diff --git a/INSTALL.md b/INSTALL.md index 3861e95..af60523 100644 --- a/INSTALL.md +++ b/INSTALL.md @@ -4,32 +4,36 @@ 2. Install the missing libraries
There are two possibilities - either using the Library Manager of PlatformIO or the command line tool:

1. Built-In Liabrary Manager

-Press the PlatformIO HOME Button to enter the Home Screen and there the Libraries Button to add missing libraries:
-Search and install the following libaries:
+Press the PlatformIO HOME Button to enter the Home Screen and there the Libraries Button to add missing libraries.
+Search and install the following libaries:

2. Command Line Tool

-use the following commands
-platformio lib install "RadioHead"
-platformio lib install "TinyGPSPlus"
-platformio lib install "DHT sensor library for ESPx"
-platformio lib install "Adafruit SSD1306"
-platformio lib install "Adafruit GFX Library"
-platformio lib install "AXP202X_Library"
-platformio lib install "Adafruit Unified Sensor"
-platformio lib install "OneWire"
-platformio lib install "DallasTemperature"
-Check that the platformio.ini is available as it holds the board type for PlatformIO.
-After pressing the check mark the code will be compiled, after pressing the arrow it will be compiled and uploaded to a connected TTGO.
+If you issue
+~/.platformio/penv/bin/pio run
+It should resolve all dependencies automaticaly, thanks to the definitions in the section "lib_deps =".
+You could (but not need to) install the libraries by hand: +
+platformio lib install "<library name>“ +
+Check that the platformio.ini is available as it holds the board type for PlatformIO. + +


+ diff --git a/data/preferences.cfg b/data/preferences.cfg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..14a24b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/preferences.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +{ + "wifi_en": 1, + "wifi_ssid": "EnterSSIDofYourAccesspoint", + "wifi_password": "EnterPasswordofYourAccesspoint", + "wifi_failAP": true, + "wifi_pwrAP": 8, + "wifi_pwrSTA": 80, + "tncsrvr_en": false, + "gpssrv_en": false, + "ntp_server": "", + "syslog_server": "", + "lora_freq": 433.7750, + "lora_speed": 300, + "lora_rx_en": true, + "lora_tx_en": true, + "txPower": 23, + "lora_cradapt": false, + "lora_rssi2p": 34, + "snraprsis": true, + "lora_dig_mode": 1, + "lora_dig_x_m": 0, + "tx_qrg_bc": 1, + "tx_aprsis_bc": true, + "tx_aprsis_sm": true, + "lora_freq_x": 433.9000, + "lora_speed_x": 1200, + "txPower_x": 23, + "rx_qrg": 1, + "aprs_callsign": "N0CALL", + "aprs_relay_path": "1", + "aprs_s_table": "/", + "aprs_symbol": "[", + "aprs_comment": "Lora Tracker/iGate", + "aprs_lat_p": "00-00.0000N", + "aprs_lon_p": "000-00.0000E", + "aprs_blist": "", + "aprs_fb_interv": 1800, + "sb_min_interv": 120, + "sb_max_interv": 1800, + "sb_min_speed": 5, + "sb_max_speed": 70, + "sb_angle": 28.0000, + "sb_turn_slope": 26, + "sb_turn_time": 30, + "aprs_batt": true, + "aprs_fixed_beac": false, + "aprs_alt_r": 100, + "aprs_CSandA": true, + "gps_enabled": true, + "kiss_myloc_ok": true, + "gps_sleep_ok": true, + "tnc_tel": false, + "tnc_tel_int": 3600, + "tnc_tel_mic": 0, + "tnc_tel_path": "", + "oled_enabled": true, + "show_cmt": true, + "aprs_comm_rt": true, + "bt_enabled": true, + "usbser_proto": 1, + "sh_rxtime": 10, + "shutdown_act": true, + "shutdown_dt": 10, + "reboot_intrvl": 0, + "sh_oledtime": 0, + "cpufreq": 80, + "aprsis_en": true, + "aprsis_srv_h": "euro.aprs2.net", + "aprsis_srv_p": 14580, + "aprsis_fltr": "", + "aprsis_call": "", + "aprsis_pw": "", + "aprsis_2rf": 0, + "lora_freq_rx_curr": 433.7750 +} diff --git a/data/wifi.cfg b/data/wifi.cfg index 467708b..c906fc6 100644 --- a/data/wifi.cfg +++ b/data/wifi.cfg @@ -1,4 +1,20 @@ { +<<<<<<< HEAD "SSID": "yourssidhere", "password": "yourpwhere" +======= + "AP": [ + { + "SSID": "EnterSSIDofYourAccesspoint", + "password": "EnterPasswordofYourAccesspoint", + "prio": 1 + }, + { + "SSID": "EnterSSIDofYour2ndAccesspoint", + "password": "EnterPasswordofYour2ndAccesspoint" + } + ], + + "SelfAP_PW": "xxxxxxxxxx" +>>>>>>> 55018abf7b01825fad89cd1e599f4f5b33d28e8b } diff --git a/data_embed/index.html b/data_embed/index.html index fde405d..92bb1d1 100644 --- a/data_embed/index.html +++ b/data_embed/index.html @@ -19,51 +19,24 @@
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
AP settings
- +
STA settings
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
- -
+ +
- -
+ +
- +
@@ -101,7 +112,7 @@
- +
@@ -133,7 +144,7 @@
- +
@@ -173,16 +184,16 @@ - - +
- -
- More info for SNR/RSSI path encoding see documentation section below
+ More info for SNR/RSSI path encoding see documentation section below +
@@ -190,12 +201,12 @@
- - + +
- +
@@ -206,12 +217,16 @@
- - + +
- - + + +
+ +
@@ -229,50 +244,108 @@
+ +
Telemetry Settings
+ +
+ *) requires reboot only if connection to aprs-is enabled +
Telemetry Settings
+ + +
- + +
- +
Fixed Beaconing Settings
- +
- +
- + +
+ + +
Position format and precision / ambiguity
+ +
@@ -281,24 +354,22 @@
- +
- +
- +
- +
@@ -314,7 +385,7 @@
- +
@@ -325,9 +396,12 @@
+ *) requires reboot only if you change enable/disable GPS +
Additional settings for secondary frequency:
Additional settings for secondary frequency:
@@ -340,7 +414,7 @@
@@ -382,36 +456,42 @@
+ + +
(If LoRa Repeater Mode has not been set to off) -
(Only honored, if we are configured as WIDE1 or WIDE2 digi) - +
APRS-IS settings
changes in the foollowing section need a reboot to ensure correct login into APRS-IS
- +
@@ -434,8 +514,8 @@
- - + +
@@ -479,13 +559,34 @@
+ +
+ + +>>>>>>> 55018abf7b01825fad89cd1e599f4f5b33d28e8b
@@ -503,55 +604,97 @@
- +
- +
- - + +
- - + +
- - + +
- - -
- - + +
- - -
- - -
- - + +
@@ -562,12 +705,51 @@ +

Device Info

+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +


- +
@@ -585,6 +767,7 @@


NEW: reboot after changes above only necessary, where explicitly stated
@@ -616,18 +799,49 @@


View configuration
+ Click here to view (backup) your current settings. +
+ Click here to view your configured wifi settings. +
Firmware update
- +
- +
- Click here to view your configuration. +
Save configuration
+ Save configuration to tracker's filesystem (/preferences.cfg) +
+ +
+ +
Save configuration
+ Save Wifi configuration to tracker's filesystem (/wifi.cfg) +
+ +
@@ -651,23 +865,37 @@ Use with care; resulting longer path consumes a bit more airtime.
User key functions (hardware buttons):
TTGO T-Beam middle hardware-button
(User key functions):
short press
If OLED is enabled and OLED is OFF:
  • a short press will wake it up and show current data (as "Display Timeout" seconds
  • +
  • a short press will wake it up and show current data (as long as your configured "Display Timeout")
If OLED is disabled or OLED is ON:
  • with GPS-FIX immediate sending of a frame with the position from the GPS
  • -
  • without GPS-FIX, immediate sending of the frame with the position saved in the configuration
  • +
  • flip through the available pages
  • +
  • 1. press: show lastheard list (Call, time, distance, direction)
  • +
  • 2. press: show current build number
  • +
  • 3. - 5. press: show last 3 received packets (raw)
  • +
  • 6. press: with GPS-FIX immediate send a beacon with the position from the GPS
  • +
  • 6. press: without GPS-FIX, immediate send a beacon with the position saved in the configuration
long press
  • toggle on or off WiFi and WebServer
  • -
  • Cave: if you long-press during boot, your settings are purged!
  • + +
    TTGO T-Beam left/right hardware-buttons:
    • Left button (nearby USB-port): if long-pressed, your device will powered off (press 7s), or is switched on again (2s).
    • Right button (lateral): short-press reboots your device (restarts the CPU).
    Tips for reducing power (Usage as tracker only):
    @@ -685,7 +913,66 @@ Fixed Beacon off:
    • Smart Beaconing is activated, if there is no fixed beacon
    • +
    • Smart Beaconing is activated and GPS position is sent (if GPS fix is available). There is no fixed beacon. Beaconing starts after first GPS-fix (or if you manualy send a fixed beacon). If GPS-fix is lost, the last GPS position is sent in Fixed Beacon Interval.
    • +
    Config in Filesystem:
    + General
    • There could be two files: wifi.cfg and preferences.cfg. You find in the directory "data" of this sources-tree.
    • +
    • Each file should not exceed 2560 bytes.
    • +
    • To upload both files to SPIFFS of your board, you have to do this via Upload File System image in PlatformIO!
    • +
    • To find the 'Upload File System image' click the PlatformIO symbol (the little alien) on the left side, choose your configuration, click on 'Platform' and search for 'Upload File System image'. If you use platformio-cli, upload the filesystem as described below.
    • +
    + data/wifi.cfg
    • wifi.cfg can to be created manually, following the json structure in the example. The names of the variables (aka keys) must not be altered
    • +
    • The preferred way is to upgrade the firmware to the newest version, make sure, that the wifi credentials are set correctly and then kilck the SAVEWIFI2FS Button.
    • +
    • The content, what will be saved, can be viewed above.
    • +
    • wifi.cfg in the directory data contains SSID and password of up to 10 AP and a password for the local accesspoint
    • +
    • The password must not be shorter that 8 byte. The json structure must not be changed
    • +
    • if something is wrong or the file is missing, the complete file will be ignored. If credentials are available in flash, they will be used.
    • +
    • An alternative to upload wifi.cfg to your board is via Upload File System image in PlatformIO!
    • +
    • To find the 'Upload File System image' click the PlatformIO symbol (the little alien) on the left side, choose your configuration, click on 'Platform' and search for 'Upload File System image'. If you use platformio-cli, upload the filesystem as described below.
    • +
    + which WiFi is selected?
    • An AP entry containing the keyword "prio":1 defines the entry which is taken as first to connect before following the configured order
    • +
    • if there is nothing prioritized, then the configured order is followed. If credentials are available in flash, they will be used first.
    • +
    • if no connection to a configured AP could be established, a local accesspoint with the SSID "call AP" will be created. After connected to, this Webserver will be reachable with the IP Address The password for the selfAP can be preconfigured with the key "ap_password" in this file
    • +
    + data/preferences.cfg
    • preferences.cfg can be created by the system, if you kilck to "SAVE2FS" in the Update section of the site. +
    • if you want to changes items of the preferences, you have to start with the data shown in the configuration view of this WebSite. Be sure to deleted everything before the "{". Again the keys must not be altered. The file then has to be placed into the data directory on your system using the name preferences.cfg. +
    + which config is selected?
    • during startup it will be checked, if there is a prevously used config stored in the system. Normally that is the config, you enter via the webserver. This will be used, if available.
    • +
    • If the previously stored config is not available (i.e., after a complete system erase or a factory reset), it will be checked, if a correct file data/preferences.cfg is availabe. If yes, it will be used. If not, the system comes up with the default values.
    • +
    + Factory reset
    • if factory reset is selected (either via the right button or the webserver), the system will start up with the config saved in data/preferences.cfg. So if you are in the field, make sure, that you have a working setup stored there and be carefull when overwriting.
    • +
    • If you really need a fresh system with the compiled default configuration, you have to delete the file data/preferences.cfg on the board, before you do a factory reset.
    • +
    + Platform.IO CLI
    • if your computer is a raspberry PI3 or if you do not want/need the overhead of the Platfrom.IO GUI, you can use the CLI
    • +
    • you can find it here
    • +
    • usefull commands, if the board is connected to the PI via USB:
    • +
    • Clean all of project compilation: ~/.platformio/penv/bin/pio run -e [board identifier] -t cleanall --upload-port /dev/[port]
    • +
    • Erase Flash: ~/.platformio/penv/bin/pio run -e [board identifier] -t erase --upload-port /dev/[port]
    • +
    • Build Filesystem: ~/.platformio/penv/bin/pio run -e [board identifier] -t buildfs --upload-port /dev/[port]
    • +
    • Upload Filesystem: ~/.platformio/penv/bin/pio run -e [board identifier] -t uploadfs --upload-port /dev/[port]
    • +
    • Compile and Upload Firmware: ~/.platformio/penv/bin/pio run -e [board identifier] -t upload --upload-port /dev/[port]
    • +
    • start serial monitor: ~/.platformio/penv/bin/pio device monitor -p /dev/[port] -b 115200
    • +
    • all the commands above executed in that order, will completely erase the board, compile and upload the filesystem, compile and upload the current firmware, reboot the board and start the serial monitor
    • +
    • if a precompiled fw should be uploaded, without compilation, use the nobuild switch:
      + ~/.platformio/penv/bin/pio run -e ttgo-t-beam-v1.0-development -t nobuild -t upload --upload-port /dev/ttyACM0
    @@ -708,6 +995,7 @@ diff --git a/include/preference_storage.h b/include/preference_storage.h index 45e0045..b097ee2 100644 --- a/include/preference_storage.h +++ b/include/preference_storage.h @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ extern Preferences preferences; // MAX 15 chars for preference key!!! +static const char *const PREF_AP_PASSWORD = "ap_password"; static const char *const PREF_WIFI_SSID = "wifi_ssid"; static const char *const PREF_WIFI_PASSWORD = "wifi_password"; -static const char *const PREF_AP_PASSWORD = "ap_password"; static const char *const PREF_NTP_SERVER = "ntp_server"; static const char *const PREF_SYSLOG_SERVER = "syslog_server"; static const char *const PREF_WIFI_ENABLE_INIT = "wifi_en_i"; @@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ static const char *const PREF_LORA_AUTOMATIC_CR_ADAPTION_PRESET_INIT = "lora_cra static const char *const PREF_LORA_AUTOMATIC_CR_ADAPTION_PRESET = "lora_cradapt"; static const char *const PREF_APRS_DIGIPEATING_MODE_PRESET_INIT = "lora_dig_mode_i"; static const char *const PREF_APRS_DIGIPEATING_MODE_PRESET = "lora_dig_mode"; +static const char *const PREF_APRS_DIGIPEATING_MYALIAS_INIT = "lora_myalias_i"; +static const char *const PREF_APRS_DIGIPEATING_MYALIAS = "lora_myalias"; static const char *const PREF_APRS_CROSS_DIGIPEATING_MODE_PRESET_INIT = "lora_dig_x_m_i"; static const char *const PREF_APRS_CROSS_DIGIPEATING_MODE_PRESET = "lora_dig_x_m"; @@ -68,6 +70,8 @@ static const char *const PREF_APRS_RELAY_PATH = "aprs_relay_path"; static const char *const PREF_APRS_RELAY_PATH_INIT = "aprs_relay_init"; static const char *const PREF_APRS_SYMBOL_TABLE = "aprs_s_table"; static const char *const PREF_APRS_SYMBOL = "aprs_symbol"; +static const char *const PREF_APRS_OBJECT_NAME = "aprs_objnam"; +static const char *const PREF_APRS_OBJECT_NAME_INIT = "aprs_objnam_i"; static const char *const PREF_APRS_COMMENT = "aprs_comment"; static const char *const PREF_APRS_COMMENT_INIT = "aprs_comm_init"; static const char *const PREF_APRS_COMMENT_RATELIMIT_PRESET = "aprs_comm_rt"; @@ -79,11 +83,17 @@ static const char *const PREF_APRS_ALTITUDE_RATIO_INIT = "aprs_alt_r_i"; static const char *const PREF_APRS_ALWAYS_SEND_CSE_SPEED_AND_ALTITUDE = "aprs_CSandA"; static const char *const PREF_APRS_ALWAYS_SEND_CSE_SPEED_AND_ALTITUDE_INIT = "aprs_CSandA_i"; - static const char *const PREF_APRS_SHOW_BATTERY = "aprs_batt"; static const char *const PREF_APRS_SHOW_BATTERY_INIT = "aprs_batt_init"; +static const char *const PREF_APRS_STATUS_WINLINK_NOTIFICATION = "aprs_stat_wl"; +static const char *const PREF_APRS_STATUS_WINLINK_NOTIFICATION_INIT = "aprs_stat_wl_i"; +static const char *const PREF_APRS_STATUS_SHUTDOWN_NOTIFICATION = "aprs_stat_qrt"; +static const char *const PREF_APRS_STATUS_SHUTDOWN_NOTIFICATION_INIT = "aprs_stat_qrt_i"; static const char *const PREF_APRS_LATITUDE_PRESET = "aprs_lat_p"; static const char *const PREF_APRS_LATITUDE_PRESET_INIT = "aprs_lat_p_init"; +static const char *const PREF_APRS_LATLON_FROM_GPS = "aprs_llfgps"; // no _INIT needed. Checkbox is evaluated on "save" in the Web interface +static const char *const PREF_APRS_POSITION_AMBIGUITY = "pos_amb"; +static const char *const PREF_APRS_POSITION_AMBIGUITY_INIT = "pos_amb_init"; static const char *const PREF_APRS_LONGITUDE_PRESET = "aprs_lon_p"; static const char *const PREF_APRS_LONGITUDE_PRESET_INIT = "aprs_lon_p_init"; static const char *const PREF_APRS_SENDER_BLACKLIST = "aprs_blist"; @@ -102,6 +112,8 @@ static const char *const PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_MIC = "tnc_tel_mic"; static const char *const PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_MIC_INIT = "tnc_tel_mic_i"; static const char *const PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_PATH = "tnc_tel_path"; static const char *const PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_PATH_INIT = "tnc_tel_path_i"; +static const char *const PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_ALLOW_RF = "tnc_tel_rf"; +static const char *const PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_ALLOW_RF_INIT = "tnc_tel_rf_i"; // SMART BEACONING static const char *const PREF_APRS_SB_MIN_INTERVAL_PRESET = "sb_min_interv"; @@ -130,8 +142,10 @@ static const char *const PREF_APRS_SHOW_CMT = "show_cmt"; static const char *const PREF_APRS_SHOW_CMT_INIT = "show_cmt_init"; static const char *const PREF_DEV_BT_EN = "bt_enabled"; static const char *const PREF_DEV_BT_EN_INIT = "bt_enabled_init"; -static const char *const PREF_DEV_LOGTOSERIAL_EN = "logserial_en"; -static const char *const PREF_DEV_LOGTOSERIAL_EN_INIT = "logserial_en_i"; +static const char *const PREF_DEV_LOGTOSERIAL_EN = "logserial_en"; /* obsoleted. may be removed later. Use alt ratio 0 .. 100*/ +static const char *const PREF_DEV_LOGTOSERIAL_EN_INIT = "logserial_en_i"; /* obsoleted. may be removed later. Use alt ratio 0 .. 100*/ +static const char *const PREF_DEV_USBSERIAL_DATA_TYPE = "usbser_proto"; +static const char *const PREF_DEV_USBSERIAL_DATA_TYPE_INIT= "usbser_proto_i"; static const char *const PREF_DEV_OL_EN = "oled_enabled"; static const char *const PREF_DEV_OL_EN_INIT = "ol_enabled_init"; static const char *const PREF_DEV_SHOW_RX_TIME = "sh_rxtime"; @@ -146,6 +160,14 @@ static const char *const PREF_DEV_SHOW_OLED_TIME = "sh_oledtime"; // set OLED ti static const char *const PREF_DEV_SHOW_OLED_TIME_INIT = "sh_oledtime_i"; static const char *const PREF_DEV_CPU_FREQ = "cpufreq"; static const char *const PREF_DEV_CPU_FREQ_INIT = "cpufreq_i"; +static const char *const PREF_DEV_UNITS = "units"; +static const char *const PREF_DEV_UNITS_INIT = "units_i"; +static const char *const PREF_DEV_OLED_L3_L4_FORMAT = "oledl3l4fmt"; +static const char *const PREF_DEV_OLED_L3_L4_FORMAT_INIT = "oledl3l4fmt_i"; +static const char *const PREF_DEV_OLED_LOCATOR = "oledlocator"; +static const char *const PREF_DEV_OLED_LOCATOR_INIT = "locator_i"; +static const char *const PREF_DEV_OLED_LOCATOR_AMBIGUITY = "oled_loc_amb"; +static const char *const PREF_DEV_OLED_LOCATOR_AMBIGUITY_INIT = "oled_loc_amb_i"; // APRSIS settings diff --git a/include/taskWebServer.h b/include/taskWebServer.h index 760e622..98959d0 100644 --- a/include/taskWebServer.h +++ b/include/taskWebServer.h @@ -27,5 +27,12 @@ typedef struct { extern QueueHandle_t webListReceivedQueue; +// structure for AP Array +struct AccessPoint { + char ssid[33]; + char pw[64]; + //uint8_t prio; +}; + [[noreturn]] void taskWebServer(void *parameter); -#endif \ No newline at end of file +#endif diff --git a/platformio.ini b/platformio.ini index 16b09c9..c072bd1 100644 --- a/platformio.ini +++ b/platformio.ini @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ lib_deps = https://github.com/SQ9MDD/AXP202X_Library.git SparkFun u-blox Arduino Library bblanchon/ArduinoJson + arcao/Syslog build_flags = -Wl,--gc-sections,--relax -D 'KISS_PROTOCOL' ; leave enabled @@ -36,12 +37,20 @@ build_flags = -D 'DIGI_PATH="WIDE1-1"' ; can be set from www interface -D 'FIXED_BEACON_EN' ; can be set from www interface -D 'SB_ALGO_KENWOOD' ; Kenwood skales better on lower speed. +<<<<<<< HEAD -D 'LATITUDE_PRESET="5009.21N"' ; can be set from www interface -D 'LONGITUDE_PRESET="00839.42E"' ; can be set from www interface -D 'APRS_SYMBOL_TABLE="L"' ; can be set from www interface L -D 'APRS_SYMBOL="\&"' ; can be set from www interface ;-D 'APRS_SYMBOL_TABLE="/"' ; can be set from www interface Runner ;-D 'APRS_SYMBOL="["' ; can be set from www interface +======= + -D 'LATITUDE_PRESET="0000.00N"' ; can be set from www interface + -D 'LONGITUDE_PRESET="00000.00W"' ; can be set from www interface + -D 'APRS_SYMBOL_TABLE="/"' ; can be set from www interface. Hint: if you need Symbol "&", you need to escape: "\&" + -D 'APRS_SYMBOL="["' ; can be set from www interface. Hint: if you need Symbol "&", you need to escape: "\&" + -D 'APRS_OBJECT_NAME=""' ; can be set from www interface +>>>>>>> 55018abf7b01825fad89cd1e599f4f5b33d28e8b -D 'MY_COMMENT="Lora Tracker/iGate"' ; can be set from www interface -D 'SHOW_ALT' ; can be set from www interface -D 'SHOW_BATT' ; can be set from www interface @@ -62,30 +71,47 @@ build_flags = -D 'TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_INTERVAL=3600L' ; can be set from www interface (seconds) -D 'SHOW_OLED_TIME=15000' ; can be set from www interface (OLED Timeout) -[env:ttgo-t-beam-v1.0] +[env:ttgo-t-beam-v1_0] platform = espressif32 @ 3.5.0 board = ttgo-t-beam build_flags = ${env.build_flags} -D T_BEAM_V1_0 -D ENABLE_WIFI + -D ENABLE_SYSLOG -D ENABLE_BLUETOOTH -[env:ttgo-t-beam-v0.7] +[env:ttgo-t-beam-v1_2] +platform = espressif32 @ 3.5.0 +board = ttgo-t-beam +build_flags = + ${env.build_flags} + -D T_BEAM_V1_2 + -D ENABLE_WIFI + -D ENABLE_SYSLOG + -D ENABLE_BLUETOOTH +lib_deps = + ${env.lib_deps} + https://github.com/lewisxhe/XPowersLib + + +[env:ttgo-t-beam-v0_7] platform = espressif32 @ 3.5.0 board = ttgo-t-beam build_flags = ${env.build_flags} -D ENABLE_WIFI + -D ENABLE_SYSLOG -D T_BEAM_V0_7 -[env:ttgo-lora32-v2.1] +[env:ttgo-lora32-v2_1] platform = espressif32 @ 3.5.0 board = ttgo-lora32-v21 build_flags = ${env.build_flags} -D LORA32_21 -D ENABLE_WIFI + -D ENABLE_SYSLOG -D ENABLE_BLUETOOTH [env:ttgo-lora32-v2] @@ -94,6 +120,7 @@ board = ttgo-lora32-v2 build_flags = ${env.build_flags} -D ENABLE_WIFI + -D ENABLE_SYSLOG -D LORA32_2 [env:ttgo-lora32-v1] @@ -102,6 +129,7 @@ board = ttgo-lora32-v1 build_flags = ${env.build_flags} -D ENABLE_WIFI + -D ENABLE_SYSLOG -D LORA32_1 [env:Heltec-WiFi-v1] @@ -110,6 +138,7 @@ board = heltec_wifi_kit_32 build_flags = ${env.build_flags} -D ENABLE_WIFI + -D ENABLE_SYSLOG -D HELTEC_V1 [env:Heltec-WiFi-v2] @@ -118,9 +147,10 @@ board = heltec_wifi_kit_32_v2 build_flags = ${env.build_flags} -D ENABLE_WIFI + -D ENABLE_SYSLOG -D HELTEC_V2 -[env:ttgo-t-beam-v1.0-development] +[env:ttgo-t-beam-v1_0-development] platform = espressif32 @ 3.5.0 board = ttgo-t-beam build_flags = @@ -129,8 +159,7 @@ build_flags = -D ENABLE_WIFI -D ENABLE_BLUETOOTH -D ENABLE_SYSLOG - -D 'SYSLOG_IP=""' + -D 'SYSLOG_IP=""' -D DEVELOPMENT_DEBUG -lib_deps = - ${env.lib_deps} - arcao/Syslog +#lib_deps = + #${env.lib_deps} diff --git a/src/TTGO_T-Beam_LoRa_APRS.ino b/src/TTGO_T-Beam_LoRa_APRS.ino index 136b000..2bc90f8 100644 --- a/src/TTGO_T-Beam_LoRa_APRS.ino +++ b/src/TTGO_T-Beam_LoRa_APRS.ino @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ // Tracker for LoRA APRS -// from OE1ACM and OE3CJB redesigned by SQ9MDD +// from OE1ACM and OE3CJB redesigned by SQ9MDD . // KISS ans Bluetooth by SQ5RWU // TTGO T-Beam v1.0 only // @@ -19,7 +19,12 @@ #include #include #include +#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_2 +#define XPOWERS_CHIP_AXP2101 +#include +#else #include +#endif #include #include #include "taskGPS.h" @@ -27,6 +32,15 @@ #include "preference_storage.h" #include "syslog_log.h" +// Enable verbose debug output, level 2 on compile (-D DEVELOPMENT_DEBUG via plaformio.ini) or by finetuning it here. +// debug_verbose 1 currently affects syslog level LOG_DEBUG. 0 disables verbose output. +#ifdef DEVELOPMENT_DEBUG +int debug_verbose = 1; +#else +//int debug_verbose = 0; +int debug_verbose = 1; +#endif + // Access to SPIFFS for wifi.cfg #include "ArduinoJson.h" #include "SPIFFS.h" @@ -41,6 +55,9 @@ #endif String wifi_info; // saving wifi info (CLI|AP|dis) for Oled. If WIFI not compiled in, we still need this variable +String RemoteDebug; +uint32_t RemoteDebugNr = 0L; + // oled address #define SSD1306_ADDRESS 0x3C @@ -51,9 +68,9 @@ String wifi_info; // saving wifi info (CLI|AP|dis) for Oled. If W #define SPI_ss 18 // IO config -#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 +#if defined(T_BEAM_V1_0) || defined(T_BEAM_V1_2) #define I2C_SDA 21 - #define I2C_SCL 22 + #define I2C_SCL 22 #define BUTTON 38 //pin number for Button on TTGO T-Beam #define BUZZER 15 // enter your buzzer pin gpio const byte TXLED = 4; //pin number for LED on TX Tracker @@ -85,19 +102,19 @@ String wifi_info; // saving wifi info (CLI|AP|dis) for Oled. If W const byte TXLED = 4; //pin number for LED on TX Tracker #elif LORA32_1 #define I2C_SDA 21 - #define I2C_SCL 22 + #define I2C_SCL 22 #define BUTTON 2 //pin number for BUTTO #define BUZZER 13 // enter your buzzer pin gpio const byte TXLED = 4; //pin number for LED on TX Tracker #elif HELTEC_V1 #define I2C_SDA 4 - #define I2C_SCL 15 + #define I2C_SCL 15 #define BUTTON 2 //pin number for BUTTO #define BUZZER 13 // enter your buzzer pin gpio const byte TXLED = 4; //pin number for LED on TX Tracker #elif HELTEC_V2 #define I2C_SDA 4 - #define I2C_SCL 15 + #define I2C_SCL 15 #define BUTTON 2 //pin number for BUTTO #define BUZZER 13 // enter your buzzer pin gpio const byte TXLED = 4; //pin number for LED on TX Tracker @@ -110,7 +127,7 @@ String wifi_info; // saving wifi info (CLI|AP|dis) for Oled. If W ulong lora_speed = 300; #endif -#ifdef TXFREQ +#ifdef TXFREQ double lora_freq = TXFREQ; #else double lora_freq = 433.775; @@ -130,35 +147,67 @@ uint16_t aprsis_port = 14580; String aprsis_filter = ""; String aprsis_callsign = ""; String aprsis_password = "-1"; -uint8_t aprsis_data_allow_inet_to_rf = 2; // 0: disable. 1: gate to main qrg. 2: gate to secondary qrg. 3: gate to both frequencies +uint8_t aprsis_data_allow_inet_to_rf = 0; // 0: disable (default). 1: gate to main qrg. 2: gate to secondary qrg. 3: gate to both frequencies +extern void do_send_status_message_about_reboot_to_aprsis(); +#if defined(T_BEAM_V1_0) || defined(T_BEAM_V1_2) +extern void do_send_status_message_about_shutdown_to_aprsis(); +#endif #endif // Variables for APRS packaging String Tcall; //your Call Sign for normal position reports +#if !defined(CALLSIGN) +#define CALLSIGN "N0CALL" +#endif String aprsSymbolTable = APRS_SYMBOL_TABLE; String aprsSymbol = APRS_SYMBOL; String relay_path; +#ifdef APRS_OBJECT_NAME + String aprsObjectName = APRS_OBJECT_NAME; +#else + String aprsObjectName = ""; +#endif String aprsComment = MY_COMMENT; +double aprsLatPresetDouble = 0.0; +double aprsLonPresetDouble = 0.0; String aprsLatPreset = LATITUDE_PRESET; String aprsLonPreset = LONGITUDE_PRESET; +String aprsLatPresetDAO = LATITUDE_PRESET; +String aprsLonPresetDAO = LONGITUDE_PRESET; +String aprsLatPresetFromPreferences = LATITUDE_PRESET; +String aprsLonPresetFromPreferences = LONGITUDE_PRESET; +String aprsLatPresetNiceNotation; +String aprsLonPresetNiceNotation; +String aprsLatLonAsMaidenheadGridLocator; +String aprsLatLonDAO = ""; +String aprsLatLonPresetCOMP = ""; +boolean aprsLatLonInvalidPosition = true; +RawDegrees bestRawLat; +RawDegrees bestRawLng; +double bestDoubleLat; +double bestDoubleLng; +double bestHdop = 99.9; +boolean no_gps_position_since_boot = true; + +int position_ambiguity = 0; // 0: default, compressed. -1: uncompressed. -2: uncompressed, with DAO '!W..!'. -3: uncompressed, with DAO '!w..!'. 1: ambiguity 1/10'. 2: ambiguity 1'. 3: ambiguity 10'. 4: Ambuguity 1 deg (60'). //String LatShownP = aprsLonPreset; //String LongShownP = aprsLonPreset; // "P" means original Preset, "u": Preset has been updated to the last valid position (DL3EL). "p" means, invalid gps, last known position used a temporary preset. String aprsPresetShown = "P"; //double lastTxdistance = 0; -#if defined(T_BEAM_V1_0) || defined(T_BEAM_V0_7) +#if defined(T_BEAM_V1_2) || defined(T_BEAM_V1_0) || defined(T_BEAM_V0_7) || defined(FORCE_ENABLE_GPS) + // ^ may used as compile time define boolean gps_state = true; #else boolean gps_state = false; #endif -// as we now collect the gps_data at the beginning of loop(), also the speed ist from there, we should not query gps.speed.kmph directly later on +// as we now collect the gps_data at the beginning of loop(), also the speed ist from there, we should not query gps.speed.kmph() directly later on // the same show be done with course and alti (later) // after successful data retrieval, gps_isValid becomes true (or turn false, if retrieval fails) -// all by DL3EL boolean gps_isValid = false; -int gps_speed_kmph = 0; -int gps_speed_kmph_oled = 0; +int gps_speed = 0; +//int gps_speed_kmph_oled = 0; char gps_time_s[20];// Room for len(01:02:03 04.05.2022) + 1 /* \0 */ -> 20 boolean key_up = true; @@ -169,6 +218,7 @@ boolean show_cmt = true; int tel_sequence; // Telemetry path String tel_path; +uint8_t tel_allow_tx_on_rf = 0; // 0 is best ;) #ifdef SHOW_ALT boolean showAltitude = true; /* obsolete. use altitude_ratio 0 .. 100 % */ @@ -183,6 +233,8 @@ boolean always_send_cseSpd_AND_altitude = false; #else boolean showBattery = false; #endif +uint8_t add_winlink_notification = 0; // Periodically add notification to the WINLINK System. 0: disable. 1: only if bluetooth client is connected. 2: enable +uint32_t winlink_notified = 0L; #ifdef ENABLE_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY //boolean enable_tel = true; boolean enable_tel = false; @@ -198,10 +250,16 @@ boolean always_send_cseSpd_AND_altitude = false; #ifdef TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_MIC int tel_mic = 1; // telemetry as "T#MIC" #else - int tel_mic = 0; // telemetry as "T#001" + //int tel_mic = 0; // telemetry as "T#001" // numeric 0-9. Needs to remember sequence + //int tel_mic = -1; // telemetry as "T#AbC" // time based alphanumeric 0-9,A-Z,a-z. cool, but aprs.fi complains. Resolution 23s in two months. + int tel_mic = -2; // telemetry as "T#001" // time based numeric 0-9. Resolution 10min in one week. #endif -#if defined(ENABLE_BLUETOOTH) && defined(KISS_PROTOCOL) +#if defined(ENABLE_BLUETOOTH) boolean enable_bluetooth = true; + volatile boolean serial_bt_client_is_connected = false; + // For handling state change of new bluetooth clients + boolean serial_bt_client_was_connected = false; + boolean new_serial_bt_client_connected = false; #else boolean enable_bluetooth = false; #endif @@ -210,10 +268,19 @@ boolean always_send_cseSpd_AND_altitude = false; boolean webserverStarted = false; boolean tncServer_enabled = false; boolean gpsServer_enabled = false; -// Mapping Table {Power, max_tx_power} = {{8, 2}, {20, 5}, {28, 7}, {34, 8}, {44, 11}, {52, 13}, {56, 14}, {60, 15}, {66, 16}, {72, 18}, {80,20}}. -// We'll use "min", "low", "mid", "high", "max" -> 2dBm (1.5mW) -> 8, 11dBm (12mW) -> 44, 15dBm (32mW) -> 60, 18dBm (63mW) ->72, 20dBm (100mW) ->80 + // Mapping Table {Power, max_tx_power} = {{8, 2}, {20, 5}, {28, 7}, {34, 8}, {44, 11}, {52, 13}, {56, 14}, {60, 15}, {66, 16}, {72, 18}, {80,20}}. + // We'll use "min", "low", "mid", "high", "max" -> 2dBm (1.5mW) -> 8, 11dBm (12mW) -> 44, 15dBm (32mW) -> 60, 18dBm (63mW) ->72, 20dBm (100mW) ->80 int8_t wifi_txpwr_mode_AP = 8; int8_t wifi_txpwr_mode_STA = 80; + extern void refill_preferences_as_jsonData(); + extern void fill_wifi_config_as_jsonData(); +#else + void refill_preferences_as_jsonData() { ; }; + void fill_wifi_config_as_jsonData() { ; }; +#endif +#ifdef ENABLE_PREFERENCES +String preferences_as_jsonData; +String wifi_config_as_jsonData; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_OLED boolean enabled_oled = true; @@ -234,12 +301,31 @@ String OledLine2 = ""; // WebServer Info (CLI|AP|dis), next beacon (SB|FB), G String OledLine3 = ""; // Position String OledLine4 = ""; // speed, course, altitude String OledLine5 = ""; // sat info, batt info -int OLED_refresh = 1000; +int oled_line3and4_format = 0; // 0: original format of line3 and line4; Lat/Lon in aprs format. Alternative format: 1: classic. 2: nautical. 3: classic lat/lon left 4: nautical lat/lon left +int oled_show_locator = 0; // 0: show always locator (and never lat/lon). 1: show never locator (and always Lat/lon). 2: 10:50 ratio. 6: with 20:100 ratio. 5: 20:20 ratio +int oled_loc_amb = 0; // display locator not more precise than 0: RR99XX. -1: RR99XX99. -2: RR99XX99XX -#if defined(ENABLE_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY) && defined(KISS_PROTOCOL) - time_t nextTelemetryFrame; +#if defined(ENABLE_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY) + uint32_t nextTelemetryFrame = 60*1000L; // first possible start of telemetry 60s after boot. #endif +// cycle through the menu with by pressing the middle button multible times +int button_down_count = 0; + +// structure for LastHeard Array. Used for displaying course and distance to them. +#define MAX_LH 5 // max lastheard +struct LastHeard{ + String callsign; + uint32_t time_received = 0L; + double lat; + double lng; + boolean direct; +// String direct; + +}; +struct LastHeard LH[MAX_LH]; + +String RX_RAW_PACKET_LIST[3]; //byte Variables byte lora_TXStart; //start of packet data in TXbuff @@ -251,7 +337,7 @@ byte lora_TXSource; //source address of packet received byte lora_FDeviceError; //flag, set to 1 if RFM98 device error byte lora_TXPacketL; //length of packet to send, includes source, destination and packet type. -unsigned long lastTX = 0L; +unsigned long lastPositionTX = 0L; float BattVolts; float InpVolts; @@ -271,37 +357,41 @@ float InpVolts; float sb_angle = 30; // angle to send packet at smart beaconing #endif int sb_turn_slope = 26; // kenwood example: 26 in mph. Yaesu suggests 26 in high speed car, 11 car in low/mid speed, 7 on walking; - // TS 7 if <= 20km/h, TS 11 if <= 50km/h, TS 26 else. + // TS 7 if <= 20km/h, TS 11 if <= 50km/h, TS 26 else. int sb_turn_time = 30; // min. 30s between transmissions (kenwood example) -float average_speed[5] = {0,0,0,0,0}, average_speed_final=0; +float average_speed[5] = {0,0,0,0,0}; +float average_speed_final = 0.0; float old_course = 0, new_course = 0; int point_avg_speed = 0, point_avg_course = 0; -ulong nextTX=60000L; // preset time period between TX = 60000ms = 60secs = 1min +ulong nextTX = 60000L; // preset time period between TX = 60000ms = 60secs = 1min -ulong time_to_refresh = 0; -ulong next_fixed_beacon = 75000L; // first fixed beacon app. 125s after system start (DL3EL) +ulong time_to_refresh = 1000; // typical time display lines are shown, before overwritten with new info +ulong next_fixed_beacon = 75000L; // first fixed beacon approx 125s after system start (DL3EL) ulong fix_beacon_interval = FIX_BEACON_INTERVAL; ulong showRXTime = SHOW_RX_TIME; ulong time_delay = 0; ulong shutdown_delay = 0; ulong shutdown_delay_time = 10000; ulong shutdown_countdown_timer = 0; -boolean shutdown_active =true; + +boolean shutdown_active = true; boolean shutdown_countdown_timer_enable = false; -boolean shutdown_usb_status_bef = false; +boolean shutdown_process = false; +boolean usb_status_bef = false; uint32_t reboot_interval = 0L; // Variables required to Power Save OLED // With "Display dimmer enabled" it will turn OLED off after some time // if the checkbox is disabled the display stays OFF uint oled_timeout = SHOW_OLED_TIME; // OLED Timeout -bool tempOled = true; // Turn ON OLED at first startup +bool display_is_on = true; // Turn ON OLED at first startup ulong oled_timer; +boolean freeze_display = false; // Variable to manually send beacon from html page -bool manBeacon = false; +uint8_t manBeacon = 0; // 1: triggered from web-interface, 2: triggered from CLI // Variable to show AP settings on OLED #ifdef ENABLE_WIFI @@ -312,14 +402,22 @@ int8_t WIFI_NOT_CONNECTED_TO_AP = 4; int8_t WIFI_RUNNING_AS_AP = 8; int8_t wifi_connection_status = WIFI_DISABLED; int8_t wifi_connection_status_prev = -1; -String infoApName = ""; -String infoApPass = ""; -String infoIpAddr = ""; -// für SPIFFS WLAN Credentials -String safeApName = ""; -String safeApPass = ""; +String oled_wifi_SSID_curr = ""; +String oled_wifi_PASS_curr = ""; +String oled_wifi_IP_curr = ""; +// needed here for SPIFFS WLAN Credentials: +String wifi_ModeAP_SSID; +String wifi_ModeAP_PASS; +String wifi_ModeSTA_SSID; +String wifi_ModeSTA_PASS; +// AP Array, currently max 10 APs possible +#define MAX_AP_CNT 10 // max number of possible APs +struct AccessPoint APs[MAX_AP_CNT]; +int apcnt = 0; #endif +#define JSON_MAX_FILE_SIZE 2560 +static StaticJsonDocument JSONBuffer; //Memory pool #define ANGLE_AVGS 3 // angle averaging - x times float average_course[ANGLE_AVGS]; @@ -346,6 +444,15 @@ boolean lora_tx_enabled = true; #endif #endif +#define UNITS_SPEED_KMH 1 +#define UNITS_SPEED_MS 2 +#define UNITS_SPEED_MPH 4 +#define UNITS_SPEED_KN 8 +#define UNITS_DIST_M 64 +#define UNITS_DIST_FT 128 + +uint8_t units_speed = UNITS_SPEED_KMH; +uint8_t units_dist = UNITS_DIST_M; // used for height // may be configured boolean rate_limit_message_text = true; // ratelimit adding messate text (-> saves airtime) @@ -355,6 +462,7 @@ boolean lora_automatic_cr_adaption = false; // automatic CR adaption // You may set this to off if you are a fixed station / repeater / gateway // This may become set to true by default, after it proves it behaves good to our network uint8_t lora_digipeating_mode = 1; // Digipeating: 0: disabled (recommended if the device should not do repeating decisions, and even more, if you have attached a normal aprs digipeating software via kiss). 