = false;
boolean lora_rx_enabled = true;
#ifdef TXDISABLE // define TXDISABLE if you like to ensure that we never TX (i.e. if we are behind an rx-amplifier)
boolean lora_tx_enabled = false;
uint8_t txPower = 0;
uint8_t txPower_cross_digi = 0;
boolean lora_tx_enabled = true;
#ifdef TXdbmW
uint8_t txPower = TXdbmW;
uint8_t txPower_cross_digi = TXdbmW;
uint8_t txPower = 23;
uint8_t txPower_cross_digi = 23;
// may be configured
boolean rate_limit_message_text = true; // ratelimit adding messate text (-> saves airtime)
boolean lora_automatic_cr_adaption = false; // automatic CR adaption
// We'll count users (except own digipeated packets), and if we're alone, CR4/8 doesn't disturb anyone.
// If we have a high load on the channel, we'll decrease up to CR4/5.
// You may set this to off if you are a fixed station / repeater / gateway
// This may become set to true by default, after it proves it behaves good to our network
uint8_t lora_digipeating_mode = 1; // Digipeating: 0: disabled (recommended if the device should not do repeating decisions, and even more, if you have attached a normal aprs digipeating software via kiss). 1: if own call addressed (recommended for users) 2: act as WIDE1 fill-in digi (recommended for standalone fill-in-digi). 3: act as a simple stupid WIDE2 digi
uint8_t lora_cross_digipeating_mode = 0; // 0: disable cross freq digipeating. 1: send on both frequencies. 2: send only on cross frequency
uint8_t lora_add_snr_rssi_to_path = (FLAG_ADD_SNR_RSSI_FOR_KISS | FLAG_ADD_SNR_RSSI_FOR_APRSIS__ONLY_IF_HEARD_DIRECT); // Add snr+rssi to path. May become default, after it proves it behaves good to our network
boolean kiss_add_snr_rssi_to_path_at_position_without_digippeated_flag = 1; // Add snr+rssi at last digipeater, without digipeated flag, at last position in path. Set to 1, if you pass data to aprs-is. Set to 0 if you pass data to your favourite digipeater software. We need this hack because our rssi-encoded data should not be interpreted as "(last ==) direct heard station" in the aprs-is net.
int tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_frequencies = 1; // TX own beacon generated from this device or our beacon from from-kiss on following frequencies. Only if lora_digipeating_mode > 1 (we are a WIDE1 or WIDE2 digi). 1: main freq. 2: cross_digi_freq. 3: both frequencies
boolean tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_aprsis = true; // TX own beacon generated from this device or our beacon from from-kiss to aprs-is.
int rx_on_frequencies = 1; // RX freq. Only if lora_digipeating_mode < 2 (we are a user) 1: main freq. 2: cross_digi_freq. 3: both frequencies
bool acceptOwnPositionReportsViaKiss = true; // true: Switches off local beacons as long as a kiss device is sending positions with our local callsign. false: filters out position packets with own callsign coming from kiss (-> do not send to LoRa).
boolean gps_allow_sleep_while_kiss = true; // user has a kiss device attached via kiss which sends positions with own call, we don't need our gps to be turned on -> We pause sending positions by ourself (neither fixed nor smart beaconing). Except: user has a display attached to this tracker, he'll will be able to see his position because our gps does not go to sleep (-> set this to false). Why sleep? Energy saving
// do not configure
uint32_t time_last_own_position_via_kiss_received = 0L; // kiss client sends position report with our call+ssid. Remember when.
uint32_t time_last_frame_via_kiss_received = 0L; // kiss client sends aprs-text-messages with our call+ssid. Remember when.
boolean kiss_client_came_via_bluetooth = false;
uint16_t adjust_cpuFreq_to = 80;
// do not configure
boolean dont_send_own_position_packets = false; // dynamicaly set if kiss device sends position. Maybe there are other usecases (-> kiss-independent)
boolean gps_state_before_autochange = false; // remember gps state before autochange
uint32_t time_last_lora_frame_received_on_main_freq = 0L;
uint32_t time_last_own_text_message_via_kiss_received = 0L;
uint32_t time_lora_automaic_cr_adoption_rx_measurement_window = 0L;
uint16_t lora_automaic_cr_adoption_rf_transmissions_heard_in_timeslot = 0;
uint16_t lora_packets_received_in_timeslot_on_main_freq = 0;
uint16_t lora_packets_received_in_timeslot_on_secondary_freq = 0;
char lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating[BG_RF95_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN+1] = ""; // buffer for digipeating
time_t time_lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating_was_filled = 0L;
boolean sendpacket_was_called_twice = false;
uint32_t t_last_smart_beacon_sent = 0L;
tWebServerCfg webServerCfg;
String to_aprsis_data = "";
static const adc_atten_t atten = ADC_ATTEN_DB_6;
static const adc_unit_t unit = ADC_UNIT_1;
#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0
AXP20X_Class axp;
// checkRX
uint8_t loraReceivedLength = sizeof(lora_RXBUFF);
// Singleton instance of the radio driver
BG_RF95 rf95(18, 26); // TTGO T-Beam has NSS @ Pin 18 and Interrupt IO @ Pin26
char blacklist_calls[256] = "";
// initialize OLED display
#define OLED_RESET 16 // not used
Adafruit_SSD1306 display(128, 64, &Wire, OLED_RESET);
// + FUNCTIONS-----------------------------------------------------------+//
char *ax25_base91enc(char *s, uint8_t n, uint32_t v){
/* Creates a Base-91 representation of the value in v in the string */
/* pointed to by s, n-characters long. String length should be n+1. */
for(s += n, *s = '\0'; n; n--)
*(--s) = v % 91 + 33;
v /= 91;
void prepareAPRSFrame(boolean force_fixed){
outString = String(Tcall);
outString += ">";
if (!relay_path.isEmpty()) {
if (relay_path.length() < 3) {
int ssid = relay_path.toInt();
if (ssid < 0 || ssid > /* 15 // no, max hop 3 */ 3 || relay_path == "0")
goto out_relay_path;
if (ssid > 0) {
if (ssid <= /* 15 // no, max hop 3 */ 3) {
char buf[4];
sprintf(buf, "-%d", ssid);
outString += buf;
goto out_relay_path;
} // else: relay_path.toInt("Q") or relay_path.toInt("QQ") is 0 (not -1 - wwtf ;) . Q and QQ is valid; fall through
outString = outString + "," + relay_path;
outString += ":";
if (
#if defined(ENABLE_BLUETOOTH) && defined(KISS_PROTOCOL)
SerialBT.hasClient() ||
((time_last_own_text_message_via_kiss_received + 24*60*60*1000L) > millis())
outString += "=";
outString += "!";
if (!force_fixed && gps_state && gps.location.isValid()){
uint32_t aprs_lat, aprs_lon;
String helper;
char helper_base91[] = {"0000\0"};
double Tlat=52.0000, Tlon=20.0000;
double Tspeed=0, Tcourse=0;
int i;
long Talt;
static uint8_t cnt = 0;
boolean time_to_add_alt = false;
aprs_lat = 900000000 - Tlat * 10000000;
aprs_lat = aprs_lat / 26 - aprs_lat / 2710 + aprs_lat / 15384615;
aprs_lon = 900000000 + Tlon * 10000000 / 2;
aprs_lon = aprs_lon / 26 - aprs_lon / 2710 + aprs_lon / 15384615;
// altitude_ratio: 0%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 90%, 100%
if (gps.altitude.isValid() && altitude_ratio > 0) {
if (altitude_ratio <= 50)
time_to_add_alt = (cnt % (100 / altitude_ratio) == 0);
else if (altitude_ratio < 100)
time_to_add_alt = (cnt % (100 / (100-altitude_ratio)) != 0);
time_to_add_alt = true;
outString += aprsSymbolTable;
ax25_base91enc(helper_base91, 4, aprs_lat);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
outString += helper_base91[i];
ax25_base91enc(helper_base91, 4, aprs_lon);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
outString += helper_base91[i];
outString += aprsSymbol;
if (showAltitudeInsideCompressedPosition && time_to_add_alt) {
Talt = gps.altitude.feet();
if (Talt < 0) Talt = 0;
else if (Talt > 15270967) Talt = 15270967; /* 1.002** (90*91+90-1) */
ax25_base91enc(helper_base91, 2, (uint32_t) (log1p(Talt) / 0.001998));
/* ^ math.log1p(1.002-1) */
outString += helper_base91[0];
outString += helper_base91[1];
outString += "X";
} else {
ax25_base91enc(helper_base91, 1, (uint32_t) Tcourse / 4);
outString += helper_base91[0];
if (Tspeed > 1018) Tspeed = 1018; /* 1.08**90 */
ax25_base91enc(helper_base91, 1, (uint32_t) (log1p(Tspeed) / 0.07696));
/* ^ math.log1p(1.08-1) */
outString += helper_base91[0];
outString += "H";
if (time_to_add_alt) {
Talt = gps.altitude.feet();
char buf[7];
outString += "/A=";
if (Talt > 999999) Talt=999999;
else if (Talt < -99999) Talt=-99999;
sprintf(buf, "%06ld", Talt);
outString += buf;
} else { //fixed position not compresed
outString += aprsLatPreset;
outString += aprsSymbolTable;
outString += aprsLonPreset;
outString += aprsSymbol;
static uint8_t comments_added = 0;
static uint32_t time_comment_added = 0L;
if (!rate_limit_message_text) {
comments_added = 0;
} else {
uint32_t t_offset = (gps_state ? sb_max_interval : fix_beacon_interval);
// send comment text not under 10min, and at least every hour
if (t_offset < 600000)
t_offset = 600000;
else if (t_offset > 3600000)
t_offset = 3600000;
if ((time_comment_added + t_offset) < millis())
comments_added = 0;
if ((comments_added++ % 10) == 0) {
outString += aprsComment;
time_comment_added = millis();
outString += " Batt=";
outString += String((BattVolts > 1.0 ? BattVolts : InpVolts), 2);
outString += ("V");
#ifdef BUZZER
* Buzzer sound playback
* @param melody - must be an array. Consisting of an even number of values. frequency and duration
* @param array_size - number of elements in the array
void buzzer(int* melody, int array_size){
for(int i=0; i<array_size; i+=2){
ledcWriteTone(0, *melody);
ledcWriteTone(0,0); // turn off buzzer
void lora_set_speed(ulong lora_speed) {
else if(lora_speed==610){
else if(lora_speed==180){
else if(lora_speed==210){
else if(lora_speed==240){
else {
#if defined(ENABLE_WIFI)
void send_to_aprsis(String s)
to_aprsis_data = s;
void sendpacket(boolean force_fixed){
if (sendpacket_was_called_twice)
#ifdef BUZZER
int melody[] = {1000, 50, 800, 100};
buzzer(melody, sizeof(melody)/sizeof(int));
if (lora_tx_enabled && tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_frequencies) {
if (tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_frequencies % 2)
loraSend(txPower, lora_freq, lora_speed, outString); //send the packet, data is in TXbuff from lora_TXStart to lora_TXEnd
if (tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_frequencies > 1 && lora_digipeating_mode > 1 && lora_freq_cross_digi > 1.0 && lora_freq_cross_digi != lora_freq)
loraSend(txPower_cross_digi, lora_freq_cross_digi, lora_speed_cross_digi, outString); //send the packet, data is in TXbuff from lora_TXStart to lora_TXEnd
#if defined(ENABLE_WIFI)
if (tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_aprsis)
sendpacket_was_called_twice = true;
* Send message as APRS LoRa packet
* @param lora_LTXPower
* @param lora_FREQ
* @param lora_SPEED
* @param message
void loraSend(byte lora_LTXPower, float lora_FREQ, ulong lora_SPEED, const String &message) {
if (!lora_tx_enabled)
#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO2, AXP202_ON); // LoRa
int messageSize = min(message.length(), sizeof(lora_TXBUFF) - 1);
message.toCharArray((char*)lora_TXBUFF, messageSize + 1, 0);
// kind of csma/cd. TODO: better approach: add to a tx-queue
// in SF12: preamble + lora header = 663.552 -> we wait 1300ms for check if lora-chip is in decoding
// See https://www.rfwireless-world.com/calculators/LoRaWAN-Airtime-calculator.html
// In detail: At our supported speed "names":
// SF7: 28.928ms
// SF8: 57.856ms
// SF9: 115.712ms 1200
// SF10: 231.424ms 610
// SF11: 331.776ms
// SF12: 663.552ms 300,240, 210, 180
uint32_t wait_for_signal = 700;
if (lora_speed == 610) wait_for_signal = 250;
else if (lora_speed == 1200) wait_for_signal = 125;
int n;
for (n = 0; n < 30; n++) {
if (rf95.SignalDetected()) {
if (!rf95.SignalDetected() && random(256) < 64) {
digitalWrite(TXLED, LOW);
lastTX = millis();
rf95.sendAPRS(lora_TXBUFF, messageSize);
digitalWrite(TXLED, HIGH);
// cross-digipeating may have altered our RX-frequency. Revert frequency change needed for this transmission.
if (lora_FREQ != lora_freq_rx_curr) {
// flush cache. just to be sure, so that no cross-digi-qrg packet comes in the input-buffer of the main qrg.
