More improvements to smart beaconing when GPS has no fix

Signed-off-by: Thomas Osterried <dl9sau@github>
Thomas Osterried 2022-06-11 18:58:40 +02:00
rodzic b72f865b60
commit e958b9abbb
1 zmienionych plików z 20 dodań i 5 usunięć

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@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ uint16_t lora_packets_received_in_timeslot_on_secondary_freq = 0;
char lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating[BG_RF95_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN+1] = ""; // buffer for digipeating
time_t time_lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating_was_filled = 0L;
boolean sendpacket_was_called_twice = false;
uint32_t t_last_smart_beacon_sent = 0L;
@ -1333,6 +1334,12 @@ void setup(){
if (sb_max_interval < nextTX){
// we need this assurance for failback to fixed interval, if gps position is lost.
// fixed beacon rate higher than sb_max_interval does not make sense
if (gps_state && fix_beacon_interval < sb_max_interval)
fix_beacon_interval = sb_max_interval;
writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Init:","RF95 OK!","","");
writedisplaytext(" "+Tcall,"","Init:","Waiting for GPS","","");
xTaskCreate(taskGPS, "taskGPS", 5000, nullptr, 1, nullptr);
@ -2146,6 +2153,7 @@ void loop() {
next_fixed_beacon = millis() + fix_beacon_interval;
fixed_beacon_enabled = true;
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_GPS_EN, false);
@ -2155,6 +2163,7 @@ void loop() {
axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO3, AXP202_ON);
writedisplaytext("((GPS ON))","","","","",""); // GPS ON
fixed_beacon_enabled = false;
preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_GPS_EN, true);
@ -2194,13 +2203,16 @@ void loop() {
if (fixed_beacon_enabled && !dont_send_own_position_packets) {
if (millis() >= next_fixed_beacon && (!gps_state || !gps.location.isValid())) {
// fixed beacon, or if smartbeaconing with lost gps fix (but had at least one gps fix).
// smartbeaconing also ensures correct next_fixed_beacon time
if (!dont_send_own_position_packets && millis() >= next_fixed_beacon &&
(fixed_beacon_enabled ||
(t_last_smart_beacon_sent && (!gps_state || !gps.location.isValid())) ) ) {
enableOled(); // enable OLED
next_fixed_beacon = millis() + fix_beacon_interval;
writedisplaytext("((AUT TX))", "", "", "", "", "");
#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0
@ -2638,7 +2650,7 @@ invalid_packet:
else {
nextTX = sb_min_interval * sb_max_speed / average_speed_final;
if (nextTX > sb_max_interval)
nextTX = sb_max_interval ;
nextTX = sb_max_interval;
// dl9sau: imho, too affine at high speed level
@ -2668,6 +2680,9 @@ invalid_packet:
enableOled(); // enable OLED
writedisplaytext(" ((TX))","","LAT: "+LatShownP,"LON: "+LongShownP,"SPD: "+String(gps.speed.kmph(),1)+" CRS: "+String(gps.course.deg(),1),getSatAndBatInfo());
// for fixed beacon (if we loose gps fix, we'll send our last position in fix_beacon_interval)
next_fixed_beacon = millis() + fix_beacon_interval;
t_last_smart_beacon_sent = millis();
// We just transmitted. We transmitted due to turn? Don't TX again in next round:
if (nextTX < sb_min_interval) nextTX = sb_min_interval;
} else {
@ -2678,7 +2693,7 @@ invalid_packet:
} else {
if (millis() > time_to_refresh){
if (gps.location.age() < 2000) {
writedisplaytext(" "+Tcall,"Time to TX: "+ (dont_send_own_position_packets || !lora_tx_enabled) ? "never" : (fixed_beacon_enabled ? String(next_fixed_beacon-millis() / 1000) : (String(((lastTX+nextTX)-millis())/1000)+"sec")),"LAT: "+LatShownP,"LON: "+LongShownP,"SPD: "+String(gps.speed.kmph())+" CRS: "+String(gps.course.deg(),1),getSatAndBatInfo());
writedisplaytext(" "+Tcall,"Time to TX: "+ (dont_send_own_position_packets || !lora_tx_enabled) ? "never" : (fixed_beacon_enabled ? String((next_fixed_beacon-millis()) / 1000) : (String(((lastTX+nextTX)-millis())/1000)+"sec")),"LAT: "+LatShownP,"LON: "+LongShownP,"SPD: "+String(gps.speed.kmph())+" CRS: "+String(gps.course.deg(),1),getSatAndBatInfo());
} else {