1: if own call addressed (recommended for users) 2: act as WIDE1 fill-in digi (recommended for standalone fill-in-digi). 3: act as a simple stupid WIDE2 digi +String lora_digipeating_myalias = ""; // My alias (can be addressed at first path element for digipeating) uint8_t lora_cross_digipeating_mode = 0; // 0: disable cross freq digipeating. 1: send on both frequencies. 2: send only on cross frequency #define FLAG_ADD_SNR_RSSI_FOR_RF 1 #define FLAG_ADD_SNR_RSSI_FOR_KISS 2 @@ -364,17 +472,19 @@ uint8_t lora_cross_digipeating_mode = 0; // 0: disable cross freq digipeating. 1 #define FLAG_ADD_SNR_RSSI_FOR_APRSIS__ONLY_IF_HEARD_DIRECT 32 uint8_t lora_add_snr_rssi_to_path = (FLAG_ADD_SNR_RSSI_FOR_KISS | FLAG_ADD_SNR_RSSI_FOR_APRSIS__ONLY_IF_HEARD_DIRECT); // Add snr+rssi to path. May become default, after it proves it behaves good to our network boolean kiss_add_snr_rssi_to_path_at_position_without_digippeated_flag = 1; // Add snr+rssi at last digipeater, without digipeated flag, at last position in path. Set to 1, if you pass data to aprs-is. Set to 0 if you pass data to your favourite digipeater software. We need this hack because our rssi-encoded data should not be interpreted as "(last ==) direct heard station" in the aprs-is net. -int tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_frequencies = 1; // TX own beacon generated from this device or our beacon from from-kiss on following frequencies. Only if lora_digipeating_mode > 1 (we are a WIDE1 or WIDE2 digi). 1: main freq. 2: cross_digi_freq. 3: both frequencies +int tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_frequencies = 1; // TX own beacon generated from this device or our beacon from from-kiss on following frequencies. Only if lora_digipeating_mode > 1 (we are a WIDE1 or WIDE2 digi). 1: main freq. 2: cross_digi_freq. 3: both frequencies. 5: special case for SP (allow sending on both frequencies, even if wie are not a WIDE digi; not recommended) boolean tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_aprsis = true; // TX own beacon generated from this device or our beacon from from-kiss to aprs-is. int rx_on_frequencies = 1; // RX freq. Only if lora_digipeating_mode < 2 (we are a user) 1: main freq. 2: cross_digi_freq. 3: both frequencies bool acceptOwnPositionReportsViaKiss = true; // true: Switches off local beacons as long as a kiss device is sending positions with our local callsign. false: filters out position packets with own callsign coming from kiss (-> do not send to LoRa). boolean gps_allow_sleep_while_kiss = true; // user has a kiss device attached via kiss which sends positions with own call, we don't need our gps to be turned on -> We pause sending positions by ourself (neither fixed nor smart beaconing). Except: user has a display attached to this tracker, he'll will be able to see his position because our gps does not go to sleep (-> set this to false). Why sleep? Energy saving -boolean wifi_do_failback_to_mode_AP = true; // Allow failback to mode AP after once connected successfully connected (after boot) to configured remote AP. Disable for igates, where you don't need your tracker to be a hotspot. You like to enable, if you use your tracker portable and it should automatically be wifi client to your home network, and be AP if you are outside. +boolean wifi_do_fallback_to_mode_AP = true; // Allow fallback to mode AP after once connected successfully connected (after boot) to configured remote AP. Disable for igates, where you don't need your tracker to be a hotspot. You like to enable, if you use your tracker portable and it should automatically be wifi client to your home network, and be AP if you are outside. boolean send_status_message_to_aprsis = true; // Send reboot, wifi- or internet-loss as APPRS-status-message to APRS-IS -boolean debug_to_serial = false; // Display some debug messages on serial port. - // Cave: Because we are threaded, sooner or later data corruption will occur, i.E. DL9SAU>APRS:...ThoHost: euro2.aprs.net Tries: 1mas" - +boolean send_status_message_about_shutdown_to_rf = true; // If you configured the auto shutdown feature when usb-power is lost (i.e. you use this devince in your car switched off your motor, then send a status message with "qrt" +uint8_t usb_serial_data_type = 0; // 0: KISS. 1: Display some debug messages on serial port. 2: Display lora-received packets in TNC trace format. 3: 1+2. 4: Send GPS NMEA sentences. + // If >0 usb-serial KISS-send and KISS-receive are stoped. + // Unfortunately, 0 was pre-set for kiss. -> There's no real-off. + // Because we test on set bits, number 128 (binary 10000000) means "off". #ifdef KISS_PROTOCOL // do not configure @@ -384,6 +494,7 @@ boolean kiss_client_came_via_bluetooth = false; #endif uint16_t adjust_cpuFreq_to = 80; +uint8_t units = UNITS_SPEED_KMH | UNITS_DIST_M; // do not configure boolean dont_send_own_position_packets = false; // dynamicaly set if kiss device sends position. Maybe there are other usecases (-> kiss-independent) @@ -391,17 +502,18 @@ boolean gps_state_before_autochange = false; // remember gps state before autoc uint32_t time_last_lora_frame_received_on_main_freq = 0L; uint32_t time_last_own_text_message_via_kiss_received = 0L; uint32_t time_lora_automaic_cr_adoption_rx_measurement_window = 0L; +uint32_t time_last_status_packet_sent = 0L; uint16_t lora_automaic_cr_adoption_rf_transmissions_heard_in_timeslot = 0; uint16_t lora_packets_received_in_timeslot_on_main_freq = 0; uint16_t lora_packets_received_in_timeslot_on_secondary_freq = 0; char lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating[BG_RF95_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN+1] = ""; // buffer for digipeating -time_t time_lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating_was_filled = 0L; +uint32_t time_lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating_was_filled = 0L; boolean sendpacket_was_called_twice = false; // bits for sendpacket() #define SP_POS_FIXED 1 #define SP_POS_GPS 2 #define SP_ENFORCE_COURSE 4 -uint32_t t_last_smart_beacon_sent = 0L; +uint8_t latlon_precision = 0; // 0: 0.01' (uncompressed default), >= 18.52m. 1: 0.001' >= 1.852m. 2: 0.0001' >= 18.52cm. Depends on position_ambiguity and is dynamically computed while parsing settings. do not change here. This is the precision of the coordinates (instead of just truncation the location strings) String MY_APRS_DEST_IDENTIFYER = "APLOX1"; @@ -414,6 +526,8 @@ static const adc_atten_t atten = ADC_ATTEN_DB_6; static const adc_unit_t unit = ADC_UNIT_1; #ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 AXP20X_Class axp; +#elif T_BEAM_V1_2 + XPowersAXP2101 axp; #endif @@ -429,26 +543,39 @@ Adafruit_SSD1306 display(128, 64, &Wire, OLED_RESET); #ifdef IF_SEMAS_WOULD_WORK -xSemaphoreHandle sema_lora_chip; + xSemaphoreHandle sema_lora_chip; + xSemaphoreHandle sema_handle_aprs_message_addressed_to_us; + xSemaphoreHandle sema_is_call_blacklisted; #else -volatile boolean sema_lora_chip = false; + volatile boolean sema_lora_chip = false; + volatile boolean sema_handle_aprs_message_addressed_to_us = false; + volatile boolean sema_is_call_blacklisted = false; #endif // + FUNCTIONS-----------------------------------------------------------+// +// This is a reimplementation of the buggy getLocalTime() library call of esp32 +// which caused 5s delay on each call of getLocalTime(), if no gps- or ntp- +// time was obtained since boot. getLocalTime() has an optional argument to +// reduce this delay, but even then each call has a delay of 10ms. +// Also, posix recommends to call time with nullpointer instead of storing +// the time to the address of the argument. On linux, see man (2) time. +bool getLocalTimeTheBetterWay(struct tm * info) +{ + time_t now = time(0); + if (now && now != ~((time_t ) 0)) { + localtime_r(&now, info); + if (info->tm_year > 99) + return true; + } + return false; +} + void do_serial_println(const String &msg) { - if (debug_to_serial) { -<<<<<<< HEAD + if (usb_serial_data_type & 1) { Serial.println(msg); -======= -#ifdef KISS_PROTOCOL - // prefix with KISS_END - Serial.printf("%c\n", 0xC0); -#endif - Serial.println("msg"); ->>>>>>> bb1a5b6196eb0db1f572438e24bb00550f8a7bf6 } } @@ -465,9 +592,84 @@ char *ax25_base91enc(char *s, uint8_t n, uint32_t v){ } -void prepareAPRSFrame(uint8_t sp_flags){ - outString = String(Tcall); +void store_compressed_position(double Tlat, double Tlon) { + uint32_t aprs_lat = 900000000 - Tlat * 10000000; + uint32_t aprs_lon = 900000000 + Tlon * 10000000 / 2; + char helper_base91[] = {"0000\0"}; + String s; + int i; + if (position_ambiguity > 0) { + // strip off n decimals + i = (position_ambiguity > 4 ? 4 : position_ambiguity) -1; + aprs_lat = (uint32_t ) (aprs_lat / (10000 * pow(10, i)) * 1000 * pow(10, i)); + aprs_lon = (uint32_t ) (aprs_lon / (10000 * pow(10, i)) * 1000 * pow(10, i)); + } + aprs_lat = aprs_lat / 26 - aprs_lat / 2710 + aprs_lat / 15384615; + aprs_lon = aprs_lon / 26 - aprs_lon / 2710 + aprs_lon / 15384615; + + ax25_base91enc(helper_base91, 4, aprs_lat); + for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { + s += helper_base91[i]; + } + ax25_base91enc(helper_base91, 4, aprs_lon); + for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { + s += helper_base91[i]; + } + aprsLatLonPresetCOMP = String(s); +} + + +void prepareAPRSFrame(uint8_t sp_flags) { + static uint8_t cnt = 0; + double curr_hdop = (gps.hdop.isValid() ? gps.hdop.hdop() : 99.9); + double curr_kmph = (gps.speed.isValid() ? gps.speed.kmph() : 0.0); + int curr_sats = gps.satellites.value(); + boolean may_add_dao_extension = (position_ambiguity <= -2 && latlon_precision > 0 && aprsLatLonDAO != ""); + boolean time_to_add_alt = false; + // altitude_ratio: 0%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 90%, 100% + // course change on turn has a heigher priority + boolean altitude_isValid = (gps_state && gps.altitude.isValid() && gps.altitude.age() < 10000L && ((curr_hdop < 1.0 && curr_sats >= 5) || (curr_kmph > 16.0 && curr_sats >= 4))); + boolean cseSpd_isValid = (gps_state && gps.speed.isValid() && (sp_flags & SP_ENFORCE_COURSE || (gps.speed.age() < 10000L && gps.course.isValid() && gps.course.age() < 10000L && ((curr_hdop < 1.5 && curr_sats >= 5) || (curr_kmph > 16.0 && curr_sats >= 4))))); + int Tspeed = (cseSpd_isValid ? gps.speed.knots() : 0); + int Tcourse = (cseSpd_isValid ? gps.course.deg() : -1); + long Talt = (altitude_isValid ? gps.altitude.feet() : 0); + long Talt_for_compression = Talt; + + cnt++; + + if (Tspeed < 0) + Tspeed = 0; + // for cse/spd. 0 deg is 360 deg. 0 marks invalid + if (Tcourse < 0 || Tcourse > 360) + Tcourse = 0; + else if (Tcourse == 0) + Tcourse = 360; + if (Talt > 999999) Talt=999999; + else if (Talt < -99999) Talt=-99999; + + if (altitude_isValid && altitude_ratio > 0) { + if (altitude_ratio <= 50) + time_to_add_alt = (cnt % (100 / altitude_ratio) == 0); + else if (altitude_ratio < 100) + time_to_add_alt = (cnt % (100 / (100-altitude_ratio)) != 0); + else + time_to_add_alt = true; + } + + if (may_add_dao_extension) { + const char *p = aprsComment.c_str(); + const char *q; + while ((q = strchr(p, '!'))) { + if (q-p == 4) { + may_add_dao_extension = false; // already found a DAO field + break; + } + p = q+1; + } + } + + outString = String(Tcall); outString += ">"; outString += MY_APRS_DEST_IDENTIFYER; if (!relay_path.isEmpty()) { @@ -489,63 +691,74 @@ void prepareAPRSFrame(uint8_t sp_flags){ out_relay_path: outString += ":"; - if ( + if (aprsObjectName.isEmpty()) { + if ( #if defined(ENABLE_BLUETOOTH) && defined(KISS_PROTOCOL) - SerialBT.hasClient() || + serial_bt_client_is_connected || #endif - ((time_last_own_text_message_via_kiss_received + 24*60*60*1000L) > millis()) - ) - outString += "="; - else - outString += "!"; + (time_last_own_text_message_via_kiss_received && + ((time_last_own_text_message_via_kiss_received + 24*60*60*1000L) > millis()) ) + ) + outString += "="; + else + outString += "!"; + } else { + // We can send our position as APRS objects. For those who love to see their tracker as "DL1AAA-L4" + // on the map (which whould not be a valid src-call on RF) + char buf[19]; // room for ";NameLen09*123456z" == 1 + 9 + 1 + 7 + \0 == 19 + char buf_time[8]; //room for 123456z + \0 == 8 + struct tm timeinfo; + char *p; - if (!(sp_flags & SP_POS_FIXED) && gps_state && gps_isValid) { - uint32_t aprs_lat, aprs_lon; - String helper; - char helper_base91[] = {"0000\0"}; - double Tlat=52.0000, Tlon=20.0000; - double Tspeed=0, Tcourse=0; - int i; - long Talt; - static uint8_t cnt = 0; - boolean time_to_add_alt = false; - - Tlat=gps.location.lat(); - Tlon=gps.location.lng(); - Tcourse=gps.course.deg(); - Tspeed=gps.speed.knots(); - aprs_lat = 900000000 - Tlat * 10000000; - aprs_lat = aprs_lat / 26 - aprs_lat / 2710 + aprs_lat / 15384615; - aprs_lon = 900000000 + Tlon * 10000000 / 2; - aprs_lon = aprs_lon / 26 - aprs_lon / 2710 + aprs_lon / 15384615; - - // altitude_ratio: 0%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 90%, 100% - // course change on turn has a higher priority - boolean altitude_isValid = (gps.altitude.isValid() && gps.altitude.age() < 10000); - boolean cseSpd_isValid = (gps.speed.isValid() && gps.speed.age() < 10000 && gps.course.isValid() && gps.course.age() < 10000); - - if (altitude_isValid && altitude_ratio > 0) { - if (altitude_ratio <= 50) - time_to_add_alt = (cnt % (100 / altitude_ratio) == 0); - else if (altitude_ratio < 100) - time_to_add_alt = (cnt % (100 / (100-altitude_ratio)) != 0); - else - time_to_add_alt = true; + // Objects always have a length of 9 and a timestamp + if (getLocalTimeTheBetterWay(&timeinfo)) { + strftime(buf_time, sizeof(buf_time), "%H%M%Sz", &timeinfo); + } else { + strcpy(buf_time, "000000"); } + snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), ";%-9.9s*%-7.7s", aprsObjectName.c_str(), buf_time); + buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = 0; + for (p = buf; *p; p++) { + if (!isprint(*p & 0xff)) + *p = '_'; + } + outString += String(buf); + } + + if (aprsLatLonInvalidPosition) { + // aprs spec: default null position. + // The null position should be include the \. symbol (unknown/indeterminate position). + outString += "0000.00N\\00000.00W."; + may_add_dao_extension = false; + } else if (position_ambiguity == 0 && aprsLatLonPresetCOMP.length()) { + // position_ambiguity is not defined for compressed positions. + // But we test it, in order to see what happens. + // Else we could send in non-compressed mode, but will loose altitude or course/speed info. + // This is ok, because if you like to hide your position for privacy reasons, + // course/speed and altituded are also values you like to protect. + //if (!(sp_flags & SP_POS_FIXED) && gps_state && gps_isValid & + //(position_ambiguity < -4 || position_ambiguity >= 0) && + //aprsLatLonPresetCOMP.length()) { + //if (position_ambiguity >= 0) { + char helper_base91[] = {"0000\0"}; + + outString += aprsSymbolTable; + outString += aprsLatLonPresetCOMP; + outString += aprsSymbol; // Due to spec, /A...... in message text could be used with compressed and uncompressed positions. // But if you encode altitude in compressed position: course/speed (i.e. 090/012) may not be added to message text - // -> if we need (or wish to have always) course/speed, compression is always for peed, and altitude is part of the message text + // -> if we need (or wish to have always) course/speed, compression is always for speed, and altitude is part of the message text boolean may_send_alt_compressed = true; if (always_send_cseSpd_AND_altitude || !altitude_ratio) { // ^altitude ratio == 0 means 'never altitude' - // ^always_send_cseSpd_AND_altitude means, we have to go to the compressed-speed-section, regardle of the alt-ratio + // ^always_send_cseSpd_AND_altitude means, we have to go to the compressed-speed-section, regardless of the alt-ratio // because altitude could be added to compressed speed, but not: speed to compressed altitude. // We go there even for thes special case of altitude_ratio == 100. may_send_alt_compressed = false; } else if (!time_to_add_alt && altitude_ratio < 100) { - // ^altitude ratio == 100 means 'always altitude', except if always_send_cseSpd_AND_altitude is configured (checked 3 lines aboce) + // ^altitude ratio == 100 means 'always altitude', except if always_send_cseSpd_AND_altitude is configured (checked 3 lines above) // ^no time to add altitude -> set may_send_alt_compressed to false may_send_alt_compressed = false; } else { @@ -558,26 +771,13 @@ out_relay_path: } // else: altitude ratio == 100 means 'always altitude' } - outString += aprsSymbolTable; - ax25_base91enc(helper_base91, 4, aprs_lat); - for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { - outString += helper_base91[i]; - } - ax25_base91enc(helper_base91, 4, aprs_lon); - for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { - outString += helper_base91[i]; - } - outString += aprsSymbol; - - if (may_send_alt_compressed) { if (altitude_isValid) { - Talt = gps.altitude.feet(); - if (Talt < 0) Talt = 0; - else if (Talt > 15270967) Talt = 15270967; /* 1.002** (90*91+90-1) */ - ax25_base91enc(helper_base91, 2, (uint32_t) (log1p(Talt) / 0.001998)); - /* ^ math.log1p(1.002-1) */ + if (Talt_for_compression < 0) Talt_for_compression = 0; + else if (Talt_for_compression > 15270967) Talt_for_compression = 15270967; /* 1.002** (90*91+90-1) */ + ax25_base91enc(helper_base91, 2, (uint32_t ) (log1p(Talt_for_compression) / 0.001998)); + /* ^ math.log1p(1.002-1) */ outString += helper_base91[0]; outString += helper_base91[1]; } else { @@ -588,11 +788,10 @@ out_relay_path: } else { if (cseSpd_isValid) { - ax25_base91enc(helper_base91, 1, (uint32_t) Tcourse / 4); + ax25_base91enc(helper_base91, 1, (uint32_t ) (Tcourse == 360 ? 0 : Tcourse) / 4); outString += helper_base91[0]; - if (Tspeed > 1018) Tspeed = 1018; /* 1.08**90 */ - ax25_base91enc(helper_base91, 1, (uint32_t) (log1p(Tspeed) / 0.07696)); - /* ^ math.log1p(1.08-1) */ + ax25_base91enc(helper_base91, 1, (uint32_t ) (log1p((Tspeed > 1018 ? 1018 : Tspeed)) / 0.07696)); + /* 1.08**90 */ /* ^ math.log1p(1.08-1) */ outString += helper_base91[0]; } else { outString += " "; @@ -600,56 +799,161 @@ out_relay_path: outString += "H"; if (time_to_add_alt) { - Talt = gps.altitude.feet(); char buf[7]; outString += "/A="; - if (Talt > 999999) Talt=999999; - else if (Talt < -99999) Talt=-99999; sprintf(buf, "%06ld", Talt); outString += buf; } } - cnt++; + may_add_dao_extension = false; + + } else { // not compressed, i.e. fixed position + + if (position_ambiguity > 0) { + char buf[10]; // room for 00000.00E + \0 == 10 + int n; + int pos; + // Only change mm.hh in dd[d]mm.hh, due to spec. Not degrees. + n = position_ambiguity > 4 ? 4 : position_ambiguity; + sprintf(buf, aprsLatPreset.c_str()); + for (pos = 6; pos > 1; pos--) { + if (pos == 4) { + // don't overwrite '.' + continue; + } + buf[pos] = ' '; + if (!(--n)) + break; + } + outString += String(buf); + outString += aprsSymbolTable; + sprintf(buf, aprsLonPreset.c_str()); + n = position_ambiguity > 4 ? 4 : position_ambiguity; + for (pos = 7; pos > 2; pos--) { + if (pos == 5) { + // don't overwrite '.' + continue; + } + buf[pos] = ' '; + if (!(--n)) + break; + } + outString += String(buf); + outString += aprsSymbol; + may_add_dao_extension = false; + } else { + outString += (may_add_dao_extension ? aprsLatPresetDAO : aprsLatPreset); + outString += aprsSymbolTable; + outString += (may_add_dao_extension ? aprsLonPresetDAO : aprsLonPreset); + outString += aprsSymbol; + + // course/speed and altitude only if position ambiguity <= 0 + if (cseSpd_isValid && + ( always_send_cseSpd_AND_altitude || + (!time_to_add_alt && altitude_ratio < 100) || + (sp_flags & SP_ENFORCE_COURSE) ) ) { + char buf[8]; + sprintf(buf, "%.3d/%.3d", Tcourse, (Tspeed > 999 ? 999 : Tspeed)); + outString += String(buf); + } + + if (altitude_isValid && (always_send_cseSpd_AND_altitude || time_to_add_alt) ) { + char buf[7]; + outString += "/A="; + sprintf(buf, "%06ld", Talt); + outString += String(buf); + } + } - } else { //fixed position not compresed - outString += aprsLatPreset; - outString += aprsSymbolTable; - outString += aprsLonPreset; - outString += aprsSymbol; } - if(show_cmt){ + bool advertise_winlink = (add_winlink_notification && (add_winlink_notification == 2 +#ifdef ENABLE_BLUETOOTH + || serial_bt_client_is_connected +#endif + ) ); + + if (show_cmt || advertise_winlink) { static uint8_t comments_added = 0; static uint32_t time_comment_added = 0L; - if (!rate_limit_message_text) { comments_added = 0; } else { uint32_t t_offset = (gps_state ? sb_max_interval : fix_beacon_interval); // send comment text not under 10min, and at least every hour - if (t_offset < 600000) - t_offset = 600000; - else if (t_offset > 3600000) - t_offset = 3600000; + if (t_offset < 600000L) + t_offset = 600000L; + else if (t_offset > 3600000L) + t_offset = 3600000L; if ((time_comment_added + t_offset) < millis()) comments_added = 0; } if ((comments_added++ % 10) == 0) { - outString += aprsComment; - time_comment_added = millis(); + if (show_cmt) { + if (!aprsComment.isEmpty()) + outString += aprsComment; + time_comment_added = millis(); + } + if (advertise_winlink) { + static uint32_t time_last_winlink_notifification_added = 0L; + // Unfortunately, ".../A=xxxxxx/WINLINK/Thomas..." does not work. "/ WINLINK/" would work, but this is a nice notation. + // That's why we add the "WINLINK" word at the end of comment text. + if (time_last_winlink_notifification_added == 0L || time_last_winlink_notifification_added + 3600000L < millis()) { + if (outString.indexOf("winlink") == -1) { + if (!outString.isEmpty()) { + if (!outString.endsWith(" ")) { + if (!outString.endsWith(".") && !outString.endsWith(";") && !outString.endsWith(",") && !outString.endsWith("-")) { + outString += "."; + } + outString += " "; + } + } + outString += "@winlink"; + } + time_last_winlink_notifification_added = millis(); + } + } } } - if (showBattery && (BattVolts > 1.0 || InpVolts > 1.0)){ - outString += " Batt="; - outString += String((BattVolts > 1.0 ? BattVolts : InpVolts), 2); - outString += ("V"); + if (showBattery) { + if (BattVolts > 1.0) { + if (!outString.endsWith(" ")) + outString += " "; + outString += "Batt="; + outString += String(BattVolts, 2); + outString += ("V"); + #ifdef T_BEAM_V1_2 + outString = outString + "/" + String(axp.getBatteryPercent()) + "%"; + if (axp.isCharging()) { + outString += "+"; // is charging -> indicate with "+" + } else if (!axp.isVbusIn()) { + outString += "-"; // not charging and no vbus -> is discharging -> indicate with "-" + } + #endif + } + if (InpVolts > 1.0) { + if (!outString.endsWith(" ")) + outString += " "; + outString += "P="; + outString += String(InpVolts, 2); + outString += ("V"); + } + } + + // finally, we may add DAO extension + if (may_add_dao_extension) { + if (!outString.endsWith(" ")) + outString += " "; + outString += aprsLatLonDAO; } #ifdef KISS_PROTOCOL sendToTNC(outString); #endif + if (usb_serial_data_type & 2) + Serial.println(outString); } #ifdef BUZZER @@ -700,6 +1004,50 @@ void send_to_aprsis(const String &s) #endif +#if defined(ENABLE_WIFI) +// We separated sendpacket_to_aprsis() from sendpacket() due to the wish of a user: +// Messages to aprsis are faster than those sent to rf, received by another igate and sent from there to aprsis. +// But the user likes to examine RF-conditions (that means, who heard him on RF). +// Thus we send some of our packets with delay. +void send_own_beacon_to_aprsis_cached_or_now(const String &message) { + static String cached_message; + static uint32_t t_last_beacon = 0L; + static uint8_t beacon_number = 0; + + if (!tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_aprsis) { + return; + } + + if (message != "") { + if (cached_message == "") + beacon_number++; + if (!fixed_beacon_enabled && millis() - t_last_beacon < sb_max_interval) { + // we are moving and have an own aprsis connection -> send immediately + t_last_beacon = millis(); + send_to_aprsis(message); + cached_message = ""; + } else { + t_last_beacon = millis(); + cached_message = String(message); // make a local copy, and maybe overwrite old cached one + } + } else { + if ((t_last_beacon + 180*1000L) < millis()) { + // packet too old + cached_message = ""; + } + } + + if (cached_message == "") return; + + if ((beacon_number % 4) || ((t_last_beacon + 120*1000L) < millis())) { + send_to_aprsis(cached_message); + cached_message = ""; + } +} +#endif + +#define LORA_FLAGS_NODELAY 1 + void sendpacket(uint8_t sp_flags){ if (sendpacket_was_called_twice) return; @@ -711,15 +1059,66 @@ void sendpacket(uint8_t sp_flags){ prepareAPRSFrame(sp_flags); if (lora_tx_enabled && tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_frequencies) { if (tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_frequencies % 2) - loraSend(txPower, lora_freq, lora_speed, outString); //send the packet, data is in TXbuff from lora_TXStart to lora_TXEnd - if (tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_frequencies > 1 && lora_digipeating_mode > 1 && lora_freq_cross_digi > 1.0 && lora_freq_cross_digi != lora_freq) - loraSend(txPower_cross_digi, lora_freq_cross_digi, lora_speed_cross_digi, outString); //send the packet, data is in TXbuff from lora_TXStart to lora_TXEnd + loraSend(txPower, lora_freq, lora_speed, (sp_flags & SP_ENFORCE_COURSE) ? LORA_FLAGS_NODELAY : 0, outString); //send the packet, data is in TXbuff from lora_TXStart to lora_TXEnd + if (((tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_frequencies > 1 && lora_digipeating_mode > 1) || tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_frequencies == 5) && lora_freq_cross_digi > 1.0 && lora_freq_cross_digi != lora_freq) + loraSend(txPower_cross_digi, lora_freq_cross_digi, lora_speed_cross_digi, (sp_flags & SP_ENFORCE_COURSE) ? LORA_FLAGS_NODELAY : 0, outString); //send the packet, data is in TXbuff from lora_TXStart to lora_TXEnd } -#if defined(ENABLE_WIFI) - if (tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_aprsis) - send_to_aprsis(outString); -#endif + #if defined(ENABLE_WIFI) + if (tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_aprsis) + send_own_beacon_to_aprsis_cached_or_now(outString); + #endif sendpacket_was_called_twice = true; + lastPositionTX = millis(); + // reset timer for automatic fixed beacon after manual beacon + next_fixed_beacon = millis() + fix_beacon_interval; + nextTX = sb_max_interval; +} + +void sendStatusPacket(const String &message) { + outString = String(Tcall); + outString += ">"; + outString += MY_APRS_DEST_IDENTIFYER; + if (!relay_path.isEmpty()) { + if (relay_path.length() < 3) { + int ssid = relay_path.toInt(); + if (ssid < 0 || ssid > /* 15 // no, max hop 3 */ 3 || relay_path == "0") + goto out_relay_path; + if (ssid > 0) { + if (ssid <= /* 15 // no, max hop 3 */ 3) { + char buf[4]; + sprintf(buf, "-%d", ssid); + outString += buf; + goto out_relay_path; + } + } // else: relay_path.toInt("Q") or relay_path.toInt("QQ") is 0 (not -1 - wwtf ;) . Q and QQ is valid; fall through + } + } + outString = outString + "," + relay_path; +out_relay_path: + outString = outString + String(":>") + message; + enableOled_now(); // enable OLED + writedisplaytext("((TXstat))", "", outString, "", "", ""); + + #ifdef KISS_PROTOCOL + sendToTNC(outString); + #endif + if (usb_serial_data_type & 2) + Serial.println(outString); + + if (lora_tx_enabled && tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_frequencies) { + if (tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_frequencies % 2) { + loraSend(txPower, lora_freq, lora_speed, 0, outString); //send the packet, data is in TXbuff from lora_TXStart to lora_TXEnd + } + if (((tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_frequencies > 1 && lora_digipeating_mode > 1) || tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_frequencies == 5) && lora_freq_cross_digi > 1.0 && lora_freq_cross_digi != lora_freq) { + loraSend(txPower_cross_digi, lora_freq_cross_digi, lora_speed_cross_digi, 0, outString); //send the packet, data is in TXbuff from lora_TXStart to lora_TXEnd + } + } + time_last_status_packet_sent = millis(); + + #if defined(ENABLE_WIFI) + if (tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_aprsis) + send_to_aprsis(outString); + #endif } @@ -728,10 +1127,12 @@ void sendpacket(uint8_t sp_flags){ * @param lora_LTXPower * @param lora_FREQ * @param lora_SPEED + * @param flags * @param message */ -void loraSend(byte lora_LTXPower, float lora_FREQ, ulong lora_SPEED, const String &message) { - int n; + + +void loraSend(byte lora_LTXPower, float lora_FREQ, ulong lora_SPEED, uint8_t flags, const String &message) { if (!lora_tx_enabled) return; @@ -751,23 +1152,33 @@ void loraSend(byte lora_LTXPower, float lora_FREQ, ulong lora_SPEED, const Strin else if (lora_speed == 1200) wait_for_signal = 125; // sema lock for lora chip operations + esp_task_wdt_reset(); #ifdef IF_SEMAS_WOULD_WORK - while (xSemaphoreTake(sema_lora_chip, 10) != pdTRUE) + while (xSemaphoreTake(sema_lora_chip, 100) != pdTRUE) esp_task_wdt_reset(); #else - for (n = 0; sema_lora_chip; n++) { + for (int n = 0; sema_lora_chip; n++) { delay(10); if (!(n % 100)) esp_task_wdt_reset(); } sema_lora_chip = true; #endif + esp_task_wdt_reset(); randomSeed(millis()); - for (n = 0; n < 30; n++) { + // If lora chip is busy by still sending a packet, we'll get an exception + // on rf95 commands like rf95.setFrequency(). Assure the chip is available + // before any access to it + + for (int n = 0; n < 30; n++) { esp_task_wdt_reset(); delay(wait_for_signal); + if (n == 1 && (flags & LORA_FLAGS_NODELAY)) { + // send without delay (on turn), we may wait one round for checking ifg channel is free + break; + } if (rf95.SignalDetected()) { continue; } @@ -780,6 +1191,9 @@ void loraSend(byte lora_LTXPower, float lora_FREQ, ulong lora_SPEED, const Strin esp_task_wdt_reset(); #ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO2, AXP202_ON); // switch LoRa chip on +#elif T_BEAM_V1_2 + axp.setALDO2Voltage(3300); + axp.enableALDO2(); // switch LoRa chip on #endif //byte array @@ -793,31 +1207,45 @@ void loraSend(byte lora_LTXPower, float lora_FREQ, ulong lora_SPEED, const Strin #ifdef ENABLE_LED_SIGNALING digitalWrite(TXLED, LOW); #endif - lastTX = millis(); + esp_task_wdt_reset(); rf95.sendAPRS(lora_TXBUFF, messageSize); rf95.waitPacketSent(); - #ifdef ENABLE_LED_SIGNALING - digitalWrite(TXLED, HIGH); - #endif - // cross-digipeating may have altered our RX-frequency. Revert frequency change needed for this transmission. - if (lora_FREQ != lora_freq_rx_curr) { - rf95.setFrequency(lora_freq_rx_curr); + esp_task_wdt_reset(); + + if (lora_SPEED != lora_speed_rx_curr || lora_FREQ != lora_freq_rx_curr) { + // cross-digipeating may have altered our LoRa Speed and RX-frequency. Revert frequency change needed for this transmission. + if (lora_SPEED != lora_speed_rx_curr) { + lora_set_speed(lora_speed_rx_curr); + } + if (lora_FREQ != lora_freq_rx_curr) { + rf95.setFrequency(lora_freq_rx_curr); + } // flush cache. just to be sure, so that no cross-digi-qrg packet comes in the input-buffer of the main qrg. // With no buffer / length called, recvAPRS directly calls clearRxBuf() rf95.recvAPRS(0, 0); } - if (lora_SPEED != lora_speed_rx_curr) - lora_set_speed(lora_speed_rx_curr); -#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 - // if lora_rx is disabled, but ONLY if lora_digipeating_mode == 0 AND no SerialBT.hasClient is connected, + + #ifdef ENABLE_LED_SIGNALING + digitalWrite(TXLED, HIGH); + #endif + +#if defined (T_BEAM_V1_0) || defined(T_BEAM_V1_2) + // if lora_rx is disabled AND lora_digipeating_mode == 0 AND no SerialBT.hasClient is connected, // we can savely go to sleep - if (! (lora_rx_enabled || lora_digipeating_mode > 0 + if ( !lora_rx_enabled && lora_digipeating_mode == 0 #if defined(ENABLE_BLUETOOTH) && defined(KISS_PROTOCOL) - || SerialBT.hasClient() + && (!enable_bluetooth || serial_bt_client_is_connected) #endif - ) ) - axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO2, AXP202_OFF); // switch LoRa chip off + ) { + #ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 + axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO2, AXP202_OFF); // switch LoRa chip off + #else + axp.disableALDO2(); // switch LoRa chip off + #endif + } #endif + + esp_task_wdt_reset(); // release lock #ifdef IF_SEMAS_WOULD_WORK xSemaphoreGive(sema_lora_chip); @@ -829,60 +1257,141 @@ void loraSend(byte lora_LTXPower, float lora_FREQ, ulong lora_SPEED, const Strin void batt_read(){ -#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 - BattVolts = axp.getBattVoltage()/1000; - InpVolts = axp.getVbusVoltage()/1000; +#if defined(T_BEAM_V1_0) || defined(T_BEAM_V1_2) + BattVolts = ((float ) axp.getBattVoltage())/1000.0; + InpVolts = ((float ) axp.getVbusVoltage())/1000.0; #elif T_BEAM_V0_7 - BattVolts = (((float)analogRead(35) / 8192.0) * 2.0 * 3.3 * (1100.0 / 1000.0))+0.41; // fixed thanks to Luca IU2FRL - //BattVolts = adc1_get_raw(ADC1_CHANNEL_7)/1000; + InpVolts = (((float)analogRead(35) / 8192.0) * 2.0 * 3.3 * (1100.0 / 1000.0))+0.41; // fixed thanks to Luca IU2FRL + //InpVolts = adc1_get_raw(ADC1_CHANNEL_7)/1000; #else - BattVolts = analogRead(35)*7.221/4096; + InpVolts = analogRead(35)*7.221/4096; #endif } +void setup_oled_timer_values() { + // Hold the OLED ON at first boot (or duriing soft_reconfiguration) + // oled_timeout == 0 is a special case for 'always on'. + // If user switches off OLED (enabled_oled == false), but sets oled_timeout to 0 (always on), + // we add SHOW_OLED_TIME to timeout (instead of 0), for keep it running for 15s after setup(); + // if enabled_oled is true and oled_timeout is 0, this does not harm. + oled_timer = millis() + (oled_timeout ? oled_timeout : SHOW_OLED_TIME); + time_to_refresh = millis() + showRXTime; +} + +void enableOled() { + if (!enabled_oled) + return; + // This function enables OLED display after pressing a button + oled_timer = millis() + oled_timeout; +} + +void enableOled_now() { + if (!enabled_oled) + return; + if (!display_is_on) { + display.dim(false); + display_is_on = true; + } + oled_timer = millis() + oled_timeout; +} + void writedisplaytext(String HeaderTxt, String Line1, String Line2, String Line3, String Line4, String Line5) { batt_read(); #ifdef notdef if (InpVolts < 1.0) { if (BattVolts < 3.5 && BattVolts > 3.3){ - #ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 - # ifdef ENABLE_LED_SIGNALING + #ifdef ENABLE_LED_SIGNALING + #ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 axp.setChgLEDMode(AXP20X_LED_BLINK_4HZ); - #endif + #elif T_BEAM_V1_2 + axp.setChargingLedMode(XPOWERS_CHG_LED_BLINK_4HZ); + #endif #endif } else if (BattVolts <= 3.3) { + #if defined(T_BEAM_V1_0) || defined(T_BEAM_V1_2) + // enforce display wakeup (because we will not reach the timer function for setting it on) + enableOled_now(); + // send_status_message_about_shutdown_to_rf() writes also to display. Display HALT afterwards + if (send_status_message_about_shutdown_to_rf) { + String msg = String("B") + buildnr + String(",up:") + String((int ) (millis()/1000/60)) + String(" qrt"); + sendStatusPacket(msg); + } + writedisplaytext("((HALT))","","Powering","down","",""); + #ifdef ENABLE_WIFI + do_send_status_message_about_shutdown_to_aprsis(); + #endif + delay(2000); + #endif #ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 axp.setChgLEDMode(AXP20X_LED_OFF); + #elif T_BEAM_V1_2 + axp.setChargingLedMode(XPOWERS_CHG_LED_OFF); + #endif + #if defined(T_BEAM_V1_0) || defined(T_BEAM_V1_2) //axp.shutdown(); <-we need fix this - axp.shutdown(); #endif } } #endif - display.clearDisplay(); - display.setTextColor(WHITE); - display.setTextSize(2); - display.setCursor(0,0); - display.println(HeaderTxt); - display.setTextSize(1); - display.setCursor(0,16); - display.println(Line1); - display.setCursor(0,26); - display.println(Line2); - display.setCursor(0,36); - display.println(Line3); - display.setCursor(0,46); - display.println(Line4); - display.setCursor(0,56); - display.println(Line5); - if (!enabled_oled){ // disable oled - display.dim(true); + // some assurances + if (Line1.length() > 21) Line1.remove(21, Line1.length()-21); + // line 2 can grow in some cases. Then the other lines are empty. TODO: algorithmic approach + if (Line2.length() > 21 && Line3.length() == 0 && Line4.length() == 0 && Line5.length() == 0) { + if (Line2.length() > 21*4) + Line2.remove(21*4, Line2.length()-21*4); + } else { + if (Line2.length() > 21) Line2.remove(21, Line2.length()-21); + if (Line3.length() > 21) Line3.remove(21, Line3.length()-21); + if (Line4.length() > 21) Line4.remove(21, Line4.length()-21); + if (Line5.length() > 21) Line5.remove(21, Line5.length()-21); } - display.display(); - // if oled is continuosly on, refresh every second (DL3EL) - if (oled_timeout == 0) { - time_to_refresh = millis() + OLED_refresh; + + if (debug_verbose > 1) { + if (HeaderTxt.length() > 21) { + Serial.printf("HeaderTxt: %s (%d)\r\n", HeaderTxt.c_str(), HeaderTxt.length()); + } + if (Line1.length() > 21) { + Serial.printf("Line1: %s (%d)\r\n", Line1.c_str(), Line1.length()); + } + if (Line2.length() > 21) { + Serial.printf("Line2: %s (%d)\r\n", Line2.c_str(), Line2.length()); + } + if (Line3.length() > 21) { + Serial.printf("Line3: %s (%d)\r\n", Line3.c_str(), Line3.length()); + } + if (Line4.length() > 21) { + Serial.printf("Line4: %s (%d)\r\n", Line4.c_str(), Line4.length()); + } + if (Line5.length() > 21) { + Serial.printf("Line5: %s (%d)\r\n", Line5.c_str(), Line5.length()); + } + } + + if (display_is_on) { + display.clearDisplay(); + display.setTextColor(WHITE); + display.setTextSize(2); + display.setCursor(0,0); + display.println(HeaderTxt); + display.setTextSize(1); + display.setCursor(0,16); + display.println(Line1); + display.setCursor(0,26); + display.println(Line2); + display.setCursor(0,36); + display.println(Line3); + display.setCursor(0,46); + display.println(Line4); + display.setCursor(0,56); + display.println(Line5); + display.display(); + } + + // if oled is continuosly on (or currently on), refresh every second (DL3EL) + if (oled_timeout == 0 || display_is_on) { + // refresh display once a second + time_to_refresh = millis() + 1000; } else { time_to_refresh = millis() + showRXTime; } @@ -895,104 +1404,222 @@ void writedisplaytext(String HeaderTxt, String Line1, String Line2, String Line3 OledLine5 = Line5; } -// in refresh_display umbenannt werden -void display_refresh1s() { - static uint32_t display_next_refresh = 0L; - static struct tm timeinfo; +void timer_once_a_second() { + static uint32_t t_next_run = 0L; + struct tm timeinfo; - if (millis() < display_next_refresh) + if (millis() < t_next_run) return; - - display_next_refresh = millis() + OLED_refresh; -// einmal Sekunde soll die Uhrzeit aktualisiert werden - if (getLocalTime(&timeinfo)) { + + t_next_run = millis() + 1000; + // update gps time string once a second + if (getLocalTimeTheBetterWay(&timeinfo)) { strftime(gps_time_s, sizeof(gps_time_s), "%H:%M:%S", &timeinfo); } - fillDisplayLine1(); //update time & uptime - - display.clearDisplay(); - display.setTextColor(WHITE); - display.setTextSize(2); - display.setCursor(0,0); - display.println(OledHdr); - display.setTextSize(1); - display.setCursor(0,16); - display.println(OledLine1); - display.setCursor(0,26); - display.println(OledLine2); - display.setCursor(0,36); - display.println(OledLine3); - display.setCursor(0,46); - display.println(OledLine4); - display.setCursor(0,56); - display.println(OledLine5); - display.display(); +#ifdef ENABLE_BLUETOOTH + if (enable_bluetooth) { + serial_bt_client_is_connected = SerialBT.hasClient(); + new_serial_bt_client_connected = false; + if (serial_bt_client_was_connected) { + if (!serial_bt_client_is_connected) { + serial_bt_client_was_connected = false; + } + } else { + if (serial_bt_client_is_connected) { + serial_bt_client_was_connected = true; + new_serial_bt_client_connected = true; + } + } + } else { + serial_bt_client_is_connected = false; + } +#endif + + // Ticker blinks upper left corner to indicate system is running + // only when OLED is on +// if (display_is_on && millis() > display_dont_update_until) { + if (display_is_on) { + // refresh display once a second + if (!freeze_display) + fillDisplayLine1(0); //update time & uptime + + // some assurances + if (OledLine1.length() > 21) OledLine1.remove(21, OledLine1.length()-21); + // line 2 can grow in some cases. Then the other lines are empty. TODO: algorithmic approach + if (OledLine2.length() > 21 && OledLine3.length() == 0 && OledLine4.length() == 0 && OledLine5.length() == 0) { + if (OledLine2.length() > 21*4) + OledLine2.remove(21*4, OledLine2.length()-21*4); + } else { + if (OledLine2.length() > 21) OledLine2.remove(21, OledLine2.length()-21); + if (OledLine3.length() > 21) OledLine3.remove(21, OledLine3.length()-21); + if (OledLine4.length() > 21) OledLine4.remove(21, OledLine4.length()-21); + if (OledLine5.length() > 21) OledLine5.remove(21, OledLine5.length()-21); + } + + if (debug_verbose > 1) { + if (OledHdr.length() > 21) { + Serial.printf("OledHdr [timer_once_a_second]: %s (%d)\r\n", OledHdr.c_str(), OledHdr.length()); + } + if (OledLine1.length() > 21) { + Serial.printf("OledLine1 [timer_once_a_second]: %s (%d)\r\n", OledLine1.c_str(), OledLine1.length()); + } + if (OledLine2.length() > 21) { + Serial.printf("OledLine2 [timer_once_a_second]: %s (%d)\r\n", OledLine2.c_str(), OledLine2.length()); + } + if (OledLine3.length() > 21) { + Serial.printf("OledLine3 [timer_once_a_second]: %s (%d)\r\n", OledLine3.c_str(), OledLine3.length()); + } + if (OledLine4.length() > 21) { + Serial.printf("OledLine4 [timer_once_a_second]: %s (%d)\r\n", OledLine4.c_str(), OledLine4.length()); + } + if (OledLine5.length() > 21) { + Serial.printf("OledLine5 [timer_once_a_second]: %s (%d)\r\n", OledLine5.c_str(), OledLine5.length()); + } + } + + display.clearDisplay(); + display.setTextColor(WHITE); + display.setTextSize(2); + display.setCursor(0,0); + display.println(OledHdr); + display.setTextSize(1); + display.setCursor(0,16); + display.println(OledLine1); + display.setCursor(0,26); + display.println(OledLine2); + display.setCursor(0,36); + display.println(OledLine3); + display.setCursor(0,46); + display.println(OledLine4); + display.setCursor(0,56); + display.println(OledLine5); + display.display(); + } } -String getSpeedCourseAlti() { - // muss noch umgebaut werden, so dass die Daten wie speed im loop() geholt werden (DL3EL) - // TODO: Web configurable output in speed km/h and height m; or speed mph and height ft, or speed kn (sm/h) and height ft - String sca = ""; - String dalt = ""; - - if (gps_state == true && gps_isValid) { - int dalt_int = max(-99999, min(999999, (int ) gps.altitude.meters())); - dalt = dalt + String(dalt_int) + "m "; - sca = String(gps_speed_kmph) + "km/h " + String(gps.course.deg(), 1) + "\xF7 " + dalt; +char *str_course(int resolution) { + static char buf[7]; // room for 359.9G + \0 + if (gps_state && gps_isValid) { + // sprintf rounds + double cse = gps.course.deg(); + if (resolution) + if (oled_line3and4_format == 2 || oled_line3and4_format == 4) { + sprintf(buf, "%03.1f\xF7", cse > 359.949 ? 0 : cse); + } else { + sprintf(buf, "%3.1f\xF7", cse > 359.949 ? 0 : cse); + } + else { + if (oled_line3and4_format == 2 || oled_line3and4_format == 4) { + sprintf(buf, "%03.0f\xF7", cse > 359.49 ? 0 : cse); + } else { + sprintf(buf, "%3.0f\xF7", cse > 359.49 ? 0 : cse); + } + } } else { - sca = "--km/h --\xF7 --m"; + sprintf(buf, "--\xF7"); } - return sca; + return buf; +} + +char *str_speed() { + static char buf[8]; // room for 999km/h + \0 == 8 + const char *speed_unit = "km/h"; + switch (units_speed) { + case UNITS_SPEED_MS: + speed_unit = "m/s"; + break; + case UNITS_SPEED_MPH: + speed_unit = "mph"; + break; + case UNITS_SPEED_KN: + speed_unit = "kn"; + break; + } + if (gps_state && gps_isValid) { + sprintf(buf, "%d%s", gps_speed > 999 ? 999 : gps_speed, speed_unit); + } else { + sprintf(buf, "--%s", speed_unit); + } + return buf; +} + +char *str_altitude() { + static char buf[7]; // room for 99999' + \0 = 7 + const char *alt_unit = (units_dist == UNITS_DIST_FT ? "'" : "m"); + if (gps_state && gps_isValid) { + sprintf(buf, "%d%s", max(-9999, min(99999, (int ) (units_dist == UNITS_DIST_FT ? gps.altitude.feet() : gps.altitude.meters()))), alt_unit); + } else { + sprintf(buf, "--%s", alt_unit); + } + return buf; +} + +String getSpeedCourseAlti() { + return ( String(str_speed()) + " " + String(str_course(1)) + " " + String(str_altitude()) ); } String getSatAndBatInfo() { String line5; - if (gps_state == true) - line5 = "S:" + String(gps.satellites.value()) + "/" + int(gps.hdop.hdop()); + if (gps_state) + line5 = "S:" + String(gps.satellites.value()) + "/" + String((int ) gps.hdop.hdop()); else line5 = "S:-/-"; #ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 - int b_out_c = (int ) axp.getBattDischargeCurrent(); - int b_in_c = (int ) axp.getBattChargeCurrent(); - if (b_out_c == 0 && b_in_c == 0) { + int b_c_out = (int ) axp.getBattDischargeCurrent(); + int b_c_in = (int ) axp.getBattChargeCurrent(); + if (b_c_out == 0 && b_c_in == 0) { line5 = line5 + " P:" + String(InpVolts, 2) + "V"; } else { + line5 = line5 + " B:" + String(BattVolts, 2) + "V"; + } + String charge = ""; + if (b_c_out > 0) { + charge = "-" + String(b_c_out); + } else if (b_c_in > 0) { + charge = String(b_c_in); + } else { + charge = String((int ) axp.getVbusCurrent()); + } + line5 = line5 + "/" + charge + "mA"; +#elif T_BEAM_V1_2 + if (axp.isVbusIn()) { + line5 = line5 + " P:" + String(InpVolts, 2) + "V"; + } else { + line5 = line5 + " B:" + String(BattVolts, 2) + "V"; + } + if (axp.isBatteryConnect()) { + line5 = line5 + "/" + String(axp.getBatteryPercent()) + "%"; + if (axp.isCharging()) { + line5 += "+"; // is charging -> indicate with "+" + } else if (!axp.isVbusIn()) { + line5 += "-"; // not charging and no vbus -> is discharging -> indicate with "-" + } + } #else - { -#endif - line5 = line5 + " B:" + String(BattVolts, 2) + "V"; - } -#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 - String charge = ""; - - if (b_out_c > 0) { - charge = "-" + String(b_out_c); - } else { - if (b_in_c > 0) { - charge = String(b_in_c); - } else { - charge = "-" + String((int ) axp.getVbusCurrent()); - } - } - line5 = line5 + "/" + charge + "mA"; + line5 = line5 + " P:" + String(InpVolts, 2) + "V"; #endif #if defined(ENABLE_BLUETOOTH) && defined(KISS_PROTOCOL) - if (SerialBT.hasClient()) { - line5 += " BT"; - } + if (line5.length() < 21-3 && serial_bt_client_is_connected) { + // ^ "S:0/99 B:3.52V/-190mA BT" would be too long for one oled line + line5 += " BT"; + } #endif - return line5; + return line5; } -void fillDisplayLine1() { -// static String OledLine1s = ""; -// OledLine1_time = gps_time_s; -// OledLine1s = " Up:" + String(millis()/1000/60) + "m"; +void fillDisplayLine1(int caller) { + //static String OledLine1s = ""; + //OledLine1_time = gps_time_s; + // OledLine1s = " Up:" + String(millis()/1000/60) + "m"; + if (freeze_display) + return; + if (debug_verbose > 2) + Serial.printf("fillDisplayLine1 caller:%d button_down:%d\r\n",caller, freeze_display); static uint32_t old_time = 0L; uint32_t t = millis() / 1000; char s_uptime[9]; // room for 49d17:02 + \0 -> 9 bytes @@ -1013,83 +1640,274 @@ void fillDisplayLine1() { sprintf(s_uptime, "%2.2d:%2.2d", h, m); old_time = t; } - OledLine1 = gps_time_s; - OledLine1 = OledLine1 + " Up " + s_uptime; + OledLine1 = String("Up ") + String(s_uptime); + if (*gps_time_s) + OledLine1 = String(gps_time_s) + String(" ") + OledLine1; + if (winlink_notified != 0L) { + if (winlink_notified + 60*60*24*1000L > millis()) { + // show winlink mail info for max 24h + OledLine1 += " W"; + } else { + // reset + winlink_notified = 0L; + } + } } void fillDisplayLine2() { -#ifdef ENABLE_WIFI +#ifdef ENABLE_WIFI wifi_info = "WiFi"; if (wifi_connection_status == WIFI_RUNNING_AS_AP) { wifi_info = (enable_webserver)? wifi_info + "-AP" : wifi_info + ":off"; } else if (wifi_connection_status == WIFI_SEARCHING_FOR_AP) { wifi_info = (enable_webserver)? wifi_info + "-cli" : wifi_info + ":off"; + } else if (wifi_connection_status == WIFI_DISABLED) { + wifi_info = (enable_webserver)? wifi_info + "-dis" : wifi_info + ":off"; } else { wifi_info = (enable_webserver)? wifi_info + "-CLI" : wifi_info + ":off"; } -#else +#else wifi_info = ""; #endif - if (dont_send_own_position_packets || !lora_tx_enabled) { - OledLine2 = wifi_info + " never TX"; + if (dont_send_own_position_packets) { + OledLine2 = wifi_info + " Own Bcn: dis"; + } else if (!(lora_tx_enabled || aprsis_enabled)) { + OledLine2 = wifi_info + " LoRa-TX: dis"; } else { if (gps_isValid) { if (fixed_beacon_enabled) { OledLine2 = wifi_info+ " FB:" +String((next_fixed_beacon-millis()) / 1000) + "s"; } else { - ulong nextSBtx = ((lastTX+nextTX)-millis())/1000; + ulong nextSBtx = ((lastPositionTX+nextTX)-millis())/1000; // do not send SB Info on very first tx, wrong value, cannot find the reason if (nextSBtx > 400000) { OledLine2 = wifi_info; } else { OledLine2 = wifi_info + " SB:" + String(nextSBtx) + "s"; // next line will be used when debugging gps-output for smoothening km/h in oled - //OledLine1s = OledLine1 + String(((lastTX+nextTX)-millis())/1000)+"s "+ String(lastTxdistance); + //OledLine1s = OledLine1 + String(((lastPositionTX+nextTX)-millis())/1000)+"s "+ String(lastTxdistance); } } } else { OledLine2 = wifi_info; - } } + } } -void fillDisplayLines3to5() { + +void fillDisplayLines3to5(int force) { static uint32_t ratelimit_until = 0L; - - if (millis() < ratelimit_until) - return; + if (debug_verbose > 2) + Serial.printf("fillDisplayLines3to5 start, force:%d Display::%d\r\n",force,display_is_on); + if (!force && millis() < ratelimit_until) + return; ratelimit_until = millis() + (oled_timeout == 0 ? 1000 : showRXTime); - OledLine3 = aprsLatPreset + " " + aprsLonPreset + " " + aprsPresetShown; - OledLine4 = getSpeedCourseAlti(); + if (debug_verbose > 1) + Serial.printf("fillDisplayLines3to5 ongoing, force:%d Display::%d\r\n",force,display_is_on); + + boolean show_locator = false; + if (oled_show_locator == 1) { + show_locator = true; + } else if (oled_show_locator > 1) { + uint8_t t = millis() / 1000 % 120; + if ( (oled_show_locator == 2 && (t % 60) >= 50) || + (oled_show_locator == 3 && t >= 100) || + (oled_show_locator == 4 && (t % 40) >= 20) ) { + show_locator = true; + } + } + + if (oled_line3and4_format == 0) { + if (show_locator) { + OledLine3 = aprsLatLonAsMaidenheadGridLocator + " " + aprsPresetShown; + #if defined(T_BEAM_V1_0) || defined(T_BEAM_V1_2) + // field for extended use, i.e. temp, pressure, humidity + if (aprsLatLonAsMaidenheadGridLocator.length() + 1 + 1 + + 12 <= 21) { + #ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 + float t_AXP = axp.getTemp(); + #elif T_BEAM_V1_2 + float t_AXP = axp.getTemperature(); + #endif + char sensor_data[13] = { 0 } ; // room for 12 + \0 == 13 + if (t_AXP < -9.9) t_AXP = -9.9; else if (t_AXP > 99.9) t_AXP = 99.9; + sprintf(sensor_data, " tAXP:%.1f%cC", t_AXP, '\xF7'); + OledLine3 = OledLine3 + String(sensor_data); + } + #endif + } else { + OledLine3 = aprsLatPreset + " " + aprsLonPreset + " " + aprsPresetShown; + } + OledLine4 = getSpeedCourseAlti(); + + if (debug_verbose > 1) { + Serial.printf("OledLine3_1 [fillDisplayLines3to5] from %d: [%s] (%d)\r\n", force, OledLine3.c_str(), OledLine3.length()); + Serial.printf("OledLine4_1 [fillDisplayLines3to5] from %d: [%s] (%d)\r\n", force, OledLine4.c_str(), OledLine4.length()); + } + + } else { + char buf[22]; // OLED-Display can show 21 characters in a line + + // Thoughts about higher precision in nautical syntax (format 2). Also valid for + // classic syntax(format 1), which has the same length. + // try to adjust speed value to a nice offset, depending on it's unit + // Example: + // 356° 9999m 23-45.345N + // 999km/h p 124-45.345E // looks good + // 356° 9999m 23-45.345N + // 0km/h p 124-45.345E // quite ok. Degree and 'k' are at the same position. + // 356° 9999m 23-45.345N + // 0kt p 124-45.345E // looks bad + // ^^^^ too much blanks for min value + // 356° 9999m 23-45.345N + // 539kt p 124-45.345E // looks bad + // ^^ too much blanks for max value + // String offset comparison: + // 999km/h + // 0km/h + // 277m/s + // 0m/s + // 620mph // has same max len(max value) and same len of unit than m/s + // 0mph + // 539kt + // 0kt + // You see the additional blanks at right side + // -> + // 356° 9999m 23-45.345N + // 539kt p 124-45.345E // looks nice + // ^^ two more blanks + // 356° 9999m 23-45.345N + // 0kt p 124-45.345E // quite ok. Defree and 'k' are at the same position. + // 356° 9999m 23-45.345N + // 277m/s p 124-45.345E // quite ok. Defree and 'k' are at the same position. + // ^ one more blank + // 356° 9999m 23-45.345N + // 1m/s p 124-45.345E // quite ok. Defree and 'k' are at the same position. + // hack: append blanks, so it aligns more to left. + // str_speed() assured length 7 (length 999km/h) + + char *spd = str_speed(); + if (units_speed == UNITS_SPEED_KN) { + strcat(spd, " "); + } else if (units_speed == UNITS_SPEED_MPH || units_speed == UNITS_SPEED_MS) { + strcat(spd, " "); + } + // end of hack + + if (show_locator) { + // field for extended use, i.e. temp, pressure, humidity + char sensor_data[12] = { 0 } ; // room for 11 + \0 == 12 + #if defined(T_BEAM_V1_0) || defined(T_BEAM_V1_2) + #ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 + float t_AXP = axp.getTemp(); + #elif T_BEAM_V1_2 + float t_AXP = axp.getTemperature(); + #endif + if (t_AXP < -9.9) t_AXP = -9.9; else if (t_AXP > 99.9) t_AXP = 99.9; + sprintf(sensor_data, "tAXP:%.1f%cC", t_AXP, '\xF7'); + #endif + // show maidenhead grid locator + if (oled_line3and4_format < 3) { + sprintf(buf, "%4.4s%6.6s %-10.10s", str_course(0), str_altitude(), aprsLatLonAsMaidenheadGridLocator.c_str()); + OledLine3 = String(buf); + sprintf(buf, "%7.7s %1s %-11.11s", spd, aprsPresetShown.c_str(), sensor_data); + OledLine4 = String(buf); + } else { + sprintf(buf, "%11.11s %1s %7.7s", aprsLatLonAsMaidenheadGridLocator.c_str(), aprsPresetShown.c_str(), spd); + OledLine3 = String(buf); + sprintf(buf, "%11.11s %4.4s%5.5s", sensor_data, str_course(0), str_altitude()); + OledLine4 = String(buf); + } + } else { + char b[12]; // room for 012-34.567E + \0 = 12 + if ((oled_line3and4_format % 2)) { + // In this case, we could not use the aprsLatPresetNiceLocation as base for our adaption, + // because it may be in heigher precision. Thus 012-34.937E would be cut to 012-34.93E; + // rounding has taken place at aprsLatPreset. We use this. + const char *p = aprsLatPreset.c_str(); + sprintf(b, "%.2s\xF7%s", p, p+2); + int pos_lastchar = strlen(b)-1; + // replace ...N by ...'N + b[pos_lastchar+1] = b[pos_lastchar]; b[pos_lastchar] = '\''; b[pos_lastchar+2] = 0; + } else { + sprintf(b, "%.10s", aprsLatPresetNiceNotation.c_str()); + } + if (oled_line3and4_format < 3) { + sprintf(buf, "%4.4s%6.6s %-10.10s", str_course(0), str_altitude(), b); + } else { + // coordinates left aligned + sprintf(buf, "%11.11s %1s %7.7s", b, aprsPresetShown.c_str(), spd); + } + OledLine3 = String(buf); + if (debug_verbose > 1) + Serial.printf("OledLine3_2 [fillDisplayLines3to5] from %d: %s (%d)\r\n", force, OledLine3.c_str(), OledLine3.length()); + if ((oled_line3and4_format % 2)) { + const char *p = aprsLonPreset.c_str(); + sprintf(b, "%.3s\xF7%s", p, p+3); + int pos_lastchar = strlen(b)-1; + // replace ...N by ...'N + b[pos_lastchar+1] = b[pos_lastchar]; b[pos_lastchar] = '\''; b[pos_lastchar+2] = 0; + } else { + sprintf(b, "%.11s", aprsLonPresetNiceNotation.c_str()); + } + if (oled_line3and4_format < 3) { + sprintf(buf, "%7.7s %1s %-11.11s", spd, aprsPresetShown.c_str(), b); + } else { + // only beautiful up to 999m or 304ft. > 999: no blank between ° and alt. > 99999: alt unit is cut. + sprintf(buf, "%11.11s %4.4s%5.5s", b, str_course(0), str_altitude()); + } + OledLine4 = String(buf); + if (debug_verbose > 1) + Serial.printf("OledLine4_2 [fillDisplayLines3to5] from %d: %s (%d)\r\n", force, OledLine4.c_str(), OledLine4.length()); + } + } + OledLine5 = getSatAndBatInfo(); } +String compute_time_since_received(uint32_t recv) { + String recv_p; + uint32_t elapsed; + + elapsed = millis()/1000 - recv; + if (elapsed < 60) { + recv_p = String(elapsed) + "s"; + } else if (elapsed < 3600) { + recv_p = String(elapsed/60) + "m"; + } else if (elapsed < 86400) { + recv_p = String(elapsed/3600) + "h"; + } else { + recv_p = String(elapsed/86400) + "d"; + } + return (recv_p); +} + void displayInvalidGPS() { uint32_t gpsage; - String gpsage_p = ""; - fillDisplayLine1(); - if (!gps_state){ - OledLine2 = wifi_info + " GPS dis"; - } else { -// show GPS age (only if last retrieval was invalid) + if (freeze_display) + return; + if (debug_verbose > 1) + Serial.printf("displayInvalidGPS start (%d)\r\n",freeze_display); + String gpsage_p = " GPS: dis"; + fillDisplayLine1(1); + if (gps_state) { + //show GPS age (only if last retrieval was invalid) gpsage = gps.location.age()/1000; - gpsage_p = String(gpsage) + "s" ; - gpsage_p = (gpsage > 60)? String(gpsage/60) + "m" : gpsage_p; - gpsage_p = (gpsage > 3600)? String(gpsage/3600) + "h" : gpsage_p; - gpsage_p = (gpsage > 86400)? String(gpsage/86400) + "d" : gpsage_p; - gpsage_p = (gpsage > 4000000)? " no GPS fix" : " GPS age:" + gpsage_p; - OledLine2 = wifi_info + gpsage_p; + if (gpsage > 49700) { + gpsage_p = " GPS: no fix"; + } else { + gpsage_p = " GPS age:" + compute_time_since_received(gpsage); + } } - fillDisplayLines3to5(); + OledLine2 = wifi_info + gpsage_p; + fillDisplayLines3to5(0); writedisplaytext(Tcall, OledLine1, OledLine2, OledLine3, OledLine4, OledLine5); } - #if defined(KISS_PROTOCOL) /** * @@ -1120,7 +1938,7 @@ void sendToWebList(const String& TNC2FormatedFrame, const int RSSI, const int SN receivedPacketData->packet->trim(); receivedPacketData->RSSI = RSSI; receivedPacketData->SNR = SNR; - getLocalTime(&receivedPacketData->rxTime); + getLocalTimeTheBetterWay(&receivedPacketData->rxTime); if (xQueueSend(webListReceivedQueue, &receivedPacketData, (1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS)) != pdPASS){ // remove buffer on error @@ -1131,138 +1949,519 @@ void sendToWebList(const String& TNC2FormatedFrame, const int RSSI, const int SN } #endif -String prepareCallsign(const String& callsign){ +String prepareCallsign(const String& callsign) { String tmpString = ""; for (int i=0; i" + MY_APRS_DEST_IDENTIFYER + tel_path_str + ":"; - do_serial_println("Telemetry: " + telemetryBase); - sendToTNC(telemetryBase + telemetryParamsNames); - sendToTNC(telemetryBase + telemetryUnitNames); - sendToTNC(telemetryBase + telemetryEquations); - sendToTNC(telemetryBase + telemetryData); - - // Show when telemetry is being sent - writedisplaytext("((TEL TX))","","","","",""); - - // Flash the light when telemetry is being sent - #ifdef ENABLE_LED_SIGNALING - digitalWrite(TXLED, HIGH); - #endif - - // Update the telemetry sequence number - if(tel_sequence >= 999){ - tel_sequence = 0; - }else{ - tel_sequence = tel_sequence + 1; - } - preferences.putUInt(PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_SEQ, tel_sequence); +void set_callsign() { + #ifdef ENABLE_PREFERENCES + String s = prepareCallsign(preferences.getString(PREF_APRS_CALLSIGN, "")); + #else + String s = ""; + #endif + if (s.isEmpty()) { + s = prepareCallsign(String(CALLSIGN)); + if (s.isEmpty()) { + s = String("N0CALL"); + } + #ifdef ENABLE_PREFERENCES + preferences.putString(PREF_APRS_CALLSIGN, s); + #if defined(ENABLE_SYSLOG) + if (debug_verbose) + syslog_log(LOG_DEBUG, String("FlashWrite preferences: set_Callsign()")); #endif + #endif + } + Tcall = s; +} + +// telemetry frames +#if defined(ENABLE_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY) + +// DO NOT ENABLE THIS UNTIL YOU READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE IMPACT DESCRIBED ABOVE +boolean really_allow_telemetry_on_main_freq = false; + +void send_telemetry_to_TNC_usb_serial_and_aprsis(const String &telemetryPacket) +{ + #if defined(KISS_PROTOCOL) + sendToTNC(telemetryPacket); + #endif + if (usb_serial_data_type & 2) + Serial.println(telemetryPacket); + #if defined(ENABLE_WIFI) + send_to_aprsis(telemetryPacket); + // another hack: send_to_aprsis has no queue. Webserver-code needs enough time to send. Are 500ms enough? + esp_task_wdt_reset(); + delay(500); + esp_task_wdt_reset(); + #endif +} + +char encode_int_in_char(int i) { + if (i < 0 || i > 61) + return '0'; + if (i < 10) return '0' + i; + if (i < 36) return 'A' + (i - 10); + return 'a' + (i - 36); +} + + +// These variables should have been inside sendTelemetryFrame, declared static, +// but due to some obscure phaenomen they loose their assigned value. WTF! +// Bufferoverflow somewhere in the function?? +uint8_t EqnsParmUnitBITS_frame_curr = 0; +uint32_t next_time_to_send_telemetry_EqnsParmUnitBITS = 0L; +#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 + // We may add axp temperature either if we have no battery (B V, B C out, B C in 0), + // or if no USB is plugeed in (B C in will be 0). -> We could use the position + // of B C in. We decided this on boot and remember, + boolean may_add_temperature = (!axp.isVBUSPlug() || (float ) axp.getBattVoltage() < 1000.0); +#elif T_BEAM_V1_2 + //boolean may_add_temperature = (!axp.isVbusInsertOnSource() || (float ) axp.getBattVoltage() < 1000.0); + // until we can't get current load (axp.xxxCurrent() is not available by the 2101 driver), + // we always have a free field for adding a temperature measurement + boolean may_add_temperature = true; +#endif + +#define ALSO_SEND_Telemetry_BITS 0 // Set this to 1 if you need to send also the "digital BITS packet" +void sendTelemetryFrame() { + const uint8_t EqnsParmUnitBITS_frames = (ALSO_SEND_Telemetry_BITS ? 4 : 3); + String tel_sequence_str; + String tel_path_str; + + if (!enable_tel) + return; + if (!lora_tx_enabled) + tel_allow_tx_on_rf = 0; + + // Format telemetry path + if (tel_path == "") { + tel_path_str = tel_path; + } else { + tel_path_str = "," + tel_path; + } + String telemetryBase = Tcall + ">" + MY_APRS_DEST_IDENTIFYER + tel_path_str + ":"; + String telemetryBaseRF = Tcall + ">" + MY_APRS_DEST_IDENTIFYER + ":"; // No digi path on RF. Description see below + + // equations, unit, names, bits packets: .. . They never change. + // For more details, see aprs spec! + // Ratelimit them. Once a day is enough. This is not really important for + // messages sent to aprsis (except they come as // 3rd party traffic back + // to RF); or: if someone has the idea to send this over our slow LoRa.. + + if (millis() > next_time_to_send_telemetry_EqnsParmUnitBITS) { + // hack: Send one of the messages along with one one telemetryData frame. + // If all are sent, remember the time we last sent all of them. + String s; + + switch (EqnsParmUnitBITS_frame_curr) { + case 0: + // Equations are defined only for the 5 analog channels. May be less then 5. + // Most important for correct interpretation -> position 0. + // Item length may vary + s = String("EQNS."); + //s = s + "0,5.1,3000"; + s = s + "0,33.8,0"; + #if defined(T_BEAM_V1_0) || defined(T_BEAM_V1_2) + //s = s + ",0,10,0" + ",0,10,0" + ",0,28,3000" + ",0,10,0"; + s = s + ",0,10,0" + ",0,16.9,0" + ",0,10,0"; + if (may_add_temperature) + s = s + ",0,0.25,-5"; + else + s = s + ",0,10,0"; + #endif + break; + case 1: + // up to 5 analog and 8 digital channels. If not needed, could break at any item. + // if you use 4 analog and 2 digital channel, set names to "A,B,C,D,,X,Y" + // Item lengths are strict. Look at spec! + s = String("PARM."); + //s = s + "B Volt"; + s = s + "P V"; + #if defined(T_BEAM_V1_0) || defined(T_BEAM_V1_2) + //s = s + ",B In" + ",B Out" + ",AC V" + ",AC C"; + s = s + ",P C" + ",B V" + ",BCout"; + if (may_add_temperature) + s = s + ",Temp"; + else + s = s + ",BCin"; + #else + //if (EqnsParmUnitBITS_frames == 3) s = s + ",,,,," /* + "yourDigitalParamNames1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8" */; + #endif + break; + case 2: + // up to 5 analog and 8 digital channels. If not needed, could break at any item. + // if you use 4 analog and 2 digital channel, set names to "A,B,C,D,,X,Y" + // Item lengths are strict. Look at spec! + s = String("UNIT."); + s = s + "mV"; + #if defined(T_BEAM_V1_0) || defined(T_BEAM_V1_2) + //s = s + ",mA" + ",mA" + ",mV" + ",mA"; + s = s + ",mA" + ",mV" + ",mA"; + if (may_add_temperature) + s = s + ",C"; + else + s = s + ",mA"; + #else + //if (EqnsParmUnitBITS_frames == 3) s = s + ",,,,," /* + "yourDigitalUnitsNames1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8" */; + #endif + break; + case 3: + //Example for the up 8 digital BITS channel (currently not used) + //It contins exact 8 bytes of 0 or 1, followed by up to 23 bytes procect title. + s = String("BITS."); + s = s + "00000000" + ",SQ9MDD LoRa Tracker"; + break; + } + + if (EqnsParmUnitBITS_frame_curr == EqnsParmUnitBITS_frames-1) { + next_time_to_send_telemetry_EqnsParmUnitBITS = millis() + 24*60*60*1000L; + EqnsParmUnitBITS_frame_curr = 0; + } else { + EqnsParmUnitBITS_frame_curr++; + } + + // Pad telemetry message address to 9 characters. Plus string termination \0. Plus 2x ':' + char Tcall_message_char[2+9+1]; + //sprintf_P(Tcall_message_char, ":%-9s:", Tcall.c_str()); + sprintf_P(Tcall_message_char, ":%-9.9s:", Tcall.c_str()); + String Tcall_message = String(Tcall_message_char); + + send_telemetry_to_TNC_usb_serial_and_aprsis(telemetryBase + Tcall_message + s); + + // We don't like to see telemetry on RF. + // But since we have been asked several times, here's a suggestion we could live with it: + // When digipeating on cross-qrg, fast "1200" mode (comparable to 2m AFSK APRS) is recommended anyway. + // It may be acceptable to send to rf in this case. But only as direct message, without digipeaters. + // On our slow main qrg, it's still not acceptable to flood the channel with telemetry. + // That's why it's commented out here in the source. If you really need this, i.e. for a balloon mission, + // you could enable it. It's here as a sample, only for providing the correct way to use that "feature". + // Telemetry on secondary qrg is sent if config variable is 2 or 3. On main qrg: 1 or 3. + + if (tel_allow_tx_on_rf) { + String telemetryPacket = telemetryBaseRF + Tcall_message + s; + if (tel_allow_tx_on_rf & 2) { + if (lora_freq_cross_digi != lora_freq && lora_speed_cross_digi >= 1200) { + loraSend(txPower_cross_digi, lora_freq_cross_digi, lora_speed_cross_digi, 0, telemetryPacket); + } + } + if ((tel_allow_tx_on_rf & 1) && really_allow_telemetry_on_main_freq) { + loraSend(txPower, lora_freq, (lora_speed < 300) ? 300 : lora_speed, 0, telemetryPacket); + } } } -#endif + + // sequence number for measurement packet + #ifndef ENABLE_PREFERENCES + // no preferences enabled -> use variant -1. + if (tel_mic == 0) tel_mic = -2; + #endif + + // Determine if MIC, digit sequence number or alphanumeric sequence number + if (tel_mic == 1) { + tel_sequence_str = "MIC"; + } else if (tel_mic == -1) { + // Unfortunately, aprs.fi comments this with "[Invalid telemetry packet]". + // -> See also the less efficient approach tel_mic == -2 + // a much better approach, without storing sequence number back to flash. + // On most trackers, the system time is set correct, either due to GPS time, or by NTP. + // Telemetry sequence can be any number or letter. It has a size of 3 characters. + // For convenience, we store in pos 0 the month. If we use letters A-Z, a-z and and numbers 0-9, we could adress 62 days (exactly 2 months), before we start from new. + // Pos 1 and 2: encodes the time. -> We get a resolution of min 23s, which is more than we need in typical usecases: 24*60*60.0/((26*2+10)**2) = 22.476s + struct tm timeinfo{}; + if (getLocalTimeTheBetterWay(&timeinfo)) { + char buf[4]; + int t = (timeinfo.tm_mon % 2) * 31 + ((timeinfo.tm_mday - 1) % 31); + buf[0] = encode_int_in_char(t); + // 24*60*60/(26*2+10)**2 = 22.476s + t = ((timeinfo.tm_hour *60*60) + timeinfo.tm_min * 60 + timeinfo.tm_sec) / 23; + buf[1] = encode_int_in_char(t / 62); + buf[2] = encode_int_in_char(t % 62); + buf[3] = 0; + // special case: reserved word "MIC". Hmm.. ...risk a doublette; fake time to next interval += 23s -> "MID" ;) + if (!strcmp(buf, "MIC")) + buf[2] = 'D'; + tel_sequence_str = String(buf); + } else { + // fall back to MIC format + tel_sequence_str = String("MIC"); + } + } else if (tel_mic == -2) { + // This variant has a resolution of 10min and overflows in a week; in contrast to + // tel_mic -1 variant (numeric+letter based), which has a resolution of 23 seconds + // and overflows in two months. + // assumption: we send telemetry at min every 10min (enforced by web interface) + // We could encode week day in pos 0 (-> 0-6). Pos 1+2 are time dependend + // values. 6*24*6+22*6+3 = 999 packets, last sent at saturday 22:30. We need room + // for 8 packets. Let's send them as 000 up to 006, and the last (from sat, 23:50) to 999, and see what happens ;) + // Because amateur radio projects like balloons often use the weekend, it's better + // to have the overflow in mid of the week instead of saturday evening. We start our + // week at thursday instead of sunday -> (tm_wday += 4). + struct tm timeinfo{}; + if (getLocalTimeTheBetterWay(&timeinfo)) { + char buf[4]; + // resolution 6 packets in an hour. + int t = (24*60*((timeinfo.tm_wday + 4) % 7) + 60*timeinfo.tm_hour + timeinfo.tm_min) / 10.0; + if (t >= 1007) + t = 999; + sprintf_P(buf, "%03u", t % 1000); + tel_sequence_str = String(buf); + } else { + // fall back to MIC format + tel_sequence_str = String("MIC"); + } + } else { + // Get the current saved telemetry sequence + #ifdef ENABLE_PREFERENCES + tel_sequence = preferences.getUInt(PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_SEQ, 0) % 1000; + #endif + // Pad to 3 digits. Plus string termination \0 + char tel_sequence_char[3+1]; + sprintf_P(tel_sequence_char, "%03u", tel_sequence); + tel_sequence_str = String(tel_sequence_char); + + // Update the telemetry sequence number + if (tel_sequence >= 999) { + tel_sequence = 0; + } else { + tel_sequence = tel_sequence + 1; + } + #ifdef ENABLE_PREFERENCES + preferences.putUInt(PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_SEQ, tel_sequence); + #if defined(ENABLE_SYSLOG) + if (debug_verbose) + syslog_log(LOG_DEBUG, String("FlashWrite preferences: sendTelemetryFrame()")); + #endif + #endif + } + + // measurement + // min(): because we obviously measured 4.3.11. Result is 257 and sent value 2. + // Working with uint8_t is a good decision, because due to spec, the value must not + // be greater than 255, because it's the numeric representation of an 8 bit value. + #if defined(T_BEAM_V1_0) || defined(T_BEAM_V1_2) + // No, batteries or external power may not be present -> do not start at 3000 mW + //uint8_t dc_volt = max(0, min((int ) (((((float ) axp.getVbusVoltage()) - 3000.0) / 28), 255))); + uint8_t dc_volt = max(0, min((int ) (((float ) axp.getVbusVoltage()) / 33.8), 255)); + //uint8_t b_volt = max(0, min((int ) (((((float ) axp.getBattVoltage()) - 3000.0) / 5.1), 255))); + uint8_t b_volt = max(0, min((int ) (((float ) axp.getBattVoltage()) / 16.9), 255)); + #ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 + uint8_t dc_c = max(0, min((int ) (axp.getVbusCurrent() / 10), 255)); + uint8_t b_c_out = max(0, min((int ) (axp.getBattDischargeCurrent() / 10), 255)); + uint8_t b_c_in = may_add_temperature ? 