// With no buffer / length called, recvAPRS directly calls clearRxBuf()
rf95.recvAPRS(0, 0);
if (lora_SPEED != lora_speed_rx_curr)
#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0
// (if lora_digipeating_mode == 0 or not lora_rx_enabled) and no bt client is connected
if ((!lora_digipeating_mode || !lora_rx_enabled) && !SerialBT.hasClient())
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO2, AXP202_OFF); // LoRa
void batt_read(){
#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0
BattVolts = axp.getBattVoltage()/1000;
InpVolts = axp.getVbusVoltage()/1000;
#elif T_BEAM_V0_7
BattVolts = (((float)analogRead(35) / 8192.0) * 2.0 * 3.3 * (1100.0 / 1000.0))+0.41; // fixed thanks to Luca IU2FRL
//BattVolts = adc1_get_raw(ADC1_CHANNEL_7)/1000;
BattVolts = analogRead(35)*7.221/4096;
void writedisplaytext(String HeaderTxt, String Line1, String Line2, String Line3, String Line4, String Line5) {
#ifdef notdef
if (InpVolts < 1.0) {
if (BattVolts < 3.5 && BattVolts > 3.3){
#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0
} else if (BattVolts <= 3.3) {
#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0
//axp.shutdown(); <-we need fix this
if (!enabled_oled){ // disable oled
time_to_refresh = millis() + showRXTime;
String getSatAndBatInfo() {
String line5;
if(gps_state == true){
if(InpVolts > 4){
line5 = "SAT: " + String(gps.satellites.value()) + " BAT: " + String(BattVolts, 1) + "V*";
line5 = "SAT: " + String(gps.satellites.value()) + " BAT: " + String(BattVolts, 2) + "V";
if(InpVolts > 4){
line5 = "SAT: X BAT: " + String(BattVolts, 1) + "V*";
line5 = "SAT: X BAT: " + String(BattVolts, 2) + "V";
#if defined(ENABLE_BLUETOOTH) && defined(KISS_PROTOCOL)
if (SerialBT.hasClient()){
line5 += "BT";
return line5;
void displayInvalidGPS() {
char *nextTxInfo;
if (!gps_state){
nextTxInfo = (char*)"(TX) GPS DISABLED";
} else {
nextTxInfo = (char*)"(TX) at valid GPS";
if (t_last_smart_beacon_sent) {
writedisplaytext(" " + Tcall, nextTxInfo, "LAT: nv " + aprsLatPreset, "LON: nv " + aprsLonPreset, "SPD: --- CRS: ---", getSatAndBatInfo());
} else {
writedisplaytext(" " + Tcall, nextTxInfo, "LAT: not valid", "LON: not valid", "SPD: --- CRS: ---", getSatAndBatInfo());
#if defined(KISS_PROTOCOL)
* @param TNC2FormatedFrame
void sendToTNC(const String& TNC2FormatedFrame) {
if (tncToSendQueue){
auto *buffer = new String();
if (xQueueSend(tncReceivedQueue, &buffer, (1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS)) != pdPASS){
// remove buffer on error
delete buffer;
#if defined(ENABLE_WIFI)
* @param TNC2FormatedFrame
void sendToWebList(const String& TNC2FormatedFrame, const int RSSI, const int SNR) {
if (webListReceivedQueue){
auto *receivedPacketData = new tReceivedPacketData();
receivedPacketData->packet = new String();
receivedPacketData->RSSI = RSSI;
receivedPacketData->SNR = SNR;
if (xQueueSend(webListReceivedQueue, &receivedPacketData, (1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS)) != pdPASS){
// remove buffer on error
delete receivedPacketData->packet;
delete receivedPacketData;
String prepareCallsign(const String& callsign){
String tmpString = "";
for (int i=0; i<callsign.length();++i){ // remove unneeded "spaces" from callsign field
if (callsign.charAt(i) != ' ') {
tmpString += callsign.charAt(i);
return tmpString;
void sendTelemetryFrame() {
if(enable_tel == true){
#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0
uint8_t b_volt = (axp.getBattVoltage() - 3000) / 5.1;
uint8_t b_in_c = (axp.getBattChargeCurrent()) / 10;
uint8_t b_out_c = (axp.getBattDischargeCurrent()) / 10;
uint8_t ac_volt = (axp.getVbusVoltage() - 3000) / 28;
uint8_t ac_c = (axp.getVbusCurrent()) / 10;
// Pad telemetry message address to 9 characters
char Tcall_message_char[9];
sprintf_P(Tcall_message_char, "%-9s", Tcall.c_str());
String Tcall_message = String(Tcall_message_char);
// Flash the light when telemetry is being sent
digitalWrite(TXLED, LOW);
// Determine sequence number (or 'MIC')
String tel_sequence_str;
if(tel_mic == 1){
tel_sequence_str = "MIC";
// Get the current saved telemetry sequence
tel_sequence = preferences.getUInt(PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_SEQ, 0);
// Pad to 3 digits
char tel_sequence_char[3];
sprintf_P(tel_sequence_char, "%03u", tel_sequence);
tel_sequence_str = String(tel_sequence_char);
// Format telemetry path
String tel_path_str;
if(tel_path == ""){
tel_path_str = tel_path;
tel_path_str = "," + tel_path;
String telemetryParamsNames = String(":") + Tcall_message + ":PARM.B Volt,B In,B Out,AC V,AC C";
String telemetryUnitNames = String(":") + Tcall_message + ":UNIT.mV,mA,mA,mV,mA";
String telemetryEquations = String(":") + Tcall_message + ":EQNS.0,5.1,3000,0,10,0,0,10,0,0,28,3000,0,10,0";
String telemetryData = String("T#") + tel_sequence_str + "," + String(b_volt) + "," + String(b_in_c) + "," + String(b_out_c) + "," + String(ac_volt) + "," + String(ac_c) + ",00000000";
String telemetryBase = "";
telemetryBase += Tcall + ">" + MY_APRS_DEST_IDENTIFYER + tel_path_str + ":";
sendToTNC(telemetryBase + telemetryParamsNames);
sendToTNC(telemetryBase + telemetryUnitNames);
sendToTNC(telemetryBase + telemetryEquations);
sendToTNC(telemetryBase + telemetryData);
// Show when telemetry is being sent
writedisplaytext("((TEL TX))","","","","","");
// Flash the light when telemetry is being sent
digitalWrite(TXLED, HIGH);
// Update the telemetry sequence number
if(tel_sequence >= 999){
tel_sequence = 0;
tel_sequence = tel_sequence + 1;
preferences.putUInt(PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_SEQ, tel_sequence);
// + SETUP --------------------------------------------------------------+//
void setup(){
#ifdef T_BEAM_V0_7 /*
analogSetAttenuation(ADC_6db); */
pinMode(35, INPUT);
SPI.begin(SPI_sck,SPI_miso,SPI_mosi,SPI_ss); //DO2JMG Heltec Patch
#ifdef BUZZER
ledcWriteTone(0,0); // turn off buzzer on start
#ifdef DIGI_PATH
relay_path = DIGI_PATH;
relay_path = "";
fixed_beacon_enabled = true;
// This section loads values from saved preferences,
// if available.
// https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-save-data-permanently-preferences/
int clear_preferences = 0;
clear_preferences = 1;
preferences.begin("cfg", false);
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_WIFI_ENABLE_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_WIFI_ENABLE_INIT, true);
preferences.putInt(PREF_WIFI_ENABLE, enable_webserver);
enable_webserver = preferences.getInt(PREF_WIFI_ENABLE);
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_TNCSERVER_ENABLE_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_TNCSERVER_ENABLE_INIT, true);
preferences.putBool(PREF_TNCSERVER_ENABLE, tncServer_enabled);
tncServer_enabled = preferences.getBool(PREF_TNCSERVER_ENABLE);
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_GPSSERVER_ENABLE_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_GPSSERVER_ENABLE_INIT, true);
preferences.putBool(PREF_GPSSERVER_ENABLE, gpsServer_enabled);
gpsServer_enabled = preferences.getBool(PREF_GPSSERVER_ENABLE);
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_WIFI_TXPWR_MODE_AP_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_WIFI_TXPWR_MODE_AP_INIT, true);
preferences.putInt(PREF_WIFI_TXPWR_MODE_AP, wifi_txpwr_mode_AP);
wifi_txpwr_mode_AP = preferences.getInt(PREF_WIFI_TXPWR_MODE_AP);
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_WIFI_TXPWR_MODE_STA_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_WIFI_TXPWR_MODE_STA_INIT, true);
preferences.putInt(PREF_WIFI_TXPWR_MODE_STA, wifi_txpwr_mode_STA);
wifi_txpwr_mode_STA = preferences.getInt(PREF_WIFI_TXPWR_MODE_STA);
// LoRa transmission settings
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_LORA_FREQ_PRESET_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_LORA_FREQ_PRESET_INIT, true);
preferences.putDouble(PREF_LORA_FREQ_PRESET, lora_freq);
lora_freq = preferences.getDouble(PREF_LORA_FREQ_PRESET);
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_LORA_SPEED_PRESET_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_LORA_SPEED_PRESET_INIT, true);
preferences.putInt(PREF_LORA_SPEED_PRESET, lora_speed);
lora_speed = preferences.getInt(PREF_LORA_SPEED_PRESET);
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_LORA_RX_ENABLE_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_LORA_RX_ENABLE_INIT, true);
preferences.putBool(PREF_LORA_RX_ENABLE, lora_rx_enabled);
lora_rx_enabled = preferences.getBool(PREF_LORA_RX_ENABLE);
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_LORA_TX_ENABLE_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_LORA_TX_ENABLE_INIT, true);
preferences.putBool(PREF_LORA_TX_ENABLE, lora_tx_enabled);
lora_tx_enabled = preferences.getBool(PREF_LORA_TX_ENABLE);
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_LORA_TX_POWER_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_LORA_TX_POWER_INIT, true);
preferences.putInt(PREF_LORA_TX_POWER, txPower);
txPower = lora_tx_enabled ? preferences.getInt(PREF_LORA_TX_POWER) : 0;
preferences.putBool(PREF_LORA_AUTOMATIC_CR_ADAPTION_PRESET, lora_automatic_cr_adaption);
lora_automatic_cr_adaption = preferences.getBool(PREF_LORA_AUTOMATIC_CR_ADAPTION_PRESET);
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_LORA_ADD_SNR_RSSI_TO_PATH_PRESET_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_LORA_ADD_SNR_RSSI_TO_PATH_PRESET_INIT, true);
preferences.putInt(PREF_LORA_ADD_SNR_RSSI_TO_PATH_PRESET, lora_add_snr_rssi_to_path);
lora_add_snr_rssi_to_path = preferences.getInt(PREF_LORA_ADD_SNR_RSSI_TO_PATH_PRESET);
preferences.putBool(PREF_LORA_ADD_SNR_RSSI_TO_PATH_END_AT_KISS_PRESET, kiss_add_snr_rssi_to_path_at_position_without_digippeated_flag);
kiss_add_snr_rssi_to_path_at_position_without_digippeated_flag = preferences.getBool(PREF_LORA_ADD_SNR_RSSI_TO_PATH_END_AT_KISS_PRESET);
preferences.putInt(PREF_APRS_DIGIPEATING_MODE_PRESET, lora_digipeating_mode);
lora_digipeating_mode = preferences.getInt(PREF_APRS_DIGIPEATING_MODE_PRESET);
preferences.putInt(PREF_APRS_CROSS_DIGIPEATING_MODE_PRESET, lora_cross_digipeating_mode);
lora_cross_digipeating_mode = preferences.getInt(PREF_APRS_CROSS_DIGIPEATING_MODE_PRESET);
preferences.putInt(PREF_LORA_TX_BEACON_AND_KISS_TO_FREQUENCIES_PRESET, tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_frequencies);
tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_frequencies = preferences.getInt(PREF_LORA_TX_BEACON_AND_KISS_TO_FREQUENCIES_PRESET);
preferences.putBool(PREF_LORA_TX_BEACON_AND_KISS_TO_APRSIS_PRESET, tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_aprsis);
tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_aprsis = preferences.getBool(PREF_LORA_TX_BEACON_AND_KISS_TO_APRSIS_PRESET);
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_LORA_FREQ_CROSSDIGI_PRESET_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_LORA_FREQ_CROSSDIGI_PRESET_INIT, true);
preferences.putDouble(PREF_LORA_FREQ_CROSSDIGI_PRESET, lora_freq_cross_digi);
lora_freq_cross_digi = preferences.getDouble(PREF_LORA_FREQ_CROSSDIGI_PRESET);
preferences.putInt(PREF_LORA_SPEED_CROSSDIGI_PRESET, lora_speed_cross_digi);
lora_speed_cross_digi = preferences.getInt(PREF_LORA_SPEED_CROSSDIGI_PRESET);
preferences.putInt(PREF_LORA_TX_POWER_CROSSDIGI_PRESET, txPower_cross_digi);
txPower_cross_digi = lora_tx_enabled ? preferences.getInt(PREF_LORA_TX_POWER_CROSSDIGI_PRESET) : 0;
preferences.putInt(PREF_LORA_RX_ON_FREQUENCIES_PRESET, rx_on_frequencies);
rx_on_frequencies = preferences.getInt(PREF_LORA_RX_ON_FREQUENCIES_PRESET);
// APRS station settings
aprsSymbolTable = preferences.getString(PREF_APRS_SYMBOL_TABLE, "");
if (aprsSymbolTable.isEmpty()){
aprsSymbolTable = preferences.getString(PREF_APRS_SYMBOL_TABLE);
aprsSymbol = preferences.getString(PREF_APRS_SYMBOL, "");
if (aprsSymbol.isEmpty()){
preferences.putString(PREF_APRS_SYMBOL, APRS_SYMBOL);
aprsSymbol = preferences.getString(PREF_APRS_SYMBOL, APRS_SYMBOL);
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_COMMENT_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_COMMENT_INIT, true);
preferences.putString(PREF_APRS_COMMENT, MY_COMMENT);
aprsComment = preferences.getString(PREF_APRS_COMMENT, "");
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_RELAY_PATH_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_RELAY_PATH_INIT, true);
preferences.putString(PREF_APRS_RELAY_PATH, DIGI_PATH);
relay_path = preferences.getString(PREF_APRS_RELAY_PATH, "");
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_SHOW_ALTITUDE_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_SHOW_ALTITUDE_INIT, true);
