WiFi Settings

APRS Settings

Transmission Settings
More info for SNR/RSSI path encoding see documentation section below
Station Settings
*) requires reboot only if connection to aprs-is enabled
Telemetry Settings
Fixed Beaconing Settings
Smart Beaconing Settings
*) requires reboot only if you change enable/disable GPS
Additional settings for secondary frequency:
(for cross-repeating or listening transmissions from igates)
(Only honored, if we are NOT configured as WIDE1 or WIDE2 digi. If set to both frequencies: Ratio depends on how many packets are received on each qrg in a 10min window; we stay 20s on one qrg.)
Additional settings for mode repater:
(If LoRa Repeater Mode has not been set to off)
(Only honored, if we are configured as WIDE1 or WIDE2 digi)
APRS-IS settings
changes in the foollowing section need a reboot to ensure correct login into APRS-IS
(Will be '3rd-party encoded'. Be careful - do not flood our slow main frequency! Use filters..)

Device Settings


Time (UTC) Frame RSSI SNR


NEW: reboot after changes above only necessary, where explicitly stated


View configuration
Click here to view (backup) your current settings.
Firmware update
Save configuration
Save configuration to tracker's filesystem (/preferences.cfg)


If you navigate your mouse over an input field / button, you see a detailed description what it does / which values are expected.
Info for SNR/RSSI path encoding
If enabled, add SNR and RSSI in path on receiption, prefixed with 'Q'. Examples:
SNR 23 RSSI -73 -> Q2373
SNR -03 RSSI -104 -> QA3K4
SNR -13 RSSI -114 -> QB3L4
Still testing, if it behaves good to our network.
Use with care; resulting longer path consumes a bit more airtime.
TTGO T-Beam middle hardware-button: User key functions:
short press
If OLED is enabled and OLED is OFF:
  • a short press will wake it up and show current data (as "Display Timeout" seconds
If OLED is disabled or OLED is ON:
  • with GPS-FIX immediate sending of a frame with the position from the GPS
  • without GPS-FIX, immediate sending of the frame with the position saved in the configuration
long press
  • toggle on or off WiFi and WebServer
  • Cave: if you long-press during boot, your settings are purged!
TTGO T-Beam left/right hardware-buttons:
  • Left button (nearby USB-port): if long-pressed, your device will powered off (press 7s), or is switched on again (2s).
  • Right button (lateral): short-press reboots your device (restarts the CPU).
Tips for reducing power (Usage as tracker only):
  • be aware, that aprs-is connection depends on the Webserver and will stop working).
  • select option 0 to disable WiFi & APRS-IS
  • select option 1 to disable WiFi if a bluetooth client is connected in between 60s on boot (recommended for portables, and for LORA32_21 devices)
LoRa Receiver OFF:
  • reduces power consumption, if you just use the device as a tracker
Fixed Beacon off:
  • Smart Beaconing is activated, if there is no fixed beacon
Config in Filesystem:
  • There could be two files: wifi.cfg and preferences.cfg. You find in the directory "data" of this sources-tree.
  • Each file should not exceed 2560 bytes.
  • To upload both files to SPIFFS of your board, you have to do this via Upload File System image in PlatformIO!
  • To find the 'Upload File System image' click the PlatformIO symbol (the little alien) on the left side, choose your configuration, click on 'Platform' and search for 'Upload File System image'. If you use platformio-cli, upload the filesystem as described below.
  • wifi.cfg has to be created manually, following the json structure in the example. The names of the variables (aka keys) must not be altered
  • wifi.cfg in the directory data contains an SSID and password of the AP for the second try described above
  • the total length of this file must not exceed 256 Byte. The password must not be shorter that 8 byte. The json structure must not be changed
  • if something is wrong or the file is missing, the complete file will be ignored and step 2 (above) will be skipped
  • To upload wifi.cfg to your board you have to do this via Upload File System image in PlatformIO!