0 : min((int ) (axp.getBattChargeCurrent() / 10), 255); + uint8_t axp_temperature = may_add_temperature ? max(min((int ) ((axp.getTemp() + 5 + 0.125) / 0.25), 255), 0) : 0; + #elif T_BEAM_V1_2 + uint8_t dc_c = 0; + uint8_t b_c_out = 0; + uint8_t b_c_in = 0; + uint8_t axp_temperature = max(min((int ) ((axp.getTemperature() + 5 + 0.125) / 0.25), 255), 0); + #endif + #else + batt_read(); + //uint8_t b_volt = max(0, min((int ) ((InpVolts * 1000) - 3000 / 5.1), 255)); + uint8_t dc_volt = max(0, min((int ) (InpVolts * 1000 / 33.8), 255)); + #endif + + + String telemetryData = String("T#") + tel_sequence_str; + // aprs spec says a an analog field has a length of 3. -> 0 is 000. + // This is nearly impossible to do with String functions. We need a helper buffer + // aprs spec that Telemetry Report format is exactly 5 analog values and 8 digital values. + // We break with this standard here, because we don't like waste bandwith + char buf[5]; // ",000" + \0 == 5 + sprintf(buf, ",%03u", dc_volt); telemetryData += String(buf); + #if defined(T_BEAM_V1_0) || defined(T_BEAM_V1_2) + sprintf(buf, ",%03u", dc_c); telemetryData += String(buf); + sprintf(buf, ",%03u", b_volt); telemetryData += String(buf); + sprintf(buf, ",%03u", b_c_out); telemetryData += String(buf); + if (may_add_temperature) { + sprintf(buf, ",%03u", axp_temperature); telemetryData += String(buf); + } else { + sprintf(buf, ",%03u", b_c_in); telemetryData += String(buf); + } + #else + //telemetryData += ",000,000,000,000"; // <- would be needed if we'd standard conform! + #endif + //telemetryData += ",00000000"; // <- would be needed if we'd standard conform! + //telemetryData += "Optional Comment" // If you need comment, it's important that your repot has exactly 5 analog and 8 digital data values, else you'd to harm to parsers. No leading ',' needed. + //do_serial_println("Telemetry: " + telemetryBase + telemetryData); + + // Flash the light when telemetry is being sent + #ifdef ENABLE_LED_SIGNALING + digitalWrite(TXLED, LOW); + #endif + + // Show when telemetry is being sent + enableOled_now(); // enable OLED + writedisplaytext("((TEL TX))","",telemetryData,"","",""); + + send_telemetry_to_TNC_usb_serial_and_aprsis(telemetryBase + telemetryData); + + // We don't like to see telemetry on RF. + // But since we have been asked several times, here's a suggestion we could live with it: + // When digipeating on cross-qrg, fast "1200" mode (comparable to 2m AFSK APRS) is recommended anyway. + // It may be acceptable to send to rf in this case. But only as direct message, without digipeaters. + // On our slow main qrg, it's still not acceptable to flood the channel with telemetry. + // That's why it's commented out here in the source. If you really need this, i.e. for a balloon mission, + // you could enable it. It's here as a sample, only for providing the correct way to use that "feature". + // Telemetry on secondary qrg is sent if config variable is 2 or 3. On main qrg: 1 or 3. + + if (tel_allow_tx_on_rf) { + String telemetryPacket = telemetryBaseRF + telemetryData; + if (tel_allow_tx_on_rf & 2) { + if (lora_freq_cross_digi != lora_freq && lora_speed_cross_digi >= 1200) { + loraSend(txPower_cross_digi, lora_freq_cross_digi, lora_speed_cross_digi, 0, telemetryPacket); + } + } + if ((tel_allow_tx_on_rf & 1) && really_allow_telemetry_on_main_freq) { + loraSend(txPower, lora_freq, (lora_speed < 300) ? 300 : lora_speed, 0, telemetryPacket); + } + } + + // Flash the light when telemetry is being sent + #ifdef ENABLE_LED_SIGNALING + digitalWrite(TXLED, HIGH); + #endif +} + +#endif // ENABLE_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY + + +#ifdef ENABLE_WIFI +// setup wifi variables. AP-array: first element with preferences from flash. increase apcnt if successfull. +void init_wifi_STA_and_AP_settings() { + wifi_ModeSTA_SSID = ""; + wifi_ModeSTA_PASS = ""; + apcnt = 0; + if (!preferences.getString(PREF_WIFI_PASSWORD, "").isEmpty() & !preferences.getString(PREF_WIFI_SSID, "").isEmpty()) { + // save old wifi credentials on pos 1, assuming that thhis is the best chance to reconnect + wifi_ModeSTA_PASS = preferences.getString(PREF_WIFI_PASSWORD, ""); + wifi_ModeSTA_SSID = preferences.getString(PREF_WIFI_SSID, ""); + strncpy(APs[apcnt].ssid, wifi_ModeSTA_SSID.c_str(), sizeof(APs[apcnt].ssid)-1); + APs[apcnt].ssid[sizeof(APs[apcnt].ssid)-1] = 0; + strncpy(APs[apcnt].pw, wifi_ModeSTA_PASS.c_str(), sizeof(APs[apcnt].pw)-1); + APs[apcnt].pw[sizeof(APs[apcnt].pw)-1] = 0; + Serial.printf("Preferences AP %s found with PW %s and stored at pos %d\r\n", APs[apcnt].ssid, APs[apcnt].pw, apcnt); + apcnt = 1; + } + + if (!preferences.getString(PREF_AP_PASSWORD, "").isEmpty()) { + wifi_ModeAP_PASS = preferences.getString(PREF_AP_PASSWORD, ""); + Serial.printf("Preferences Self-AP PW found %s and stored\r\n", wifi_ModeAP_PASS.c_str()); + } +} +#endif // ENABLE_WIFI // SPIFFS for wifi.cfg void listDir(fs::FS &fs, const char * dirname, uint8_t levels) { -// currently not use, uncomment at the end of setup() to see what is on the disk - Serial.printf("Listing directory: %s\r\n", dirname); - File root = fs.open(dirname); - if(!root) { - Serial.println("− failed to open directory"); - return; - } - if (!root.isDirectory()) { - Serial.println(" − not a directory"); - root.close(); - return; - } + Serial.printf("Listing directory: %s\r\n", dirname); - File file = root.openNextFile(); - while (file){ - if (file.isDirectory()) { - Serial.print(" DIR : "); - Serial.println(file.name()); - if (levels){ - listDir(fs, file.name(), levels -1); - } - } else { - Serial.print(" FILE: "); - Serial.print(file.name()); - Serial.print("\tSIZE: "); - Serial.println(file.size()); + File root = fs.open(dirname); + if(!root) { + Serial.println("− failed to open directory"); + return; + } + if (!root.isDirectory()) { + Serial.println(" − not a directory"); + root.close(); + return; + } + + File file = root.openNextFile(); + while (file) { + if (file.isDirectory()) { + Serial.print(" DIR : "); + Serial.println(file.name()); + if (levels){ + listDir(fs, file.name(), levels -1); + } + } else { + Serial.print(" FILE: "); + Serial.print(file.name()); + if (strlen(file.name()) < 12) { + Serial.print("\t"); } - file.close(); - file = root.openNextFile(); - } - root.close(); + Serial.print("\tSIZE: "); + Serial.println(file.size()); + } + file.close(); + file = root.openNextFile(); + } + root.close(); } + +// write configuration to file +int writeFile(fs::FS &fs, const String &callername, const char *filename, const String &jsonData) { + File file = fs.open(filename, FILE_WRITE); + int ret = 0; + if (!file) { + do_serial_println(callername + ": failed to open file for writing"); + return -2; + } + if (file.print(jsonData)) { + do_serial_println(callername + ": file " + filename + " written"); + #if defined(ENABLE_SYSLOG) + if (debug_verbose) + syslog_log(LOG_DEBUG, String("FlashWrite filesystem: writeFile(") + String(filename) + String(")")); + #endif + } else { + do_serial_println(callername + ": write of " + filename + " failed!"); + ret = -3; + } + file.close(); + return ret; +} + +int save_to_file(const String &callername, const char *filename, const String &jsonData) { + int err = 0; + if (SPIFFS.begin(FORMAT_SPIFFS_IF_FAILED)) { + err = writeFile(SPIFFS, callername, filename, jsonData); + SPIFFS.end(); + } else { + do_serial_println(callername + ": SPIFFS Mount failed, nothing written."); + Serial.println("SPIFFS Mount Failed"); + err = -1; + } + return err; +} + + + // readFile - is more than reading a file from flash. It reads and parses json data in the file and assigns some of our variables. // The correct function name would be readFile_parseJson_and_assignVariable(). This is would be too ugly. -void readFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * filename) { - #define JSON_MAX_FILE_SIZE 256 - - File file = fs.open(filename); - if(!file || file.isDirectory()){ - Serial.printf("readFile: failed to open file %s for reading\n", filename); - return; - } - Serial.printf("readFile: opened file %s for reading\n", filename); - +boolean readFile(fs::FS &fs, const char *filename) { + //#define JSON_MAX_FILE_SIZE 2560 + //static StaticJsonDocument JSONBuffer; //Memory pool + //best would be, that readFile returns a pointer to the local JSONBuffer on success, else NULL + boolean err = false; char JSONMessage[JSON_MAX_FILE_SIZE]; + if (!SPIFFS.exists(filename)) { + Serial.printf("readFile: %s does not exist\r\n", filename); + return false; + } + File file = fs.open(filename, FILE_READ); + if (!file) { + Serial.printf("readFile: failed to open file %s for reading\r\n", filename); + return false; + } + if (file.isDirectory()) { + Serial.printf("readFile: %s is a directory, not a file\r\n", filename); + file.close(); + return false; + } + Serial.printf("readFile: opened file %s for reading\r\n", filename); + int pos = 0; for (; pos < JSON_MAX_FILE_SIZE-1; pos++) { if (!file.available()) @@ -1271,106 +2470,639 @@ void readFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * filename) { } JSONMessage[pos] = 0; + // uncomment if you need to see the content of the data on SPIFFS + // Serial.printf("readFile, content: [%s]\r\n", JSONMessage); + if (file.size() > JSON_MAX_FILE_SIZE) { - Serial.printf("readFile: Warning, file too big: %d Byte (max: %d)\n",file.size(), JSON_MAX_FILE_SIZE); + Serial.printf("readFile: Warning, file too big: %d Byte (max: %d)\r\n", file.size(), JSON_MAX_FILE_SIZE); } - + //https://arduinojson.org/v6/doc/upgrade/ - StaticJsonDocument JSONBuffer; //Memory pool - + auto error = deserializeJson(JSONBuffer, JSONMessage); if (error) { - Serial.print(F("deserializeJson() failed with code ")); + Serial.print(F("readFile: deserializeJson() failed with code ")); Serial.println(error.c_str()); + err = true; goto end; } +#ifdef ENABLE_WIFI if (!strcmp(filename, "/wifi.cfg")) { - if (JSONBuffer.containsKey("SSID") && JSONBuffer.containsKey("password")) { - const char *p; - if ((p = JSONBuffer["SSID"])) - safeApName = String(p); - if ((p = JSONBuffer["password"])) - safeApPass = String(p); + String wifi_ssid_old = ""; + String wifi_password_old = ""; + + // read old data structure, if available + const char *p; + if (JSONBuffer.containsKey("SSID1") && JSONBuffer.containsKey("password1")) { + if ((p = JSONBuffer["SSID1"])) + wifi_ssid_old = String(p); + if ((p = JSONBuffer["password1"])) + wifi_password_old = String(p); + if (!wifi_ssid_old.length() || wifi_password_old.length() < 8 || wifi_ssid_old == "EnterSSIDofYourAccesspoint") { + wifi_ssid_old = ""; + wifi_password_old = ""; + } else { + if (apcnt < MAX_AP_CNT && strcmp(wifi_ssid_old.c_str(), wifi_ModeSTA_SSID.c_str()) && strcmp(wifi_password_old.c_str(), wifi_ModeSTA_PASS.c_str())) { + strncpy(APs[apcnt].ssid, wifi_ssid_old.c_str(), sizeof(APs[apcnt].ssid)-1); + APs[apcnt].ssid[sizeof(APs[apcnt].ssid)-1] = 0; + strncpy(APs[apcnt].pw, wifi_password_old.c_str(), sizeof(APs[apcnt].pw)-1); + APs[apcnt].pw[sizeof(APs[apcnt].pw)-1] = 0; + Serial.printf("readFile: wifi.cfg, old structure AP %s found with PW %s (%d)\r\n", APs[apcnt].ssid, APs[apcnt].pw,apcnt); + apcnt++; + } else { + Serial.printf("readFile: wifi.cfg, Preferences AP %s found with PW %s in wifi.cfg and not stored again\r\n", wifi_ModeSTA_SSID.c_str(), wifi_ModeSTA_PASS.c_str()); + } + } } - if (!safeApName.length() || safeApPass.length() < 8) { - safeApName = ""; - safeApPass = ""; - Serial.println("SSID: " + safeApName + " missing or PW: " + safeApPass + " < 8 Byte, Filesize: " + String(file.size())); + if (JSONBuffer.containsKey("SSID2") && JSONBuffer.containsKey("password2")) { + if ((p = JSONBuffer["SSID2"])) + wifi_ssid_old = String(p); + if ((p = JSONBuffer["password2"])) + wifi_password_old = String(p); + if (!wifi_ssid_old.length() || wifi_password_old.length() < 8 || wifi_ssid_old == "EnterSSIDofYourAccesspoint") { + wifi_ssid_old = ""; + wifi_password_old = ""; + } else { + if (apcnt < MAX_AP_CNT && strcmp(wifi_ssid_old.c_str(), wifi_ModeSTA_SSID.c_str()) && strcmp(wifi_password_old.c_str(), wifi_ModeSTA_PASS.c_str())) { + strncpy(APs[apcnt].ssid, wifi_ssid_old.c_str(), sizeof(APs[apcnt].ssid)-1); + strncpy(APs[apcnt].pw, wifi_password_old.c_str(), sizeof(APs[apcnt].pw)-1); + Serial.printf("readFile: wifi.cfg, old structure AP %s found with PW %s (%d)\r\n", APs[apcnt].ssid, APs[apcnt].pw,apcnt); + apcnt++; + } else { + Serial.printf("readFile: wifi.cfg, Preferences AP %s found with PW %s in wifi.cfg and not stored again\r\n", wifi_ModeSTA_SSID.c_str(), wifi_ModeSTA_PASS.c_str()); + } + } + } + + // Key for self AP password: new syntax: "SelfAP_PW" ; old syntax: "ap_password" + if ( (JSONBuffer.containsKey("SelfAP_PW") && (p = JSONBuffer["SelfAP_PW"])) || + (JSONBuffer.containsKey("ap_password") && (p = JSONBuffer["ap_password"])) ) { + String ap_password = String(p); + if (ap_password.length() > 7) { + wifi_ModeAP_PASS = String(ap_password); + Serial.printf("readFile: wifi.cfg, valid Self-AP PW to be used %s\r\n", wifi_ModeAP_PASS.c_str()); + } + } + + if (JSONBuffer.containsKey("AP")) { + for (JsonObject AccessPoint : JSONBuffer["AP"].as()) { + if (strcmp(AccessPoint["SSID"], wifi_ModeSTA_SSID.c_str()) || strcmp(AccessPoint["password"], wifi_ModeSTA_PASS.c_str())) { + strncpy(APs[apcnt].ssid, AccessPoint["SSID"], sizeof(APs[apcnt].ssid)-1); + strncpy(APs[apcnt].pw, AccessPoint["password"], sizeof(APs[apcnt].pw)-1); + // delay(3000); // uncomment if serial prints are not showing + // uncomment if you need to see the content of the data on SPIFFS + // Serial.printf("readFile: content JSON: [%d] [%s %s]\r\n", apcnt, APs[apcnt].ssid, APs[apcnt].pw); + + if (!sizeof(APs[apcnt].ssid) || sizeof(APs[apcnt].pw) < 8 || !strcmp(APs[apcnt].ssid, "EnterSSIDofYourAccesspoint") || !strcmp(APs[apcnt].ssid, "EnterSSIDofYour2ndAccesspoint")) { + delay(3000); // something is wrong, make sure, that msg is displayed + Serial.printf("readFile: SSID: %s missing or PW: %s < 8 Byte, Filesize: %d\r\n", APs[apcnt].ssid,APs[apcnt].pw,file.size()); + } else { + if (!apcnt) { + // take first configured AP as active, if nothing has been found in flash + // keyword "prio=1" will override + wifi_ModeSTA_SSID = String(APs[apcnt].ssid); + wifi_ModeSTA_PASS = String(APs[apcnt].pw); + } else { + if (AccessPoint["prio"]) { + strcpy(APs[0].ssid, APs[apcnt].ssid); + strcpy(APs[0].pw, APs[apcnt].pw); + strcpy(APs[apcnt].ssid, wifi_ModeSTA_SSID.c_str()); + strcpy(APs[apcnt].pw, wifi_ModeSTA_PASS.c_str()); + wifi_ModeSTA_SSID = String(APs[0].ssid); + wifi_ModeSTA_PASS = String(APs[0].pw); + } + } + Serial.printf("readFile: wifi.cfg, valid AP %s found with PW %s (%d)\r\n", APs[apcnt].ssid, APs[apcnt].pw,apcnt); + apcnt++; + } + } else { + Serial.printf("readFile: wifi.cfg, Preferences AP %s found with PW %s in wifi.cfg and not stored again\r\n", wifi_ModeSTA_SSID.c_str(), wifi_ModeSTA_PASS.c_str()); + } + if (apcnt == MAX_AP_CNT) { + Serial.printf("readFile: wifi.cfg, maximum Number of possible APs (%d) reached.\r\n", MAX_AP_CNT); + break; + } + } } else { - Serial.println("Fallback SSID: " + safeApName + ", PW: " + safeApPass + ", Filesize: " + String(file.size())); - } - } else { - Serial.printf("Found file '%s', parsed it successfully, but I don't know what to do with the json data ;)!\n", filename); + delay(3000); // something is wrong, make sure, that msg is displayed + Serial.println("readFile: wifi.cfg, no valid AP found)"); + } + Serial.printf("readFile: wifi.cfg, %d valid entries found. AP %s is selected as frist priority\r\n", apcnt, wifi_ModeSTA_SSID.c_str()); + goto end; } +#endif // ENABLE_WIFI + + if (!strcmp(filename, "/preferences.cfg")) { + if (JSONBuffer.containsKey(PREF_APRS_CALLSIGN)) { + // Serial.printf("Checked preferences.cfg: is ok. Found %s: %s. Filesize: %d\r\n", PREF_APRS_CALLSIGN, JSONBuffer[PREF_APRS_CALLSIGN], file.size()); + Serial.printf("readFile: Checked preferences.cfg: is ok. Found %s. Filesize: %d\r\n", PREF_APRS_CALLSIGN, file.size()); + Serial.println("readFile: Preferences: reading from /preferences.cfg"); + load_preferences_cfg_file(); + // needed here, because callsign is not initialized by load_preferences_from_flash() + String s = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGString(PREF_APRS_CALLSIGN, 0); + s = prepareCallsign(s); + if (s.isEmpty()) + s = prepareCallsign(String(CALLSIGN)); + if (s.isEmpty()) + s = String("N0CALL"); + preferences.putString(PREF_APRS_CALLSIGN, s); + } else { + Serial.println("readFile: Preferences: /preferences.cfg not available, using default values from flash"); + err = true; + } + goto end; + } + Serial.printf("readFile: Found file '%s', parsed it successfully, but I don't know what to do with the json data ;)!\r\n", filename); + err = true; + end: Serial.println("readFile: end"); file.close(); + if (err) + return false; + + return true; } +int compute_maidenhead_grid_fields_squares_subsquares(char *locator, int locator_size, float deg, int pos_start) { + char *p = locator; + int div = 24; -// + SETUP --------------------------------------------------------------+// -void setup() + if (locator_size < 4 || !(locator_size % 2) || pos_start > 2) + return -1; + + p = p + pos_start; + + *p = 'A' + (int ) deg / 10; + p = p+2; + *p = '0' + ((int ) deg % 10); + p = p+2; + + deg = (deg - (int ) deg); + + for (;;) { + deg = (deg - (int ) deg) *div; + *p = (div == 10 ? '0' : (p-locator < 6) ? 'A' : 'a') + (int ) deg; + div = (div == 10 ? 24 : 10); + p = p+2; + if (p-locator > locator_size-2) { + break; + } + } + *p = 0; + + return 0; +} + +String compute_maidenhead_grid_locator(const String &sLat, const String &sLon, int ambiguity) { + const char *p_lat = sLat.c_str(); + const char *p_lon = sLon.c_str(); + + static char locator[13]; // Room for JO62QN11aa22 + \0 == 13 + char buf[4]; + float deg; + + // Resolution 180/18./10/ 24*60 /10/24/10 * 1852 = 1.93m + sprintf(buf, "%.2s", p_lat); + deg = atoi(buf) + atof(p_lat +3) /60.0; + if (p_lat[strlen(p_lat)-1] == 'N') + deg = 90.0 + deg + 0.0000001; + else + deg = 90.0 - deg; + if (deg > 179.99999) deg = 179.99999; else if (deg < 0.0) deg = 0.0; + if (compute_maidenhead_grid_fields_squares_subsquares(locator, sizeof(locator), deg, 1) < 0) + return String("AA00"); + + // Resolution up to 180/2/18./10/ 24*60 /10/24/10 * 1852 = 3.85m; 1.93m at 60 deg N/S. + sprintf(buf, "%.3s", p_lon); + deg = atoi(buf) + atof(p_lon +4) /60.0; + if (p_lon[strlen(p_lon)-1] == 'E') + deg = 180.0 + deg + 0.0000001; + else + deg = 180.0 - deg; + deg = deg / 2.0; + if (deg > 179.99999) deg = 179.99999; else if (deg < 0.0) deg = 0.0; + if (compute_maidenhead_grid_fields_squares_subsquares(locator, sizeof(locator), deg, 0) < 0) + return String("AA00"); + + if (ambiguity >= 4 || oled_loc_amb > 1) + locator[2] = 0; // JO -> 600' == 1111.2km in latitude + if (ambiguity == 3 || oled_loc_amb == 1) + locator[4] = 0; // JO62 -> 60' == 111.12km in latitude + else if (ambiguity == 2 || oled_loc_amb == 0) + locator[6] = 0; // JO62qn -> 2.5' == 4.63km in latitude + else if (ambiguity == 1 || oled_loc_amb == -1) + locator[8] = 0; // JO62qn11 -> 0.25' -> 463m in latitude + else if (ambiguity == 0 || oled_loc_amb == -2) + locator[10] = 0; // JO62qn11aa -> 0.0104166' -> 19.3m. At lat (and 60deg N/S) almost exactly the normal aprs resolution + else + locator[12] = 0; // JO62qn11aa22 -> 0.00104166' > 1.93m. High Precision achievable with DAO !W..! extension. + // JO62qn11aa22bb would not only hard readable. It would be a precision of 0.0000434' -> 8.034cm + return String(locator); +} + + +int storeLatLonPreset(String _sLat, String _sLon, int precision) { + String sLat = String(_sLat); // make a local String copy. Contense of _sLat can change if we change the variable name with wich storLatLonPreset() was called. + String sLon = String(_sLon); + String tmp_aprsLatPreset; + String tmp_aprsLonPreset; + String tmp_aprsLatPresetDAO; + String tmp_aprsLonPresetDAO; + String tmp_aprsLatLonDAO; + String tmp_aprsLatPresetNiceNotation; + String tmp_aprsLonPresetNiceNotation; + String tmp_aprsLatLonAsMaidenheadGridLocator; + const char *p; + char buf[13]; + char helper_base91[] = {"0\0"}; + char nswe; + float f; + double fLon = 0.0; + double fLat = 0.0; + + p = sLat.c_str(); + // some assurance + if ( (sLat.length()+1) == sLon.length() && + (sLat.endsWith("N") || sLat.endsWith("S") || + (sLon.endsWith("E") || sLon.endsWith("W"))) ) { + const char *q = sLon.c_str(); + // sLon has 3 numbers for degrees instead of two. + if (!isdigit(*q)) + return -1; + q++; + for (int i = 0; q[i]; i++) { + if (i == 2) { + if (p[2] != '-' || q[2] != '-') { + return storeLatLonPreset("00-00.00N", "000-00.0000W", 0); + } + } else if (i == 5) { + if ((p[5] != '.' || q[5] != '.')) { + return storeLatLonPreset("00-00.00N", "000-00.0000W", 0); + } + } else if (p[i+1] && q[i+1] && (!isdigit(p[i]) || !isdigit(q[i]))) { + return storeLatLonPreset("00-00.00N", "000-00.0000W", 0); + } + } + } else { + return storeLatLonPreset("00-00.00N", "000-00.0000W", 0); + } + + if (aprsLatLonInvalidPosition) { + // APRS special notation 00000.00W means, no valid position; 00000.00E would be a correct position + aprsLatLonInvalidPosition = (sLon == "000-00.0000W" && sLat == "00-00.0000N"); + } + + // We have stored the manual position string in a heigher precision (in case resolution more precise than 18.52m is required; i.e. for base-91 location encoding, or DAO extenstion). + // Furthermore, 53-32.1234N is more readable in the Web-interface than 5232.1234N + p = sLat.c_str(); + nswe = p[strlen(p)-1]; + sprintf(buf, "%.7s", p+3); + // strip trailing N/S. This way we could have a dynamic length for input precision at sLat + buf[strlen(buf)-1] = 0; + f = atof(buf); + // round up. sprintf for float does the rounding + sprintf(buf, "%.2s%05.2f%c", p, (f > 59.99 ? 59.99 : f), nswe); + tmp_aprsLatPreset = String(buf); + + // p is degrees, f is minutes.decimal + sprintf(buf, "%.2s", p); + fLat = atof(buf) + f/60.0; + if (nswe == 'S') + fLat *= -1; + + if (!aprsLatLonInvalidPosition && sLat.length() > 9 && (precision == 1 || precision == 2)) { + float fp = f; + if (precision == 1) { + if (fp > 59.999) fp=59.999; + } else { + if (fp > 59.9999) fp=59.9999; + } + if (precision == 1) { + sprintf(buf, "%.2s%06.3f", p, fp); + tmp_aprsLatLonDAO = String("!W") + String(buf[7]); + } else { + sprintf(buf, "%.2s%07.4f", p, fp); + ax25_base91enc(helper_base91, 1, atoi(buf+7)*0.91); + tmp_aprsLatLonDAO = String("!w") + helper_base91[0]; + } + buf[7] = nswe; buf[8] = 0;; + tmp_aprsLatPresetDAO = String(buf); + // "NiceNotation" may be used for presenting at oled. Four decimals would be too hard to read. We use 3 decimals for both, precision 1 and precision 2. + sprintf(buf, "%.2s-%06.3f%c", p, (f > 59.999 ? 59.999 : f), nswe); + tmp_aprsLatPresetNiceNotation = String(buf); + } else { + tmp_aprsLatPresetDAO = tmp_aprsLatPreset; + tmp_aprsLatLonDAO = ""; + sprintf(buf, "%.2s-%05.2f%c", p, (f > 59.99 ? 59.99 : f), nswe); + tmp_aprsLatPresetNiceNotation = String(buf); + } + // No, we now need this always (for remote-call position -> course/distance computation). Moved it upwards + //if (!aprsLatLonInvalidPosition && aprsLatLonPresetCOMP.isEmpty()) { + //sprintf(buf, "%.2s", p); + //fLat = atof(buf) + f/60.0; + //if (nswe == 'S') + // fLat *= -1; + //} + + // 001-20.5000E is more readable in the Web-interface than 00120.5000E, and could not be mis-interpreted as 120.5 degrees east (== 120 deg 30' 0" E) + p = sLon.c_str(); + nswe = p[strlen(p)-1]; + sprintf(buf, "%.7s", p+4); + // strip trailing W/E. This way we could have a dynamic length for input precision at sLon + buf[strlen(buf)-1] = 0; + f = atof(buf); + // round up. sprintf for float does the rounding + sprintf(buf, "%.3s%05.2f%c", p, (f > 59.99 ? 59.99 : f), nswe); + tmp_aprsLonPreset = String(buf); + + // p is degrees, f is minutes.decimal + sprintf(buf, "%.3s", p); + fLon = atof(buf) + f/60.0; + if (nswe == 'W') + fLon *= -1; + + if (!aprsLatLonInvalidPosition && sLon.length() > 10 && (precision == 1 || precision == 2)) { + float fp = f; + if (precision == 1) { + if (fp > 59.999) fp=59.999; + } else { + if (fp > 59.9999) fp=59.9999; + } + if (precision == 1) { + sprintf(buf, "%.3s%06.3f", p, fp); + tmp_aprsLatLonDAO = tmp_aprsLatLonDAO + String(buf[8]) + "!"; + } else { + sprintf(buf, "%.3s%07.4f", p, fp); + ax25_base91enc(helper_base91, 1, atoi(buf+7)*0.91); + tmp_aprsLatLonDAO = tmp_aprsLatLonDAO + helper_base91[0] + "!"; + } + buf[8] = nswe; buf[9] = 0;; + tmp_aprsLonPresetDAO = String(buf); + // "NiceNotation" may be used for presenting at oled. Four decimals would be too hard to read. We use 3 decimals (see precision 1 above). + // Furthermore, we don't have enough space on oled anyway for one additional character. + sprintf(buf, "%.3s-%06.3f%c", p, (f > 59.999 ? 59.999 : f), nswe); + tmp_aprsLonPresetNiceNotation = String(buf); + tmp_aprsLatLonAsMaidenheadGridLocator = compute_maidenhead_grid_locator(tmp_aprsLatPresetNiceNotation, tmp_aprsLonPresetNiceNotation, 0); + } else { + tmp_aprsLonPresetDAO = tmp_aprsLonPreset; + tmp_aprsLatLonDAO = ""; + sprintf(buf, "%.3s-%05.2f%c", p, (f > 59.99 ? 59.99 : f), nswe); + tmp_aprsLonPresetNiceNotation = String(buf); + tmp_aprsLatLonAsMaidenheadGridLocator = compute_maidenhead_grid_locator(tmp_aprsLatPresetNiceNotation, tmp_aprsLonPresetNiceNotation, 1); + } + // No, we now need this always (for remote-call position -> course/distance computation). Moved it upwards + //if (!aprsLatLonInvalidPosition && aprsLatLonPresetCOMP.isEmpty()) { + //sprintf(buf, "%.3s", p); + //fLon = atof(buf) + f/60.0; + //if (nswe == 'W') + //fLon *= -1; + //} + + tmp_aprsLatPresetNiceNotation.replace(".", ","); + tmp_aprsLonPresetNiceNotation.replace(".", ","); + + // We worked with temporary variables. We needed to take special care with these public variables: + // I.e. we might have been called by the webserver Thread (on save config). And our main thread might in the meantime use these + // variables for displaying, TX, etc. -> Apply the changes right after each other. + // String(tmp_...) enforces a new String object. + aprsLatPresetDouble = fLat; + aprsLonPresetDouble = fLon; + aprsLatPreset = String(tmp_aprsLatPreset); + aprsLonPreset = String(tmp_aprsLonPreset); + aprsLatPresetDAO = String(tmp_aprsLatPresetDAO); + aprsLonPresetDAO = String(tmp_aprsLonPresetDAO); + aprsLatLonDAO = String(tmp_aprsLatLonDAO); + aprsLatPresetNiceNotation = String(tmp_aprsLatPresetNiceNotation); + aprsLonPresetNiceNotation = String(tmp_aprsLonPresetNiceNotation); + aprsLatLonAsMaidenheadGridLocator = String(tmp_aprsLatLonAsMaidenheadGridLocator); + // Only when called from a function called from setup_phase2_soft_reconfiguration (after boot oder config save) with preset position (indicator: aprsLatLonPresetCOMP is empty). + // Else: store_compressed_position() is explicitely called right after this function + if (!aprsLatLonInvalidPosition && aprsLatLonPresetCOMP.isEmpty()) + store_compressed_position(fLat, fLon); + + return 0; +} + +void init_and_validate_aprs_position_and_icon() { + + // latlon_precision depends on position_ambiguity + if (position_ambiguity == -2) { + latlon_precision = 1; + } else if (position_ambiguity == 0 || position_ambiguity == -3) { + // compressed, and uncompressed DAO '!w..! have almost the same precision + latlon_precision = 2; + } else { + // ambiguity -1 and >= 1 + latlon_precision = 0; + } + + aprsLatLonInvalidPosition = true; + aprsLatPresetFromPreferences.toUpperCase(); aprsLatPresetFromPreferences.replace(",", "."); aprsLatPresetFromPreferences.trim(); + aprsLonPresetFromPreferences.toUpperCase(); aprsLonPresetFromPreferences.replace(",", "."); aprsLonPresetFromPreferences.trim(); + if ( aprsLatPresetFromPreferences.length() == 11 && + aprsLatPresetFromPreferences.indexOf('-') == 2 && aprsLatPresetFromPreferences.indexOf(' ') == -1 && + (aprsLatPresetFromPreferences.endsWith("N") || aprsLatPresetFromPreferences.endsWith("S")) && + aprsLonPresetFromPreferences.length() == 12 && + aprsLonPresetFromPreferences.indexOf('-') == 3 && aprsLonPresetFromPreferences.indexOf(' ') == -1 && + (aprsLonPresetFromPreferences.endsWith("E") || aprsLonPresetFromPreferences.endsWith("W")) ) { + // if gps is off, use configured location in high precision. If gps is on, be more precise later if gps has fix; + // if gps never get a fix, we don't really know if we are really at that position, so don't be so exact here. + aprsLatLonPresetCOMP = ""; + storeLatLonPreset(aprsLatPresetFromPreferences, aprsLonPresetFromPreferences, (!fixed_beacon_enabled && gps_state) ? 0 : latlon_precision); + } + + // if storeLatLonPreset() was successful, our aprsLatPreset and aprsLonPreset variables are now in standard aprs notation, + // 8 bytes in lat, 9 bytes in lon. Format 1234.56N 01234.56E. If not, mark it as null coordinate, as defined in aprs spec. + + // assure valid transmissions, even on wrong configurations + if (aprsLatPreset.length() != 8 || !(aprsLatPreset.endsWith("N") || aprsLatPreset.endsWith("S")) || aprsLatPreset.c_str()[4] != '.' || + aprsLonPreset.length() != 9 || !(aprsLonPreset.endsWith("E") || aprsLonPreset.endsWith("W")) || aprsLonPreset.c_str()[5] != '.' || + aprsLatPresetDAO.length() != 8 || !(aprsLatPresetDAO.endsWith("N") || aprsLatPresetDAO.endsWith("S")) || aprsLatPresetDAO.c_str()[4] != '.' || + aprsLonPresetDAO.length() != 9 || !(aprsLonPresetDAO.endsWith("E") || aprsLonPresetDAO.endsWith("W")) || aprsLonPresetDAO.c_str()[5] != '.') { + aprsLatLonPresetCOMP = ""; + aprsLatLonInvalidPosition = true; + storeLatLonPreset("00-00.00N", "000-00.0000W", 0); + } + + if (aprsSymbolTable.length() != 1) + aprsSymbolTable = String("/"); + if (aprsSymbol.length() != 1) + aprsSymbol = String("["); + + Serial.printf("APRS fixed position set to %s %s; icon: table %s symbol %s\r\n", aprsLatPreset.c_str(), aprsLonPreset.c_str(), aprsSymbolTable.c_str(), aprsSymbol.c_str()); +} + + +String jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGString(const char *preferenceName, const char *preferenceNameInit){ + const char *p; + String value; + if ((p = JSONBuffer[preferenceName])) value = String(p); + //if (preferenceNameInit) preferences.putBool(preferenceNameInit, true); + //preferences.putString(preferenceName, value); + Serial.println("getPreferences.cfg " + String(preferenceName) + ": " + value); + return value; +} + +int jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(const char *preferenceName, const char *preferenceNameInit){ + int value_int = JSONBuffer[preferenceName]; + //if (preferenceNameInit) preferences.putBool(preferenceNameInit, true); + //preferences.putInt(preferenceName, value); + Serial.println("getPreferences.cfg " + String(preferenceName) + ": " + String(value_int)); + return value_int; +} + +double jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGDouble(const char *preferenceName, const char *preferenceNameInit){ + double value_d = JSONBuffer[preferenceName]; + //if (preferenceNameInit) preferences.putBool(preferenceNameInit, true); + //preferences.putDouble(preferenceName, value); + Serial.printf("getPreferences.cfg %s: %8.4f\r\n",preferenceName, value_d); + return value_d; +} + +boolean jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGBool(const char *preferenceName, const char *preferenceNameInit){ + boolean value_b = JSONBuffer[preferenceName];; + //if (preferenceNameInit) preferences.putBool(preferenceNameInit, true); + //preferences.putBool(preferenceName, value); + Serial.printf("getPreferences.cfg %s: %d\r\n",preferenceName,value_b); + return value_b; +} + + +void load_preferences_cfg_file() { + String s = ""; - // Our BUILD_NUMBER. The define is not available in the WEBSERVR -> we need to assign a global variable - buildnr = BUILD_NUMBER; +#ifdef ENABLE_WIFI + enable_webserver = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_WIFI_ENABLE,PREF_WIFI_ENABLE_INIT); + tncServer_enabled = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGBool(PREF_TNCSERVER_ENABLE,PREF_TNCSERVER_ENABLE_INIT); + gpsServer_enabled = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGBool(PREF_GPSSERVER_ENABLE,PREF_GPSSERVER_ENABLE_INIT); + wifi_do_fallback_to_mode_AP = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGBool(PREF_WIFI_STA_ALLOW_FAILBACK_TO_MODE_AP_AFTER_ONCE_CONNECTED,PREF_WIFI_STA_ALLOW_FAILBACK_TO_MODE_AP_AFTER_ONCE_CONNECTED_INIT); + wifi_txpwr_mode_AP = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_WIFI_TXPWR_MODE_AP,PREF_WIFI_TXPWR_MODE_AP_INIT); + wifi_txpwr_mode_STA = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_WIFI_TXPWR_MODE_STA,PREF_WIFI_TXPWR_MODE_STA_INIT); + s = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGString(PREF_SYSLOG_SERVER,0); + preferences.putString(PREF_SYSLOG_SERVER, s); + s = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGString(PREF_NTP_SERVER,0); + preferences.putString(PREF_NTP_SERVER, s); + #if defined(ENABLE_SYSLOG) + if (debug_verbose) + syslog_log(LOG_DEBUG, String("FlashWrite preferences: load_preferences_cfg()")); + #endif -#ifdef T_BEAM_V0_7 /* - adcAttachPin(35); - adcStart(35); - analogReadResolution(10); - analogSetAttenuation(ADC_6db); */ - pinMode(35, INPUT); - //adc1_config_width(ADC_WIDTH_BIT_12); - //adc1_config_channel_atten(ADC1_CHANNEL_7,ADC_ATTEN_DB_11); +#endif // ENABLE_WIFI + lora_freq = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGDouble(PREF_LORA_FREQ_PRESET,PREF_LORA_FREQ_PRESET_INIT); + lora_speed = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_LORA_SPEED_PRESET,PREF_LORA_SPEED_PRESET_INIT); + lora_rx_enabled = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGBool(PREF_LORA_RX_ENABLE,PREF_LORA_RX_ENABLE_INIT); + lora_tx_enabled = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGBool(PREF_LORA_TX_ENABLE,PREF_LORA_TX_ENABLE_INIT); + txPower = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_LORA_TX_POWER,PREF_LORA_TX_POWER_INIT); + lora_automatic_cr_adaption = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGBool(PREF_LORA_AUTOMATIC_CR_ADAPTION_PRESET,PREF_LORA_AUTOMATIC_CR_ADAPTION_PRESET_INIT); + lora_add_snr_rssi_to_path = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_LORA_ADD_SNR_RSSI_TO_PATH_PRESET,PREF_LORA_ADD_SNR_RSSI_TO_PATH_PRESET_INIT); + kiss_add_snr_rssi_to_path_at_position_without_digippeated_flag = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGBool(PREF_LORA_ADD_SNR_RSSI_TO_PATH_END_AT_KISS_PRESET,PREF_LORA_ADD_SNR_RSSI_TO_PATH_END_AT_KISS_PRESET_INIT); + lora_digipeating_mode = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGBool(PREF_APRS_DIGIPEATING_MODE_PRESET,PREF_APRS_DIGIPEATING_MODE_PRESET_INIT); + lora_digipeating_myalias = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGString(PREF_APRS_DIGIPEATING_MYALIAS,PREF_APRS_DIGIPEATING_MYALIAS_INIT); + lora_cross_digipeating_mode = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_APRS_CROSS_DIGIPEATING_MODE_PRESET,PREF_APRS_CROSS_DIGIPEATING_MODE_PRESET_INIT); + tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_frequencies = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_LORA_TX_BEACON_AND_KISS_TO_FREQUENCIES_PRESET,PREF_LORA_TX_BEACON_AND_KISS_TO_FREQUENCIES_PRESET_INIT); + send_status_message_to_aprsis = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGBool(PREF_LORA_TX_STATUSMESSAGE_TO_APRSIS_PRESET,PREF_LORA_TX_STATUSMESSAGE_TO_APRSIS_PRESET_INIT); + tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_aprsis = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGBool(PREF_LORA_TX_BEACON_AND_KISS_TO_APRSIS_PRESET,PREF_LORA_TX_BEACON_AND_KISS_TO_APRSIS_PRESET_INIT); + lora_freq_cross_digi = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGDouble(PREF_LORA_FREQ_CROSSDIGI_PRESET,PREF_LORA_FREQ_CROSSDIGI_PRESET_INIT); + lora_speed_cross_digi = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_LORA_SPEED_CROSSDIGI_PRESET,PREF_LORA_SPEED_CROSSDIGI_PRESET_INIT); + txPower_cross_digi = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_LORA_TX_POWER_CROSSDIGI_PRESET,PREF_LORA_TX_POWER_CROSSDIGI_PRESET_INIT); + rx_on_frequencies = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_LORA_RX_ON_FREQUENCIES_PRESET,PREF_LORA_RX_ON_FREQUENCIES_PRESET_INIT); + + aprsSymbolTable = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGString(PREF_APRS_SYMBOL_TABLE,0); + aprsSymbol = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGString(PREF_APRS_SYMBOL,0); + aprsObjectName = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGString(PREF_APRS_OBJECT_NAME,0); + aprsComment = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGString(PREF_APRS_COMMENT,PREF_APRS_COMMENT_INIT); + relay_path = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGString(PREF_APRS_RELAY_PATH,PREF_APRS_RELAY_PATH_INIT); + showAltitude = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGBool(PREF_APRS_SHOW_ALTITUDE,PREF_APRS_SHOW_ALTITUDE_INIT); + altitude_ratio = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_APRS_ALTITUDE_RATIO,PREF_APRS_ALTITUDE_RATIO); + always_send_cseSpd_AND_altitude = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGBool(PREF_APRS_ALWAYS_SEND_CSE_SPEED_AND_ALTITUDE,PREF_APRS_ALWAYS_SEND_CSE_SPEED_AND_ALTITUDE_INIT); + gps_state = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGBool(PREF_APRS_GPS_EN,PREF_APRS_GPS_EN_INIT); + acceptOwnPositionReportsViaKiss = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGBool(PREF_ACCEPT_OWN_POSITION_REPORTS_VIA_KISS,PREF_ACCEPT_OWN_POSITION_REPORTS_VIA_KISS_INIT); + gps_allow_sleep_while_kiss = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGBool(PREF_GPS_ALLOW_SLEEP_WHILE_KISS,PREF_GPS_ALLOW_SLEEP_WHILE_KISS_INIT); + showBattery = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGBool(PREF_APRS_SHOW_BATTERY,PREF_APRS_SHOW_BATTERY_INIT); + add_winlink_notification = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_APRS_STATUS_WINLINK_NOTIFICATION,PREF_APRS_STATUS_WINLINK_NOTIFICATION_INIT); + send_status_message_about_shutdown_to_rf = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGBool(PREF_APRS_STATUS_SHUTDOWN_NOTIFICATION,PREF_APRS_STATUS_SHUTDOWN_NOTIFICATION_INIT); + enable_tel = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGBool(PREF_ENABLE_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY,PREF_ENABLE_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY); + tel_interval = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_INTERVAL,PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_INTERVAL_INIT); + tel_sequence = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_SEQ,PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_SEQ_INIT); + tel_mic = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_MIC,PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_MIC_INIT); + tel_path = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGString(PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_PATH,PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_PATH_INIT); + tel_allow_tx_on_rf = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_ALLOW_RF,PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_ALLOW_RF_INIT); + aprsLatPresetFromPreferences = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGString(PREF_APRS_LATITUDE_PRESET,PREF_APRS_LATITUDE_PRESET_INIT); + aprsLonPresetFromPreferences = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGString(PREF_APRS_LONGITUDE_PRESET,PREF_APRS_LONGITUDE_PRESET_INIT); + position_ambiguity = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_APRS_POSITION_AMBIGUITY,PREF_APRS_POSITION_AMBIGUITY_INIT); + jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGString(PREF_APRS_SENDER_BLACKLIST,PREF_APRS_SENDER_BLACKLIST_INIT); + fixed_beacon_enabled = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGBool(PREF_APRS_FIXED_BEACON_PRESET,PREF_APRS_FIXED_BEACON_PRESET); + fix_beacon_interval = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_APRS_FIXED_BEACON_INTERVAL_PRESET,PREF_APRS_FIXED_BEACON_INTERVAL_PRESET_INIT) * 1000; + +// + SMART BEACONING + sb_min_interval = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_APRS_SB_MIN_INTERVAL_PRESET,PREF_APRS_SB_MIN_INTERVAL_PRESET_INIT) * 1000; + if (sb_min_interval < 10000) sb_min_interval = 10000; + sb_max_interval = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_APRS_SB_MAX_INTERVAL_PRESET,PREF_APRS_SB_MAX_INTERVAL_PRESET_INIT) * 1000; + // sb max interval not < 90s. + if (sb_max_interval < 90000L) + sb_max_interval = 90000L; + if (sb_max_interval <= sb_min_interval) sb_max_interval = sb_min_interval + 1000; + sb_min_speed = (float) jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_APRS_SB_MIN_SPEED_PRESET,PREF_APRS_SB_MIN_SPEED_PRESET_INIT); + if (sb_min_speed < 0) sb_min_speed = 0; + sb_max_speed = (float ) jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_APRS_SB_MAX_SPEED_PRESET,PREF_APRS_SB_MAX_SPEED_PRESET_INIT); + if (sb_max_speed <= sb_min_speed) sb_max_speed = sb_min_speed +1; + sb_angle = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGDouble(PREF_APRS_SB_ANGLE_PRESET,PREF_APRS_SB_ANGLE_PRESET_INIT); + sb_turn_slope = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_APRS_SB_TURN_SLOPE_PRESET,PREF_APRS_SB_TURN_SLOPE_PRESET_INIT); + sb_turn_time = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_APRS_SB_TURN_TIME_PRESET,PREF_APRS_SB_TURN_TIME_PRESET_INIT); + showRXTime = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_DEV_SHOW_RX_TIME,PREF_DEV_SHOW_RX_TIME_INIT) * 1000; + +// Read OLED RX Timer + oled_timeout = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_DEV_SHOW_OLED_TIME,PREF_DEV_SHOW_OLED_TIME_INIT) * 1000; + shutdown_delay_time = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_DEV_AUTO_SHUT_PRESET,PREF_DEV_AUTO_SHUT_PRESET_INIT) * 1000; + shutdown_active = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGBool(PREF_DEV_AUTO_SHUT,PREF_DEV_AUTO_SHUT_INIT); + reboot_interval = (uint32_t ) jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_DEV_REBOOT_INTERVAL,PREF_DEV_REBOOT_INTERVAL_INIT) *60*60*1000L; + show_cmt = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGBool(PREF_APRS_SHOW_CMT,PREF_APRS_SHOW_CMT_INIT); + rate_limit_message_text = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGBool(PREF_APRS_COMMENT_RATELIMIT_PRESET,PREF_APRS_COMMENT_RATELIMIT_PRESET_INIT); +#ifdef ENABLE_BLUETOOTH + enable_bluetooth = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGBool(PREF_DEV_BT_EN,PREF_DEV_BT_EN_INIT); +#endif + // TOOD: verify if it's sufficient, due to the new key + usb_serial_data_type = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_DEV_USBSERIAL_DATA_TYPE,PREF_DEV_USBSERIAL_DATA_TYPE_INIT); + enabled_oled = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGBool(PREF_DEV_OL_EN,PREF_DEV_OL_EN_INIT); + adjust_cpuFreq_to = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_DEV_CPU_FREQ,PREF_DEV_CPU_FREQ_INIT); + units = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_DEV_UNITS,PREF_DEV_UNITS_INIT); + oled_line3and4_format = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_DEV_OLED_L3_L4_FORMAT,PREF_DEV_OLED_L3_L4_FORMAT_INIT); + oled_show_locator = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_DEV_OLED_LOCATOR,PREF_DEV_OLED_LOCATOR_INIT); + oled_loc_amb = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_DEV_OLED_LOCATOR_AMBIGUITY,PREF_DEV_OLED_LOCATOR_AMBIGUITY_INIT); + +// APRSIS settings +#ifdef ENABLE_WIFI + aprsis_enabled = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGBool(PREF_APRSIS_EN,PREF_APRSIS_EN_INIT); + aprsis_host = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGString(PREF_APRSIS_SERVER_NAME,PREF_APRSIS_SERVER_NAME_INIT); + aprsis_port = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_APRSIS_SERVER_PORT,PREF_APRSIS_SERVER_PORT_INIT); + aprsis_filter = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGString(PREF_APRSIS_FILTER,PREF_APRSIS_FILTER_INIT); + aprsis_callsign = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGString(PREF_APRSIS_CALLSIGN,PREF_APRSIS_CALLSIGN_INIT); + aprsis_password = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGString(PREF_APRSIS_PASSWORD,PREF_APRSIS_PASSWORD_INIT); + aprsis_data_allow_inet_to_rf = jsonElementFromPreferenceCFGInt(PREF_APRSIS_ALLOW_INET_TO_RF,PREF_APRSIS_ALLOW_INET_TO_RF_INIT); #endif -#ifdef KISS_PROTOCOL - // just to be sure, terminate serial kiss packet that perhaps been transmitted half, before our reboot - Serial.printf("%c\n", 0xC0); -#endif +} - SPI.begin(SPI_sck,SPI_miso,SPI_mosi,SPI_ss); //DO2JMG Heltec Patch - Serial.begin(115200); - - #ifdef BUZZER - ledcSetup(0,1E5,12); - ledcAttachPin(BUZZER,0); - ledcWriteTone(0,0); // turn off buzzer on start - #endif - - #ifdef DIGI_PATH - relay_path = DIGI_PATH; - #else - relay_path = ""; - #endif - - #ifdef FIXED_BEACON_EN - fixed_beacon_enabled = true; - #endif - -// This section loads values from saved preferences, -// if available. -// https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-save-data-permanently-preferences/ #ifdef ENABLE_PREFERENCES - int clear_preferences = 0; - if(digitalRead(BUTTON)==LOW){ - clear_preferences = 1; - } - - preferences.begin("cfg", false); +// This function loads values from saved preferences (from flash), if available. +// https://randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-save-data-permanently-preferences/ +void load_preferences_from_flash() +{ #ifdef ENABLE_WIFI if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_WIFI_ENABLE_INIT)){ preferences.putBool(PREF_WIFI_ENABLE_INIT, true); preferences.putInt(PREF_WIFI_ENABLE, enable_webserver); } enable_webserver = preferences.getInt(PREF_WIFI_ENABLE); + if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_TNCSERVER_ENABLE_INIT)){ preferences.putBool(PREF_TNCSERVER_ENABLE_INIT, true); preferences.putBool(PREF_TNCSERVER_ENABLE, tncServer_enabled); @@ -1385,9 +3117,9 @@ void setup() if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_WIFI_STA_ALLOW_FAILBACK_TO_MODE_AP_AFTER_ONCE_CONNECTED_INIT)){ preferences.putBool(PREF_WIFI_STA_ALLOW_FAILBACK_TO_MODE_AP_AFTER_ONCE_CONNECTED_INIT, true); - preferences.putBool(PREF_WIFI_STA_ALLOW_FAILBACK_TO_MODE_AP_AFTER_ONCE_CONNECTED, wifi_do_failback_to_mode_AP); + preferences.putBool(PREF_WIFI_STA_ALLOW_FAILBACK_TO_MODE_AP_AFTER_ONCE_CONNECTED, wifi_do_fallback_to_mode_AP); } - wifi_do_failback_to_mode_AP = preferences.getBool(PREF_WIFI_STA_ALLOW_FAILBACK_TO_MODE_AP_AFTER_ONCE_CONNECTED); + wifi_do_fallback_to_mode_AP = preferences.getBool(PREF_WIFI_STA_ALLOW_FAILBACK_TO_MODE_AP_AFTER_ONCE_CONNECTED); if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_WIFI_TXPWR_MODE_AP_INIT)){ preferences.putBool(PREF_WIFI_TXPWR_MODE_AP_INIT, true); @@ -1400,8 +3132,8 @@ void setup() preferences.putInt(PREF_WIFI_TXPWR_MODE_STA, wifi_txpwr_mode_STA); } wifi_txpwr_mode_STA = preferences.getInt(PREF_WIFI_TXPWR_MODE_STA); -#endif //ENABLE_WIFI - +#endif // ENABLE_WIFI + // LoRa transmission settings if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_LORA_FREQ_PRESET_INIT)){ @@ -1409,7 +3141,7 @@ void setup() preferences.putDouble(PREF_LORA_FREQ_PRESET, lora_freq); } lora_freq = preferences.getDouble(PREF_LORA_FREQ_PRESET); - + if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_LORA_SPEED_PRESET_INIT)){ preferences.putBool(PREF_LORA_SPEED_PRESET_INIT, true); preferences.putInt(PREF_LORA_SPEED_PRESET, lora_speed); @@ -1458,6 +3190,12 @@ void setup() } lora_digipeating_mode = preferences.getInt(PREF_APRS_DIGIPEATING_MODE_PRESET); + if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_DIGIPEATING_MYALIAS_INIT)){ + preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_DIGIPEATING_MYALIAS_INIT, true); + preferences.putString(PREF_APRS_DIGIPEATING_MYALIAS, lora_digipeating_myalias); + } + lora_digipeating_myalias = preferences.getString(PREF_APRS_DIGIPEATING_MYALIAS); + if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_CROSS_DIGIPEATING_MODE_PRESET_INIT)){ preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_CROSS_DIGIPEATING_MODE_PRESET_INIT, true); preferences.putInt(PREF_APRS_CROSS_DIGIPEATING_MODE_PRESET, lora_cross_digipeating_mode); @@ -1472,15 +3210,9 @@ void setup() if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_LORA_TX_STATUSMESSAGE_TO_APRSIS_PRESET_INIT)){ preferences.putBool(PREF_LORA_TX_STATUSMESSAGE_TO_APRSIS_PRESET_INIT, true); - preferences.putInt(PREF_LORA_TX_STATUSMESSAGE_TO_APRSIS_PRESET, send_status_message_to_aprsis); + preferences.putBool(PREF_LORA_TX_STATUSMESSAGE_TO_APRSIS_PRESET, send_status_message_to_aprsis); } - send_status_message_to_aprsis = preferences.getInt(PREF_LORA_TX_STATUSMESSAGE_TO_APRSIS_PRESET); - - if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_LORA_TX_BEACON_AND_KISS_TO_APRSIS_PRESET_INIT)){ - preferences.putBool(PREF_LORA_TX_BEACON_AND_KISS_TO_APRSIS_PRESET_INIT, true); - preferences.putInt(PREF_LORA_TX_BEACON_AND_KISS_TO_APRSIS_PRESET, send_status_message_to_aprsis); - } - send_status_message_to_aprsis = preferences.getInt(PREF_LORA_TX_BEACON_AND_KISS_TO_APRSIS_PRESET); + send_status_message_to_aprsis = preferences.getBool(PREF_LORA_TX_STATUSMESSAGE_TO_APRSIS_PRESET); if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_LORA_TX_BEACON_AND_KISS_TO_APRSIS_PRESET_INIT)){ preferences.putBool(PREF_LORA_TX_BEACON_AND_KISS_TO_APRSIS_PRESET_INIT, true); @@ -1493,7 +3225,7 @@ void setup() preferences.putDouble(PREF_LORA_FREQ_CROSSDIGI_PRESET, lora_freq_cross_digi); } lora_freq_cross_digi = preferences.getDouble(PREF_LORA_FREQ_CROSSDIGI_PRESET); - + if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_LORA_SPEED_CROSSDIGI_PRESET_INIT)){ preferences.putBool(PREF_LORA_SPEED_CROSSDIGI_PRESET_INIT, true); preferences.putInt(PREF_LORA_SPEED_CROSSDIGI_PRESET, lora_speed_cross_digi); @@ -1516,25 +3248,31 @@ void setup() aprsSymbolTable = preferences.getString(PREF_APRS_SYMBOL_TABLE, ""); if (aprsSymbolTable.isEmpty()){ - preferences.putString(PREF_APRS_SYMBOL_TABLE, APRS_SYMBOL_TABLE); + preferences.putString(PREF_APRS_SYMBOL_TABLE, aprsSymbolTable.length() != 1 ? APRS_SYMBOL_TABLE : aprsSymbolTable); aprsSymbolTable = preferences.getString(PREF_APRS_SYMBOL_TABLE); } aprsSymbol = preferences.getString(PREF_APRS_SYMBOL, ""); if (aprsSymbol.isEmpty()){ preferences.putString(PREF_APRS_SYMBOL, APRS_SYMBOL); - aprsSymbol = preferences.getString(PREF_APRS_SYMBOL, APRS_SYMBOL); + aprsSymbol = preferences.getString(PREF_APRS_SYMBOL, aprsSymbol.length() != 1 ? APRS_SYMBOL : aprsSymbol); } + if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_OBJECT_NAME_INIT)){ + preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_OBJECT_NAME_INIT, true); + preferences.putString(PREF_APRS_OBJECT_NAME, aprsObjectName); + } + aprsObjectName = preferences.getString(PREF_APRS_OBJECT_NAME, ""); + if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_COMMENT_INIT)){ preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_COMMENT_INIT, true); - preferences.putString(PREF_APRS_COMMENT, MY_COMMENT); + preferences.putString(PREF_APRS_COMMENT, aprsComment); } aprsComment = preferences.getString(PREF_APRS_COMMENT, ""); if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_RELAY_PATH_INIT)){ preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_RELAY_PATH_INIT, true); - preferences.putString(PREF_APRS_RELAY_PATH, DIGI_PATH); + preferences.putString(PREF_APRS_RELAY_PATH, relay_path); } relay_path = preferences.getString(PREF_APRS_RELAY_PATH, ""); @@ -1582,6 +3320,18 @@ void setup() } showBattery = preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_SHOW_BATTERY); + if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_STATUS_WINLINK_NOTIFICATION_INIT)){ + preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_STATUS_WINLINK_NOTIFICATION_INIT, true); + preferences.putInt(PREF_APRS_STATUS_WINLINK_NOTIFICATION, add_winlink_notification); + } + add_winlink_notification = preferences.getInt(PREF_APRS_STATUS_WINLINK_NOTIFICATION); + + if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_STATUS_SHUTDOWN_NOTIFICATION_INIT)){ + preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_STATUS_SHUTDOWN_NOTIFICATION_INIT, true); + preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_STATUS_SHUTDOWN_NOTIFICATION, send_status_message_about_shutdown_to_rf); + } + send_status_message_about_shutdown_to_rf = preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_STATUS_SHUTDOWN_NOTIFICATION); + if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_ENABLE_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_INIT)){ preferences.putBool(PREF_ENABLE_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_INIT, true); preferences.putBool(PREF_ENABLE_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY, enable_tel); @@ -1612,20 +3362,32 @@ void setup() } tel_path = preferences.getString(PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_PATH, ""); + if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_ALLOW_RF_INIT)){ + preferences.putBool(PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_ALLOW_RF_INIT, true); + preferences.putInt(PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_ALLOW_RF, tel_allow_tx_on_rf); + } + tel_allow_tx_on_rf = preferences.getInt(PREF_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY_ALLOW_RF); + if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_LATITUDE_PRESET_INIT)){ preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_LATITUDE_PRESET_INIT, true); - preferences.putString(PREF_APRS_LATITUDE_PRESET, LATITUDE_PRESET); + preferences.putString(PREF_APRS_LATITUDE_PRESET, aprsLatPresetFromPreferences.isEmpty() ? LATITUDE_PRESET : aprsLatPresetFromPreferences); } - aprsLatPreset = preferences.getString(PREF_APRS_LATITUDE_PRESET, ""); + aprsLatPresetFromPreferences = preferences.getString(PREF_APRS_LATITUDE_PRESET, ""); //LatShownP = aprsLonPreset; if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_LONGITUDE_PRESET_INIT)){ preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_LONGITUDE_PRESET_INIT, true); - preferences.putString(PREF_APRS_LONGITUDE_PRESET, LONGITUDE_PRESET); + preferences.putString(PREF_APRS_LONGITUDE_PRESET, aprsLonPresetFromPreferences.isEmpty() ? LONGITUDE_PRESET : aprsLonPresetFromPreferences); } - aprsLonPreset = preferences.getString(PREF_APRS_LONGITUDE_PRESET, ""); + aprsLonPresetFromPreferences = preferences.getString(PREF_APRS_LONGITUDE_PRESET, ""); //LongShownP = aprsLonPreset; + if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_POSITION_AMBIGUITY_INIT)){ + preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_POSITION_AMBIGUITY_INIT, true); + preferences.putInt(PREF_APRS_POSITION_AMBIGUITY, position_ambiguity); + } + position_ambiguity = preferences.getInt(PREF_APRS_POSITION_AMBIGUITY); + if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_SENDER_BLACKLIST_INIT)){ preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_SENDER_BLACKLIST_INIT, true); preferences.putString(PREF_APRS_SENDER_BLACKLIST, ""); @@ -1653,7 +3415,7 @@ void setup() } fix_beacon_interval = preferences.getInt(PREF_APRS_FIXED_BEACON_INTERVAL_PRESET) * 1000; -// + SMART BEACONING +// SMART BEACONING if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_SB_MIN_INTERVAL_PRESET_INIT)){ preferences.putBool(PREF_APRS_SB_MIN_INTERVAL_PRESET_INIT, true); @@ -1667,6 +3429,9 @@ void setup() preferences.putInt(PREF_APRS_SB_MAX_INTERVAL_PRESET, sb_max_interval/1000); } sb_max_interval = preferences.getInt(PREF_APRS_SB_MAX_INTERVAL_PRESET) * 1000; + // sb max interval not < 90s. + if (sb_max_interval < 90000L) + sb_max_interval = 90000L; if (sb_max_interval <= sb_min_interval) sb_max_interval = sb_min_interval + 1000; if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_SB_MIN_SPEED_PRESET_INIT)){ @@ -1701,21 +3466,22 @@ void setup() } sb_turn_time = preferences.getInt(PREF_APRS_SB_TURN_TIME_PRESET); -// +// + // Read OLED RX Timer if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_SHOW_RX_TIME_INIT)){ preferences.putBool(PREF_DEV_SHOW_RX_TIME_INIT, true); preferences.putInt(PREF_DEV_SHOW_RX_TIME, showRXTime/1000); } showRXTime = preferences.getInt(PREF_DEV_SHOW_RX_TIME) * 1000; - // Read OLED RX Timer + // Read OLED Timeout if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_SHOW_OLED_TIME_INIT)){ preferences.putBool(PREF_DEV_SHOW_OLED_TIME_INIT, true); preferences.putInt(PREF_DEV_SHOW_OLED_TIME, oled_timeout/1000); } oled_timeout = preferences.getInt(PREF_DEV_SHOW_OLED_TIME) * 1000; - + if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_AUTO_SHUT_PRESET_INIT)){ preferences.putBool(PREF_DEV_AUTO_SHUT_PRESET_INIT, true); preferences.putInt(PREF_DEV_AUTO_SHUT_PRESET, shutdown_delay_time/1000); @@ -1746,24 +3512,32 @@ void setup() } rate_limit_message_text = preferences.getBool(PREF_APRS_COMMENT_RATELIMIT_PRESET); - if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_BT_EN_INIT)){ preferences.putBool(PREF_DEV_BT_EN_INIT, true); preferences.putBool(PREF_DEV_BT_EN, enable_bluetooth); } - enable_bluetooth = preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_BT_EN); + #ifdef ENABLE_BLUETOOTH + enable_bluetooth = preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_BT_EN); + #endif - if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_LOGTOSERIAL_EN_INIT)){ - preferences.putBool(PREF_DEV_LOGTOSERIAL_EN_INIT, true); - preferences.putBool(PREF_DEV_LOGTOSERIAL_EN, debug_to_serial); + // remove old usb-serial-debug-log preference (-> switch over) + if (preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_LOGTOSERIAL_EN_INIT)){ + usb_serial_data_type = preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_LOGTOSERIAL_EN) ? 1 : 0; + preferences.remove(PREF_DEV_LOGTOSERIAL_EN_INIT); + preferences.remove(PREF_DEV_LOGTOSERIAL_EN); + } else { + if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_USBSERIAL_DATA_TYPE_INIT)){ + preferences.putBool(PREF_DEV_USBSERIAL_DATA_TYPE_INIT, true); + preferences.putInt(PREF_DEV_USBSERIAL_DATA_TYPE, usb_serial_data_type); + } + usb_serial_data_type = preferences.getInt(PREF_DEV_USBSERIAL_DATA_TYPE, usb_serial_data_type); } - debug_to_serial = preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_LOGTOSERIAL_EN); if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_OL_EN_INIT)){ preferences.putBool(PREF_DEV_OL_EN_INIT, true); preferences.putBool(PREF_DEV_OL_EN,enabled_oled); } - enabled_oled = preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_OL_EN); + enabled_oled = preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_OL_EN); if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_CPU_FREQ_INIT)){ preferences.putBool(PREF_DEV_CPU_FREQ_INIT, true); @@ -1771,6 +3545,29 @@ void setup() } adjust_cpuFreq_to = preferences.getInt(PREF_DEV_CPU_FREQ); + if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_UNITS_INIT)){ + preferences.putBool(PREF_DEV_UNITS_INIT, true); + preferences.putInt(PREF_DEV_UNITS, units); + } + units = preferences.getInt(PREF_DEV_UNITS); + + if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_OLED_L3_L4_FORMAT_INIT)){ + preferences.putBool(PREF_DEV_OLED_L3_L4_FORMAT_INIT, true); + preferences.putInt(PREF_DEV_OLED_L3_L4_FORMAT, oled_line3and4_format); + } + oled_line3and4_format = preferences.getInt(PREF_DEV_OLED_L3_L4_FORMAT); + + if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_OLED_LOCATOR_INIT)){ + preferences.putBool(PREF_DEV_OLED_LOCATOR_INIT, true); + preferences.putInt(PREF_DEV_OLED_LOCATOR, oled_show_locator); + } + oled_show_locator = preferences.getInt(PREF_DEV_OLED_LOCATOR); + + if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_DEV_OLED_LOCATOR_AMBIGUITY_INIT)){ + preferences.putBool(PREF_DEV_OLED_LOCATOR_AMBIGUITY_INIT, true); + preferences.putInt(PREF_DEV_OLED_LOCATOR_AMBIGUITY, oled_loc_amb); + } + oled_loc_amb = preferences.getInt(PREF_DEV_OLED_LOCATOR_AMBIGUITY); // APRSIS settings #ifdef ENABLE_WIFI @@ -1815,11 +3612,217 @@ void setup() preferences.putInt(PREF_APRSIS_ALLOW_INET_TO_RF, aprsis_data_allow_inet_to_rf); } aprsis_data_allow_inet_to_rf = preferences.getInt(PREF_APRSIS_ALLOW_INET_TO_RF); +#endif -// if (!preferences.hasString(PREF_NTP_SERVER)) preferences.putString(PREF_NTP_SERVER, ""); -// if (!preferences.hasString(PREF_SYSLOG_SERVER)) preferences.putString(PREF_SYSLOG_SERVER, ""); + refill_preferences_as_jsonData(); +} +#endif // ENABLE_PREFERENCES -#endif // ENABLE_WIFI + + +void setup_phase2_soft_reconfiguration(boolean runtime_reconfiguration) { + + if (runtime_reconfiguration) { + digitalWrite(TXLED, LOW); + Serial.printf("Init after reloading preferences for Callsign: %s\r\n", Tcall.c_str()); + set_callsign(); + Serial.printf("APRS Callsign: %s\r\n", Tcall.c_str()); + } + + #if defined(T_BEAM_V1_0) || defined(T_BEAM_V1_2) + // switch LoRa chip on or off + #ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 + axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO2, (lora_rx_enabled || lora_digipeating_mode > 0) ? AXP202_ON : AXP202_OFF); + #elif T_BEAM_V1_2 + if (lora_rx_enabled || lora_digipeating_mode > 0) { + axp.setALDO2Voltage(3300); + axp.enableALDO2(); // switch LoRa chip on + } else { + axp.disableALDO2(); // switch LoRa chip off + } + #endif + + if (gps_state){ + #ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 + axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO3, AXP202_ON); // switch on GPS + #elif T_BEAM_V1_2 + axp.setButtonBatteryChargeVoltage(3300); // enable charge of the gps battery + axp.enableButtonBatteryCharge(); + axp.setALDO3Voltage(3300); + axp.enableALDO3(); // switch on GPS + #endif + } else { + #ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 + axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO3, AXP202_OFF); // switch off GPS + #elif T_BEAM_V1_2 + axp.disableALDO3(); // switch off GPS + axp.disableButtonBatteryCharge(); // disable charge of the gps battery + #endif + } + Serial.printf("GPS powered %s\r\n", gps_state ? "on" : "off"); + + //#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 + // axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_EXTEN, AXP202_ON); // switch this on if you need it + //#elif T_BEAM_V1_2 + // axp.enableXXX(); // switch this on if you need it + //#endif + #endif + gps_state_before_autochange = false; + + // can reduce cpu power consumtion up to 20 % + if (adjust_cpuFreq_to > 0) { + Serial.print("CPU Freq ad"); Serial.flush(); + setCpuFrequencyMhz(adjust_cpuFreq_to); + // ..survived + Serial.printf("justed to: %d MHz\r\n", adjust_cpuFreq_to); + } + + // LoRa Chip config + // if we are fill-in or wide2 digi, we listen only on configured main frequency + lora_speed_rx_curr = (rx_on_frequencies != 2 || lora_digipeating_mode > 1) ? lora_speed : lora_speed_cross_digi; + lora_set_speed(lora_speed_rx_curr); + Serial.printf("LoRa Speed:\t%lu\r\n", lora_speed_rx_curr); + + lora_freq_rx_curr = (rx_on_frequencies != 2 || lora_digipeating_mode > 1) ? lora_freq : lora_freq_cross_digi; + rf95.setFrequency(lora_freq_rx_curr); + Serial.printf("LoRa FREQ:\t%f\r\n", lora_freq_rx_curr); + + // we tx on main and/or secondary frequency. For tx, loraSend is called (and always has desired txpower as argument) + rf95.setTxPower((lora_digipeating_mode < 2 || lora_cross_digipeating_mode < 1) ? txPower : txPower_cross_digi); + + Serial.printf("LoRa PWR: %d, LoRa PWR XDigi: %d, RX Enable: %d, TX Enable: %d\r\n", txPower, txPower_cross_digi, lora_rx_enabled, lora_tx_enabled); + + // APRS fixed location and icon settings + init_and_validate_aprs_position_and_icon(); + + // init smart beaconing angle average + for (int i=0;i 120000 ? sb_max_interval : 120000); + + + if (runtime_reconfiguration) { + setup_oled_timer_values(); + writedisplaytext(OledHdr,OledLine1,OledLine2,OledLine3,OledLine4,OledLine5); + } // else: in setup() during boot, we have several unpredictable delays. That's why it's not called here + + + if (runtime_reconfiguration) + digitalWrite(TXLED, HIGH); +} + + +// + SETUP --------------------------------------------------------------+// +void setup() +{ + + // for diagnostics + uint32_t t_setup_entered = millis(); + + // initialize ESP32 Process WDT, 120s T/O + esp_task_wdt_init(120, true); + + // Our BUILD_NUMBER. The define is not available in the WEBSERVR -> we need to assign a global variable + buildnr = BUILD_NUMBER; + + SPI.begin(SPI_sck,SPI_miso,SPI_mosi,SPI_ss); //DO2JMG Heltec Patch + Serial.begin(115200); + + // Enable OLED as soon as possible, for better disgnostics + Wire.begin(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL); + if (!display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, SSD1306_ADDRESS)) { + for(;;); // Don't proceed, loop forever + } + writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","by DL9SAU & DL3EL","Build:" + buildnr,"Hello!","For Factory Reset:"," press middle Button"); + delay(2000); // 2s delay to be safe that serial.print works + Serial.println("System Start-Up"); + + + #ifdef BUZZER + // framwork-arduinoespressif32 library now warns if frequency is too high: + // ledc: requested frequency and duty resolution can not be achieved, try reducing freq_hz or duty_resolution. div_param=50 + // [E][esp32-hal-ledc.c:75] ledcSetup(): ledc setup failed! + // Examples in documentation use 5000. If your buzzer does not work correctly, please find a correct value, + // and report us (along with the info which CPU frequency you configured). + //ledcSetup(0,1E5,12); + ledcSetup(0,5000,12); + ledcAttachPin(BUZZER,0); + ledcWriteTone(0,0); // turn off buzzer on start + #endif + + #ifdef DIGI_PATH + relay_path = DIGI_PATH; + #else + relay_path = ""; + #endif + + #ifdef FIXED_BEACON_EN + fixed_beacon_enabled = true; + #endif + + + #ifdef ENABLE_PREFERENCES + int clear_preferences = 0; + if(digitalRead(BUTTON)==LOW){ + clear_preferences = 1; + } + + preferences.begin("cfg", false); + + #ifdef ENABLE_WIFI + init_wifi_STA_and_AP_settings(); + #endif + + // https://www.tutorialspoint.com/esp32_for_iot/esp32_for_iot_spiffs_storage.htm + // Launch SPIFFS file system + if (SPIFFS.begin(FORMAT_SPIFFS_IF_FAILED)) { + Serial.println("SPIFFS Mount Success"); + //debug: + //listDir(SPIFFS, "/", 0); + #ifdef ENABLE_WIFI + // read wifi.cfg file, interprete the json and assign some of our global variables + readFile(SPIFFS, "/wifi.cfg"); + #endif + + // current idea is, that if PREF_LORA_FREQ_PRESET_INIT is false, then this is a fresh reseted system. + // if available preference.cfg values should beused, if not, takes default values + if (!preferences.getBool(PREF_LORA_FREQ_PRESET_INIT)) { + // reseted? try to use /preferences.cfg + readFile(SPIFFS, "/preferences.cfg"); + #ifdef ENABLE_WIFI + if (preferences.getString(PREF_WIFI_PASSWORD, "").isEmpty() || + preferences.getString(PREF_WIFI_SSID, "").isEmpty()) { + preferences.putString(PREF_WIFI_SSID, wifi_ModeSTA_SSID); + preferences.putString(PREF_WIFI_PASSWORD, wifi_ModeSTA_PASS); + preferences.putString(PREF_AP_PASSWORD, wifi_ModeAP_PASS); + #if defined(ENABLE_SYSLOG) + if (debug_verbose) + syslog_log(LOG_DEBUG, String("FlashWrite preferences: setup()")); + #endif + Serial.println("WiFi: Updated remote SSID: " + wifi_ModeSTA_SSID); + Serial.println("WiFi: Updated remote PW: ***"); + } + #endif + } else { + Serial.println("Preferences: normal start, using preferences from flash"); + } + SPIFFS.end(); + } else { + Serial.println("SPIFFS Mount Failed"); + } + + // always call load_preferences_from_flash. It updates the _INIT values, and will do some value checks + load_preferences_from_flash(); if (clear_preferences){ delay(1000); @@ -1828,43 +3831,10 @@ void setup() } } - #endif // ENABLE_PREFERENCES - - // We have stored the manual position strring in a higher precision (in case resolution more precise than 18.52m is required; i.e. for base-91 location encoding, or DAO extenstion). - // Furthermore, 53-32.1234N is more readable in the Web-interface than 5232.1234N - aprsLatPreset.toUpperCase(); aprsLatPreset.replace(",", "."); aprsLatPreset.trim(); - if (aprsLatPreset.length() == 11 && aprsLatPreset.indexOf('-') == 2 && aprsLatPreset.indexOf(' ') == -1 && (aprsLatPreset.endsWith("N") || aprsLatPreset.endsWith("S"))) { - char buf[9]; - const char *p = aprsLatPreset.c_str(); - sprintf(buf, "%.2s%.5s%c", p, p+3, p[10]); - aprsLatPreset = String(buf); - } - - // 001-20.5000E is more readable in the Web-interface than 00120.5000E, and could not be mis-interpreted as 120.5 degrees east (== 120 deg 30' 0" E) - aprsLonPreset.toUpperCase(); aprsLonPreset.replace(",", "."); aprsLonPreset.trim(); - if (aprsLonPreset.length() == 12 && aprsLonPreset.indexOf('-') == 3 && aprsLonPreset.indexOf(' ') == -1 && (aprsLonPreset.endsWith("E") || aprsLonPreset.endsWith("W"))) { - char buf[10]; - const char *p = aprsLonPreset.c_str(); - sprintf(buf, "%.3s%.5s%c", p, p+4, p[11]); - aprsLonPreset = String(buf); - } - - // enforce valid transmissions even on wrong configurations - if (aprsSymbolTable.length() != 1) - aprsSymbolTable = String("/"); - if (aprsSymbol.length() != 1) - aprsSymbol = String("["); - if (aprsLatPreset.length() != 8 || !(aprsLatPreset.endsWith("N") || aprsLatPreset.endsWith("S")) || aprsLatPreset.c_str()[4] != '.') - aprsLatPreset = String("0000.00N"); - if (aprsLonPreset.length() != 9 || !