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_SHOW_ALTITUDE, showAltitude);
showAltitude = preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_SHOW_ALTITUDE);
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_SHOW_ALTITUDE_INSIDE_COMPRESSED_POSITION, showAltitudeInsideCompressedPosition);
showAltitudeInsideCompressedPosition = preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_SHOW_ALTITUDE_INSIDE_COMPRESSED_POSITION);
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_ALTITUDE_RATIO_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_ALTITUDE_RATIO_INIT, true);
// preferences.putInt(PREF_APRS_ALTITUDE_RATIO, altitude_ratio); // until SHOW_ALTITUDE is obsolete, commented out
preferences.putInt(PREF_APRS_ALTITUDE_RATIO, showAltitude ? 100 : 0);
altitude_ratio = preferences.getInt(PREF_APRS_ALTITUDE_RATIO);
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_GPS_EN_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_GPS_EN_INIT, true);
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_GPS_EN, gps_state);
gps_state = preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_GPS_EN);
preferences.putBool(PREF_ACCEPT_OWN_POSITION_REPORTS_VIA_KISS, acceptOwnPositionReportsViaKiss);
acceptOwnPositionReportsViaKiss = preferences.getBool(PREF_ACCEPT_OWN_POSITION_REPORTS_VIA_KISS);
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_GPS_ALLOW_SLEEP_WHILE_KISS_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_GPS_ALLOW_SLEEP_WHILE_KISS_INIT, true);
preferences.putBool(PREF_GPS_ALLOW_SLEEP_WHILE_KISS, gps_allow_sleep_while_kiss);
gps_allow_sleep_while_kiss = preferences.getBool(PREF_GPS_ALLOW_SLEEP_WHILE_KISS);
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_SHOW_BATTERY_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_SHOW_BATTERY_INIT, true);
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_SHOW_BATTERY, showBattery);
showBattery = preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_SHOW_BATTERY);
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_ENABLE_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_ENABLE_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_INIT, true);
preferences.putBool(PREF_ENABLE_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY, enable_tel);
enable_tel = preferences.getBool(PREF_ENABLE_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY);
preferences.putInt(PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_INTERVAL, tel_interval);
tel_interval = preferences.getInt(PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_INTERVAL);
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_SEQ_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_SEQ_INIT, true);
preferences.putInt(PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_SEQ, tel_sequence);
tel_sequence = preferences.getInt(PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_SEQ);
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_MIC_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_MIC_INIT, true);
preferences.putInt(PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_MIC, tel_mic);
tel_mic = preferences.getInt(PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_MIC);
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_PATH_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_PATH_INIT, true);
preferences.putString(PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_PATH, tel_path);
tel_path = preferences.getString(PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_PATH, "");
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_LATITUDE_PRESET_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_LATITUDE_PRESET_INIT, true);
aprsLatPreset = preferences.getString(PREF_APRS_LATITUDE_PRESET, "");
LatShownP = aprsLonPreset;
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_LONGITUDE_PRESET_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_LONGITUDE_PRESET_INIT, true);
aprsLonPreset = preferences.getString(PREF_APRS_LONGITUDE_PRESET, "");
LongShownP = aprsLonPreset;
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_SENDER_BLACKLIST_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_SENDER_BLACKLIST_INIT, true);
preferences.putString(PREF_APRS_SENDER_BLACKLIST, "");
{ String s = preferences.getString(PREF_APRS_SENDER_BLACKLIST, "");
s.toUpperCase(); s.trim(); s.replace(" ", ","); s.replace(",,", ",");
if (!s.isEmpty() && s != "," && s.length() < sizeof(blacklist_calls)-3) {
*blacklist_calls = ',';
strcpy(blacklist_calls+1, s.c_str());
strcat(blacklist_calls, ",");
} else {
*blacklist_calls = 0;
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_FIXED_BEACON_PRESET_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_FIXED_BEACON_PRESET_INIT, true);
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_FIXED_BEACON_PRESET, fixed_beacon_enabled);
fixed_beacon_enabled = preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_FIXED_BEACON_PRESET);
preferences.putInt(PREF_APRS_FIXED_BEACON_INTERVAL_PRESET, fix_beacon_interval/1000);
fix_beacon_interval = preferences.getInt(PREF_APRS_FIXED_BEACON_INTERVAL_PRESET) * 1000;
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_SB_MIN_INTERVAL_PRESET_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_SB_MIN_INTERVAL_PRESET_INIT, true);
preferences.putInt(PREF_APRS_SB_MIN_INTERVAL_PRESET, sb_min_interval/1000);
sb_min_interval = preferences.getInt(PREF_APRS_SB_MIN_INTERVAL_PRESET) * 1000;
if (sb_min_interval < 10000) sb_min_interval = 10000;
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_SB_MAX_INTERVAL_PRESET_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_SB_MAX_INTERVAL_PRESET_INIT, true);
preferences.putInt(PREF_APRS_SB_MAX_INTERVAL_PRESET, sb_max_interval/1000);
sb_max_interval = preferences.getInt(PREF_APRS_SB_MAX_INTERVAL_PRESET) * 1000;
if (sb_max_interval <= sb_min_interval) sb_max_interval = sb_min_interval + 1000;
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_SB_MIN_SPEED_PRESET_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_SB_MIN_SPEED_PRESET_INIT, true);
preferences.putInt(PREF_APRS_SB_MIN_SPEED_PRESET, sb_min_speed);
sb_min_speed = (float) preferences.getInt(PREF_APRS_SB_MIN_SPEED_PRESET);
if (sb_min_speed < 0) sb_min_speed = 0;
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_SB_MAX_SPEED_PRESET_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_SB_MAX_SPEED_PRESET_INIT, true);
preferences.putInt(PREF_APRS_SB_MAX_SPEED_PRESET, sb_max_speed);
sb_max_speed = (float ) preferences.getInt(PREF_APRS_SB_MAX_SPEED_PRESET);
if (sb_max_speed <= sb_min_speed) sb_max_speed = sb_min_speed +1;
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_SB_ANGLE_PRESET_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_SB_ANGLE_PRESET_INIT, true);
preferences.putDouble(PREF_APRS_SB_ANGLE_PRESET, sb_angle);
sb_angle = preferences.getDouble(PREF_APRS_SB_ANGLE_PRESET);
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_SB_TURN_SLOPE_PRESET_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_SB_TURN_SLOPE_PRESET_INIT, true);
preferences.putInt(PREF_APRS_SB_TURN_SLOPE_PRESET, sb_turn_slope);
sb_turn_slope = preferences.getInt(PREF_APRS_SB_TURN_SLOPE_PRESET);
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_SB_TURN_TIME_PRESET_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_SB_TURN_TIME_PRESET_INIT, true);
preferences.putInt(PREF_APRS_SB_TURN_TIME_PRESET, sb_turn_time);
sb_turn_time = preferences.getInt(PREF_APRS_SB_TURN_TIME_PRESET);
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_SHOW_RX_TIME_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_DEV_SHOW_RX_TIME_INIT, true);
preferences.putInt(PREF_DEV_SHOW_RX_TIME, showRXTime/1000);
showRXTime = preferences.getInt(PREF_DEV_SHOW_RX_TIME) * 1000;
// Read OLED RX Timer
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_SHOW_OLED_TIME_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_DEV_SHOW_OLED_TIME_INIT, true);
preferences.putInt(PREF_DEV_SHOW_OLED_TIME, oled_timeout/1000);
oled_timeout = preferences.getInt(PREF_DEV_SHOW_OLED_TIME) * 1000;
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_AUTO_SHUT_PRESET_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_DEV_AUTO_SHUT_PRESET_INIT, true);
preferences.putInt(PREF_DEV_AUTO_SHUT_PRESET, shutdown_delay_time/1000);
shutdown_delay_time = preferences.getInt(PREF_DEV_AUTO_SHUT_PRESET) * 1000;
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_AUTO_SHUT_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_DEV_AUTO_SHUT_INIT, true);
preferences.putBool(PREF_DEV_AUTO_SHUT, shutdown_active);
shutdown_active = preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_AUTO_SHUT);
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_REBOOT_INTERVAL_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_DEV_REBOOT_INTERVAL_INIT, true);
preferences.putInt(PREF_DEV_REBOOT_INTERVAL, reboot_interval/60/60/1000);
reboot_interval = (uint32_t ) preferences.getInt(PREF_DEV_REBOOT_INTERVAL) *60*60*1000L;
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_SHOW_CMT_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_SHOW_CMT_INIT, true);
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_SHOW_CMT, show_cmt);
show_cmt = preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_SHOW_CMT);
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_COMMENT_RATELIMIT_PRESET, rate_limit_message_text);
rate_limit_message_text = preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_COMMENT_RATELIMIT_PRESET);
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_BT_EN_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_DEV_BT_EN_INIT, true);
preferences.putBool(PREF_DEV_BT_EN, enable_bluetooth);
enable_bluetooth = preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_BT_EN);
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_OL_EN_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_DEV_OL_EN_INIT, true);
enabled_oled = preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_OL_EN);
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_CPU_FREQ_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_DEV_CPU_FREQ_INIT, true);
preferences.putInt(PREF_DEV_CPU_FREQ, adjust_cpuFreq_to);
adjust_cpuFreq_to = preferences.getInt(PREF_DEV_CPU_FREQ);
// APRSIS settings
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRSIS_EN_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRSIS_EN_INIT, true);
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRSIS_EN, aprsis_enabled);
aprsis_enabled = preferences.getBool(PREF_APRSIS_EN);
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRSIS_SERVER_NAME_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRSIS_SERVER_NAME_INIT, true);
preferences.putString(PREF_APRSIS_SERVER_NAME, aprsis_host);
aprsis_host = preferences.getString(PREF_APRSIS_SERVER_NAME, "");
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRSIS_SERVER_PORT_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRSIS_SERVER_PORT_INIT, true);
preferences.putInt(PREF_APRSIS_SERVER_PORT, aprsis_port);
aprsis_port = preferences.getInt(PREF_APRSIS_SERVER_PORT);
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRSIS_FILTER_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRSIS_FILTER_INIT, true);
preferences.putString(PREF_APRSIS_FILTER, aprsis_filter);
aprsis_filter = preferences.getString(PREF_APRSIS_FILTER, "");
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRSIS_CALLSIGN_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRSIS_CALLSIGN_INIT, true);
preferences.putString(PREF_APRSIS_CALLSIGN, aprsis_callsign);
aprsis_callsign = preferences.getString(PREF_APRSIS_CALLSIGN, "");
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRSIS_PASSWORD_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRSIS_PASSWORD_INIT, true);
preferences.putString(PREF_APRSIS_PASSWORD, aprsis_password);
aprsis_password = preferences.getString(PREF_APRSIS_PASSWORD, "");
if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRSIS_ALLOW_INET_TO_RF_INIT)){
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRSIS_ALLOW_INET_TO_RF_INIT, true);
preferences.putInt(PREF_APRSIS_ALLOW_INET_TO_RF, aprsis_data_allow_inet_to_rf);
aprsis_data_allow_inet_to_rf = preferences.getInt(PREF_APRSIS_ALLOW_INET_TO_RF);
if (clear_preferences){
clear_preferences = 2;
// We have stored the manual position strring in a higher precision (in case resolution more precise than 18.52m is required; i.e. for base-91 location encoding, or DAO extenstion).