  • To find the 'Upload File System image' click the PlatformIO symbol (the little alien) on the left side, choose your configuration, click on 'Platform' and search for 'Upload File System image'. If you use platformio-cli, upload the filesystem as described below.
which WiFi is selected?
  • first, the SSID which is configured via the WebSite will be searched, this SSID should match SSID1 in the file
  • second, if that SSID is not found, the WiFi configured as SSID2 in data/wifi.cfg will be searched
  • third, if that SSID is also not found, a local accesspoint with the SSID "call AP" will be created. After connected to, this Webserver will be reachable with the IP Address The password for the selfAP can be preconfigured with the key "ap_password" in this file
  • preferences.cfg can be created by the system, if you press "SAVE2FS" in the Update section of the site.
  • if you want to changes items of the preferences, you have to start with the data shown in the configuration view of this WebSite. Be sure to deleted everything before the "{". Again the keys must not be altered. The file then has to be placed into the data directory on your system using the name preferences.cfg.
which config is selected?
  • during startup it will be checked, if there is a prevously used config stored in the system. Normally that is the config, you enter via the webserver. This will be used, if available.
  • If the previously stored config is not available (i.e., after a complete system erase or a factory reset), it will be checked, if a correct file data/preferences.cfg is availabe. If yes, it will be used. If not, the system comes up with the default values.
Factory reset
  • if factory reset is selected (either via the right button or the webserver), the system will start up with the config saved in data/preferences.cfg. So if you are in the field, make sure, that you have a working setup stored there and be carefull when overwriting.
  • If you really need a fresh system with the compiled default configuration, you have to delete the file data/preferences.cfg on the board, before you do a factory reset.
Platform.IO CLI
  • if your computer is a raspberry PI3 or if you do not want/need the overhead of the Platfrom.IO GUI, you can use the CLI
  • you can find it here
  • usefull commands, if the board is connected to the PI via USB:
  • Clean all of project compilation: ~/.platformio/penv/bin/pio run -e [board identifier] -t cleanall --upload-port /dev/[port]
  • Erase Flash: ~/.platformio/penv/bin/pio run -e [board identifier] -t erase --upload-port /dev/[port]
  • Build Filesystem: ~/.platformio/penv/bin/pio run -e [board identifier] -t buildfs --upload-port /dev/[port]
  • Upload Filesystem: ~/.platformio/penv/bin/pio run -e [board identifier] -t uploadfs --upload-port /dev/[port]
  • Compile and Upload Firmware: ~/.platformio/penv/bin/pio run -e [board identifier] -t upload --upload-port /dev/[port]
  • start serial monitor: ~/.platformio/penv/bin/pio device monitor -p /dev/[port] -b 115200
  • all the commands above executed in that order, will completely erase the board, compile and upload the filesystem, compile and upload the current firmware, reboot the board and start the serial monitor
  • if a precompiled fw should be uploaded, without compilation, use the nobuild switch:
    ~/.platformio/penv/bin/pio run -e ttgo-t-beam-v1.0-development -t nobuild -t upload --upload-port /dev/ttyACM0
Hardware notices
TTGO LoRa32 V2.1 (aka T3 V1.6.1)
Hardware limitation: if bluetooth is enabled and BT-client is connected, WIFI (-> Web-Server) does not work anymore.
You'll see the red LED while booting turned on for 60s as indicatior for waiting for BT-clients. Hack: firmware compiled with -e ttgo-lora32-v2.1 and bluetooth configuration variable is set to enabled, now listens on boot up to one minute for your bluetooth device to connect.
If a bluetooth device connects, it does not start the Web-Server. Else, it closes SerialBT port and starts the Web-Server on LORA32_21 devices.
See also: new feature for switching WIFI off (i.e. if you use the device as portable tracker), if you don't need it: Webserver eats abt 80mA..
How to switch the Webserver on again, please read the long-press button (GPS) section.