(aprsLonPreset.endsWith("E") || aprsLonPreset.endsWith("W")) || aprsLonPreset.c_str()[5] != '.') - aprsLonPreset = String("00000.00E"); - - for (int i=0;i 0 - #if defined(ENABLE_BLUETOOTH) && defined(KISS_PROTOCOL) - || SerialBT.hasClient() - #endif - ) - axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO2, AXP202_ON); // switch LoRa chip on - else - axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO2, AXP202_OFF); // switch LoRa chip off - if (gps_state){ - axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO3, AXP202_ON); // switch on GPS - } else { - axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO3, AXP202_OFF); // switch off GPS - } axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_DCDC2, AXP202_ON); axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_EXTEN, AXP202_OFF); //axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_EXTEN, AXP202_ON); // switch this on if you need it @@ -1901,113 +3857,139 @@ void setup() axp.adc2Enable(0x80, true); axp.setChgLEDMode(AXP20X_LED_OFF); axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_DCDC1, AXP202_ON); // oled do not turn off + #elif T_BEAM_V1_2 + if (!axp.begin(Wire, AXP2101_SLAVE_ADDRESS, I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL)) { + ; + } + axp.disableTSPinMeasure(); + axp.setDC1Voltage(3300); + axp.enableDC1(); // oled do not turn off + axp.setDC2Voltage(3300); + axp.enableDC2(); + // Enable ADC to measure battery current, USB voltage etc. + axp.enableGeneralAdcChannel(); + axp.enableTemperatureMeasure(); + axp.enableBattDetection(); + axp.enableSystemVoltageMeasure(); + axp.enableVbusVoltageMeasure(); + axp.enableBattVoltageMeasure(); + axp.setChargingLedMode(XPOWERS_CHG_LED_OFF); + // set the charging voltage + axp.setChargeTargetVoltage(XPOWERS_AXP2101_CHG_VOL_4V2); + // set the charging current + axp.setChargerConstantCurr(XPOWERS_AXP2101_CHG_CUR_500MA); + // Battery-friendly settings: + // Set the precharge current + axp.setPrechargeCurr(XPOWERS_AXP2101_PRECHARGE_200MA); + // Set the charging termination current + axp.setChargerTerminationCurr(XPOWERS_AXP2101_CHG_ITERM_25MA); #endif + // can reduce cpu power consumtion up to 20 % if (adjust_cpuFreq_to > 0) setCpuFrequencyMhz(adjust_cpuFreq_to); - if(!display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, SSD1306_ADDRESS)) { - for(;;); // Don't proceed, loop forever - } + set_callsign(); + writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","by DL9SAU & DL3EL","Build:" + buildnr,"Hello de " + Tcall,"For Factory Reset:"," press middle Button"); + Serial.println("LoRa-APRS by DL9SAU & DL3EL Build:" + buildnr); + Serial.println("Time used since start (-2000ms delay): " + String(millis()-t_setup_entered-2000) + "ms"); + delay(2000); #ifdef ENABLE_PREFERENCES if (clear_preferences == 2){ -<<<<<<< HEAD - writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","by DL9SAU & DL3EL","Build:" + buildnr, "Factory reset","press","Button"); -======= - writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","by DL9SAU & DL3EL","Build:" + buildnr, "Factory reset","",""); ->>>>>>> bb1a5b6196eb0db1f572438e24bb00550f8a7bf6 - Serial.println("LoRa-APRS by DL9SAU & DL3EL Build:" + buildnr); - delay(2000); - //#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 + //#if defined(T_BEAM_V1_0) || defined(T_BEAM_V1_2) if(digitalRead(BUTTON)==LOW){ clear_preferences = 3; preferences.clear(); preferences.end(); - writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Factory reset","Done!","",""); + writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Reset to /preferences.cfg","","if availabe","now booting"); delay(2000); ESP.restart(); } else { - writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Factory reset","Cancel","",""); + writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Factory reset","canceled","",""); delay(2000); } //#endif } #endif - writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Init:","Display OK!","",""); - Tcall = prepareCallsign(String(CALLSIGN)); - #ifdef ENABLE_PREFERENCES - Tcall = preferences.getString(PREF_APRS_CALLSIGN, ""); - if (Tcall.isEmpty()){ - preferences.putString(PREF_APRS_CALLSIGN, String(CALLSIGN)); - Tcall = preferences.getString(PREF_APRS_CALLSIGN); - } + + #ifdef T_BEAM_V0_7 + //adcAttachPin(35); + //adcStart(35); + //analogReadResolution(10); + //analogSetAttenuation(ADC_6db); + pinMode(35, INPUT); + //adc1_config_width(ADC_WIDTH_BIT_12); + //adc1_config_channel_atten(ADC1_CHANNEL_7,ADC_ATTEN_DB_11); #endif + #if !defined(T_BEAM_V1_0) && !defined(T_BEAM_V1_2) + adc1_config_width(ADC_WIDTH_BIT_12); + adc1_config_channel_atten(ADC1_CHANNEL_7,ADC_ATTEN_DB_6); + #endif + batt_read(); + writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Init:","ADC OK!","P: "+String(InpVolts, 2)+"V, BAT: "+String(BattVolts,2)+"V",""); + delay(500); + if (!rf95.init()) { writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Init:","RF95 FAILED!",":-(",""); for(;;); // Don't proceed, loop forever } + writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Init:","RF95 OK!","",""); - if (sb_max_interval < nextTX){ - sb_max_interval=nextTX; + setup_phase2_soft_reconfiguration(0); + delay(500); + + + // Avoid concurrent access of processes to lora our chip +#ifdef IF_SEMAS_WOULD_WORK + sema_lora_chip = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); + sema_handle_aprs_message_addressed_to_us = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); + sema_is_call_blacklisted = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); +#else + sema_lora_chip = false; + sema_handle_aprs_message_addressed_to_us = false; + sema_is_call_blacklisted = false; +#endif + + + // new process: GPS + if (gps_state) { + writedisplaytext(Tcall,"","Init:","Waiting for GPS","",""); + xTaskCreate(taskGPS, "taskGPS", 5000, nullptr, 1, nullptr); + writedisplaytext(Tcall,"","Init:","GPS Task Created!","",""); } - // we need this assurance for failback to fixed interval, if gps position is lost. - // fixed beacon rate higher than sb_max_interval does not make sense - if (!fixed_beacon_enabled && gps_state && fix_beacon_interval < sb_max_interval) - fix_beacon_interval = sb_max_interval; - - writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Init:","RF95 OK!","",""); - writedisplaytext(Tcall,"","Init:","Waiting for GPS","",""); - xTaskCreate(taskGPS, "taskGPS", 5000, nullptr, 1, nullptr); - writedisplaytext(Tcall,"","Init:","GPS Task Created!","",""); - #ifndef T_BEAM_V1_0 - adc1_config_width(ADC_WIDTH_BIT_12); - adc1_config_channel_atten(ADC1_CHANNEL_7,ADC_ATTEN_DB_6); - #endif - batt_read(); - writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Init:","ADC OK!","BAT: "+String(BattVolts,2),""); - - // Just to be sure: send KISS FEND before logging - - // if we are fill-in or wide2 digi, we listen only on configured main frequency - lora_speed_rx_curr = (rx_on_frequencies != 2 || lora_digipeating_mode > 1) ? lora_speed : lora_speed_cross_digi; - lora_set_speed(lora_speed_rx_curr); - // prefix with KISS_END - Serial.printf("LoRa Speed:\t%lu\n", lora_speed_rx_curr); - - lora_freq_rx_curr = (rx_on_frequencies != 2 || lora_digipeating_mode > 1) ? lora_freq : lora_freq_cross_digi; - rf95.setFrequency(lora_freq_rx_curr); - Serial.printf("LoRa FREQ:\t%f\n", lora_freq_rx_curr); - - // we tx on main and/or secondary frequency. For tx, loraSend is called (and always has desired txpower as argument) - rf95.setTxPower((lora_digipeating_mode < 2 || lora_cross_digipeating_mode < 1) ? txPower : txPower_cross_digi); - delay(250); + // new process: TNC #ifdef KISS_PROTOCOL xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(taskTNC, "taskTNC", 10000, nullptr, 1, nullptr, xPortGetCoreID()); #endif + // We could start process webServer here. + // But: + // - webserver and bluetooth do not work in parallel on some devices. + // - webserver needs some variables to be set correctly if it starts up + // (and web client requests them). + // -> We already finished variable stuff above, or do it right before end of setup(). + // Now we are prepared to start the webserver process (if needed). First, we may start bluetooth. + #if defined(KISS_PROTOCOL) && defined(ENABLE_BLUETOOTH) - // LORA32_21: bug in hardware. cannot run bluetooth and wifi concurrently. - // We wait for a bt-client connecting, up to 60s. If none connected, - // we start the webserver. // TTGO: webserver cunsumes abt 80mA. User may not start the webserver - // if bt-client is connected. We'll also wait herefor clients. - // If enable_webserver on LORA32_21 is set to 2, user - // likes the webserver always to be started -> do not start bluetooth. + // if bt-client is connected. We'll also wait here for clients. + // If enable_webserver on LORA32_21 is set to 2 (or aprsis connection is + // configured in webserver mode 1), user likes the webserver always + // to be started -> do not start bluetooth. #if defined(ENABLE_WIFI) #if defined(LORA32_21) - if (enable_bluetooth && enable_webserver < 2) { + if (enable_bluetooth && enable_webserver < 2 && !aprsis_enabled) { #else if (enable_bluetooth) { #endif /* LORA32_21 */ #else if (enable_bluetooth) { #endif /* ENABLE_WIFI */ - #ifdef BLUETOOTH_PIN SerialBT.setPin(BLUETOOTH_PIN); #endif @@ -2028,6 +4010,8 @@ void setup() #if defined(LORA32_21) writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Init:","Waiting for BT-client","Disabling BT!",""); SerialBT.end(); + serial_bt_client_is_connected = false; + enable_bluetooth = false; #endif } else { writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Init:","Waiting for BT-clients","BT-client connected","Will NOT start WiFi!"); @@ -2038,15 +4022,17 @@ void setup() } #endif /* KISS_PROTOCOL && ENABLE_BLUETOOTH */ + #ifdef ENABLE_WIFI if (enable_webserver) { #if defined(KISS_PROTOCOL) && defined(ENABLE_BLUETOOTH) - // if enabble_webserver == 2 or (enable_webserver == 1 && (no serial-bt-client is connected OR aprs-is-connecion configuried) - if (enable_webserver > 1 || aprsis_enabled || !SerialBT.hasClient()) { + // if enable_webserver == 2 or (enable_webserver == 1 && (no serial-bt-client is connected OR aprs-is-connecion configured) + if (enable_webserver > 1 || aprsis_enabled || !enable_bluetooth || !SerialBT.hasClient()) { #else { #endif /* KISS_PROTOCOL && ENABLE_BLUETOOTH */ webServerCfg = {.callsign = Tcall}; + // new process: TNC xTaskCreate(taskWebServer, "taskWebServer", 12000, (void*)(&webServerCfg), 1, nullptr); webserverStarted = true; writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Init:","WiFi task started"," =:-) ",""); @@ -2061,59 +4047,26 @@ void setup() } #endif /* ENABLE_WIFI */ - //lastTxdistance = 0; -#ifdef IF_SEMAS_WOULD_WORK - sema_lora_chip = xSemaphoreCreateBinary(); -#else - sema_lora_chip = false; + setup_oled_timer_values(); - // https://www.tutorialspoint.com/esp32_for_iot/esp32_for_iot_spiffs_storage.htm -<<<<<<< HEAD -======= - Serial.println("LoRa-APRS Starting SPIFFS Tests"); ->>>>>>> bb1a5b6196eb0db1f572438e24bb00550f8a7bf6 - // Launch SPIFFS file system - if (!SPIFFS.begin(FORMAT_SPIFFS_IF_FAILED)){ - Serial.println("SPIFFS Mount Failed"); - } else { - Serial.println("SPIFFS Mount Success"); + // init lastheard table + for (int ii=0; ii < MAX_LH; ii++) { + LH[ii].callsign = ""; } -<<<<<<< HEAD - Serial.printf("send_status_message_to_aprsis: %d\n",send_status_message_to_aprsis); -======= ->>>>>>> bb1a5b6196eb0db1f572438e24bb00550f8a7bf6 - //debug: - //listDir(SPIFFS, "/", 0); - - // read wifi.cfg file, interprete the json and assign some of our global variables - readFile(SPIFFS, "/wifi.cfg"); - - // Hold the OLED ON at first boot - oled_timer=millis()+oled_timeout; - time_to_refresh = millis() + showRXTime; + esp_task_wdt_add(NULL); //add current thread to WDT watch + esp_task_wdt_reset(); writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Init:","FINISHED OK!"," =:-) ",""); - // writedisplaytext("","","","","",""); - - esp_task_wdt_init(120, true); //enable panic so ESP32 restarts - esp_task_wdt_add(NULL); //add current thread to WDT watch - - fillDisplayLine1(); + fillDisplayLine1(2); fillDisplayLine2(); displayInvalidGPS(); + digitalWrite(TXLED, HIGH); - -#endif } -void enableOled() { - // This function enables OLED display after pressing a button - tempOled = true; - oled_timer = millis() + oled_timeout; -} int packet_is_valid (const char *frame_start) { const char *p = frame_start; @@ -2150,32 +4103,53 @@ int packet_is_valid (const char *frame_start) { int is_call_blacklisted(const char *frame_start) { + + esp_task_wdt_reset(); + #ifdef IF_SEMAS_WOULD_WORK + while (xSemaphoreTake(sema_is_call_blacklisted, 100) != pdTRUE) + esp_task_wdt_reset(); + #else + for (int n = 0; sema_is_call_blacklisted; n++) { + delay(10); + if (!(n % 100)) + esp_task_wdt_reset(); + } + sema_is_call_blacklisted = true; + #endif + // src-call_validation const char *p_call = frame_start; - int i = 0; - if (!p_call || !*p_call) return 1; - if (isdigit(p_call[1]) && isalpha(p_call[2])) { - // left-shift g1abc -> _g1abc - i = 1; - p_call--; // warning, beyond start of pointer - } - for (; i <= 7; i++) { - if (i == 7) return 1; - else if (!p_call[i] || p_call[i] == '>' || p_call[i] == '-') { - if (i < 4) return 1; - break; - } else if (i < 2 && !isalnum(p_call[i])) return 1; - else if (i == 2 && !isdigit(p_call[i])) return 1; - else if (i > 2 && !isalpha(p_call[i])) return 1; - } - - // list empty? we may leave here - if (!*blacklist_calls || !strcmp(blacklist_calls, ",,")) - return 0; - + char *header_end; + char *p; + int ret = 1; boolean ssid_present = false; - char buf[12]; // room for ",DL1AAA-15," + \0 - char *p = buf; + char buf[13]; // room for ",DL1AAA-15*," + \0 + int i = 0; + + if (!p_call || !*p_call) goto end; + // Special case: message from ham radio winlink system: + if (!strncmp(p_call, "WLNK", 4)) { + ; + } else { + // Call sign validation + if (isdigit(p_call[1]) && isalpha(p_call[2])) { + // left-shift g1abc -> _g1abc + i = 1; + p_call--; // warning, beyond start of pointer + } + for (; i <= 7; i++) { + if (i == 7) goto end; + else if (!p_call[i] || p_call[i] == '>' || p_call[i] == '-') { + if (i < 4) goto end; + break; + } else if (i < 2 && !isalnum(p_call[i])) goto end; + else if (i == 2 && !isdigit(p_call[i])) goto end; + else if (i > 2 && !isalpha(p_call[i])) goto end; + } + } + + + p = buf; *p++ = ','; for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (!frame_start[i] || /* frame_start[i] == '>' || */ ! (frame_start[i] == '-' || isalnum(frame_start[i]))) { @@ -2200,17 +4174,28 @@ int is_call_blacklisted(const char *frame_start) { *p++ = ','; *p = 0; + + // blacklist empty? we may leave here + if (!*blacklist_calls || !strcmp(blacklist_calls, ",,")) { + ret = 0; + goto end; + } + // exact match? - if (strstr(blacklist_calls, buf)) - return 2; + if (strstr(blacklist_calls, buf)) { + ret = 2; + goto end; + } // filter call completely? if ((p = strchr(buf, '-'))) { *p++ = ','; *p++ = 0; - if (strstr(blacklist_calls, buf)) - return 3; + if (strstr(blacklist_calls, buf)) { + ret = 3; + goto end; + } } - char *header_end = strchr(frame_start, ':'); + header_end = strchr(frame_start, ':'); // check for blacklisted digi in path if (header_end && (p = strchr(frame_start, ','))) { for (;;) { @@ -2218,7 +4203,7 @@ int is_call_blacklisted(const char *frame_start) { if (!q || q > header_end) q = header_end; // copy ",DL1AAA,.." to buf as ",DL1AAA" - // but before: length check. len ",DL1AAA-15*," is 12; sizeof(buf) is 12 (due to \0); we copy until trailing ','. + // but before: length check. len ",DL1AAA-15*," is 12; sizeof(buf) is 13 (due to \0); we copy until trailing ','. if ((q-p) > sizeof(buf)-1) break; strncpy(buf, p, q-p); @@ -2226,29 +4211,45 @@ int is_call_blacklisted(const char *frame_start) { char *r = strchr(buf, '*'); if (r) *r = 0; + // after modifications above, is len(buf) still <= 10 (room for ',' + 9 (call-ssid) == 10. and later ',' and \0)? + r = strchr(buf, '-'); + if (strlen(buf) > (r ? 10 : 7)) { + // can't check non-conformal stuff. Unfortunately, aprs-is tier node names in the digi path like T2CSNGRAD (length of 9) + // are non-conformal. That's why we return 0 here. Length for our exact-match-test below would be ",T2CSNGRAD-0,"+\0 == 14 + break; + } // our ssid filter construct: -0 means search for call with ssid 0 zero. - if (!(r = strchr(buf, '-'))) + if (!r) { strcat(buf, "-0"); - // after modifications above, is len(buf) still < 10 (space for ',' and \0)? - if (strlen(buf) > 10) - return 0; + } strcat(buf, ","); // exact match? - if (strstr(blacklist_calls, buf)) - return 4; + if (strstr(blacklist_calls, buf)) { + ret = 4; + goto end; + } // filter call completely? if ((r = strchr(buf, '-'))) { *r++ = ','; *r++ = 0; - if (strstr(blacklist_calls, buf)) - return 5; + if (strstr(blacklist_calls, buf)) { + ret = 5; + goto end; + } } if (q == header_end) break; p = q; } } + ret = 0; - return 0; +end: + #ifdef IF_SEMAS_WOULD_WORK + xSemaphoreGive(sema_is_call_blacklisted); + #else + sema_is_call_blacklisted = false; + #endif + return ret; } @@ -2268,14 +4269,14 @@ int bg_rf95snr_to_snr(uint8_t snr) } -int bg_rf95rssi_to_rssi(int rssi) +// bg_rf95rssi_to_rssi, called with arguments: 1. rf95.lastRssi() and 2. result of bg_rf95snr_to_snr(rf95.lastSNR()) +int bg_rf95rssi_to_rssi(int rf95_lastRssi, int _lastSNR) { // We use an old BG_RF95 library from 2001. RadioHead/RH_RF95.cpp implements _lastSNR and _lastRssi correctly accordingg to the specs - int _lastSNR = bg_rf95snr_to_snr(rf95.lastSNR()); boolean _usingHFport = (lora_freq >= 779.0); // bg_rf95 library: _lastRssi = spiRead(BG_RF95_REG_1A_PKT_RSSI_VALUE) - 137. First, undo -137 operation - int _lastRssi = rf95.lastRssi() + 137; + int _lastRssi = rf95_lastRssi + 137; if (_lastSNR < 0) _lastRssi = _lastRssi + _lastSNR; @@ -2289,7 +4290,7 @@ int bg_rf95rssi_to_rssi(int rssi) } -char *encode_snr_rssi_in_path() +char *encode_snr_rssi_in_path(int snr, int rssi) { static char buf[7]; // length for "Q2373X" == 6 + 1 (\0) == 7 *buf = 0; @@ -2297,8 +4298,6 @@ char *encode_snr_rssi_in_path() // https://github.com/Lora-net/LoRaMac-node/issues/275 // https://github.com/mayeranalytics/pySX127x/blob/master/SX127x/LoRa.py // rf95snr_to_snr returns values in range -32 to 31. The lowest two bits are RFU - int snr = bg_rf95snr_to_snr(rf95.lastSNR()); - int rssi = bg_rf95rssi_to_rssi(rf95.lastRssi()); if (snr > 99) snr = 99; // snr will not go upper 31 else if (snr < -99) snr = -99; // snr will not go below -32 if (rssi > 0) rssi = 0; // rssi is always negative @@ -2488,7 +4487,6 @@ struct ax25_frame *tnc_format_to_ax25_frame(const char *s) return &frame; } - void handle_lora_frame_for_lora_digipeating(const char *received_frame, const char *snr_rssi) { @@ -2521,8 +4519,11 @@ void handle_lora_frame_for_lora_digipeating(const char *received_frame, const ch // and have the original packet in our digipeating queue? -> clear queue. // If we are a WIDE2 digi, it may be desired that we digipeat him. // We'll throw that frame away if further down the new frame is worth digipeating. We don't build up Digipeating-TX-queues - if (p && strncmp(lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating, received_frame, p-received_frame) && r && r > q && r < header_end && *(header_end+1)) - *lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating = 0; + if (p && !strncmp(lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating, received_frame, p-received_frame) && r && r > q && r < header_end && *(header_end+1)) { + char *he_prev = strchr(lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating, ':'); + if (he_prev && !strcmp(header_end, he_prev)) + *lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating = 0; + } } int i = 0; @@ -2591,6 +4592,19 @@ void handle_lora_frame_for_lora_digipeating(const char *received_frame, const ch // our call in path? boolean add_our_call = true; int insert_our_data_before = -1; + + if (curr_not_repeated == 0 && lora_digipeating_myalias.length() > 0 && !strcmp(frame->digis[curr_not_repeated].addr, lora_digipeating_myalias.c_str())) { + // Digipeat our alias, if in first position of the path + // digi path too long for adding snr_rssi? skip adding snr_rssi + if (snr_rssi && frame->n_digis == AX_DIGIS_MAX) + snr_rssi = 0; + frame->digis[curr_not_repeated].repeated = true; + add_our_call = false; + strcpy(frame->digis[curr_not_repeated].addr, Tcall.c_str()); + insert_our_data_before = curr_not_repeated; + // we'll repeat our alias now. our job ends here + goto add_our_data; + } if (!strcmp(frame->digis[curr_not_repeated].addr, Tcall.c_str())) { // digi path too long for adding snr_rssi? skip adding snr_rssi if (snr_rssi && frame->n_digis == AX_DIGIS_MAX) @@ -2684,7 +4698,6 @@ add_our_data: sprintf(lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating, "%s:%s", buf, frame->data); time_lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating_was_filled = millis(); - } char *s_min_nn(uint32_t min_nnnnn, int high_precision) { @@ -2732,7 +4745,7 @@ char *s_min_nn(uint32_t min_nnnnn, int high_precision) { return buf; } -String create_lat_aprs(const char *delimiter, RawDegrees lat) { +String create_lat_aprs(const char *delimiter, RawDegrees lat, int precision) { char str[20]; char n_s = 'N'; if (lat.negative) { @@ -2743,11 +4756,11 @@ String create_lat_aprs(const char *delimiter, RawDegrees lat) { // we like sprintf's float up-rounding. // but sprintf % may round to 60.00 -> 5360.00 (53° 60min is a wrong notation // ;) - sprintf(str, "%02d%s%s%c", lat.deg, delimiter ? delimiter : "", s_min_nn(lat.billionths, 0), n_s); + sprintf(str, "%02d%s%s%c", lat.deg, delimiter ? delimiter : "", s_min_nn(lat.billionths, precision > 2 ? precision : 0), n_s); return String(str); } -String create_long_aprs(const char *delimiter, RawDegrees lng) { +String create_long_aprs(const char *delimiter, RawDegrees lng, int precision) { char str[20]; char e_w = 'E'; if (lng.negative) { @@ -2755,123 +4768,1019 @@ String create_long_aprs(const char *delimiter, RawDegrees lng) { } if (delimiter && strlen(delimiter) > 1) delimiter = 0; - sprintf(str, "%03d%s%s%c", lng.deg, delimiter ? delimiter : "", s_min_nn(lng.billionths, 0), e_w); + sprintf(str, "%03d%s%s%c", lng.deg, delimiter ? delimiter : "", s_min_nn(lng.billionths, precision > 2 ? precision : 0), e_w); return String(str); } +void update_speed_from_gps() { + if (gps_state) { + switch (units_speed) { + case UNITS_SPEED_MS: + gps_speed = gps.speed.mps(); + break; + case UNITS_SPEED_MPH: + gps_speed = gps.speed.mph(); + break; + case UNITS_SPEED_KN: + gps_speed = gps.speed.knots(); + break; + case UNITS_SPEED_KMH: // fall through + default: + gps_speed = gps.speed.kmph(); + } + } else { + gps_speed = 0; + } +} + +// usb-serial tnc emulator + +int parse_cmd_arg(const String &inputBuf, char *cmd, int cmd_size, char *arg, int arg_size) { + const char *p = inputBuf.c_str(); + char *q; + + if (!cmd || cmd_size < 1 || !arg || arg_size < 1) + return 1; + *cmd = *arg = 0; + if (cmd_size < 2 || arg_size < 2) + return 1; + + // copy comand. First, skip leading blanks + while (*p && *p == ' ') + p++; + // copy command part (separator is ' ') + for (q = cmd; *p && *p != ' ' && q-cmd < cmd_size-1; p++, q++) { + if (*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z') + *q = tolower(*p); + else + *q = *p; + } + *q = 0; + + // copy arg. First, skip leading blanks + while (*p && *p == ' ') + p++; + // copy arg until end or ' ' + for (q = arg; *p && *p != ' ' && q-arg < arg_size-1; p++, q++) { + if (*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z') + *q = tolower(*p); + else + *q = *p; + } + *q = 0; + + return 0; +} + + +void handle_usb_serial_input(void) { + if (!usb_serial_data_type || !Serial.available()) + return; + + static boolean cmd_mode = true; + static String inputBuf; + static boolean local_echo = true; + static boolean usb_serial_data_type__had_traceing_enabled_before_entering_converse_mode = false; + static boolean in_rx_kiss_frame = false; + char c = Serial.read(); + boolean do_prompt = false; + + if (c == 0xC0 || in_rx_kiss_frame) { + // was kiss frame + inputBuf = ""; + if (c == 0xC0) + in_rx_kiss_frame = !in_rx_kiss_frame;; + return; + } + + if (inputBuf.length() > 255) { + // reboot? lol. No ;) + inputBuf = ""; + Serial.println("*** Error: Line too long"); + inputBuf = ""; + } + + if (c == 0x03) { + // user pressed ^C + do_prompt = true; + Serial.print("\r\n"); + if (!cmd_mode) { + if (!usb_serial_data_type__had_traceing_enabled_before_entering_converse_mode) + usb_serial_data_type &= ~2; + cmd_mode = true; + } + inputBuf=""; + } else if (c == 0x0c) { + // user pressed ^L + if (local_echo) { + Serial.print("\r"); + Serial.print(inputBuf); + } + } else if (c == 0x15) { + // user pressed ^U (clear line) + inputBuf=""; + Serial.print("\r"); + } else if (c == 0x7f || c == 0x08) { + if (inputBuf.length() > 0) + inputBuf.remove(inputBuf.length()-1); + if (local_echo) + Serial.print(c); + } else if (c == '\n') { +#ifdef notdef // no, ignore + if (local_echo) + Serial.print(c); +#endif + } else if (c == '\r') { + if (local_echo) + Serial.print("\r\n"); + + if (cmd_mode) { + + // command mode + + char buf_cmd[256]; + char buf_arg[256]; + parse_cmd_arg(inputBuf, buf_cmd, sizeof(buf_cmd), buf_arg, sizeof(buf_arg)); + String cmd = String(buf_cmd); + String arg = String(buf_arg); + + do_prompt = true; + + if (inputBuf != "") { + + boolean arg_bool = false; + if (arg == "on") { + arg_bool = true; + } else if (arg == "off") { + arg_bool = false; + } else { + // This one is for us developers ;) + if (cmd == "debug") { + if (arg != "") { + debug_verbose = arg.toInt(); + Serial.printf("Debug Level now:%d (Arg: %s)\r\n", debug_verbose, arg.c_str()); + } else { + Serial.printf("Debug Level:%d\r\n", debug_verbose); + } + Serial.print("cmd:"); + inputBuf = ""; + return; + } + // some commands need an non-binary agument + #ifdef ENABLE_PREFERENCES + if (cmd == "save_preferences_cfg") { + Serial.println("*** save_preferences_cfg:"); + refill_preferences_as_jsonData(); + if (!preferences_as_jsonData.isEmpty()) { + int ret = save_to_file("TNC", "/preferences.cfg", preferences_as_jsonData); + if (ret >= 0) + Serial.println("*** save_preferences_cfg: ok"); + else + Serial.printf("*** save_preferences_cfg: error %d\r\n", ret); + } else { + Serial.println("*** save_preferences_cfg: BUG (empty)"); + } + Serial.print("cmd:"); + inputBuf = ""; + return; + } else if (cmd == "show_preferences") { + Serial.println("*** show_preferences:"); + refill_preferences_as_jsonData(); + // local copy + String s = String(preferences_as_jsonData); + s.replace("\n", "\r\n"); + Serial.print(s); + Serial.printf("***\r\n"); + Serial.print("cmd:"); + inputBuf = ""; + return; + } else if (cmd == "preferences") { + Serial.println("*** preferences: error: preferences command needs to be implemented ;)"); + #if defined(ENABLE_SYSLOG) && defined(ENABLE_WIFI) + syslog_log(LOG_WARNING, String("usb-serial: preferences: user entered preferences command. Yet not implemented.")); + #endif + Serial.print("cmd:"); + inputBuf = ""; + return; + } else if (cmd == "show_wifi") { + Serial.println("*** show_wifi:"); + fill_wifi_config_as_jsonData(); + // local copy + String s = String(wifi_config_as_jsonData); + s.replace("\n", "\r\n"); + Serial.print(s); + Serial.printf("***\r\n"); + Serial.print("cmd:"); + inputBuf = ""; + return; + } else if (cmd == "save_wifi_cfg") { + Serial.println("*** save_preferences_cfg:"); + fill_wifi_config_as_jsonData(); + if (!wifi_config_as_jsonData.isEmpty()) { + int ret = save_to_file("TNC", "/wifi.cfg", wifi_config_as_jsonData); + if (ret >= 0) + Serial.println("*** save_wifi_cfg: ok"); + else + Serial.printf("*** save_wifi_cfg: error %d\r\n", ret); + } else { + Serial.println("*** save_wifi_cfg: BUG (empty)"); + } + Serial.print("cmd:"); + inputBuf = ""; + return; + } else if (cmd == "dir") { + if (SPIFFS.begin(FORMAT_SPIFFS_IF_FAILED)) { + listDir(SPIFFS, "/", 0); + SPIFFS.end(); + } else { + Serial.println("*** dir: SPIFFS Mount Failed"); + } + Serial.printf("***\r\n"); + Serial.print("cmd:"); + inputBuf = ""; + return; + } + #endif + if (arg != "") { + Serial.println("*** " + cmd + ": error: not implemented, or argument not 'on' or 'off'"); + Serial.print("cmd:"); + inputBuf = ""; + return; + } + } + + if (arg == "" && + (cmd == "?" || cmd == "beacon" || cmd == "converse" || cmd == "display" || cmd == "reboot" || cmd == "shutdown") ) { + if (cmd == "beacon") { + Serial.println("*** beacon: sending"); + manBeacon = 2; + } else if (cmd == "converse") { + do_prompt = false; + Serial.println("*** converse: entering converse mode. Enabling LoRa RX packet trace. Hit ^C to leave"); + cmd_mode = false; + // enable tnc trace + usb_serial_data_type__had_traceing_enabled_before_entering_converse_mode = (usb_serial_data_type & 2) ? true: false; + // We do not change preference setting + usb_serial_data_type |= 2; + } else if (cmd == "display" || inputBuf == "?") { + Serial.println("*** display: I know the following commands:"); +#ifdef ENABLE_WIFI + Serial.println(" aprsis "); + Serial.println(" beacon (tx a beacon)"); +#endif + Serial.println(" display (help)"); + Serial.println(" converse (leave with ^C)"); + Serial.println(" echo "); + Serial.println(" kiss on"); + Serial.println(" logging "); +#ifdef ENABLE_PREFERENCES + Serial.println(" preferences (needs to bei implemented)"); + Serial.println(" show_preferences (shows preferences as json from flash)"); + Serial.println(" save_preferences_cfg (saves running config to /preferences.cfg in filesystem)"); + Serial.println(" show_wifi (shows wifi settings as json from ram)"); + Serial.println(" save_wifi_cfg (saves running wifi config to /wifi.cfg in filesystem)"); + Serial.println(" dir (lists SPIFFS directory)"); +#endif + Serial.println(" nmea "); + Serial.println(" trace "); + Serial.println(" reboot"); +#if defined(T_BEAM_V1_0) || defined(T_BEAM_V1_2) + Serial.println(" shutdown"); +#endif +#ifdef ENABLE_WIFI + Serial.println(" wifi "); +#endif + Serial.println(" ? (help)"); + } else if (cmd == "reboot") { + enableOled_now(); + writedisplaytext("((REBOOT))","","rebooting","due to","cli command",""); +#ifdef ENABLE_WIFI + do_send_status_message_about_reboot_to_aprsis(); +#endif + Serial.println("*** reboot: rebooting!"); + #if defined(ENABLE_SYSLOG) && defined(ENABLE_WIFI) + syslog_log(LOG_WARNING, String("usb-serial: reboot: user entered reboot command. Rebooting..")); + #endif + delay(500); + ESP.restart(); +#if defined(T_BEAM_V1_0) || defined(T_BEAM_V1_2) + } else if (cmd == "shutdown") { + // enforce display wakeup (because we will not reach the timer function for setting it on) + enableOled_now(); + // send_status_message_about_shutdown_to_rf() writes also to display. Display HALT afterwards + if (send_status_message_about_shutdown_to_rf) { + String msg = String("B") + buildnr + String(",up:") + String((int ) (millis()/1000/60)) + String(" qrt"); + sendStatusPacket(msg); + } + writedisplaytext("((HALT))","","Powering","down","",""); +#ifdef ENABLE_WIFI + do_send_status_message_about_shutdown_to_aprsis(); +#endif + Serial.println("*** shutdown: halting!"); + #if defined(ENABLE_SYSLOG) && defined(ENABLE_WIFI) + syslog_log(LOG_WARNING, String("usb-serial: halting: user entered shutdown command. Shutdown..")); + #endif + delay(500); + #ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 + axp.setChgLEDMode(AXP20X_LED_OFF); + #elif T_BEAM_V1_2 + axp.setChargingLedMode(XPOWERS_CHG_LED_OFF); + #endif + axp.shutdown(); +#endif // T_BEAM_V1_x + } + + } else { + + if (cmd == "echo") { + if (arg != "") + local_echo = arg_bool; + Serial.println("*** " + cmd + " is " + (local_echo ? "on" : "off")); + } else if (cmd == "kiss") { + if (arg != "" && arg_bool) { + Serial.printf("KISS ON\r\n%c", 0xC0); + Serial.flush(); + // point of no return for this function, until reboot + // We do not change preference setting + usb_serial_data_type = 0; + inputBuf = ""; + return; + } else { + Serial.println("*** " + cmd + " is off"); + } + } else if (cmd == "logging") { + if (arg != "") { + if (arg_bool) { + usb_serial_data_type |= 1; + usb_serial_data_type &= ~128; + } else { + // avoid going to kiss mode (!usb_serial_data_type) + usb_serial_data_type &= ~1; + if (!usb_serial_data_type) + usb_serial_data_type = 128; + } + #ifdef ENABLE_PREFERENCES + preferences.putInt(PREF_DEV_USBSERIAL_DATA_TYPE, usb_serial_data_type); + #if defined(ENABLE_SYSLOG) + if (debug_verbose) + syslog_log(LOG_DEBUG, String("FlashWrite preferences: handle_usb_serial_input() 1")); + #endif + #endif + } + Serial.println("*** " + cmd + " is " + ((usb_serial_data_type & 1) ? "on" : "off")); + } else if (cmd == "trace") { + if (arg != "") { + if (arg_bool) { + usb_serial_data_type |= 2; + usb_serial_data_type &= ~128; + } else { + // avoid going to kiss mode (!usb_serial_data_type) + usb_serial_data_type &= ~2; + if (!usb_serial_data_type) + usb_serial_data_type = 128; + } + #ifdef ENABLE_PREFERENCES + preferences.putInt(PREF_DEV_USBSERIAL_DATA_TYPE, usb_serial_data_type); + #if defined(ENABLE_SYSLOG) + if (debug_verbose) + syslog_log(LOG_DEBUG, String("FlashWrite preferences: handle_usb_serial_input() 2")); + #endif + #endif + } + Serial.println("*** " + cmd + " is " + ((usb_serial_data_type & 2) ? "on" : "off")); + } else if (cmd == "nmea") { + if (arg != "") { + if (arg_bool) { + usb_serial_data_type |= 4; + usb_serial_data_type &= ~128; + } else { + // avoid going to kiss mode (!usb_serial_data_type) + usb_serial_data_type &= ~4; + if (!usb_serial_data_type) + usb_serial_data_type = 128; + } + #ifdef ENABLE_PREFERENCES + preferences.putInt(PREF_DEV_USBSERIAL_DATA_TYPE, usb_serial_data_type); + #if defined(ENABLE_SYSLOG) + if (debug_verbose) + syslog_log(LOG_DEBUG, String("FlashWrite preferences: handle_usb_serial_input() 3")); + #endif + #endif + } + Serial.println("*** " + cmd + " is " + ((usb_serial_data_type & 4) ? "on" : "off")); +#ifdef ENABLE_WIFI + } else if (cmd == "aprsis") { + if (arg != "") { + aprsis_enabled = arg_bool; + preferences.putBool(PREF_APRSIS_EN, arg_bool); + #if defined(ENABLE_SYSLOG) + if (debug_verbose) + syslog_log(LOG_DEBUG, String("FlashWrite preferences: handle_usb_serial_input() 4")); + #endif + } + Serial.println("*** " + cmd + " is " + (aprsis_enabled ? "on" : "off")); + } else if (cmd == "wifi") { + if (arg != "") { + #ifdef ENABLE_PREFERENCES + preferences.putInt(PREF_WIFI_ENABLE, (arg_bool) ? 0 : 1); + #if defined(ENABLE_SYSLOG) + if (debug_verbose) + syslog_log(LOG_DEBUG, String("FlashWrite preferences: handle_usb_serial_input() 5")); + #endif + #endif + if (arg_bool) { + if (!webserverStarted) { + enable_webserver = 1; + #if defined(LORA32_21) && defined(ENABLE_BLUETOOTH) + // lora32_21 hardware bug: bt and wifi are mutual exclusive + SerialBT.end(); + serial_bt_client_is_connected = false; + enable_bluetooth = false; + delay(100); + #endif + esp_task_wdt_reset(); + webServerCfg = {.callsign = Tcall}; + xTaskCreate(taskWebServer, "taskWebServer", 12000, (void*)(&webServerCfg), 1, nullptr); + webserverStarted = true; + writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","TNC:","WiFi task started","long press button","to stop again"); + esp_task_wdt_reset(); + delay(1500); + esp_task_wdt_reset(); + } + } + } + Serial.println("*** " + cmd + " is " + (enable_webserver ? "on" : "off")); +#endif // ENABLE_WIFI + } else { + Serial.println("*** ?"); + } + } + } + inputBuf = ""; + + } else { + + // converse mode + + const char *p = inputBuf.c_str(); + const char *q, *r; + + // user pressed enter, without any character before` + if (!*p) + return; + + if ((*p && ((*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z') || (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9'))) + && (q = strchr(p, '>')) && isalnum(q[1]) && (r = strchr(p, ':')) && r > q && r[1] > ' ') { + for ( ++p; *p && *p != ':'; p++) { + if (! (*p == '-' || *p == '>' || *p == ',' || *p == '*' || (*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z') || (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9'))) + break; + } + if (p == r) { + Serial.println("*** sending: '" + inputBuf + "'"); + #ifdef KISS_PROTOCOL + sendToTNC(inputBuf); + esp_task_wdt_reset(); + #endif + #if defined(ENABLE_WIFI) + send_to_aprsis(inputBuf); + esp_task_wdt_reset(); + #endif + if (lora_tx_enabled) { + enableOled_now(); // enable OLED + writedisplaytext("((KISSTX))","",inputBuf,"","",""); + if (tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_frequencies % 2) { + loraSend(txPower, lora_freq, lora_speed, 0, inputBuf); //send the packet, data is in TXbuff from lora_TXStart to lora_TXEnd + esp_task_wdt_reset(); + } + if (((tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_frequencies > 1 && lora_digipeating_mode > 1) || tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_frequencies == 5) && lora_freq_cross_digi > 1.0 && lora_freq_cross_digi != lora_freq) { + loraSend(txPower_cross_digi, lora_freq_cross_digi, lora_speed_cross_digi, 0, inputBuf); //send the packet, data is in TXbuff from lora_TXStart to lora_TXEnd + esp_task_wdt_reset(); + } + } else { + Serial.println("*** Warning: lora tx must be enabled! Not sending to RF"); + } + } else { + Serial.println("*** refusing to send bad user input: '" + inputBuf + "'"); + } + } else { + Serial.println("*** refusing to send bad user input: '" + inputBuf + "'"); + } + inputBuf = ""; + + } + + } else { + + // user entered a character + + if (local_echo) + Serial.print(c); + + if (inputBuf.length() > 255) { + Serial.println("\r\n*** Error: Line too long"); + inputBuf = ""; + } else { + // add character to inputBuf + inputBuf += String(c); + } + + } + + if (do_prompt) + Serial.print("cmd:"); + + Serial.flush(); +} + +String handle_aprs_messsage_addressed_to_us(const char *received_frame) { + char *header_end; + const char *header_normal_or_third_party_start; + char *header_normal_or_third_party_end; + char *q; + + #ifdef IF_SEMAS_WOULD_WORK + while (xSemaphoreTake(sema_handle_aprs_message_addressed_to_us, 100) != pdTRUE) + esp_task_wdt_reset(); + #else + for (int n = 0; sema_handle_aprs_message_addressed_to_us; n++) { + delay(10); + if (!