// Furthermore, 53-32.1234N is more readable in the Web-interface than 5232.1234N
aprsLatPreset.toUpperCase(); aprsLatPreset.replace(",", "."); aprsLatPreset.trim();
if (aprsLatPreset.length() == 11 && aprsLatPreset.indexOf('-') == 2 && aprsLatPreset.indexOf(' ') == -1 && (aprsLatPreset.endsWith("N") || aprsLatPreset.endsWith("S"))) {
char buf[9];
const char *p = aprsLatPreset.c_str();
sprintf(buf, "%.2s%.5s%c", p, p+3, p[10]);
aprsLatPreset = String(buf);
// 001-20.5000E is more readable in the Web-interface than 00120.5000E, and could not be mis-interpreted as 120.5 degrees east (== 120 deg 30' 0" E)
aprsLonPreset.toUpperCase(); aprsLonPreset.replace(",", "."); aprsLonPreset.trim();
if (aprsLonPreset.length() == 12 && aprsLonPreset.indexOf('-') == 3 && aprsLonPreset.indexOf(' ') == -1 && (aprsLonPreset.endsWith("E") || aprsLonPreset.endsWith("W"))) {
char buf[10];
const char *p = aprsLonPreset.c_str();
sprintf(buf, "%.3s%.5s%c", p, p+4, p[11]);
aprsLonPreset = String(buf);
// enforce valid transmissions even on wrong configurations
if (aprsSymbolTable.length() != 1)
aprsSymbolTable = String("/");
if (aprsSymbol.length() != 1)
aprsSymbol = String("[");
if (aprsLatPreset.length() != 8 || !(aprsLatPreset.endsWith("N") || aprsLatPreset.endsWith("S")) || aprsLatPreset.c_str()[4] != '.')
aprsLatPreset = String("0000.00N");
if (aprsLonPreset.length() != 9 || !(aprsLonPreset.endsWith("E") || aprsLonPreset.endsWith("W")) || aprsLonPreset.c_str()[5] != '.')
aprsLonPreset = String("00000.00E");
for (int i=0;i<ANGLE_AVGS;i++) { // set average_course to "0"
#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0
#elif T_BEAM_V0_7
digitalWrite(TXLED, LOW); // turn blue LED off
Wire.begin(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL);
#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0
if (!axp.begin(Wire, AXP192_SLAVE_ADDRESS)) {
axp.setLowTemp(0xFF); //SP6VWX Set low charging temperature
if (lora_digipeating_mode > 0 || lora_rx_enabled || SerialBT.hasClient())
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO2, AXP202_ON); // LoRa
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO2, AXP202_OFF); // LoRa
if (gps_state){
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO3, AXP202_ON); // switch on GPS
} else {
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO3, AXP202_OFF); // switch off GPS
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_DCDC2, AXP202_ON);
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_EXTEN, AXP202_OFF);
//axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_EXTEN, AXP202_ON); // switch this on if you need it
// Enable ADC to measure battery current, USB voltage etc.
axp.adc1Enable(0xfe, true);
axp.adc2Enable(0x80, true);
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_DCDC1, AXP202_ON); // oled do not turn off
// can reduce cpu power consumtion up to 20 %
if (adjust_cpuFreq_to > 0)
if(!display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, SSD1306_ADDRESS)) {
for(;;); // Don't proceed, loop forever
if (clear_preferences == 2){
writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","","Factory reset","","");
//#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0
clear_preferences = 3;
writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Factory reset","Done!","","");
} else {
writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Factory reset","Cancel","","");
writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Init:","Display OK!","","");
Tcall = prepareCallsign(String(CALLSIGN));
Tcall = preferences.getString(PREF_APRS_CALLSIGN, "");
if (Tcall.isEmpty()){
preferences.putString(PREF_APRS_CALLSIGN, String(CALLSIGN));
Tcall = preferences.getString(PREF_APRS_CALLSIGN);
if (!rf95.init()) {
writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Init:","RF95 FAILED!",":-(","");
for(;;); // Don't proceed, loop forever
if (sb_max_interval < nextTX){
// we need this assurance for failback to fixed interval, if gps position is lost.
// fixed beacon rate higher than sb_max_interval does not make sense
if (!fixed_beacon_enabled && gps_state && fix_beacon_interval < sb_max_interval)
fix_beacon_interval = sb_max_interval;
writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Init:","RF95 OK!","","");
writedisplaytext(" "+Tcall,"","Init:","Waiting for GPS","","");
xTaskCreate(taskGPS, "taskGPS", 5000, nullptr, 1, nullptr);
writedisplaytext(" "+Tcall,"","Init:","GPS Task Created!","","");
#ifndef T_BEAM_V1_0
writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Init:","ADC OK!","BAT: "+String(BattVolts,2),"");
// if we are fill-in or wide2 digi, we listen only on configured main frequency
lora_speed_rx_curr = (rx_on_frequencies != 2 || lora_digipeating_mode > 1) ? lora_speed : lora_speed_cross_digi;
Serial.printf("LoRa Speed:\t%lu\n", lora_speed_rx_curr);
lora_freq_rx_curr = (rx_on_frequencies != 2 || lora_digipeating_mode > 1) ? lora_freq : lora_freq_cross_digi;
Serial.printf("LoRa FREQ:\t%f\n", lora_freq_rx_curr);
// we tx on main and/or secondary frequency. For tx, loraSend is called (and always has desired txpower as argument)
rf95.setTxPower((lora_digipeating_mode < 2 || lora_cross_digipeating_mode < 1) ? txPower : txPower_cross_digi);
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(taskTNC, "taskTNC", 10000, nullptr, 1, nullptr, xPortGetCoreID());
#if defined(KISS_PROTOCOL) && defined(ENABLE_BLUETOOTH)
// LORA32_21: bug in hardware. cannot run bluetooth and wifi concurrently.
// We wait for a bt-client connecting, up to 60s. If none connected,
// we start the webserver.
// TTGO: webserver cunsumes abt 80mA. User may not start the webserver
// if bt-client is connected. We'll also wait herefor clients.
// If enable_webserver on LORA32_21 is set to 2, user
// likes the webserver always to be started -> do not start bluetooth.
#if defined(ENABLE_WIFI)
#if defined(LORA32_21)
if (enable_bluetooth && enable_webserver < 2) {
if (enable_bluetooth) {
#endif /* LORA32_21 */
if (enable_bluetooth) {
#endif /* ENABLE_WIFI */
SerialBT.begin(String("TTGO LORA APRS ") + Tcall);
writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Init:","BT OK!","","");
#if defined(ENABLE_WIFI)
if (enable_webserver == 1 && !aprsis_enabled) {
writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Init:","Waiting for BT-client","","");
// wait 60s until BT client connects
uint32_t t_end = millis() + 60000;
while (millis() < t_end) {
if (SerialBT.hasClient())
if (!SerialBT.hasClient()) {
#if defined(LORA32_21)
writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Init:","Waiting for BT-client","Disabling BT!","");
} else {
writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Init:","Waiting for BT-clients","BT-client connected","Will NOT start WiFi!");
#endif /* ENABLE_WIFI */
if (enable_webserver) {
#if defined(KISS_PROTOCOL) && defined(ENABLE_BLUETOOTH)
// if enabble_webserver == 2 or (enable_webserver == 1 && (no serial-bt-client is connected OR aprs-is-connecion configuried)
if (enable_webserver > 1 || aprsis_enabled || !SerialBT.hasClient()) {
webServerCfg = {.callsign = Tcall};
xTaskCreate(taskWebServer, "taskWebServer", 12000, (void*)(&webServerCfg), 1, nullptr);
webserverStarted = true;
writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Init:","WiFi task started"," =:-) ","");
#if defined(KISS_PROTOCOL) && defined(ENABLE_BLUETOOTH)
} else {
writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Init:","WiFi NOT started!"," =:-S ","");
#endif /* ENABLE_WIFI */
writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Init:","FINISHED OK!"," =:-) ","");
time_to_refresh = millis() + showRXTime;
digitalWrite(TXLED, HIGH);
// Hold the OLED ON at first boot
esp_task_wdt_init(120, true); //enable panic so ESP32 restarts
esp_task_wdt_add(NULL); //add current thread to WDT watch
void enableOled() {
// This function enables OLED display after pressing a button
tempOled = true;
oled_timer = millis() + oled_timeout;
int packet_is_valid (const char *frame_start) {
const char *p = frame_start;
if (!*p || !((*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z') || (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9')))
return 0;
for (p++; *p && *p != ':'; p++) {
if (! ((*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z') || (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') || *p == '-' || *p == '*' || *p == ',' || *p == '>') )
return 0;
if (!*p || *p != ':')
return 0;
// do it again. Now we know the header is ok, which makes it parseable more easy, without race conditions (no need to check p[1] == 0 or so..)
boolean src_call_end = 0;
boolean to_call_end = 0;
for (p = frame_start; *p && *p != ':'; p++) {
if (*p == '>') { if (src_call_end || !isalnum(*(p-1))) return 0; src_call_end = true; } // '>' twice?
else if (*p == ',') { if (!src_call_end || (to_call_end ? (!(isalnum(*(p-1)) || *(p-1) == '*')) : !(isalnum(*(p-1)))) || !isalnum(p[1])) return 0; to_call_end = true; } // -,call or ,- is not valid
else if (*p == '-') {
// not call-1-2 or call-- or -call or ..>-1 or ,-1 or --15
if (!isalnum(*(p-1)) || !isdigit(p[1])) return 0;
char c_after_ssid = p[2];
if (isdigit(c_after_ssid)) {
if (p[1] != '1' || c_after_ssid > '5') return 0; // max "-15".
c_after_ssid = p[3];
if (!(c_after_ssid == '>' || c_after_ssid == '*' || c_after_ssid == ',' || c_after_ssid == ':')) return 0; // After ssid (pos 3) only '>', '*', ',', ':', are allowed.
if (!to_call_end && isalnum(*(p-1)))
to_call_end = true;
if (!src_call_end || !to_call_end) return 0;
return 1;
int is_call_blacklisted(const char *frame_start) {
// src-call_validation
const char *p_call = frame_start;
int i = 0;
if (!p_call || !*p_call) return 1;
if (isdigit(p_call[1]) && isalpha(p_call[2])) {
// left-shift g1abc -> _g1abc
i = 1;
p_call--; // warning, beyond start of pointer
for (; i <= 7; i++) {
if (i == 7) return 1;
else if (!p_call[i] || p_call[i] == '>' || p_call[i] == '-') {
if (i < 4) return 1;
} else if (i < 2 && !isalnum(p_call[i])) return 1;
else if (i == 2 && !isdigit(p_call[i])) return 1;
else if (i > 2 && !isalpha(p_call[i])) return 1;
// list empty? we may leave here
if (!*blacklist_calls || !strcmp(blacklist_calls, ",,"))
return 0;
boolean ssid_present = false;
char buf[12]; // room for ",DL1AAA-15," + \0
char *p = buf;
*p++ = ',';
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
if (!frame_start[i] || /* frame_start[i] == '>' || */ ! (frame_start[i] == '-' || isalnum(frame_start[i]))) {
if (frame_start[i] == '-')
ssid_present = true;
// callvalidation above prevents calls (excl. ssid) with len > 6.
// this loop goes over all positions in DL1AAA-15 (9). But if someone modifies the assurance above, we'll have
// a race condition here. If user input is DL1AAAAAA (9 bytes; no ssid present), and we add '-0' afterwards,
// the result will be ",DL1AAAAAA-00," -> 13, plus \0. But buf is len 12.
// If we are here at position i==6 (behind "DL1AAA"), that means at '-', and we did not found the ssid,
// well' enforce a break here.
if (i == 6 && !ssid_present)
*p++ = frame_start[i];
if (!ssid_present) {
// for being able to filter out DL1AAA but not DL1AAA-1. -> DL1AAA is DL1AAA-0 by AX.25 definition. Blacklist lists DL1AAA-0. DL1AAA means: filter all variants.:w
*p++ = '-'; *p++ = '0';
*p++ = ',';
*p = 0;
// exact match?
if (strstr(blacklist_calls, buf))
return 2;
// filter call completely?
if ((p = strchr(buf, '-'))) {
*p++ = ','; *p++ = 0;
if (strstr(blacklist_calls, buf))
return 3;
char *header_end = strchr(frame_start, ':');
// check for blacklisted digi in path
if (header_end && (p = strchr(frame_start, ','))) {
for (;;) {
char *q = strchr(p+1, ',');
if (!q || q > header_end)
q = header_end;
// copy ",DL1AAA,.." to buf as ",DL1AAA"
// but before: length check. len ",DL1AAA-15*," is 12; sizeof(buf) is 12 (due to \0); we copy until trailing ','.
if ((q-p) > sizeof(buf)-1)
strncpy(buf, p, q-p);
buf[q-p] = 0;
char *r = strchr(buf, '*');
if (r)
*r = 0;
// our ssid filter construct: -0 means search for call with ssid 0 zero.
if (!(r = strchr(buf, '-')))
strcat(buf, "-0");
// after modifications above, is len(buf) still < 10 (space for ',' and \0)?
if (strlen(buf) > 10)
return 0;
strcat(buf, ",");
// exact match?
if (strstr(blacklist_calls, buf))
return 4;
// filter call completely?
if ((r = strchr(buf, '-'))) {
*r++ = ','; *r++ = 0;
if (strstr(blacklist_calls, buf))
return 5;
if (q == header_end)
p = q;
return 0;
// rf95.lastSNR() returns unsigned 8bit value, which we get as input
int bg_rf95snr_to_snr(uint8_t snr)
// SNR values reported by rf95.lastSNR() are not plausible. See those two projects:
// https://github.com/Lora-net/LoRaMac-node/issues/275
// https://github.com/mayeranalytics/pySX127x/blob/master/SX127x/LoRa.py
// We use an old BG_RF95 library from 2001. RadioHead/RH_RF95.cpp implements _lastSNR and _lastRssi correctly accordingg to the specs
// Per page 111, SX1276/77/78/79 datasheet
//return ( ( snr > 127 ) ? (snr - 256) : snr ) / 4.0;
if (snr & 0x80) {
return -(( ( ~snr + 1 ) & 0xFF ) >> 2);
return ( snr & 0x7F ) >> 2;
int bg_rf95rssi_to_rssi(int rssi)
// We use an old BG_RF95 library from 2001. RadioHead/RH_RF95.cpp implements _lastSNR and _lastRssi correctly accordingg to the specs
int _lastSNR = bg_rf95snr_to_snr(rf95.lastSNR());
boolean _usingHFport = (lora_freq >= 779.0);
// bg_rf95 library: _lastRssi = spiRead(BG_RF95_REG_1A_PKT_RSSI_VALUE) - 137. First, undo -137 operation
int _lastRssi = rf95.lastRssi() + 137;
if (_lastSNR < 0)
_lastRssi = _lastRssi + _lastSNR;
_lastRssi = (int)_lastRssi * 16 / 15;
if (_usingHFport)
_lastRssi -= 157;
_lastRssi -= 164;
return _lastRssi;
char *encode_snr_rssi_in_path()
static char buf[7]; // length for "Q2373X" == 6 + 1 (\0) == 7
*buf = 0;
// SNR values reported by rf95.lastSNR() are not plausible. See those two projects:
// https://github.com/Lora-net/LoRaMac-node/issues/275
// https://github.com/mayeranalytics/pySX127x/blob/master/SX127x/LoRa.py
// rf95snr_to_snr returns values in range -32 to 31. The lowest two bits are RFU
int snr = bg_rf95snr_to_snr(rf95.lastSNR());
int rssi = bg_rf95rssi_to_rssi(rf95.lastRssi());
if (snr > 99) snr = 99; // snr will not go upper 31
else if (snr < -99) snr = -99; // snr will not go below -32
if (rssi > 0) rssi = 0; // rssi is always negative
else if (rssi < -259) rssi = -259; // rssi will not be below -174 anyway ;)
// Make SNR >= 0 human readable:
// First position: SNR < 0: replace -1 by A1, -10 by B0, ...
// This way, we reduce "-10" to two letters: B0.
// Make RSSI > -100 RSSI human readable.
// First position: rssi < -99 -> 0. We'll use 91 for rssi -91 instead of J1 for better readibility.
// K means -10x, L means -11x, M means -12x, N means -13x, ... (everone knows, 'N' is #13 in alphabet out of 26 chars ;)
// => With this, we reduce "-110" to two letters: L0.
// Last position of call (6) is left empty for future use. As well as SSID 1-15. Could be used for BER, RX antenna gain, EIRP, ..
// => This is a good compromise between efficiency and being able to quickly interprete snr and rssi
sprintf(buf, "Q%c%01d%c%01d",
((snr >= 0 ? snr : -snr) / 10) + (snr >= 0 ? '0' : 'A'),
(snr >= 0 ? snr : -snr) % 10,
(-rssi / 10) + (rssi > -100 ? '0' : 'A'),
(-rssi) % 10);
return buf;
char *add_element_to_path(const char *data, const char *element)
static char buf[BG_RF95_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN+1];
if (strlen(data) + 1 /* ',' */ + strlen(element) + 1 /* '*' */ > sizeof(buf)-1)
return 0;
char *p = strchr(data, '>');
char *header_end = strchr(data, ':');
if (header_end <= p)
return 0;
char *q = strchr(data, ',');
if (q > header_end)
q = 0;
if (q && q < p)
return 0;
if (q) {
int n_digis = 1;
char *n = q;
for (;;) {
n = strchr(n+1, ',');
if (!n || n > header_end)
if (n_digis > 7)
return 0;
char *r = 0;
if (q && (r = strchr(q+1, '*')) > 0 && r < header_end) {
// behind last digipeated call
for (;;) {
char *rr = strchr(r+1, '*');
if (!rr || r > header_end)
r = rr;
char *pos = header_end;
if (q) {
// r points to '*', r+1 points to ',' and we omit '*'; q points to ','
pos = r ? r : q;
} // else: Something like DL9SAU>APRS:... (no via path)
snprintf(buf, pos-data +1, "%s", data);
sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), ",%s*%s", element, pos + (*pos == '*' ? 1 : 0));
return buf;
// append element to path, regardless if it will exceed max digipeaters. It's for snr encoding for aprs-is. We don't use
// add_element_to_path, because we will append at the last position, and do not change digipeated bit.
char *append_element_to_path(const char *data, const char *element) {
static char buf[BG_RF95_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN+10+1];
if (strlen(data) + 1 /* ',' */ + strlen(element) > sizeof(buf)-1)
return 0;
char *p = strchr(data, '>');
char *header_end = strchr(data, ':');
if (header_end <= p)
return 0;
char *q = strchr(data, ',');
if (q > header_end)
q = 0;
if (q && q < p)
return 0;
snprintf(buf, header_end-data +1, "%s", data);
sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), ",%s%s", element, header_end);
return buf;
#define AX_ADDR_LEN 9 // room for "DL9SAU-15" == 9
#define AX_DIGIS_MAX 8
struct axaddr {
char addr[AX_ADDR_LEN+1];
boolean repeated;
struct ax25_frame {
struct axaddr src;
struct axaddr dst;
struct axaddr digis[AX_DIGIS_MAX];
uint8_t n_digis;
char *data;
struct ax25_frame *tnc_format_to_ax25_frame(const char *s)
static char data[BG_RF95_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN+1];
static struct ax25_frame frame;
char *p;
char *q;
char *next_digi = 0;
memset(&frame, 0, sizeof(frame));
*data = 0;
if (strlen(s) > sizeof(data) -1)
return 0;
strcpy(data, s);
p = strchr(data, ':');
if (!p || strlen(p) > sizeof(data)-1)
return 0;
// skip leading ':'
frame.data = p+1;
*p = 0;
p = data;
if (!(q = strchr(p, '>')))
return 0;
*q = 0;
if (!*p || strlen(p) > AX_ADDR_LEN)
return 0;
strcpy(frame.src.addr, p);
p = q+1;
if ((q = strchr(p, ','))) {
next_digi = q+1;
*q = 0;
if (!*p || strlen(p) > AX_ADDR_LEN)
return 0;
strcpy(frame.dst.addr, p);
int digi;
for (digi = 0; digi < AX_DIGIS_MAX && next_digi; digi++) {
p = next_digi;
if ((q = strchr(p, ','))) {
next_digi = q+1;
*q = 0;
} else
next_digi = 0;
if ((q = strchr(p, '*'))) {
frame.digis[digi].repeated = true;
*q = 0;
if (!*p || strlen(p) > AX_ADDR_LEN)
return 0;
strcpy(frame.digis[digi].addr, p);
// max digi cound reached, but frame had more digis in path
if (digi == AX_DIGIS_MAX-1 && next_digi)
return 0;
// sanity check
for (digi = 0; digi < AX_DIGIS_MAX && *(frame.digis[digi].addr); digi++) {
if (!frame.digis[digi].repeated && !strncmp(frame.digis[digi].addr, "WIDE", 4) && strlen(frame.digis[digi].addr) == 5)
frame.digis[digi].repeated = true;
boolean last_repeated_found = false;
for (digi = AX_DIGIS_MAX-1; digi >= 0; digi--) {
if (!*(frame.digis[digi].addr))
// once: set n_digis
if (!frame.n_digis)
frame.n_digis = digi+1;
if (!last_repeated_found && frame.digis[digi].repeated)
last_repeated_found = true;
else if (last_repeated_found && !frame.digis[digi].repeated)
frame.digis[digi].repeated = true;
return &frame;
void handle_lora_frame_for_lora_digipeating(const char *received_frame, const char *snr_rssi)
if (snr_rssi && !*snr_rssi)
snr_rssi = 0;
struct ax25_frame* frame = tnc_format_to_ax25_frame(received_frame);
if (!frame)
// no room left for adding our call in path during repeating
if (frame->n_digis > AX_DIGIS_MAX)
// aprs-message / query addressed to us? Format: ":DL9SAU-15:..."
if (frame->data[0] == ':' && strlen(frame->data) > 10 && frame->data[10] == ':' &&
!strncmp((frame->data)+1, Tcall.c_str(), Tcall.length()) && (Tcall.length() == 9 || frame->data[9] == ' '))
// '>' and ':' found. Always in header. Sanity check: if ',' present, it must be > p. If r exists, must be > q. And header_end must be > than the others and always a message-body *(header_end + 1) != 0.
// wide1-digi case
if (lora_digipeating_mode == 2) {
const char *p = strchr(received_frame, '>');
const char *q = strchr(received_frame, ','); // digis, optional
const char *r = strchr(received_frame, '*');
const char *header_end = strchr(received_frame, ':');
// we hear an packet, digipeated from another digipeater (same source call, digipeated flag '*' in header)
// and have the original packet in our digipeating queue? -> clear queue.
// If we are a WIDE2 digi, it may be desired that we digipeat him.