(n % 100)) + esp_task_wdt_reset(); + } + sema_handle_aprs_message_addressed_to_us = true; + #endif + + String answer_message = ""; + if (!received_frame) + goto end; + header_end = strchr(received_frame, ':'); + if (!header_end) + goto end; + header_normal_or_third_party_start = received_frame; + header_normal_or_third_party_end = header_end; + + // handle messages addressed to us. May be called after lora RF receiption, or when parsing an aprsis message + if (header_end[1] == '}') { + header_normal_or_third_party_start = header_end+2; + header_normal_or_third_party_end = strchr(header_normal_or_third_party_start, ':'); + if (!header_normal_or_third_party_end) + goto end; + } + + if (strlen(header_normal_or_third_party_end+1) > 11 && + header_normal_or_third_party_end[1] == ':' && + header_normal_or_third_party_end[11] == ':') { + // this is an aprs message. Is this message for us? Then we will not digipeat and we will not send it to aprsis + // Example: WLNK-1>APWLK,TCPIP*,qAC,T2MCI::DL9SAU-12:You have 1 Winlink mail messages pending{2077 + + if (is_call_blacklisted(header_normal_or_third_party_start)) + goto end; + + char msg_to[12]; + sprintf(msg_to, ":%-9.9s:", Tcall.c_str()); + if (!strncmp(header_normal_or_third_party_end+1, msg_to, 11)) { + char msg_from[10]; + answer_message = "M"; // M is a placeholder for aprs-message-sent-to-us + strncpy(msg_from, header_normal_or_third_party_start, 9); + msg_from[9] = 0; + if ((q = strchr(msg_from, '>'))) + *q = 0; + enableOled_now(); // enable OLED + freeze_display = true; + writedisplaytext(" ((MSG))","",String(msg_from) + String(": ") + String(header_normal_or_third_party_end + 11+1),"","",""); +#ifdef ENABLE_WIFI + // TODO: add message to a new-to-implement web-received-list-for-aps-messages +#endif + + // Messages with message number require an ack. We will only ack if we have no bluetooth client like aprsdroid, who will ack by himself + if ((q = strchr(header_normal_or_third_party_end + 11+1, '{')) +#ifdef ENABLE_BLUETOOTH + && !serial_bt_client_is_connected +#endif + ) { + // Before sending the ack to RF and aprsis, we first have to do other things (like send to tnc). That's why we + // store the message here as answer-String + + // Add trailing blanks for the message, due to aprs spec. + for (int i = strlen(msg_from); i < 9; i++) { + msg_from[i] = ' '; + } + msg_from[9] = 0; + answer_message = Tcall + ">" + MY_APRS_DEST_IDENTIFYER + "::" + String(msg_from) + ":ack" + String(q+1); + } + if (add_winlink_notification && + !strncmp(header_normal_or_third_party_start, "WLNK-1", 6) && header_normal_or_third_party_start[6] == '>' && + !strncmp(header_normal_or_third_party_end + 12, "You have ", 9) && + strstr(header_normal_or_third_party_end + 20, " Winlink mail messages pending")) { + winlink_notified = millis(); + } + } + } + +end: + #ifdef IF_SEMAS_WOULD_WORK + xSemaphoreGive(sema_handle_aprs_message_addressed_to_us); + #else + sema_handle_aprs_message_addressed_to_us = false; + #endif + + return String(answer_message); +} + +void aprspos2double(char *lh_lat_aprs, char *lh_lng_aprs, double &lh_lat, double &lh_lng) { + // ######################### recompute position + // TODOTRANSLATE decomprimierung nach DL9SAU + // double lh_lat = 0; + // double lh_lng = 0; + + char buf[9]; + double decimals; + boolean south = false; + boolean west = false; + + strncpy(buf, lh_lat_aprs, 8); + + if (buf[7] == 'S') south = true; + + buf[7] = 0; // null terminate at end of decimal minute + decimals=atof(buf+2) /60.0; + buf[2] = 0; // null terminate az begin of minute + lh_lat = atoi(buf) + decimals; + if (south) lh_lat *= -1; + + strncpy(buf, lh_lng_aprs, 9); + if (buf[8] == 'W') west = true; + buf[8] = 0; // null terminate at end of decimal minute + decimals=atof(buf+3) /60.0; + buf[3] = 0; // null terminate az begin of minute + lh_lng = atoi(buf) + decimals; + if (west) lh_lng *= -1; + + if (debug_verbose > 1) Serial.printf("Decimal Pos %5.2f %5.2f South: %d West %d\r\n", lh_lat, lh_lng,south, west); +} + + +// Store calls and their position in LH. Used for displaying distance and course +void fill_lh(const String &rxcall, const char *digipeatedflag, const char *p) { + // p has frame->data + // get position from frame + double lh_lat = 0; + double lh_lng = 0; + + char lh_lat_aprs[9]; + char lh_lng_aprs[10]; + int pos_type = 0; + boolean lh_position = false; + + if (debug_verbose > 1) Serial.printf("Check for LH RX pos for %s out of Payload:(%s)\r\n",rxcall.c_str(), p); + if (p[0] == '!' || p[0] == '=') { + pos_type = 1; + p++; + } else if (p[0] == '/' || p[0] == '@') { + if (debug_verbose > 1) Serial.printf("Pos Type 2 detected LH RX pos out of %s\r\n", p); + pos_type = 2; + p += 8; + } else { + pos_type = 3; + if (debug_verbose > 1) Serial.printf("Pos Type 3 detected, not valid here\r\n"); + } + + if (pos_type == 1 || pos_type == 2) { + lh_position = true; + if (debug_verbose > 1) Serial.printf("Pos detected %s\r\n", p); + if (isdigit(*p)) { + strncpy(lh_lat_aprs, p, 8); + lh_lat_aprs[8] = 0; + p += 9; + strncpy(lh_lng_aprs, p, 9); + lh_lng_aprs[9] = 0; + lh_lat = 0; + lh_lng = 0; + aprspos2double(lh_lat_aprs, lh_lng_aprs, lh_lat, lh_lng); + } else { + // compressed position + long n; + p++; // skip symbol id + n = 0; + for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) { + n = n + ( *p - 33 ) * pow(91, i); + p++; + } + lh_lat = double ( 90 - n / 380926.0); + n = 0; + for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) { + n = n + ( *p - 33 ) * pow(91, i); + p++; + } + lh_lng = double ( -180 + n / 190463.0); + } + } else { + if (debug_verbose > 1) Serial.printf("no Pos detected\r\n"); + lh_lat = 0; + lh_lng = 0; + lh_position = false; + } + + if (lh_position) { + int ii; + for (ii=0; ii < (MAX_LH-1); ii++) { + if (rxcall == LH[ii].callsign) { + break; + } + } + + for (; ii > 0; ii--) { + LH[ii] = LH[ii-1]; + } + + LH[0].callsign = String(rxcall); + LH[0].time_received = millis()/1000; + LH[0].lat = lh_lat; + LH[0].lng = lh_lng; + LH[0].direct = digipeatedflag ? false : true; +// LH[0].direct = String(digipeatedflag ? ":" : "*"); + if (debug_verbose > 1) Serial.printf("LH new:(0)%s%c%ds %5.2f %5.2f \r\n", LH[0].callsign.c_str(), LH[0].direct ? ':' : '*', LH[0].time_received, LH[0].lat, LH[0].lng); + } +} + +void write_last_heard_calls_with_distance_and_course_to_display() { + String line[5]; + char dist_and_course[9]; + char course[3]; + double courseTo; + double distTo; + fillDisplayLines3to5(1); + for (int i=0; i < MAX_LH; i++) { + if (LH[i].callsign != "") { + courseTo = TinyGPSPlus::courseTo(aprsLatPresetDouble, aprsLonPresetDouble, LH[i].lat, LH[i].lng); + if (courseTo >= 22.5 && courseTo < 67.5) sprintf(course, "NE"); + else if (courseTo < 112.5) sprintf(course, "E"); + else if (courseTo < 157.5) sprintf(course, "SE"); + else if (courseTo < 202.5) sprintf(course, "S"); + else if (courseTo < 247.5) sprintf(course, "SW"); + else if (courseTo < 292.5) sprintf(course, "W"); + else if (courseTo < 337.5) sprintf(course, "NW"); + else sprintf(course, "N"); + + distTo = TinyGPSPlus::distanceBetween(aprsLatPresetDouble, aprsLonPresetDouble, LH[i].lat, LH[i].lng) / 1000.0f; + + // show distance accoring to user's preferred unit + switch (units_speed) { + case UNITS_SPEED_MPH: + distTo /= 1.609344; + break; + case UNITS_SPEED_KN: + distTo /= 1.852; + break; + } + + // space on display + // 012345678901234567890 + // DB0ABC-10*10m 0001 SE + if (distTo < 1.0) { + sprintf(dist_and_course, " %4.2f %s", distTo, course); + } else if (distTo < 10.0) { + sprintf(dist_and_course, " %4.1f %s", distTo, course); + } else if (distTo < 999.49) { + sprintf(dist_and_course, " %03.0f %s", distTo, course); + } else { + sprintf(dist_and_course, " >999 %s", course); + } + line[i] = LH[i].callsign + (LH[i].direct ? ":" : "*") + compute_time_since_received(LH[i].time_received) + dist_and_course; +// line[i] = LH[i].callsign + LH[i].direct + compute_time_since_received(LH[i].time_received) + dist_and_course; + } else { + line[i] = ""; + } + } + writedisplaytext("((LH))",line[0],line[1],line[2],line[3],line[4]); + if (debug_verbose > 1) Serial.printf("LH write Ende:\r\n[0]%s\r\n[1]%s\r\n[2]%s\r\n[3]%s\r\n", line[0].c_str(), line[1].c_str(), line[2].c_str(), line[3].c_str()); +} + + // +---------------------------------------------------------------------+// // + MAINLOOP -----------------------------------------------------------+// // +---------------------------------------------------------------------+// void loop() { + double curr_knots = 0.0; + double curr_kmph = 0.0; + double curr_hdop = 99.9; + int curr_sats = 0; +// String RX_RAW_PACKET_LIST[3]; esp_task_wdt_reset(); if (reboot_interval && millis() > reboot_interval) { + // enforce display wakeup (because we will not reach the timer function for setting it on) + enableOled_now(); + writedisplaytext("((REBOOT))","","rebooting","due to","configured","interval"); +#ifdef ENABLE_WIFI + do_send_status_message_about_reboot_to_aprsis(); +#endif + #if defined(ENABLE_SYSLOG) && defined(ENABLE_WIFI) + syslog_log(LOG_WARNING, String("reboot_timer: reboot: configured timer expired. Rebooting..")); + #endif + delay(2000); ESP.restart(); } sendpacket_was_called_twice = false; - // Ticker blinks upper left corner to indicate system is running - // only when OLED is on - if (tempOled) { - display_refresh1s(); - } + timer_once_a_second(); - if(digitalRead(BUTTON)==LOW && key_up == true){ +#ifdef ENABLE_BLUETOOTH + if (serial_bt_client_is_connected && add_winlink_notification == 1 && new_serial_bt_client_connected) { + // trigger winlink notification + time_last_status_packet_sent = 0L; + } +#endif + + if (digitalRead(BUTTON) == LOW && key_up == true) { key_up = false; delay(50); - if(digitalRead(BUTTON)==LOW){ + Serial.println("Tracker: Button pressed..."); + + button_down_count += 1; + if (debug_verbose > 1) Serial.printf("Button pressed %dx (1)\r\n", button_down_count); + + if (digitalRead(BUTTON) == LOW) { delay(300); time_delay = millis() + 1500; - if(digitalRead(BUTTON)==HIGH){ - if (!tempOled && enabled_oled) { - enableOled(); // turn ON OLED temporary - } else { - fillDisplayLines3to5(); - if (gps_state == true && gps_isValid) { -#ifdef ENABLE_WIFI - writedisplaytext("((MAN TX))","SSID: " + infoApName,"IP: " + infoIpAddr, OledLine3, OledLine4, OledLine5); -#else - writedisplaytext("((MAN TX))","","",OledLine3, OledLine4, OledLine5); -#endif - sendpacket(SP_POS_GPS); + if (debug_verbose > 1) Serial.printf("Button has been pressed %dx (2)\r\n", button_down_count); + if (digitalRead(BUTTON) == HIGH) { + #if defined(T_BEAM_V1_0) || defined(T_BEAM_V1_2) +// if (shutdown_active && shutdown_countdown_timer_enable && +// ( shutdown_countdown_timer - shutdown_delay_time + 15000L >= millis() /* display for 15s after shutdown was activated */ +// || millis() > shutdown_countdown_timer - 15000L /* display at least 15s before shutdown */ +// ) ) { + if (shutdown_active && shutdown_countdown_timer_enable) { + enableOled_now(); // turn ON OLED now + shutdown_countdown_timer_enable = false; + writedisplaytext("((ABORT))","","Shutdown aborted:","middle Button","was pressed",""); + key_up = true; + button_down_count = 0; + } else + #endif + if (!(display_is_on && enabled_oled)) { + enableOled_now(); // turn ON OLED now + button_down_count = 0; } else { + enableOled(); // rewind oled_timer + freeze_display = true; + if (debug_verbose > 1) Serial.printf("Button Count (Oled on): %d\r\n", button_down_count); + if (button_down_count == 1) { + write_last_heard_calls_with_distance_and_course_to_display(); + if (debug_verbose > 1) Serial.printf("Action Button Count (Oled on): %d\r\n", button_down_count); + } else if (button_down_count == 2) { + if (debug_verbose > 1) Serial.printf("Button pressed check == %d, show buildnr %s\r\n", button_down_count, buildnr.c_str()); + writedisplaytext("((BN))","","BuildNr:" + buildnr,"by DL9SAU & DL3EL","",""); + } else if (button_down_count < 6) { + int n = button_down_count-3; + if (debug_verbose > 1) Serial.printf("Button pressed check == %d, show raw rx_Packet %s\r\n", button_down_count, RX_RAW_PACKET_LIST[n].c_str()); + writedisplaytext(n == 0 ? "RX raw" : "RX raw-" + String(n+1),n == 2 ? "next press: tx bcn" : "",RX_RAW_PACKET_LIST[n],"","",""); + time_to_refresh = millis() + showRXTime; + } else if (button_down_count == 6) { + button_down_count = 0; + if (lora_tx_enabled || aprsis_enabled) { + if (debug_verbose > 1) Serial.printf("sending position (%d)\r\n", button_down_count); + freeze_display = false; + fillDisplayLines3to5(1); + if (gps_state && gps_isValid) { #ifdef ENABLE_WIFI - writedisplaytext("((FIX TX))","SSID: " + infoApName,"IP: " + infoIpAddr, OledLine3, OledLine4, OledLine5); + writedisplaytext("((MAN TX))","SSID: " + oled_wifi_SSID_curr, "IP: " + oled_wifi_IP_curr, OledLine3, OledLine4, OledLine5); #else - writedisplaytext("((FIX TX))","","",OledLine3, OledLine4, OledLine5); + fillDisplayLines3to5(0); + writedisplaytext("((MAN TX))","","",OledLine3, OledLine4, OledLine5); #endif - sendpacket(SP_POS_FIXED); + sendpacket(SP_POS_GPS); + } else { +#ifdef ENABLE_WIFI + writedisplaytext("((FIX TX))","SSID: " + oled_wifi_SSID_curr, "IP: " + oled_wifi_IP_curr, OledLine3, OledLine4, OledLine5); +#else + fillDisplayLines3to5(0); + writedisplaytext("((FIX TX))","","",OledLine3, OledLine4, OledLine5); +#endif + sendpacket(SP_POS_FIXED); + } + // reset timer for automatic fixed beacon after manual beacon + next_fixed_beacon = millis() + fix_beacon_interval; + } + } else { + if (debug_verbose > 1) Serial.printf("Button pressed check >= 6: %d, shouldn't come here\r\n", button_down_count); + button_down_count = 0; + } + key_up = true; } - // reset timer for automatic fixed beacon after manual beacon - next_fixed_beacon = millis() + fix_beacon_interval; - } - key_up = true; + if (debug_verbose > 1) Serial.printf("Button still down %dx \r\n", button_down_count); + } else { + if (debug_verbose > 1) Serial.printf("Button now up %dx \r\n", button_down_count); + } + } else { + if (button_down_count > 0) { + if (debug_verbose > 1) Serial.printf("Button press was lost...(%d)\r\n", button_down_count); } } } - - if (gps.time.isValid() && gps.time.age() < 500) { - if (gps.time.isUpdated()) { - static int8_t t_hour_adjust_next = -1; - // Time to adjust time? - if (t_hour_adjust_next == -1 || t_hour_adjust_next == gps.time.hour()) { - struct tm t; - time_t t_of_day; - t.tm_year = gps.date.year()-1900; - t.tm_mon = gps.date.month()-1; // Month, 0 - jan - t.tm_mday = gps.date.day(); // Day of the month - t.tm_hour = gps.time.hour(); - t.tm_min = gps.time.minute(); - t.tm_sec = gps.time.second(); - t_of_day = mktime(&t); - int epoch_time = t_of_day; - timeval epoch = {epoch_time, 0}; - const timeval *tv = &epoch; - settimeofday(tv, NULL); - t_hour_adjust_next = (t.tm_hour + 1) % 24; - } - } + + // Time to adjust time? + int8_t t_hour_adjust_next = -1; + if (gps_state && gps.time.isValid() && gps.time.isUpdated() && + gps.time.second() < 59 && + (t_hour_adjust_next == -1 || t_hour_adjust_next == gps.time.hour()) && + gps.time.age() < 500) { + struct tm t; + timeval tv = { 0, 0 };; + t.tm_year = gps.date.year()-1900; + t.tm_mon = gps.date.month()-1; // Month, 0 - jan + t.tm_mday = gps.date.day(); // Day of the month + t.tm_hour = gps.time.hour(); + t.tm_min = gps.time.minute(); + t.tm_sec = gps.time.second(); + if ((tv.tv_sec = mktime(&t)) != (time_t ) -1 && settimeofday(&tv, NULL) != -1) + t_hour_adjust_next = (t.tm_hour + 1) % 24; } -// time is now taken from system time and updates once per second in display_blinker + // time is now taken from system time and updates once per second in display_blinker // LatShownP = gg-mm.dd[N|S] // aprsLatPreset = ggmm.dd[N|S] boolean gps_isValid_oldState = gps_isValid; gps_isValid = false; - if (gps_state && gps.hdop.hdop() < 8) { - if (gps.speed.isValid() && gps.speed.age() < 10000) { - if (gps.speed.isUpdated()) - gps_speed_kmph = gps.speed.kmph(); - } // else: assume we still move with last speed - } - if (gps.location.isValid() && gps.location.age() < 10000) { - gps_isValid = true; + // do this before the curr_xxx=-Assignments below, because they set the gps.speed.isUpdated() value to false + if (gps_state && gps.speed.isValid() && gps.speed.isUpdated() && gps.speed.age() < 10000L) { + update_speed_from_gps(); + } // else: assume we still move with last speed - if (gps.location.isUpdated()) { - static uint32_t ratelimit_until = 0L; + // refresh speed and hdop + curr_kmph = (gps.speed.isValid() ? gps.speed.kmph() : 0.0); + curr_knots = (gps.speed.isValid() ? gps.speed.knots() : 0.0); + curr_hdop = (gps.hdop.isValid() ? gps.hdop.hdop() : 99.9); + curr_sats = gps.satellites.value(); - // to smoothen the speed, the distance between pos is calculated on gps retrieval. (DL3EL) - //LatShownP = create_lat_aprs("-", gps.location.rawLat()); - //LongShownP = create_long_aprs("-", gps.location.rawLng()); - // save last valid position as new fixed location + if (gps_state && gps.location.isValid()) { + // store best hdop in a speed dependent time range + static uint32_t t_interval_start = millis(); + int do_update = 0; - // aprs resolution is 1sm/100 = 1852m/100 = 18.52m - // Updating this every 200ms is enough for getting this resolution at speed of 18.52*3.6*5 = 333.36km/h. - // aprsLatPreset and aprsLonPreset are used for displaying. The transmission uses the true value. - if (millis() > ratelimit_until) { - aprsLatPreset = create_lat_aprs("", gps.location.rawLat()); - aprsLonPreset = create_long_aprs("", gps.location.rawLng()); - aprsPresetShown = ""; - ratelimit_until = millis() + 200; - } + if (gps.location.age() < 10000L) { + gps_isValid = true; } + if (gps_isValid && gps.location.isUpdated()) { + + if (curr_hdop < bestHdop || millis() > t_interval_start + 5*60*1000L) { + // remember location with best hdop in this time range + bestRawLat = gps.location.rawLat(); + bestRawLng = gps.location.rawLng(); + bestDoubleLat = gps.location.lat(); + bestDoubleLng = gps.location.lng(); + bestHdop = curr_hdop; + } + + uint32_t t_elapsed = millis() - t_interval_start; + + //if (t_elapsed > 15000L && ((curr_hdop < 1.5 && curr_sats >= 5) || gps_isValid != gps_isValid_oldState || no_gps_position_since_boot)) { +if (t_elapsed > 15000L && ((curr_hdop < 1.5 && curr_sats >= 4) || gps_isValid != gps_isValid_oldState || no_gps_position_since_boot)) { + // Approach to avoid gps inaccuracy (we observed bad gps positions in a range of 30m, or more): + // Resolution of GPS is +/- 3 to 5m. In 1s at 10m/s (= 36 km/h) we are in 'best' case still + // in behalf the resolution of GPS. + do_update = 1; + } else if (t_elapsed > 400L && gps.speed.isValid() && + ( (curr_knots > 20.0 && curr_sats >= 4) || + (curr_hdop < 1.5 && curr_sats >= 5 && curr_kmph > 1.8 && curr_kmph <= 16.0) ) ) { + // aprs resolution is 1sm/100 = 1852m/100 = 18.52m + // Updating this every 200ms would be enough for getting this resolution at speed of 18.52*3.6*5 = 333.36km/h. + do_update = 1; + } else if (millis() >= next_fixed_beacon && curr_sats >= 5 && + TinyGPSPlus::distanceBetween(bestDoubleLat, bestDoubleLng, gps.location.lat(), gps.location.lng()) > 185.2) { + // This hack tries to avoid position jumps due to inaccurate gps measurement, but it updates if we moved 185.2m in 10min + do_update = 1; + } + + if (do_update) { + if (!no_gps_position_since_boot || (latlon_precision > 0 && bestHdop < 1.0 && gps.speed.age() < 2000 && curr_knots < 18.0)) { + // DAO: heigher precision 1/1000 arc-minute, if not > 36 knots (valid gps measurered speed). Idea behind: + // 18.52 m/s are 36kn. We need abt 1s-2s time for understanding the whole displayed line -> resolution of > 2 decimal points is not needed + // If we consider gps age of < 2s, we use 18kt as limit + storeLatLonPreset(create_lat_aprs("-", bestRawLat, (latlon_precision == 2 ? 4 : 3)), + create_long_aprs("-", bestRawLng, (latlon_precision == 2 ? 4 : 3)), + latlon_precision); + } else { + storeLatLonPreset(create_lat_aprs("-", bestRawLat, 2), create_long_aprs("-", bestRawLng, 2), 0); + } + // aprs compressed position has always a high precision (29.17 cm in latitude, 58.34 cm (or less) in longitude) + store_compressed_position(bestDoubleLat, bestDoubleLng); + + aprsPresetShown = ""; + + bestHdop = 99.9; + t_interval_start = millis(); + no_gps_position_since_boot = false; + } + } + #ifdef notdef static uint32_t lastTxdistance_millis = 0; // code has no function, as currently gps_speed_kmph_oled is not used in getSpeedCourseAlti @@ -2886,7 +5795,7 @@ void loop() if (dist > 15 || (millis()-lastTxdistance_millis) > 3*60*10000) { lastTxLat = currLat; lastTxLng = currLng; - gps_speed_kmph_oled = gps_speed_kmph; + gps_speed_kmph_oled = gps_speed; lastTxdistance_millis = millis(); } else { gps_speed_kmph_oled = 0; @@ -2898,89 +5807,137 @@ void loop() // String functions are cpu consuming. We adust string aprsPresetShown only if we changed status. if (!gps_isValid) { // update to the old values - gps_speed_kmph = gps.speed.kmph(); - aprsLatPreset = create_lat_aprs("", gps.location.rawLat()); - aprsLonPreset = create_long_aprs("", gps.location.rawLng()); + update_speed_from_gps(); + if (gps_state && gps.speed.age() < 2000 && curr_knots > 4.0 && curr_hdop < 1.5) { + // if we stand still, we can keep high precision DAO. Only heigher precision's lat/lon values are comparable (due to rounding at next decimal) + // Background: if we look at the _minutes_, i.e. 42.237N, it's rounded for aprs position to 42.24N. + // DAO !W! or !w! needs the cut-off-string 42.23N for !W7x!. + // Do this only on good hdop; with bad hdop, the gps springs in a wide circle. + bestRawLat = gps.location.rawLat(); + bestRawLng = gps.location.rawLng(); + bestDoubleLat = gps.location.lat(); + bestDoubleLng = gps.location.lng(); + bestHdop = gps.hdop.hdop(); + if (aprsLatPresetDAO != create_lat_aprs("", bestRawLat, (latlon_precision == 2 ? 4 : 3)) || aprsLonPresetDAO != create_long_aprs("", bestRawLng, latlon_precision == 2 ? 4 : 3)) { + storeLatLonPreset(create_lat_aprs("-", bestRawLat, 2), create_long_aprs("-", bestRawLng, 2), 0); + store_compressed_position(bestDoubleLat, bestDoubleLng); + } + } aprsPresetShown = "p"; + displayInvalidGPS(); } else { aprsPresetShown = ""; + // No GPS signal for a long time? Enforce tx: + if ((millis() - lastPositionTX) > ((sb_max_interval - sb_min_interval) / 2)) + nextTX = sb_min_interval; } } else if (!gps_isValid) { // isValid change of previous run, and still invalid - gps_speed_kmph = 0; - gps_speed_kmph_oled = 0; + gps_speed = 0; + //gps_speed_kmph_oled = 0; } -#ifdef ENABLE_WIFI +#ifdef ENABLE_WIFI // Show informations on WiFi Status, only once after state change if (wifi_connection_status_prev != wifi_connection_status) { enableOled(); // turn ON OLED temporary if (wifi_connection_status == WIFI_CONNECTED_TO_AP) { - writedisplaytext("((WiFi))","WiFi Client Mode","SSID: " + infoApName, "Pass: ********", "IP: " + infoIpAddr, getSatAndBatInfo()); + writedisplaytext("((WiFi))","WiFi Client Mode","SSID: " + oled_wifi_SSID_curr, "Pass: ********", "IP: " + oled_wifi_IP_curr, getSatAndBatInfo()); } else if (wifi_connection_status == WIFI_SEARCHING_FOR_AP) { - writedisplaytext("((WiFi))","WiFi Client Mode","SSID: " + infoApName, "Not in sight!", "IP: none", getSatAndBatInfo()); + writedisplaytext("((WiFi))","WiFi Client Mode","SSID: " + oled_wifi_SSID_curr, "Not in sight!", "IP: none", getSatAndBatInfo()); } else if (wifi_connection_status == WIFI_RUNNING_AS_AP) { - writedisplaytext("((WiFi))","WiFi AP Mode","SSID: " + infoApName, "Pass: " + infoApPass, "IP: " + infoIpAddr, getSatAndBatInfo()); + writedisplaytext("((WiFi))","WiFi AP Mode","SSID: " + oled_wifi_SSID_curr, "Pass: " + oled_wifi_PASS_curr, "IP: " + oled_wifi_IP_curr, getSatAndBatInfo()); } else { -// writedisplaytext("((WiFi))","WiFi off","SSID: " + infoApName, "Pass: " + infoApPass, "IP: " + infoIpAddr, getSatAndBatInfo()); + //writedisplaytext("((WiFi))","WiFi off","SSID: " + oled_wifi_SSID_curr, "Pass: " + oled_wifi_PASS_curr, "IP: " + oled_wifi_IP_curr, getSatAndBatInfo()); writedisplaytext("((WiFi))","WiFi off","press key long","to enable","", getSatAndBatInfo()); } wifi_connection_status_prev = wifi_connection_status; -// initial fill of line2 + // initial fill of line2 fillDisplayLine2(); } #endif - if (manBeacon) { + if (manBeacon && (lora_tx_enabled || aprsis_enabled)) { // Manually sending beacon from html page - enableOled(); - fillDisplayLines3to5(); -#ifdef ENABLE_WIFI - writedisplaytext("((WEB TX))","SSID: " + infoApName,"IP: " + infoIpAddr, OledLine3, OledLine4, OledLine5); + enableOled_now(); +#ifdef ENABLE_WIFI + writedisplaytext((manBeacon == 1 ? "((WEB TX))" : "((CLI TX))"),"SSID: " + oled_wifi_SSID_curr,"IP: " + oled_wifi_IP_curr, OledLine3, OledLine4, OledLine5); #else - writedisplaytext("((WEB TX))","","",OledLine3, OledLine4, OledLine5); + fillDisplayLines3to5(0); + writedisplaytext((manBeacon == 1) ? "((WEB TX))" : "((CLI TX))"),"","",OledLine3, OledLine4, OledLine5); #endif sendpacket(SP_POS_GPS); - manBeacon=false; - } - // Only wake up OLED when necessary, note that DIM is to turn OFF the backlight - if (enabled_oled) { - if (oled_timeout > 0) { - display.dim(!tempOled); - } else { - // If timeout is 0 keep OLED awake - display.dim(false); - } + manBeacon=0; } - if (tempOled && oled_timeout > 0 && millis() >= oled_timer) { - tempOled = false; // After some time reset backlight + // Only wake up OLED when necessary, note that DIM is to turn OFF the backlight + // avoid unnecessary display_dim_calls -> remember dim state + if (display_is_on) { +// if (!shutdown_process) { + if (oled_timeout > 0 && millis() >= oled_timer) { + // if enabled_oled is >0: oled_timer switch-of-time reached? -> dim the display + // if enabled_oled is 0: if we booted, display is on and oled_timer is set. oled_timer switch-of-time reached? -> dim the display + // -> condition is the same. We don't have to look if enabled_oled is true or false. + display.dim(true); + display_is_on = false; + // mark state change + oled_timer = 0L; + button_down_count = 0; + freeze_display = false; + } else { // else: keep it on, esp. if oled_timeout is set to 0, regardles of oled_timer. + if (freeze_display && millis() >= oled_timer + showRXTime) { + // if oled_timeout is set to 0 return to main display after showRXTime + freeze_display = false; + button_down_count = 0; + fillDisplayLine1(6); + fillDisplayLine2(); + fillDisplayLines3to5(1); + } + } +// } + } else { + // state change of oled timer? switch backlight on, if oled is enabled + if (enabled_oled && oled_timer != 0L) { + display.dim(false); + display_is_on = true; + } // else: enabled_oled == false: never turn on. enabled_oled == true and oled_timer == 0L: recently turned off -> also no need to be turned on. } if (digitalRead(BUTTON)==LOW && key_up == false && millis() >= time_delay && t_lock == false) { // enable OLED - enableOled(); + enableOled_now(); + button_down_count = 0; + freeze_display = false; //--------------- t_lock = true; -// re-enable webserver, if was set to off. -#ifdef ENABLE_WIFI + // re-enable webserver, if was set to off. +#ifdef ENABLE_WIFI if (!webserverStarted) { enable_webserver = 1; -#if defined(LORA32_21) && defined(ENABLE_BLUETOOTH) - // lora32_21 hardware bug: btt and wifi are mutual exclusive - SerialBT.end(); - delay(100); -#endif + #if defined(LORA32_21) && defined(ENABLE_BLUETOOTH) + // lora32_21 hardware bug: bt and wifi are mutual exclusive + SerialBT.end(); + serial_bt_client_is_connected = false; + enable_bluetooth = false; + delay(100); + #endif + esp_task_wdt_reset(); webServerCfg = {.callsign = Tcall}; xTaskCreate(taskWebServer, "taskWebServer", 12000, (void*)(&webServerCfg), 1, nullptr); webserverStarted = true; - writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Init:","WiFi task started","long press to ","stop again"); + writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Button:","WiFi task started","long press to ","stop again"); + esp_task_wdt_reset(); delay(1500); + esp_task_wdt_reset(); } else { - writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Rebooting","to stop WiFi","do not press key",""); + writedisplaytext("LoRa-APRS","","Rebooting:","to stop WiFi","do not press key",""); +#ifdef ENABLE_WIFI + do_send_status_message_about_reboot_to_aprsis(); +#endif + delay(2000); ESP.restart(); - } + } #endif } @@ -2995,23 +5952,29 @@ void loop() // TODO: also iterate through KISS tcp-devices in the parts below wih 'kiss_client_came_via_bluetooth' if ( #ifdef ENABLE_BLUETOOTH - (kiss_client_came_via_bluetooth && !SerialBT.hasClient()) || + (kiss_client_came_via_bluetooth && !serial_bt_client_is_connected) || #endif (((time_last_own_position_via_kiss_received + sb_max_interval + 10*1000L) < millis()) && time_last_own_position_via_kiss_received >= time_last_frame_via_kiss_received) || // ^kiss client has not recently sent a position gain (sb_max_interval plus 10 seconds grace) and kiss client sent no other data ((time_last_frame_via_kiss_received + sb_max_interval * 2 + 10*1000L) < millis())) { // ^ kiss client sent no positions and stoped sending other data for 2*sb_max_interval (plus 10 seconds grace) -#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 - if (!gps_state && gps_state_before_autochange) - axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO3, AXP202_ON); +#if defined(T_BEAM_V1_0) || defined(T_BEAM_V1_2) + if (!gps_state && gps_state_before_autochange) { + #ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 + axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO3, AXP202_ON); + #elif T_BEAM_V1_2 + axp.setALDO3Voltage(3300); + axp.enableALDO3(); + #endif + } #endif gps_state = gps_state_before_autochange; dont_send_own_position_packets = false; time_last_own_position_via_kiss_received = 0L; time_last_frame_via_kiss_received = 0L; #ifdef ENABLE_BLUETOOTH - if (kiss_client_came_via_bluetooth && !SerialBT.hasClient()) + if (kiss_client_came_via_bluetooth && !serial_bt_client_is_connected) kiss_client_came_via_bluetooth = false; #endif } @@ -3020,33 +5983,101 @@ void loop() // fixed beacon, or if smartbeaconing with lost gps fix (but had at least one gps fix). // smartbeaconing also ensures correct next_fixed_beacon time - if (!dont_send_own_position_packets && millis() >= next_fixed_beacon && - (fixed_beacon_enabled || - (t_last_smart_beacon_sent && (!gps_state || !gps_isValid)) ) ) { - enableOled(); // enable OLED - next_fixed_beacon = millis() + fix_beacon_interval; - fillDisplayLines3to5(); - writedisplaytext("((AUT TX))", "", "fixed", OledLine3, OledLine4, OledLine5); - sendpacket(SP_POS_FIXED); + if ((lora_tx_enabled || aprsis_enabled) && !dont_send_own_position_packets && millis() >= next_fixed_beacon && + (fixed_beacon_enabled || + ((!gps_state || !gps_isValid) && lastPositionTX && lastPositionTX + sb_max_interval < millis()) ) ) { + enableOled_now(); // enable OLED + fillDisplayLines3to5(0); + writedisplaytext("((AUT TX))", "", "fixed", OledLine3, OledLine4, OledLine5); + sendpacket(SP_POS_FIXED); } - #ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 - if(shutdown_active){ - if(InpVolts> 4){ - shutdown_usb_status_bef = true; - shutdown_countdown_timer_enable = false; - } - if(InpVolts < 4 && shutdown_usb_status_bef == true){ - shutdown_usb_status_bef = false; - shutdown_countdown_timer_enable = true; - shutdown_countdown_timer = millis() + shutdown_delay_time; - } +#ifdef notdef // unfortunately. against their own documentation, winlink ignores status packets. + // Status packet notification request would be a much better approch than in position comment. + // Also testet: they inform only once a day. To one and not any other of your ssid's sending "winlink" in comment. + // And they don't honor if you don't send acks. This would have been nice, because then at least one of + // your other devices may get a notification. And because most lora-gatewas are rx-only, we requested for + // notification, but our ack (if implemented), or by connected aprsdroid, does not go through. They should + // assume that if no ack is received, no notification was received at the notified ssid. + // Another example is: lora with aprsdroid, and 2m portable. lora device got notified, but aprsdroid is not + // running -> no ack. -> Notification to the 2m portable. + if ((time_last_status_packet_sent + 3600000L < millis()) || (time_last_status_packet_sent == 0L && millis() > 5*60*1000L)) { + String msg = ""; + if (add_winlink_notification && + (add_winlink_notification == 2 +#ifdef ENABLE_BLUETOOTH + || serial_bt_client_is_connected +#endif + ) ) { + msg = "WLNK-1 qru?"; + } + if (!msg.isEmpty()) { + msg = msg + String(" B") + buildnr + String(",up:") + String((int ) (millis()/1000/60)); + sendStatusPacket(msg); + } else { + time_last_status_packet_sent = millis(); + } + } +#endif - if(shutdown_countdown_timer_enable){ - if(millis() >= shutdown_countdown_timer){ - axp.setChgLEDMode(AXP20X_LED_OFF); - axp.shutdown(); + #if defined(T_BEAM_V1_0) || defined(T_BEAM_V1_2) + if (InpVolts > 4.3) { + if (!usb_status_bef) { + enableOled_now(); // Turn Oled on as indicatior that external power is plugged on + if (shutdown_active && shutdown_countdown_timer_enable) { + shutdown_countdown_timer_enable = false; + writedisplaytext("((ABORT))","External Power","plugged in","Shutdown aborted","",""); + } else { + writedisplaytext("((POWER))","External Power","plugged in","","",""); + } + shutdown_process = false; + freeze_display = true; + usb_status_bef = true; + } + } else { + if (usb_status_bef) { + enableOled_now(); // Turn Oled on as indicatior that external power is plugged off + writedisplaytext("((POWER))","","External Power","plugged off","Running on","batteries now"); + freeze_display = true; + if (shutdown_active && !shutdown_countdown_timer_enable) { + shutdown_countdown_timer_enable = true; + shutdown_countdown_timer = millis() + shutdown_delay_time; + shutdown_process = true; + } + usb_status_bef = false; + } else { +// if (shutdown_active && shutdown_countdown_timer_enable && +// (shutdown_countdown_timer - shutdown_delay_time + 15000L >= millis() /* display for 15s after shutdown was activated */ +// || millis() > shutdown_countdown_timer - 15000L /* display at least 15s before shutdown */ +// ) ) { + if (shutdown_process) { + enableOled_now(); // Turn Oled on as indicatior that external power is plugged off + if ((millis() >= shutdown_countdown_timer)) { + // send_status_message_about_shutdown_to_rf() writes also to display. Display HALT afterwards + if (send_status_message_about_shutdown_to_rf) { + String msg = String("B") + buildnr + String(",up:") + String((int ) (millis()/1000/60)) + String(" qrt (ext. power plugged off)"); + sendStatusPacket(msg); + } + writedisplaytext("((HALT))","","Powering","down","",""); + #ifdef ENABLE_WIFI + do_send_status_message_about_shutdown_to_aprsis(); + #endif + #if defined(ENABLE_SYSLOG) && defined(ENABLE_WIFI) + syslog_log(LOG_WARNING, String("shutdown_countdown_timer_enable: halting: timer expired after powerloss or undervoltage. Shutdown..")); + #endif + delay(2000); + #ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 + axp.setChgLEDMode(AXP20X_LED_OFF); + #elif T_BEAM_V1_2 + axp.setChargingLedMode(XPOWERS_CHG_LED_OFF); + #endif + axp.shutdown(); + } else { + writedisplaytext("((POWER))","","External Power","plugged off","Shutdown in",String((shutdown_countdown_timer-millis())/1000) + String("s")); + freeze_display = true; + shutdown_process = true; + } } } } @@ -3076,16 +6107,21 @@ void loop() if (!dont_send_own_position_packets) { gps_state_before_autochange = gps_state; if (gps_allow_sleep_while_kiss) { -#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 - if (gps_state) - axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO3, AXP202_OFF); // switch off GPS -#endif + #if defined(T_BEAM_V1_0) || defined(T_BEAM_V1_2) + if (gps_state) { + #ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 + axp.setPowerOutPut(AXP192_LDO3, AXP202_OFF); // switch off GPS + #elif T_BEAM_V1_2 + axp.disableALDO3(); + #endif + } + #endif gps_state = false; } dont_send_own_position_packets = true; // TODO: there are also tcp kiss devices. Instead of 'kiss_client_came_via_bluetooth', we should mark it in a session struct where we can iterate through #ifdef ENABLE_BLUETOOTH - if (SerialBT.hasClient()) + if (serial_bt_client_is_connected) kiss_client_came_via_bluetooth = true; #endif } @@ -3130,7 +6166,7 @@ void loop() break; wide_hop = strstr(wide_hop+8, ",WIDE"); } - } + } if (!wide_hop) add_our_call = false; else { @@ -3148,27 +6184,35 @@ void loop() } } + if (usb_serial_data_type & 2) + Serial.println(data); + #if defined(ENABLE_WIFI) if (!was_own_position_packet || tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_aprsis) { - // No word "NOGATE" or "RFONLY" in header? -> may be sent to aprs-is - char *q = strstr(data, ",NOGATE"); - if (!q || q > strchr(data, ':')) { - q = strstr(data, ",RFONLY"); - if (!q || q > strchr(data, ':')) { - send_to_aprsis(*TNC2DataFrame); - } + // No word "NOGATE" or "RFONLY" in header? -> may be sent to aprs-is. This is a quick pre-check; + // send_to_aprsis() will check in detail + char *header_end = strchr(data, ':'); + char *q; + if (!(q = strstr(data, ",NOGATE")) || q > header_end) { + if (!(q = strstr(data, ",RFONLY")) || q > header_end) { + if (!(q = strstr(data, ",TCPIP")) || q > header_end) { + if (!