// We'll throw that frame away if further down the new frame is worth digipeating. We don't build up Digipeating-TX-queues
if (p && strncmp(lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating, received_frame, p-received_frame) && r && r > q && r < header_end && *(header_end+1))
*lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating = 0;
int i = 0;
#ifdef notdef
// src-call_validation
// not here anymore; now in is_call_blacklisted()
char *p_call = frame->src.addr;
if (isdigit(p_call[1]) && isalpha(p_call[2])) {
// left-shift g1abc -> _g1abc
i = 1;
p_call--; // warning, beyond start of pointer
for (; i <= 7; i++) {
if (i == 7) return;
else if (!p_call[i] || p_call[i] == '-') {
if (i < 4) return;
} else if (i < 2 && !isalnum(p_call[i])) return;
else if (i == 2 && !isdigit(p_call[i])) return;
else if (i > 2 && !isalpha(p_call[i])) return;
// If DST-call-ssid-digipeating: rewrite before adding path, because WIDE in path and DST-SSID-digipeating are mutual exclusive
char *q;
if ((q = strchr(frame->dst.addr, '-'))) {
if (frame->n_digis && frame->digis[0].repeated)
if (frame->n_digis > AX_DIGIS_MAX-1)
*q++ = 0;
if (*q < '1' || *q > '7' || q[1] )
for (i = 0; i < frame->n_digis; i++)
if (!strncmp(frame->digis[i].addr, "WIDE", 4) || !strcmp(frame->digis[i].addr, Tcall.c_str()))
// move digi path one right
for (i = frame->n_digis-1; i >= 0; i--) {
strcpy(frame->digis[i+1].addr, frame->digis[i].addr);
frame->digis[i+1].repeated = frame->digis[i].repeated;
sprintf(frame->digis[0].addr, "WIDE%c-%c", *q, *q);
frame->digis[0].repeated = false;
// nothing to repeat:
if (!frame->n_digis)
// we do not digipeat our own packets
if (!strcmp(frame->src.addr, Tcall.c_str()))
int curr_not_repeated = 0;
for (i = 0; i < frame->n_digis; i++) {
if (!frame->digis[i].repeated) {
curr_not_repeated = i;
// our call with digipeated marker in header?
if (!strcmp(frame->digis[i].addr, Tcall.c_str()))
// our call in path?
boolean add_our_call = true;
int insert_our_data_before = -1;
if (!strcmp(frame->digis[curr_not_repeated].addr, Tcall.c_str())) {
// digi path too long for adding snr_rssi? skip adding snr_rssi
if (snr_rssi && frame->n_digis == AX_DIGIS_MAX)
snr_rssi = 0;
frame->digis[curr_not_repeated].repeated = true;
add_our_call = false;
insert_our_data_before = curr_not_repeated;
// if we are a digicall-only digi, our job ends here
goto add_our_data;
if (lora_digipeating_mode < 2)
// digi path too long for adding our call skip adding snr_rssi
if (frame->n_digis == AX_DIGIS_MAX)
// digi path too long for adding snr_rssi and our call? skip adding snr_rssi
if (snr_rssi && frame->n_digis +1 == AX_DIGIS_MAX)
snr_rssi = 0;
if (!strcmp(frame->digis[curr_not_repeated].addr, "WIDE1-1")) {
frame->digis[curr_not_repeated].addr[5] = 0;
frame->digis[curr_not_repeated].repeated = 1;
if (insert_our_data_before < 0)
insert_our_data_before = curr_not_repeated;
// If we are a WIDE2 digi, we'll also change WIDE2-n to WIDE2* further down
if (lora_digipeating_mode < 3)
goto add_our_data;
if (!strncmp(frame->digis[curr_not_repeated].addr, "WIDE", 4) && strlen(frame->digis[curr_not_repeated].addr) == 7) {
if (frame->digis[curr_not_repeated].addr[4] < '2' || frame->digis[curr_not_repeated].addr[4] > '3')
if (frame->digis[curr_not_repeated].addr[5] != '-')
// bad syntax?
if (frame->digis[curr_not_repeated].addr[6] < '1' || frame->digis[curr_not_repeated].addr[6] > frame->digis[curr_not_repeated].addr[4])
// prevent abuse
if (curr_not_repeated+1 < frame->n_digis && !strncmp(frame->digis[curr_not_repeated+1].addr, "WIDE", 4))
// mark every WIDEn-m as WIDEn and repeated
frame->digis[curr_not_repeated].addr[5] = 0;
frame->digis[curr_not_repeated].repeated = 1;
if (insert_our_data_before < 0)
insert_our_data_before = curr_not_repeated;
// insert_our_data still < 0? i.e. searches like that for WIDE2-1 in path did not lead to a result
if (insert_our_data_before < 0)
// Build txbuff:
char buf[sizeof(lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating)];
sprintf(buf, "%s>%s", frame->src.addr, frame->dst.addr);
char *digi_paths_start = buf + strlen(buf);
for (i = 0; i < insert_our_data_before; i++)
sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), ",%s", frame->digis[i].addr);
if (snr_rssi)
sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), ",%s", snr_rssi);
if (add_our_call)
sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), ",%s", Tcall.c_str());
for (i = insert_our_data_before; i < frame->n_digis; i++) {
sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), ",%s", frame->digis[i].addr);
if (frame->digis[i].repeated) {
// we have something added after "SRC>DST"?
if (strlen(buf) > (digi_paths_start-buf))
strcat(buf, "*");
for (; i < frame->n_digis; i++)
sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), ",%s", frame->digis[i].addr);
// length check:
if (strlen(buf) + 1 /* : */ + strlen(frame->data) > sizeof(lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating)-1)
sprintf(lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating, "%s:%s", buf, frame->data);
time_lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating_was_filled = millis();
char *s_min_nn(uint32_t min_nnnnn, int high_precision) {
/* min_nnnnn: RawDegrees billionths is uint32_t by definition and is n'telth
* degree (-> *= 6 -> nn.mmmmmm minutes) high_precision: 0: round at decimal
* position 2. 1: round at decimal position 4. 2: return decimal position 3-4
* as base91 encoded char.
static char buf[8];
min_nnnnn = min_nnnnn * 0.006;
if (high_precision == 3) {
if ((min_nnnnn % 100) >= 50 && min_nnnnn < 6000000 - 50) {
// round up. Avoid overflow (59.99999 should never become 60.0 or more)
min_nnnnn = min_nnnnn + 50;
} else if (high_precision) {
if ((min_nnnnn % 10) >= 5 && min_nnnnn < 6000000 - 5) {
// round up. Avoid overflow (59.999999 should never become 60.0 or more)
min_nnnnn = min_nnnnn + 5;
} else {
if ((min_nnnnn % 1000) >= 500 && min_nnnnn < (6000000 - 500)) {
// round up. Avoid overflow (59.9999 should never become 60.0 or more)
min_nnnnn = min_nnnnn + 500;
switch (high_precision) {
case 0:
case 1:
sprintf(buf, "%02u.%02u", (unsigned int)((min_nnnnn / 100000) % 100), (unsigned int)((min_nnnnn / 1000) % 100));
case 2:
sprintf(buf, "%c", (char)((min_nnnnn % 1000) / 11) + 33);
// Like to verify? type in python for i.e. RawDegrees billions 566688333: i =
// 566688333; "%c" % (int(((i*.0006+0.5) % 100)/1.1) +33)
case 3:
sprintf(buf, "%02u.%03u", (unsigned int)((min_nnnnn / 100000) % 100), (unsigned int)((min_nnnnn / 100) % 1000));
sprintf(buf, "%02u.%04u", (unsigned int)((min_nnnnn / 100000) % 100), (unsigned int)((min_nnnnn / 10) % 10000));
return buf;
String create_lat_aprs(const char *delimiter, RawDegrees lat) {
char str[20];
char n_s = 'N';
if (lat.negative) {
n_s = 'S';
if (delimiter && strlen(delimiter) > 1)
delimiter = 0;
// we like sprintf's float up-rounding.
// but sprintf % may round to 60.00 -> 5360.00 (53° 60min is a wrong notation
// ;)
sprintf(str, "%02d%s%s%c", lat.deg, delimiter ? delimiter : "", s_min_nn(lat.billionths, 0), n_s);
return String(str);
String create_long_aprs(const char *delimiter, RawDegrees lng) {
char str[20];
char e_w = 'E';
if (lng.negative) {
e_w = 'W';
if (delimiter && strlen(delimiter) > 1)
delimiter = 0;
sprintf(str, "%03d%s%s%c", lng.deg, delimiter ? delimiter : "", s_min_nn(lng.billionths, 0), e_w);
return String(str);
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------+//
// + MAINLOOP -----------------------------------------------------------+//
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------+//
void loop() {
if (reboot_interval && millis() > reboot_interval) {
sendpacket_was_called_twice = false;
if(digitalRead(BUTTON)==LOW && key_up == true){
key_up = false;
time_delay = millis() + 1500;
if (!tempOled && enabled_oled) {
enableOled(); // turn ON OLED temporary
} else {
if(gps_state == true && gps.location.isValid()){
writedisplaytext("((MAN TX))","","","","","");
writedisplaytext("((FIX TX))","","","","","");
// hack: re-enable webserevr, if was set to off.
if (!webserverStarted) {
enable_webserver = 1;
preferences.putInt("PREF_WIFI_ENABLED", enable_webserver);
#if defined(LORA32_21) && defined(ENABLE_BLUETOOTH)
// lora32_21 hardware bug: btt and wifi are mutual exclusive
webServerCfg = {.callsign = Tcall};
xTaskCreate(taskWebServer, "taskWebServer", 12000, (void*)(&webServerCfg), 1, nullptr);
webserverStarted = true;
writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Init:","WiFi task started"," =:-) ","");
key_up = true;
// Show informations on WiFi Status
if (apConnected) {
enableOled(); // turn ON OLED temporary
writedisplaytext(" ((WiFi))","WiFi Client Mode","SSID: " + infoApName, "Pass: ********", "IP: " + infoApAddr, getSatAndBatInfo());
} else if (apEnabled) {
enableOled(); // turn ON OLED temporary
writedisplaytext(" ((WiFi))","WiFi AP Mode","SSID: " + infoApName, "Pass: " + infoApPass, "IP: " + infoApAddr, getSatAndBatInfo());
if (manBeacon) {
// Manually sending beacon from html page
writedisplaytext("((WEB TX))","","","","","");
// Only wake up OLED when necessary, note that DIM is to turn OFF the backlight
if (enabled_oled) {
if (oled_timeout>0) {
} else {
// If timeout is 0 keep OLED awake
if (tempOled && millis()>= oled_timer) {
tempOled = false; // After some time reset backlight
if(digitalRead(BUTTON)==LOW && key_up == false && millis() >= time_delay && t_lock == false){
// enable OLED
t_lock = true;
gps_state = false;
#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO3, AXP202_OFF); // GPS OFF
next_fixed_beacon = millis() + fix_beacon_interval;
fixed_beacon_enabled = true;
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_GPS_EN, false);
gps_state = true;
#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO3, AXP202_ON);
writedisplaytext("((GPS ON))","","","","",""); // GPS ON
fixed_beacon_enabled = false;
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_GPS_EN, true);
if(digitalRead(BUTTON)==HIGH && !key_up){
key_up = true;
t_lock = false;
if (dont_send_own_position_packets) {
// reset to default state if kiss device is disconnected, silent or last position frame was seen long time ago (i.e. 1h).
// TODO: also iterate through KISS tcp-devices in the parts below wih 'kiss_client_came_via_bluetooth'
if (
(kiss_client_came_via_bluetooth && !SerialBT.hasClient()) ||
(((time_last_own_position_via_kiss_received + sb_max_interval + 10*1000L) < millis()) &&
time_last_own_position_via_kiss_received >= time_last_frame_via_kiss_received) ||
// ^kiss client has not recently sent a position gain (sb_max_interval plus 10 seconds grace) and kiss client sent no other data
((time_last_frame_via_kiss_received + sb_max_interval * 2 + 10*1000L) < millis())) {
// ^ kiss client sent no positions and stoped sending other data for 2*sb_max_interval (plus 10 seconds grace)
#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0
if (!gps_state && gps_state_before_autochange)
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO3, AXP202_ON);
gps_state = gps_state_before_autochange;
dont_send_own_position_packets = false;
time_last_own_position_via_kiss_received = 0L;
time_last_frame_via_kiss_received = 0L;
if (kiss_client_came_via_bluetooth && !SerialBT.hasClient())
kiss_client_came_via_bluetooth = false;
// fixed beacon, or if smartbeaconing with lost gps fix (but had at least one gps fix).
// smartbeaconing also ensures correct next_fixed_beacon time
if (!dont_send_own_position_packets && millis() >= next_fixed_beacon &&
(fixed_beacon_enabled ||
(t_last_smart_beacon_sent && (!gps_state || !gps.location.isValid())) ) ) {
enableOled(); // enable OLED
next_fixed_beacon = millis() + fix_beacon_interval;
writedisplaytext("((AUT TX))", "", "", "", "", "");
#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0
if(InpVolts> 4){
shutdown_usb_status_bef = true;
shutdown_countdown_timer_enable = false;
if(InpVolts < 4 && shutdown_usb_status_bef == true){
shutdown_usb_status_bef = false;
shutdown_countdown_timer_enable = true;
shutdown_countdown_timer = millis() + shutdown_delay_time;
if(millis() >= shutdown_countdown_timer){
String *TNC2DataFrame = nullptr;
if (tncToSendQueue) {
if (xQueueReceive(tncToSendQueue, &TNC2DataFrame, (1 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS)) == pdPASS) {
boolean was_own_position_packet = false;
time_last_frame_via_kiss_received = millis();
const char *data = TNC2DataFrame->c_str();
// Frame comes from same call as ours and is a position report?
if (!strncmp(data, Tcall.c_str(), Tcall.length()) && data[Tcall.length()] == '>') {
char *p = strchr(data, ':');
if (*p == '!' || *p == '=' || *p == '/' || *p == '@' || *p == '\'' || *p == '`' || *p == '[' || *p == '$') {
time_last_own_position_via_kiss_received = time_last_frame_via_kiss_received;
if (!acceptOwnPositionReportsViaKiss)
goto out; // throw away this frame.
was_own_position_packet = true;
if (!dont_send_own_position_packets) {
gps_state_before_autochange = gps_state;
if (gps_allow_sleep_while_kiss) {
#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0
if (gps_state)
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO3, AXP202_OFF); // switch off GPS
gps_state = false;
dont_send_own_position_packets = true;
// TODO: there are also tcp kiss devices. Instead of 'kiss_client_came_via_bluetooth', we should mark it in a session struct where we can iterate through
if (SerialBT.hasClient())
kiss_client_came_via_bluetooth = true;
} else if (*p == ':')
time_last_own_text_message_via_kiss_received = millis();
} else {
if (lora_digipeating_mode > 1) {
const char *p = strchr(data, '>');
const char *q = strchr(data, ',');
const char *r = strchr(data, '*');
const char *header_end = strchr(data, ':');
// packet (sender not our call) came via kiss and we gate it to lora? If we are a configured as a digipeater,
// and our gated packet will be repeated, then we have avoid repeating it again, by adding our call to the digi path.
// Example: DL9SAU>APRS,WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1. If we gate it and a fill-in-digi hears it, if becomes DL9SAU>APRS,DL1AAA,WIDE1*,WIDE2-1.
// If we are a wide-digi, we see that packet and don't find our callsign in the path, we would repeat it.
// => We should add our callsign to path, with the following exceptions:
// 1. if sender is our call (already checked above);
// 2. if we are not a digipeater and user has a software like aprsdroid and sends packets with another ssid (-> even we are not in the
// path, there's no risk, we will not repeat it - as said, we are not configured as a repeater).
// 3. DEST-call-addressing with one hop ("DST-1")
// 4. In case of WIDE1 or WIDE2-1 (== with one hop left).
// We assure bufffer has enough room for our call ",CALL*"
if (q > header_end) q = 0;
if (r > header_end) r = 0;
if (p && header_end > p) {
boolean add_our_call = true;
// Has the path only one hop or less left (WIDE1-1 or WIDEn or WiDEn* or WIDEn*,WIDEn-1 or WIDEn-1)?
// Also check for digicall,WIDE1-1; digicall*,WIDE1-1 is ok. Pos ',' before wide is != q (q is first ',' in ..>APRS,DIGICALL,WIDE2-1)
char *wide_hop = strstr(data, ",WIDE");
if (wide_hop && wide_hop < header_end && wide_hop != q && *(wide_hop-1) != '*')
add_our_call = false;
if (add_our_call) {
for (;;) {
if (!wide_hop || wide_hop > header_end) {
wide_hop = 0;
// pos 5 is number, pos 6 is '-', pos 7 are left digis
if (wide_hop[6] == '-' && wide_hop[7] != '1')
wide_hop = strstr(wide_hop+8, ",WIDE");
if (!wide_hop)
add_our_call = false;
else {
// Is our callsign in the path? -> Fine. But only if repeated-bit is set.
char *our_call = strstr(p+1, Tcall.c_str());
if (our_call && our_call < header_end && *(our_call-1) == ',' && our_call[Tcall.length()] == '*')
add_our_call = false;
if (add_our_call) {
char *s = add_element_to_path(data, Tcall.c_str());
if (s) data = s;
#if defined(ENABLE_WIFI)
if (!was_own_position_packet || tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_aprsis) {
// No word "NOGATE" or "RFONLY" in header? -> may be sent to aprs-is
char *q = strstr(data, ",NOGATE");
if (!q || q > strchr(data, ':')) {
q = strstr(data, ",RFONLY");
if (!q || q > strchr(data, ':')) {
if (lora_tx_enabled) {
if (tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_frequencies % 2)
loraSend(txPower, lora_freq, lora_speed, String(data)); //send the packet, data is in TXbuff from lora_TXStart to lora_TXEnd
if (tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_frequencies > 1 && lora_digipeating_mode > 1 && lora_freq_cross_digi > 1.0 && lora_freq_cross_digi != lora_freq)
loraSend(txPower_cross_digi, lora_freq_cross_digi, lora_speed_cross_digi, String(data)); //send the packet, data is in TXbuff from lora_TXStart to lora_TXEnd
enableOled(); // enable OLED
time_to_refresh = millis() + showRXTime;
delete TNC2DataFrame;
if (rf95.waitAvailableTimeout(100)) {
#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0
#ifdef BUZZER
int melody[] = {300, 50, 500, 100};
buzzer(melody, sizeof(melody)/sizeof(int));
// we need to read the received packt, even if rx is set to disable. else rf95.waitAvailableTimeout(100) will always show, data is available
loraReceivedLength = sizeof(lora_RXBUFF); // reset max length before receiving!
boolean lora_rx_data_available = rf95.recvAPRS(lora_RXBUFF, &loraReceivedLength);
const char *rssi_for_path = encode_snr_rssi_in_path();
// always needed (even if rx is disabled)
if (lora_freq_rx_curr == lora_freq) {
time_last_lora_frame_received_on_main_freq = millis();
} else {
if (lora_rx_enabled && lora_rx_data_available) {
if(lora_rx_data_available) {
char *s = 0;
loraReceivedFrameString = "";
for (int i=0 ; i < loraReceivedLength ; i++) {
loraReceivedFrameString += (char) lora_RXBUFF[i];
const char *received_frame = loraReceivedFrameString.c_str();
// valid packet?
if (!packet_is_valid(received_frame)) {
goto invalid_packet;
int blacklisted = is_call_blacklisted(received_frame);
// don't even automaticaly adapt CR for spammers
if (blacklisted) {
goto call_invalid_or_blacklisted;
//int rssi = rf95.lastSNR();
enableOled(); // enable OLED
char *header_end = strchr(received_frame, ':');
char *digipeatedflag = strchr(received_frame, '*');
if (digipeatedflag && digipeatedflag > header_end)
digipeatedflag = 0;
char *q;
uint8_t our_packet = 0; // 1: from us. 2: digipeated by us
// not our own digipeated call?
if (loraReceivedFrameString.startsWith(Tcall + '>'))
our_packet = 1;
if (((s = strstr(received_frame, (',' + Tcall + '*').c_str())) || (s = strstr(received_frame, (',' + Tcall + ',').c_str()))) && s < header_end) {
// in path: exact call match and digipeated flag present and we have repeated it (pos behind start of our call?
if (digipeatedflag && digipeatedflag > s)
our_packet |= 2;
// CR adaption: because only for SF12 different CR levels have been defined, we unfortunately cannot deal with SF < 12.
// In most cases, only useful for normal users, not for WIDE1 or WIDE2 digis. But there may exist good reasons; thus we don't enforce.
if (lora_automatic_cr_adaption && lora_speed <= 300L) {
// not our own digipeated call?
if (! (our_packet & 1)) {
// was digipeated? -> there was another rf transmission
if (digipeatedflag && !(our_packet & 2))
// User sends ",Q" in path? He likes at the first digi to add snr/rssi to path
uint8_t user_demands_trace = ( ((q = strstr(received_frame, ",Q,")) || (q = strstr(received_frame, ",Q:"))) && q < header_end) ? 1 : 0;
// User sends ",QQ"' in path? He likes all digis to add snr/rssi to path
if (((q = strstr(received_frame, ",QQ,")) || (q = strstr(received_frame, ",QQ:"))) && q < header_end)
user_demands_trace = 2;
#if defined(ENABLE_WIFI)
if (aprsis_enabled && !our_packet && !blacklisted) {
// No word "NOGATE" or "RFONLY" in header? -> may be sent to aprs-is
q = strstr(received_frame, ",NOGATE");
if (!q || q > header_end) {
q = strstr(received_frame, ",RFONLY");
if (!q || q > header_end) {
s = 0;
if (((lora_add_snr_rssi_to_path & FLAG_ADD_SNR_RSSI_FOR_APRSIS) || user_demands_trace > 1) ||
(!digipeatedflag && ((lora_add_snr_rssi_to_path & FLAG_ADD_SNR_RSSI_FOR_APRSIS__ONLY_IF_HEARD_DIRECT) || user_demands_trace == 1)) )
s = append_element_to_path(received_frame, rssi_for_path);
send_to_aprsis(s ? String(s) : loraReceivedFrameString);
#ifdef SHOW_RX_PACKET // only show RX packets when activitated in config
writedisplaytext(" ((RX))", "", loraReceivedFrameString, "", "", "");
sendToWebList(loraReceivedFrameString, bg_rf95rssi_to_rssi(rf95.lastRssi()), bg_rf95snr_to_snr(rf95.lastSNR()));
syslog_log(LOG_INFO, String("Received LoRa: '") + loraReceivedFrameString + "', RSSI:" + bg_rf95rssi_to_rssi(rf95.lastRssi()) + ", SNR: " + bg_rf95snr_to_snr(rf95.lastSNR()));
s = 0;
if (((lora_add_snr_rssi_to_path & FLAG_ADD_SNR_RSSI_FOR_KISS) || user_demands_trace > 1) ||
(!digipeatedflag && ((lora_add_snr_rssi_to_path & FLAG_ADD_SNR_RSSI_FOR_KISS__ONLY_IF_HEARD_DIRECT) || user_demands_trace == 1)) )
s = kiss_add_snr_rssi_to_path_at_position_without_digippeated_flag ? append_element_to_path(received_frame, rssi_for_path) : add_element_to_path(received_frame, rssi_for_path);
sendToTNC(s ? String(s) : loraReceivedFrameString);
// Are we configured as lora digi? Are we listening on the main frequency?
if (lora_tx_enabled && lora_digipeating_mode > 0 && !our_packet && !blacklisted && lora_freq_rx_curr == lora_freq) {
uint32_t time_lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating_was_filled_prev = time_lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating_was_filled;
if (((lora_add_snr_rssi_to_path & FLAG_ADD_SNR_RSSI_FOR_RF) || user_demands_trace > 1) ||
(!digipeatedflag && ((lora_add_snr_rssi_to_path & FLAG_ADD_SNR_RSSI_FOR_RF__ONLY_IF_HEARD_DIRECT) || user_demands_trace == 1)) )
handle_lora_frame_for_lora_digipeating(received_frame, rssi_for_path);
handle_lora_frame_for_lora_digipeating(received_frame, NULL);
// new frame in digipeating queue? cross-digi freq enabled and freq set? Send without delay.
if (*lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating && lora_cross_digipeating_mode > 0 && lora_freq_cross_digi > 1.0 && lora_freq_cross_digi != lora_freq && time_lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating_was_filled > time_lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating_was_filled_prev) {
// word 'NOGATE' part of the header? Don't gate it
q = strstr(lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating, ",NOGATE");
if (!q || q > strchr(lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating, ':')) {
loraSend(txPower_cross_digi, lora_freq_cross_digi, lora_speed_cross_digi, String(lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating)); //send the packet, data is in TXbuff from lora_TXStart to lora_TXEnd
writedisplaytext(" ((TX cross-digi))", "", String(lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating), "", "", "");
s = add_element_to_path(lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating, "GATE");
sendToTNC(s ? String(s) : lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating);
} else {
// rx disabled. guess blind
#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0
; // make compiler happy
if (lora_rx_enabled && rx_on_frequencies == 3 && lora_digipeating_mode < 2) {
static uint8_t slot_table[9][10] = {
{ 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, // 1:9
{ 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, // 2:8
{ 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1 }, // 3:7
{ 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1 }, // 4:6
{ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 }, // 5:5
{ 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1 }, // 6:4. From here it's inverse to 4:6, but time-slots left-shifted by one, so first position is alwas the main frequency
{ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1 }, // 7:3
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 }, // 8:2
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 } // 9:1
static uint8_t *curr_slot_table = slot_table[4];
static uint8_t *p_curr_slot_table = curr_slot_table;
static uint32_t next_slot = millis() + 20*1000L;
static uint32_t recompute_rx_freq_window = millis() + 10*60*1000L;
if (millis() > recompute_rx_freq_window) {
// recompute_rx_freq_window and align to n.000 seconds
recompute_rx_freq_window = (millis() / 1000 + 10*60L) * 1000L;
// reduce high rx counts because if ratio is < 1:10 or > 10:1 we still like to listen on at least one timeslot for packets
if (lora_packets_received_in_timeslot_on_main_freq > 100) lora_packets_received_in_timeslot_on_main_freq = 100;
if (lora_packets_received_in_timeslot_on_secondary_freq > 100) lora_packets_received_in_timeslot_on_secondary_freq = 100;
// avoid division by zero
uint8_t lora_packets_received_in_timeslot_on_both_freq = lora_packets_received_in_timeslot_on_main_freq + lora_packets_received_in_timeslot_on_secondary_freq;
uint8_t ratio = (lora_packets_received_in_timeslot_on_both_freq ? (lora_packets_received_in_timeslot_on_main_freq * 10 / lora_packets_received_in_timeslot_on_both_freq) : 5);
if (ratio > 9) ratio = 9;
if (ratio < 1) ratio = 1;
// choose slot table
curr_slot_table = slot_table[ratio-1];
p_curr_slot_table = curr_slot_table;
next_slot = 0;
lora_packets_received_in_timeslot_on_main_freq = lora_packets_received_in_timeslot_on_main_freq / 5;
lora_packets_received_in_timeslot_on_secondary_freq = lora_packets_received_in_timeslot_on_secondary_freq / 5;
if (millis() > next_slot) {
// next timeslot is in 20s (aligned to n.000s). If we'd do qsy more often (esp. in a 5:5 situation), chances increase that we loose too much packets due to qsy during receiption. 30 may be too long. 15 too short. 20s also alings good to our 10min window with 10 slots (20/60.0 * 10 * 3 aligns exactly to the 10min window)
next_slot = (millis() / 1000 + 20L) * 1000L;
// avoid calling rf95.setFrequency() and lora_set_speed() if previos *p_curr_slot_table was the same freq/speed
if (*p_curr_slot_table != ((p_curr_slot_table > curr_slot_table) ? p_curr_slot_table[-1] : curr_slot_table[9])) {
lora_freq_rx_curr = (*p_curr_slot_table) ? lora_freq_cross_digi : lora_freq;
lora_speed_rx_curr = (*p_curr_slot_table) ? lora_speed_cross_digi : lora_speed;
// restart from beginning of current row?
if ((p_curr_slot_table - curr_slot_table) >= 9)
p_curr_slot_table = curr_slot_table;
if (lora_automatic_cr_adaption && lora_speed <= 300L && millis() > (5*60*1000L) && (time_lora_automaic_cr_adoption_rx_measurement_window + 5*60*1000L) < millis()) {
// recalculate automatic adapted CR
// transmissions in 5 min window.
// Approx seconds between frames: if transmission takes with CR4/5 3s and sleeps 3x so long, we see every 25s a transmission in a 5s window.
// With CR4/6 we have 300 / (3*4) * 300.0/240.0 = 31s; wih CR4/7 we have 35s, and with 41s.
// Slowly, step by step, incrase CR after frequency becomes quet
uint32_t t_diff = millis() - time_last_lora_frame_received_on_main_freq;
if (t_diff > (300*1000L / (3*4) * 300.0/180.0) && lora_speed <= 210)
lora_speed = 180;
else if (t_diff > (300*1000L / (3*4) * 300.0/210.0) && lora_speed <= 240)
lora_speed = 210;
else if (t_diff > (300*1000L / (3*4) * 300.0/240.0) && lora_speed <= 300)
lora_speed = 240;
lora_speed = 300;
lora_automaic_cr_adoption_rf_transmissions_heard_in_timeslot /= 2L;
time_lora_automaic_cr_adoption_rx_measurement_window = millis() - (5*60*1000L/2L);
// Send position, if not requested to do not ;) But enter this part if user likes our LA/LON/SPD/CRS to be displayed on his screen ('!gps_allow_sleep_while_kiss' caused 'gps_state false')
if (!gps_state && (!dont_send_own_position_packets || !lora_tx_enabled))
goto behind_position_tx;
average_speed[point_avg_speed] = gps.speed.kmph(); // calculate smart beaconing
if (point_avg_speed>4) {
average_speed_final = (average_speed[0]+average_speed[1]+average_speed[2]+average_speed[3]+average_speed[4])/5;
average_course[point_avg_course] = gps.course.deg(); // calculate smart beaconing course
if (point_avg_course>(ANGLE_AVGS-1)) {
avg_c_y = 0;
avg_c_x = 0;
for (int i=0;i<ANGLE_AVGS;i++) {
avg_c_y += sin(average_course[i]/180*3.1415);
avg_c_x += cos(average_course[i]/180*3.1415);
new_course = atan2f(avg_c_y,avg_c_x)*180/3.1415;
if (new_course < 0) {
// tooo much false positives
// Only in 30s interval and if we did not announce turn in last round.
// Algo from Kenwood SB Docu. Considered values should be int.
// algo is: (int ) ((int )sb_angle + 10 * turn_slope / (int ) mph). In km/h, we have (int ) ((int ) ab_angle + 16 *turn_slope / (int ) mph)
if (nextTX > 1 && (millis()-lastTX) > (sb_turn_time*1000L) && average_speed_final >= sb_min_speed) {
// cave: average_speed_final must not be 0 (division by zero). Becuse sb_min_speed may be configured as zero, check above is not enough
int int_average_speed_final = (int ) average_speed_final;
if (int_average_speed_final < 1) int_average_speed_final = 1;
int sb_turn_threshold=min(120, (int ) ((int ) sb_angle + 16 * sb_turn_slope / int_average_speed_final));
if ((old_course < sb_turn_threshold) && (new_course > (360-sb_turn_threshold))) {
if (abs(new_course-old_course-360)>=sb_turn_threshold) {
nextTX = 1;
} else {
if ((old_course > (360-sb_turn_threshold)) && (new_course < sb_turn_threshold)) {
if (abs(new_course-old_course+360)>=sb_turn_threshold) {
nextTX = 1;
} else {
if (abs(new_course-old_course)>=sb_turn_threshold) {
nextTX = 1;
old_course = new_course;
if ((millis()<sb_max_interval)&&(lastTX == 0)) {
nextTX = 0;
// No course change (indicator nextTX==1)? Recomputei nextTX
if (nextTX > 1 && millis()-lastTX >= sb_min_interval) {
if (average_speed_final < sb_min_speed)
nextTX = sb_max_interval;
else if (average_speed_final > sb_max_speed)
nextTX = sb_min_interval;
else {
nextTX = sb_min_interval * sb_max_speed / average_speed_final;
if (nextTX > sb_max_interval)
nextTX = sb_max_interval;
// dl9sau: imho, too affine at high speed level
//nextTX = (sb_max_interval-sb_min_interval)/(sb_max_speed-sb_min_speed)*(sb_max_speed-average_speed_final)+sb_min_interval;
// next computation could become negative (if we are faster than sb_max_speed). fixes: either work with temporary signed long variable, or test if sb_max_speed < average_speed_final.
nextTX = ((sb_max_speed > average_speed_final) ? ((sb_max_interval-sb_min_interval)/(sb_max_speed-sb_min_speed)*(sb_max_speed-average_speed_final)+sb_min_interval) : sb_min_interval);
//if (nextTX < sb_min_interval) {nextTX=sb_min_interval;} // already assured ( (sb_max_speed <= average_speed_final) -> nextTX=sb_min_interval)
if (nextTX > sb_max_interval) {nextTX=sb_max_interval;}
// now, nextTX is <= sb_min_interval
// LatShownP = gg-mm.dd[N|S]
// aprsLatPreset = ggmm.dd[N|S]
if (gps.location.isValid() && gps.location.age() < 2000) {
LatShownP = create_lat_aprs("-", gps.location.rawLat());
LongShownP = create_long_aprs("-", gps.location.rawLng());
//save last valid position as new fixed location
aprsLatPreset = create_lat_aprs("", gps.location.rawLat());
aprsLonPreset = create_long_aprs("", gps.location.rawLng());
// rate limit to 20s in SF12 CR4/5 aka lora_speed 300; 5s in lora_speed 1200 (SF9 CR4/7). -> 1200/lora_speed*5 seconds == 6000000 / lora_speed ms
// If special case nextTX <= 1: we already enforced rate-limiting (see course computation)
if (!fixed_beacon_enabled && !dont_send_own_position_packets && lora_tx_enabled && (lastTX+nextTX) < millis() && (nextTX <= 1 || (millis()-lastTX) >= (6000000L / lora_speed ))) {
if (gps.location.age() < 2000) {
enableOled(); // enable OLED
writedisplaytext(" ((TX))","","LAT: "+LatShownP,"LON: "+LongShownP,"SPD: "+String(gps.speed.kmph(),1)+" CRS: "+String(gps.course.deg(),1),getSatAndBatInfo());
// for fixed beacon (if we loose gps fix, we'll send our last position in fix_beacon_interval)
next_fixed_beacon = millis() + fix_beacon_interval;
t_last_smart_beacon_sent = millis();
// We just transmitted. We transmitted due to turn? Don't TX again in next round:
if (nextTX < sb_min_interval) nextTX = sb_min_interval;
} else {
if (millis() > time_to_refresh){
} else {
if (millis() > time_to_refresh){
if (gps.location.age() < 2000) {
writedisplaytext(" "+Tcall,"Time to TX: "+ (dont_send_own_position_packets || !lora_tx_enabled) ? "never" : (fixed_beacon_enabled ? String((next_fixed_beacon-millis()) / 1000) : (String(((lastTX+nextTX)-millis())/1000)+"sec")),"LAT: "+LatShownP,"LON: "+LongShownP,"SPD: "+String(gps.speed.kmph())+" CRS: "+String(gps.course.deg(),1),getSatAndBatInfo());
} else {
if (nextTelemetryFrame < millis()){
// Schedule the next telemetry frame
nextTelemetryFrame = millis() + (tel_interval * 1000);
static auto last_debug_send_time = millis();
if (millis() - last_debug_send_time > 1000*5) {
last_debug_send_time = millis();
String debug_message = "";
#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0
debug_message += "Bat V: " + String(axp.getBattVoltage());
debug_message += ", ";
debug_message += "Bat IN A: " + String(axp.getBattChargeCurrent());
debug_message += ", ";
debug_message += "Bat OUT A: " + String(axp.getBattDischargeCurrent());
debug_message += ", ";
debug_message += "USB Plugged: " + String(axp.isVBUSPlug());
debug_message += ", ";
debug_message += "USB V: " + String(axp.getVbusVoltage());
debug_message += ", ";
debug_message += "USB A: " + String(axp.getVbusCurrent());
debug_message += ", ";
debug_message += "Temp C: " + String(axp.getTemp());
debug_message += "Bat V: " + String(BattVolts);
Serial.print(encapsulateKISS(debug_message, CMD_HARDWARE));
SerialBT.print(encapsulateKISS(debug_message, CMD_HARDWARE));
// Data for digipeating in queue?
if (lora_tx_enabled && lora_rx_enabled && lora_digipeating_mode && *lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating) {
// 5s grace time (plus up to 250ms random) for digipeating. 10s if we are a fill-in digi
if ((time_lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating_was_filled + 5*lora_digipeating_mode*1000L + (millis() % 250)) < millis()) {
if (lora_cross_digipeating_mode < 2 && (time_lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating_was_filled + 2* 5*lora_digipeating_mode*1000L) > millis()) {
// if SF12: we degipeat in fastest mode CR4/5. -> if lora_speed < 300 tx in lora_speed_300.
loraSend(txPower, lora_freq, (lora_speed < 300) ? 300 : lora_speed, String(lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating)); //send the packet, data is in TXbuff from lora_TXStart to lora_TXEnd
writedisplaytext(" ((TX digi))", "", String(lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating), "", "", "");
} // else: too late. skip TX
*lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating = 0;