(q = strstr(data, ",TCPXX")) || q > header_end) { + send_to_aprsis(*TNC2DataFrame); + } + } + } } } #endif if (lora_tx_enabled) { - if (tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_frequencies % 2) - loraSend(txPower, lora_freq, lora_speed, String(data)); //send the packet, data is in TXbuff from lora_TXStart to lora_TXEnd - if (tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_frequencies > 1 && lora_digipeating_mode > 1 && lora_freq_cross_digi > 1.0 && lora_freq_cross_digi != lora_freq) - loraSend(txPower_cross_digi, lora_freq_cross_digi, lora_speed_cross_digi, String(data)); //send the packet, data is in TXbuff from lora_TXStart to lora_TXEnd - enableOled(); // enable OLED - writedisplaytext("((KISSTX))","","","","",""); - time_to_refresh = millis() + showRXTime; + enableOled_now(); // enable OLED + writedisplaytext("((KISSTX))","",String(data),"","",""); + if (tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_frequencies % 2) { + loraSend(txPower, lora_freq, lora_speed, 0, String(data)); //send the packet, data is in TXbuff from lora_TXStart to lora_TXEnd + } if (((tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_frequencies > 1 && lora_digipeating_mode > 1) || tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_frequencies == 5) && lora_freq_cross_digi > 1.0 && lora_freq_cross_digi != lora_freq) { + loraSend(txPower_cross_digi, lora_freq_cross_digi, lora_speed_cross_digi, 0, String(data)); //send the packet, data is in TXbuff from lora_TXStart to lora_TXEnd + } } out: @@ -3177,17 +6221,47 @@ out: } #endif // KISS_PROTOCOL + // sema lock for lora chip operations -#ifdef IF_SEMAS_WOULD_WORK - if (xSemaphoreTake(sema_lora_chip, 100) == pdTRUE) { -#else - if (!sema_lora_chip) { - sema_lora_chip = true; -#endif - if (rf95.waitAvailableTimeout(100)) { - #ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 - #ifdef ENABLE_LED_SIGNALING + boolean sema_lora_lock_success = false; + boolean packet_available = false; + + esp_task_wdt_reset(); + // lora chip is in mode RX + #ifdef IF_SEMAS_WOULD_WORK + if (xSemaphoreTake(sema_lora_chip, 100) == pdTRUE) + sema_lora_lock_success = true; + #else + for (int n = 0; n < 10; n++) { + if (!sema_lora_chip) { + sema_lora_chip = true; + sema_lora_lock_success = true; + break; + } + delay(10); + } + #endif + esp_task_wdt_reset(); + + if (sema_lora_lock_success) { + if (rf95.waitAvailableTimeout(10)) { + packet_available = true; + esp_task_wdt_reset(); + } else { + #ifdef IF_SEMAS_WOULD_WORK + xSemaphoreGive(sema_lora_chip); + #else + sema_lora_chip = false; + #endif + } + } + if (packet_available) { + // we still take the lock + #ifdef ENABLE_LED_SIGNALING + #ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 axp.setChgLEDMode(AXP20X_LED_LOW_LEVEL); + #elif T_BEAM_V1_2 + axp.setChargingLedMode(XPOWERS_CHG_LED_BLINK_1HZ); #endif #endif #ifdef BUZZER @@ -3195,19 +6269,22 @@ out: buzzer(melody, sizeof(melody)/sizeof(int)); #endif - // we need to read the received packt, even if rx is set to disable. else rf95.waitAvailableTimeout(100) will always show, data is available + // we need to read the received packt, even if rx is set to disable. else rf95.waitAvailableTimeout() will always show, data is available //byte array byte lora_RXBUFF[BG_RF95_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN]; //buffer for packet to send uint8_t loraReceivedLength = sizeof(lora_RXBUFF); // (implicit ) reset max length before receiving! boolean lora_rx_data_available = rf95.recvAPRS(lora_RXBUFF, &loraReceivedLength); - // release lock here. We read the data from the lora chip. And we may call later loraSend (which should not be blocked by ourself) -#ifdef IF_SEMAS_WOULD_WORK - xSemaphoreGive(sema_lora_chip); -#else - sema_lora_chip = false; -#endif + int lastSNR = bg_rf95snr_to_snr(rf95.lastSNR()); + int lastRssi = bg_rf95rssi_to_rssi(rf95.lastRssi(), lastSNR); - const char *rssi_for_path = encode_snr_rssi_in_path(); + // release lock here. We read the data from the lora chip. And we may call later loraSend (which should not be blocked by ourself) + #ifdef IF_SEMAS_WOULD_WORK + xSemaphoreGive(sema_lora_chip); + #else + sema_lora_chip = false; + #endif + + const char *rssi_for_path = encode_snr_rssi_in_path(lastSNR, lastRssi); // always needed (even if rx is disabled) if (lora_freq_rx_curr == lora_freq) { @@ -3224,8 +6301,7 @@ out: #endif String loraReceivedFrameString_for_weblist; //data on buff is copied to this string. Bad characters like \n and \0 are replaced by ' ' (also valid \r - aprs does not use two line messages ;); \r, \n or \0 at the end of the string are removed. char *s = 0; - - for (int i=0 ; i < loraReceivedLength ; i++) { + for (int i=0; i < loraReceivedLength; i++) { loraReceivedFrameString += (char) lora_RXBUFF[i]; #if defined(ENABLE_WIFI) // || defined(ENABLE_SYSLOG) if (lora_RXBUFF[i] >= 0x20) { @@ -3252,8 +6328,9 @@ out: const char *received_frame = loraReceivedFrameString.c_str(); + char *header_end = strchr(received_frame, ':'); // valid packet? - if (!packet_is_valid(received_frame)) { + if (!header_end || !packet_is_valid(received_frame)) { goto invalid_packet; } @@ -3266,14 +6343,20 @@ out: //int rssi = rf95.lastSNR(); //Serial.println(rssi); - char *header_end = strchr(received_frame, ':'); char *digipeatedflag = strchr(received_frame, '*'); if (digipeatedflag && digipeatedflag > header_end) digipeatedflag = 0; - char *q; + String answer_message = handle_aprs_messsage_addressed_to_us(received_frame); + boolean its_an_aprs_message_for_us = !answer_message.isEmpty(); + if (answer_message == "M") { + // It was a message for us. It contained an answer message we have to send; + // or a Placeholder "M" if no ack message is required -- in this case, clear the message + answer_message = ""; + } uint8_t our_packet = 0; // 1: from us. 2: digipeated by us + // not our own digipeated call? if (loraReceivedFrameString.startsWith(Tcall + '>')) our_packet = 1; @@ -3295,39 +6378,89 @@ out: } } + char *q; + // User sends ",Q" in path? He likes at the first digi to add snr/rssi to path uint8_t user_demands_trace = ( ((q = strstr(received_frame, ",Q,")) || (q = strstr(received_frame, ",Q:"))) && q < header_end) ? 1 : 0; // User sends ",QQ"' in path? He likes all digis to add snr/rssi to path if (((q = strstr(received_frame, ",QQ,")) || (q = strstr(received_frame, ",QQ:"))) && q < header_end) user_demands_trace = 2; + + boolean do_not_gate = false; // not to aprs-is and not cross-digipeat + boolean do_not_repeat_to_secondary_freq = false; + boolean do_not_repeat_on_main_freq = false; + + if (its_an_aprs_message_for_us) { + do_not_gate = true; + do_not_repeat_on_main_freq = true; + do_not_repeat_to_secondary_freq = true; + } else if (our_packet || + (header_end && header_end[1] == '}') || + ((q = strstr(received_frame, ",TCPIP")) && (q[6] == '*' || q[6] == ',' || q[6] == ':') && q < header_end) || + ((q = strstr(received_frame, ",TCPXXX")) && (q[6] == '*' || q[6] == ',' || q[6] == ':') && q < header_end) ) { + // 3rd party traffic. + // For main and secondary frequency, it's a filter for avoiding unnecessary traffic. + // If we gate 3rd-party-traffic, we'd have to look there in the path for TCPIP, TCPXX, RFONLY, ..; + // this is now implemented in send_to_aprsis(), where it's checked in detail if it already was there. + do_not_repeat_on_main_freq = true; + do_not_repeat_to_secondary_freq = true; + } else if (header_end && header_end[1] == 'T') { + // this is actually a filter to prevent telemetry flood on main frequency. You can disable this and recompile, if you really need this + do_not_repeat_on_main_freq = true; +#ifdef notdef // for testing, these checks are disabled here, because send_to_aprsis() now should handle these cases properly + } else if (((q = strstr(received_frame, ",RFONLY")) && (q[7] == '*' || q[7] != ',' || q[7] == ':')) && q < header_end) { + do_not_gate = true; + } else if (((q = strstr(received_frame, ",NOGATE")) && (q[7] == '*' || q[7] != ',' || q[7] == ':')) && q < header_end) { + do_not_gate = true; + do_not_repeat_to_secondary_freq = true; +#else + } else if (((q = strstr(received_frame, ",NOGATE")) && (q[7] == '*' || q[7] != ',' || q[7] == ':')) && q < header_end) { + do_not_repeat_to_secondary_freq = true; +#endif + } else if (((q = strstr(received_frame, ",GATE")) && (q[5] == '*' || q[5] != ',' || q[5] == ':')) && q < header_end) { + do_not_repeat_to_secondary_freq = true; // no ping pong to secondary freq + } + #if defined(ENABLE_WIFI) - if (aprsis_enabled && !our_packet && !blacklisted) { - // No word "NOGATE" or "RFONLY" in header? -> may be sent to aprs-is - q = strstr(received_frame, ",NOGATE"); - if (!q || q > header_end) { - q = strstr(received_frame, ",RFONLY"); - if (!q || q > header_end) { - s = 0; - if (((lora_add_snr_rssi_to_path & FLAG_ADD_SNR_RSSI_FOR_APRSIS) || user_demands_trace > 1) || - (!digipeatedflag && ((lora_add_snr_rssi_to_path & FLAG_ADD_SNR_RSSI_FOR_APRSIS__ONLY_IF_HEARD_DIRECT) || user_demands_trace == 1)) ) - s = append_element_to_path(received_frame, rssi_for_path); - send_to_aprsis(s ? String(s) : loraReceivedFrameString); - } - } + if (aprsis_enabled && !do_not_gate) { + // No word "NOGATE" or "RFONLY" or "TCPIP" or "TCPXX" in header and not third_party-traffic=? -> may be sent to aprs-is + s = 0; + if (((lora_add_snr_rssi_to_path & FLAG_ADD_SNR_RSSI_FOR_APRSIS) || user_demands_trace > 1) || + (!digipeatedflag && ((lora_add_snr_rssi_to_path & FLAG_ADD_SNR_RSSI_FOR_APRSIS__ONLY_IF_HEARD_DIRECT) || user_demands_trace == 1)) ) + s = append_element_to_path(received_frame, rssi_for_path); + send_to_aprsis(s ? String(s) : loraReceivedFrameString); } #endif + // Third party traffic? - LH List is a LastPositionDistanceList, not a heard list. We'll skip third-party-packets. + if (!our_packet && !(header_end[1] && header_end[1] == '}')) { + struct ax25_frame* frame = tnc_format_to_ax25_frame(received_frame); + if (frame) { + fill_lh(String(frame->src.addr), digipeatedflag, frame->data); + } + } + #ifdef SHOW_RX_PACKET // only show RX packets when activitated in config - enableOled(); // enable OLED - writedisplaytext(" ((RX))", "", loraReceivedFrameString, "", "", ""); - time_to_refresh = millis() + showRXTime; + if (!its_an_aprs_message_for_us) { + // ^ don't disturb the important display of the message content + enableOled(); // enable OLED + writedisplaytext(" ((RX))", "", loraReceivedFrameString, "", "", ""); + time_to_refresh = millis() + showRXTime; + } + + // List of received packets, for display + for (int ii=2; ii > 0; ii--) { + RX_RAW_PACKET_LIST[ii] = RX_RAW_PACKET_LIST[ii-1]; + } + RX_RAW_PACKET_LIST[0] = String(loraReceivedFrameString); + #ifdef ENABLE_WIFI - sendToWebList(loraReceivedFrameString_for_weblist, bg_rf95rssi_to_rssi(rf95.lastRssi()), bg_rf95snr_to_snr(rf95.lastSNR())); + sendToWebList(loraReceivedFrameString_for_weblist, lastRssi, lastSNR); #endif #endif #if defined(ENABLE_SYSLOG) && defined(ENABLE_WIFI) // unfortunately, on this plattform we only have IP if we have WIFI - syslog_log(LOG_INFO, String("LoRa-RX: '") + loraReceivedFrameString_for_syslog + "', RSSI:" + bg_rf95rssi_to_rssi(rf95.lastRssi()) + ", SNR: " + bg_rf95snr_to_snr(rf95.lastSNR())); + syslog_log(LOG_INFO, String("LoRa-RX: '") + loraReceivedFrameString_for_syslog + "', RSSI:" + String(lastRssi) + ", SNR: " + String(lastSNR)); #endif #ifdef KISS_PROTOCOL s = 0; @@ -3337,53 +6470,79 @@ out: s = kiss_add_snr_rssi_to_path_at_position_without_digippeated_flag ? append_element_to_path(received_frame, rssi_for_path) : add_element_to_path(received_frame, rssi_for_path); sendToTNC(s ? String(s) : loraReceivedFrameString); #endif + if (usb_serial_data_type & 2) { + s = 0; + if (((lora_add_snr_rssi_to_path & FLAG_ADD_SNR_RSSI_FOR_KISS) || user_demands_trace > 1) || + (!digipeatedflag && ((lora_add_snr_rssi_to_path & FLAG_ADD_SNR_RSSI_FOR_KISS__ONLY_IF_HEARD_DIRECT) || user_demands_trace == 1)) ) + + + s = kiss_add_snr_rssi_to_path_at_position_without_digippeated_flag ? append_element_to_path(received_frame, rssi_for_path) : add_element_to_path(received_frame, rssi_for_path); + String s_tmp = s ? String(s) : String(loraReceivedFrameString); + s_tmp.trim(); + Serial.println(s_tmp); + } // Are we configured as lora digi? Are we listening on the main frequency? - if (lora_tx_enabled && lora_digipeating_mode > 0 && !our_packet && !blacklisted && lora_freq_rx_curr == lora_freq) { + if (lora_tx_enabled && lora_digipeating_mode > 0 && + (!do_not_repeat_on_main_freq || !do_not_repeat_to_secondary_freq) && + lora_freq_rx_curr == lora_freq) { uint32_t time_lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating_was_filled_prev = time_lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating_was_filled; - if (((lora_add_snr_rssi_to_path & FLAG_ADD_SNR_RSSI_FOR_RF) || user_demands_trace > 1) || + if ( ((lora_add_snr_rssi_to_path & FLAG_ADD_SNR_RSSI_FOR_RF) || user_demands_trace > 1) || (!digipeatedflag && ((lora_add_snr_rssi_to_path & FLAG_ADD_SNR_RSSI_FOR_RF__ONLY_IF_HEARD_DIRECT) || user_demands_trace == 1)) ) handle_lora_frame_for_lora_digipeating(received_frame, rssi_for_path); else handle_lora_frame_for_lora_digipeating(received_frame, NULL); // new frame in digipeating queue? cross-digi freq enabled and freq set? Send without delay. - if (*lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating && lora_cross_digipeating_mode > 0 && lora_freq_cross_digi > 1.0 && lora_freq_cross_digi != lora_freq && time_lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating_was_filled > time_lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating_was_filled_prev) { - // word 'NOGATE' part of the header? Don't gate it - q = strstr(lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating, ",NOGATE"); - if (!q || q > strchr(lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating, ':')) { - loraSend(txPower_cross_digi, lora_freq_cross_digi, lora_speed_cross_digi, String(lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating)); //send the packet, data is in TXbuff from lora_TXStart to lora_TXEnd - enableOled(); // enable OLED - writedisplaytext(" ((TX cross-digi))", "", String(lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating), "", "", ""); - time_to_refresh = millis() + showRXTime; + if (!do_not_repeat_to_secondary_freq && *lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating && + lora_cross_digipeating_mode > 0 && lora_freq_cross_digi > 1.0 && lora_freq_cross_digi != lora_freq && + time_lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating_was_filled > time_lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating_was_filled_prev) { + enableOled_now(); // enable OLED + writedisplaytext("(TX-Xdigi)", "", String(lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating), "", "", ""); + // word 'NOGATE' is not part of the header + loraSend(txPower_cross_digi, lora_freq_cross_digi, lora_speed_cross_digi, 0, String(lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating)); //send the packet, data is in TXbuff from lora_TXStart to lora_TXEnd #ifdef KISS_PROTOCOL - s = add_element_to_path(lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating, "GATE"); - sendToTNC(s ? String(s) : lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating); + s = add_element_to_path(lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating, "GATE"); + sendToTNC(s ? String(s) : lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating); #endif - } + } + if (do_not_repeat_on_main_freq) { + *lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating = 0; } } + + if (its_an_aprs_message_for_us && !answer_message.isEmpty()) { + // Do not alter display, because it should not be interrupted in showing the received message + if (usb_serial_data_type & 2) + Serial.println(answer_message); +#ifdef KISS_PROTOCOL + sendToTNC(answer_message); +#endif +#if defined(ENABLE_WIFI) + send_to_aprsis(answer_message); +#endif + loraSend(lora_freq_rx_curr == lora_freq ? txPower : txPower_cross_digi, lora_freq_rx_curr, lora_freq_rx_curr == lora_freq ? lora_speed : lora_speed_cross_digi, 0, answer_message); + } + } else { - // rx disabled. guess blind - lora_automaic_cr_adoption_rf_transmissions_heard_in_timeslot++; + // rx disabled, or packet is still in receiption (-> channel busy). guess blind + lora_automaic_cr_adoption_rf_transmissions_heard_in_timeslot++; } + call_invalid_or_blacklisted: invalid_packet: - #ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 - #ifdef ENABLE_LED_SIGNALING + #ifdef ENABLE_LED_SIGNALING + #ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 axp.setChgLEDMode(AXP20X_LED_OFF); + #elif T_BEAM_V1_2 + axp.setChargingLedMode(XPOWERS_CHG_LED_OFF); + #else + ; // make compiler happy #endif #else ; // make compiler happy #endif - } else { -#ifdef IF_SEMAS_WOULD_WORK - xSemaphoreGive(sema_lora_chip); -#else - sema_lora_chip = false; -#endif - } } - + if (lora_rx_enabled && rx_on_frequencies == 3 && lora_digipeating_mode < 2) { static uint8_t slot_table[9][10] = { { 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, // 1:9 @@ -3426,9 +6585,35 @@ invalid_packet: // avoid calling rf95.setFrequency() and lora_set_speed() if previos *p_curr_slot_table was the same freq/speed if (*p_curr_slot_table != ((p_curr_slot_table > curr_slot_table) ? p_curr_slot_table[-1] : curr_slot_table[9])) { lora_freq_rx_curr = (*p_curr_slot_table) ? lora_freq_cross_digi : lora_freq; - rf95.setFrequency(lora_freq_rx_curr); lora_speed_rx_curr = (*p_curr_slot_table) ? lora_speed_cross_digi : lora_speed; - lora_set_speed(lora_speed_rx_curr); + boolean sema_lora_lock_success = false; + esp_task_wdt_reset(); + #ifdef IF_SEMAS_WOULD_WORK + if (xSemaphoreTake(sema_lora_chip, 250) == pdTRUE) + sema_lora_lock_success = true; + #else + for (int n = 0; n < 25; n++) { + if (!sema_lora_chip) { + sema_lora_chip = true; + sema_lora_lock_success = true; + break; + } + delay(10); + } + #endif + esp_task_wdt_reset(); + if (sema_lora_lock_success) { + rf95.setFrequency(lora_freq_rx_curr); + lora_set_speed(lora_speed_rx_curr); + // Avoid packet in rx queue from secondary qrg being interpreted to come from main qrg + if (lora_freq_rx_curr == lora_freq) + rf95.recvAPRS(0, 0); + #ifdef IF_SEMAS_WOULD_WORK + xSemaphoreGive(sema_lora_chip); + #else + sema_lora_chip = false; + #endif + } } // restart from beginning of current row? if ((p_curr_slot_table - curr_slot_table) >= 9) @@ -3458,20 +6643,27 @@ invalid_packet: } boolean display_was_updated = false; + ulong tmp_t_since_last_sb_tx = millis() - lastPositionTX; + // Send position, if not requested to do not ;) But enter this part if user likes our LA/LON/SPD/CRS to be displayed on his screen ('!gps_allow_sleep_while_kiss' caused 'gps_state false') - if (!gps_state && (!dont_send_own_position_packets || !lora_tx_enabled)) + if (!gps_state && (!dont_send_own_position_packets || !(lora_tx_enabled || aprsis_enabled))) goto behind_position_tx; + // refresh speed and hdop + curr_kmph = (gps.speed.isValid() ? gps.speed.kmph() : 0.0); + curr_hdop = (gps.hdop.isValid() ? gps.hdop.hdop() : 99.9); + curr_sats = gps.satellites.value(); - average_speed[point_avg_speed] = gps.speed.kmph(); // calculate smart beaconing. Even a not-updated old speed is ok here. + average_speed[point_avg_speed] = ((curr_kmph < 1.8 || (curr_hdop < 1.5 && curr_sats >= 3 && curr_kmph <= 16.0) || (curr_hdop < 4.0 && curr_sats >= 3 && curr_kmph > 16.0)) ? curr_kmph : average_speed[(point_avg_speed-1) % 5]); // calculate smart beaconing. Even a not-updated old speed is ok here. ++point_avg_speed; - if (point_avg_speed>4) { - point_avg_speed=0; + if (point_avg_speed > 4) { + point_avg_speed = 0; } - average_speed_final = (average_speed[0]+average_speed[1]+average_speed[2]+average_speed[3]+average_speed[4])/5; - if (gps.course.isValid() && gps.course.age() < 10000) { - average_course[point_avg_course] = gps.course.deg(); // calculate smart beaconing course + + if (gps.course.isValid() && gps.course.age() < 10000L) { + //average_course[point_avg_course] = ((curr_kmph > 1.8 && ((curr_hdop < 1.5 && curr_sats >= 3 && curr_kmph <= 16.0) || (curr_hdop < 4.0 && curr_sats >= 3 && curr_kmph > 16.0))) ? gps.course.deg() : average_course[(point_avg_course-1) % ANGLE_AVGS]); // calculate smart beaconing course +average_course[point_avg_course] = ((average_speed_final > 1.8 && ((curr_hdop < 1.5 && curr_sats >= 3 && average_speed_final <= 16.0) || (curr_hdop < 4.0 && curr_sats >= 3 && average_speed_final > 16.0))) ? gps.course.deg() : average_course[(point_avg_course-1) % ANGLE_AVGS]); // calculate smart beaconing course ++point_avg_course; if (point_avg_course>(ANGLE_AVGS-1)) { @@ -3490,7 +6682,8 @@ invalid_packet: // Only in 30s interval and if we did not announce turn in last round. // Algo from Kenwood SB Docu. Considered values should be int. // algo is: (int ) ((int )sb_angle + 10 * turn_slope / (int ) mph). In km/h, we have (int ) ((int ) ab_angle + 16 *turn_slope / (int ) mph) - if (nextTX > 1 && (millis()-lastTX) > (sb_turn_time*1000L) && average_speed_final >= sb_min_speed) { + //if (nextTX > 1 && tmp_t_since_last_sb_tx > (sb_turn_time*1000L) && average_speed_final >= sb_min_speed) { +if (nextTX > 1 && tmp_t_since_last_sb_tx > (sb_turn_time*1000L) && average_speed_final >= 1.8) { // cave: average_speed_final must not be 0 (division by zero). Becuse sb_min_speed may be configured as zero, check above is not enough int int_average_speed_final = (int ) average_speed_final; if (int_average_speed_final < 1) int_average_speed_final = 1; @@ -3515,22 +6708,24 @@ invalid_packet: } } - if ((millis() 1 && millis()-lastTX >= sb_min_interval) { + if (gps.speed.isValid() && gps.speed.age() < 10000 && /* nextTX > 1 && */ nextTX > sb_min_interval) { #ifdef SB_ALGO_KENWOOD - if (average_speed_final < sb_min_speed) - nextTX = sb_max_interval; - else if (average_speed_final > sb_max_speed) + if (average_speed_final >= sb_max_speed) { nextTX = sb_min_interval; - else { - nextTX = sb_min_interval * sb_max_speed / average_speed_final; - if (nextTX > sb_max_interval) - nextTX = sb_max_interval; - } + } else if (average_speed_final > sb_min_speed) { + ulong newNextTX = (float ) sb_min_interval * sb_max_speed / average_speed_final; + // implicit: if (newNextTX > sb_max_interval) newNextTX = sb_max_interval. nexTX is alway < sb_max_interval; we don't need to assure this again here + // If we increased speed, we have a shorter nextTX. If we decreased, keep nextTX unchanged, + // because we may have driven at high speed for most of the time until short of the end of the interval + if (newNextTX < nextTX) { + nextTX = newNextTX; + } + } // else: average_speed_final is <= sb_min_speed -> keep nextTX #else // dl9sau: imho, too affine at high speed level //nextTX = (sb_max_interval-sb_min_interval)/(sb_max_speed-sb_min_speed)*(sb_max_speed-average_speed_final)+sb_min_interval; @@ -3538,26 +6733,31 @@ invalid_packet: nextTX = ((sb_max_speed > average_speed_final) ? ((sb_max_interval-sb_min_interval)/(sb_max_speed-sb_min_speed)*(sb_max_speed-average_speed_final)+sb_min_interval) : sb_min_interval); //if (nextTX < sb_min_interval) {nextTX=sb_min_interval;} // already assured ( (sb_max_speed <= average_speed_final) -> nextTX=sb_min_interval) if (nextTX > sb_max_interval) {nextTX=sb_max_interval;} - #endif - // now, nextTX is <= sb_min_interval +- #endif + // now, nextTX is <= sb_max_interval +#endif } + // If we just booted and gps is on but we still have no position, wait up to 10 minutes with entering smart-beaconing code, + // for preventing our stored preset-position to be sent. + if (gps_state && no_gps_position_since_boot && millis() < 10*60*1000L) + goto behind_position_tx; + // rate limit to 20s in SF12 CR4/5 aka lora_speed 300; 5s in lora_speed 1200 (SF9 CR4/7). -> 1200/lora_speed*5 seconds == 6000000 / lora_speed ms // If special case nextTX <= 1: we already enforced rate-limiting (see course computation) - if (!fixed_beacon_enabled && !dont_send_own_position_packets && lora_tx_enabled && (lastTX+nextTX) < millis() && (nextTX <= 1 || (millis()-lastTX) >= (6000000L / lora_speed ))) { + + if (!fixed_beacon_enabled && !dont_send_own_position_packets && (lora_tx_enabled || aprsis_enabled) && (lastPositionTX+nextTX) < millis() && (nextTX <= 1 || (tmp_t_since_last_sb_tx >= (6000000L / lora_speed) ))) { if (gps_isValid) { - enableOled(); // enable OLED + //enableOled(); // enable OLED + enableOled_now(); // enable OLED //writedisplaytext(" ((TX))","","LAT: "+LatShownP,"LON: "+LongShownP,"SPD: "+String(gps.speed.kmph(),1)+" CRS: "+String(gps.course.deg(),1),getSatAndBatInfo()); - fillDisplayLine1(); + fillDisplayLine1(3); fillDisplayLine2(); - fillDisplayLines3to5(); + fillDisplayLines3to5(0); writedisplaytext(" ((TX))","",OledLine2,OledLine3,OledLine4,OledLine5); sendpacket(SP_POS_GPS | (nextTX == 1 ? SP_ENFORCE_COURSE : 0)); // for fixed beacon (if we loose gps fix, we'll send our last position in fix_beacon_interval) - next_fixed_beacon = millis() + fix_beacon_interval; - t_last_smart_beacon_sent = millis(); - // We just transmitted. We transmitted due to turn? Don't TX again in next round: - if (nextTX < sb_min_interval) nextTX = sb_min_interval; + // We just transmitted. We transmitted due to turn (nextTX == 1)? Also Don't TX again in next round, sendpacket() adjustet nextTX } else { if (millis() > time_to_refresh){ displayInvalidGPS(); @@ -3567,27 +6767,28 @@ invalid_packet: } behind_position_tx: - if (!display_was_updated) { if (millis() > time_to_refresh){ if (gps_isValid) { OledHdr = Tcall; - fillDisplayLine1(); + if (debug_verbose > 1) + Serial.printf("Main Loop (behind_position_tx), Display GPS, freeze_display: %d\r\n", freeze_display); + fillDisplayLine1(4); fillDisplayLine2(); - fillDisplayLines3to5(); + fillDisplayLines3to5(0); writedisplaytext(OledHdr,OledLine1,OledLine2,OledLine3,OledLine4,OledLine5); } else { - displayInvalidGPS(); + displayInvalidGPS(); } } else { -// refresh time - fillDisplayLine1(); + // refresh time + fillDisplayLine1(5); } } - #if defined(ENABLE_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY) && defined(KISS_PROTOCOL) - if (nextTelemetryFrame < millis()){ + #if defined(ENABLE_TNC_SELF_TELEMETRY) + if (enable_tel && nextTelemetryFrame < millis()){ // Schedule the next telemetry frame nextTelemetryFrame = millis() + (tel_interval * 1000); sendTelemetryFrame(); @@ -3599,27 +6800,40 @@ behind_position_tx: if (millis() - last_debug_send_time > 1000*5) { last_debug_send_time = millis(); String debug_message = ""; - #ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 + #if defined(T_BEAM_V1_0) || defined(T_BEAM_V1_2) debug_message += "Bat V: " + String(axp.getBattVoltage()); debug_message += ", "; - debug_message += "Bat IN A: " + String(axp.getBattChargeCurrent()); - debug_message += ", "; - debug_message += "Bat OUT A: " + String(axp.getBattDischargeCurrent()); - debug_message += ", "; - debug_message += "USB Plugged: " + String(axp.isVBUSPlug()); + #ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 + debug_message += "Bat IN A: " + String(axp.getBattChargeCurrent()); + debug_message += ", "; + debug_message += "Bat OUT A: " + String(axp.getBattDischargeCurrent()); + debug_message += ", "; + #endif + #ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 + debug_message += "USB Plugged: " + String(axp.isVBUSPlug()); + #elif T_BEAM_V1_2 + debug_message += "USB Plugged: " + String(axp.isVbusInsertOnSource()); + #endif debug_message += ", "; debug_message += "USB V: " + String(axp.getVbusVoltage()); debug_message += ", "; - debug_message += "USB A: " + String(axp.getVbusCurrent()); - debug_message += ", "; - debug_message += "Temp C: " + String(axp.getTemp()); + #ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 + debug_message += "USB A: " + String(axp.getVbusCurrent()); + debug_message += ", "; + #endif + #ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 + debug_message += "Temp C: " + String(axp.getTemp()); + #elif T_BEAM_V1_2 + debug_message += "Temp C: " + String(axp.getTemperature()); + #endif #else - debug_message += "Bat V: " + String(BattVolts); + debug_message += "USB V: " + String(InpVolts); #endif Serial.print(encapsulateKISS(debug_message, CMD_HARDWARE)); #ifdef ENABLE_BLUETOOTH - SerialBT.print(encapsulateKISS(debug_message, CMD_HARDWARE)); + if (enable_luetooth) + SerialBT.print(encapsulateKISS(debug_message, CMD_HARDWARE)); #endif } #endif @@ -3627,20 +6841,42 @@ behind_position_tx: // Data for digipeating in queue? - if (lora_tx_enabled && lora_rx_enabled && lora_digipeating_mode && *lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating) { - // 5s grace time (plus up to 250ms random) for digipeating. 10s if we are a fill-in digi - if ((time_lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating_was_filled + 5*lora_digipeating_mode*1000L + (millis() % 250)) < millis()) { - if (lora_cross_digipeating_mode < 2 && (time_lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating_was_filled + 2* 5*lora_digipeating_mode*1000L) > millis()) { + if (*lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating) { + boolean clear_lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating = false; + if (!lora_digipeating_mode || lora_cross_digipeating_mode > 1 || !lora_tx_enabled || !lora_rx_enabled) { + clear_lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating = true; + } else { + // Only digipeat if not too old (20s) + if ((time_lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating_was_filled + 20*1000L) < millis()) { + clear_lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating = true; + } + } + if (!clear_lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating) { + // 3s grace time (plus up to 250ms random) for digipeating. 10s if we are a fill-in-digi (WIDE1); + // -> If we are WIDE1 and another digipeater repeated it, we'll have deleted it from queue + if (time_lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating_was_filled + (lora_digipeating_mode == 2 ? 10 : 3 )*1000L > millis()) { + enableOled_now(); // enable OLED + writedisplaytext("((TXdigi))", "", String(lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating), "", "", ""); // if SF12: we degipeat in fastest mode CR4/5. -> if lora_speed < 300 tx in lora_speed_300. - loraSend(txPower, lora_freq, (lora_speed < 300) ? 300 : lora_speed, String(lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating)); //send the packet, data is in TXbuff from lora_TXStart to lora_TXEnd - writedisplaytext(" ((TX digi))", "", String(lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating), "", "", ""); + loraSend(txPower, lora_freq, (lora_speed < 300) ? 300 : lora_speed, 0, String(lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating)); //send the packet, data is in TXbuff from lora_TXStart to lora_TXEnd #ifdef KISS_PROTOCOL sendToTNC(String(lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating)); #endif - } // else: too late. skip TX + clear_lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating = true; + } // else: keep packet for next round in loop + } + if (clear_lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating) { *lora_TXBUFF_for_digipeating = 0; } } + handle_usb_serial_input(); + +#if defined(ENABLE_WIFI) + if (tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_aprsis) { + send_own_beacon_to_aprsis_cached_or_now(""); + } +#endif + vTaskDelay(1); } diff --git a/src/taskGPS.cpp b/src/taskGPS.cpp index 4b8bfa4..ccc555c 100644 --- a/src/taskGPS.cpp +++ b/src/taskGPS.cpp @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ SFE_UBLOX_GPS myGPS; +extern uint8_t usb_serial_data_type; + #ifdef ENABLE_WIFI #include "wifi_clients.h" #define MAX_GPS_WIFI_CLIENTS 6 @@ -13,12 +15,16 @@ SFE_UBLOX_GPS myGPS; #endif // Pins for GPS -#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 +#if defined(T_BEAM_V1_0) || defined(T_BEAM_V1_2) static const int RXPin = 12, TXPin = 34; -#else +#else /* i.e. T_BEAM_V0_7, or lora32-device-with-self-attached-GPS */ static const int RXPin = 15, TXPin = 12; #endif +#ifndef LORA32_21 static const uint32_t GPSBaud = 9600; //GPS +#else /* one user played with self-attached GPS on his LORA32 device. TODO: gps speed choosable in Web-Interface */ +static const uint32_t GPSBaud = 57600; //GPS +#endif HardwareSerial gpsSerial(1); // TTGO has HW serial TinyGPSPlus gps; // The TinyGPS++ object bool gpsInitialized = false; @@ -45,7 +51,7 @@ bool gpsInitialized = false; } - esp_task_wdt_init(120, true); //enable panic so ESP32 restarts + // esp_task_wdt_init() has already been done in main task during setup() esp_task_wdt_add(NULL); //add current thread to WDT watch String gpsDataBuffer = " "; @@ -57,23 +63,25 @@ bool gpsInitialized = false; while (gpsSerial.available() > 0) { char gpsChar = (char)gpsSerial.read(); gps.encode(gpsChar); - #ifdef ENABLE_WIFI if (gpsChar == '$') { gpsDataBuffer = String(gpsChar); } else { gpsDataBuffer += String(gpsChar); if (gpsChar == '\n') { + if ((usb_serial_data_type & 4)) + Serial.println(gpsDataBuffer); + #ifdef ENABLE_WIFI iterateWifiClients([](WiFiClient *client, int clientIdx, const String *data){ if (client->connected()){ client->print(*data); client->flush(); } }, &gpsDataBuffer, gps_clients, MAX_GPS_WIFI_CLIENTS); + #endif gpsDataBuffer = ""; } } - #endif } vTaskDelay(100 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); } diff --git a/src/taskTNC.cpp b/src/taskTNC.cpp index bd5f6bf..8cadf2f 100644 --- a/src/taskTNC.cpp +++ b/src/taskTNC.cpp @@ -1,8 +1,12 @@ #include "taskTNC.h" #include + +extern uint8_t usb_serial_data_type; + #ifdef ENABLE_BLUETOOTH BluetoothSerial SerialBT; + extern boolean serial_bt_client_is_connected; #endif QueueHandle_t tncReceivedQueue = nullptr; @@ -38,9 +42,11 @@ void handleKISSData(char character, int bufferIndex) { if (isDataFrame) { #ifdef LOCAL_KISS_ECHO - Serial.print(inTNCData); + if (!usb_serial_data_type) { + Serial.print(inTNCData); + } #ifdef ENABLE_BLUETOOTH - if (SerialBT.hasClient()) { + if (serial_bt_client_is_connected) { SerialBT.print(inTNCData); } #endif @@ -73,17 +79,19 @@ void handleKISSData(char character, int bufferIndex) { tncReceivedQueue = xQueueCreate(4,sizeof(String *)); String *loraReceivedFrameString = nullptr; - esp_task_wdt_init(120, true); //enable panic so ESP32 restarts + // esp_task_wdt_init() has already been done in main task during setup() esp_task_wdt_add(NULL); //add current thread to WDT watch while (true) { esp_task_wdt_reset(); - while (Serial.available() > 0) { - char character = Serial.read(); - handleKISSData(character, 0); + if (!usb_serial_data_type) { + while (Serial.available() > 0) { + char character = Serial.read(); + handleKISSData(character, 0); + } } #ifdef ENABLE_BLUETOOTH - if (SerialBT.hasClient()) { + if (serial_bt_client_is_connected) { while (SerialBT.available() > 0) { char character = SerialBT.read(); handleKISSData(character, 1); @@ -103,9 +111,10 @@ void handleKISSData(char character, int bufferIndex) { #endif if (xQueueReceive(tncReceivedQueue, &loraReceivedFrameString, (1 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS)) == pdPASS) { const String &kissEncoded = encode_kiss(*loraReceivedFrameString); - Serial.print(kissEncoded); + if (!usb_serial_data_type) + Serial.print(kissEncoded); #ifdef ENABLE_BLUETOOTH - if (SerialBT.hasClient()){ + if (serial_bt_client_is_connected){ SerialBT.print(kissEncoded); } #endif diff --git a/src/taskWebServer.cpp b/src/taskWebServer.cpp index ad909c0..992ccd0 100644 --- a/src/taskWebServer.cpp +++ b/src/taskWebServer.cpp @@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ #include #include #include +#include "taskGPS.h" + +#ifdef ENABLE_WIFI + +extern int debug_verbose; /** * @see board_build.embed_txtfiles in platformio.ini @@ -17,8 +22,10 @@ extern const char web_style_css_end[] asm("_binary_data_embed_style_css_out_end" extern const char web_js_js[] asm("_binary_data_embed_js_js_out_start"); extern const char web_js_js_end[] asm("_binary_data_embed_js_js_out_end"); +bool getLocalTimeTheBetterWay(struct tm * info); + // Variable needed to send beacon from html page -extern bool manBeacon; +extern uint8_t manBeacon; // KISS-friendly serial logging extern void do_serial_println(const String &); @@ -30,24 +37,32 @@ extern uint8_t WIFI_CONNECTED_TO_AP; extern uint8_t WIFI_NOT_CONNECTED_TO_AP; extern int8_t WIFI_RUNNING_AS_AP; extern int8_t wifi_connection_status; -extern String infoApName; -extern String infoApPass; -extern String infoIpAddr; -// credentials from wifi.cfg -extern String safeApName; -extern String safeApPass; + +extern String wifi_ModeAP_SSID; +extern String wifi_ModeAP_PASS; +String wifi_ModeAP_PASS_default = "xxxxxxxxxx"; +// AP Array, currently max 9 APs possible (plus 1 with SSID Self-AP with password) +#define MAX_AP_CNT 10 // max number of possible APs +extern struct AccessPoint APs[MAX_AP_CNT]; +extern int apcnt; + +// for displaying wifi status +extern String oled_wifi_SSID_curr; +extern String oled_wifi_PASS_curr; +extern String oled_wifi_IP_curr; extern int8_t wifi_txpwr_mode_AP; extern int8_t wifi_txpwr_mode_STA; +String dnsHostname; extern bool tncServer_enabled; extern bool gpsServer_enabled; +extern bool gps_state; -extern boolean wifi_do_failback_to_mode_AP; +extern boolean wifi_do_fallback_to_mode_AP; extern String buildnr; - // For APRS-IS connection extern String to_aprsis_data; extern boolean aprsis_enabled; @@ -58,13 +73,21 @@ extern String aprsis_callsign; extern String aprsis_password; extern uint8_t aprsis_data_allow_inet_to_rf; extern String MY_APRS_DEST_IDENTIFYER; +extern int lora_digipeating_mode; +extern int tx_own_beacon_from_this_device_or_fromKiss__to_frequencies; +extern uint8_t usb_serial_data_type; extern double lora_freq_rx_curr; +extern ulong lora_speed_rx_curr; extern boolean lora_tx_enabled; +extern boolean lora_rx_enabled; extern String aprsLatPreset; extern String aprsLonPreset; +extern String aprsLatPresetNiceNotation; +extern String aprsLonPresetNiceNotation; extern String aprsPresetShown; +extern int oled_line3and4_format; // last line of display, Sat & Batt Info extern String OledLine1; extern String OledLine2; @@ -72,23 +95,31 @@ extern String OledLine3; extern String OledLine4; extern String OledLine5; -extern char src_call_blacklist; +#ifdef IF_SEMAS_WOULD_WORK +extern xSemaphoreHandle sema_lora_chip; +#else +extern volatile boolean sema_lora_chip; +#endif + +extern boolean enable_bluetooth; QueueHandle_t webListReceivedQueue = nullptr; std::list receivedPackets; const int MAX_RECEIVED_LIST_SIZE = 50; -String apSSID = ""; -String apPassword = ""; -String defApPassword = "xxxxxxxxxx"; -String wifi_password = ""; -String wifi_ssid = ""; - +// last i/o to aprsis-connection (needed for anti-idle timer) +uint32_t t_aprsis_lastRXorTX = 0L; // needed for aprsis igate functionality String aprsis_status = "Disconnected"; // aprsis 3rd party traffic encoding String generate_third_party_packet(String, String); +void do_send_status_message_about_reboot_to_aprsis(); +extern void sendStatusPacket(const String &); +extern String handle_aprs_messsage_addressed_to_us(const char *); +#if defined(T_BEAM_V1_0) || defined(T_BEAM_V1_2) +void do_send_status_message_about_shutdown_to_aprsis(); +#endif #ifdef KISS_PROTOCOL extern void sendToTNC(const String &); #endif @@ -98,7 +129,13 @@ extern ulong lora_speed; extern uint8_t txPower_cross_digi; extern ulong lora_speed_cross_digi; extern double lora_freq_cross_digi; -extern void loraSend(byte, float, ulong, const String &); +extern void loraSend(byte, float, ulong, uint8_t , const String &); +extern void load_preferences_from_flash(void); +extern void setup_phase2_soft_reconfiguration(boolean); +extern int is_call_blacklisted(const char *); +extern void lora_set_speed(ulong lora_speed); + +extern int save_to_file(const String &, const char *, const String &); IPAddress IP_NULL(0,0,0,0); IPAddress IP_SUBNET_NULL(0,0,0,0); @@ -107,10 +144,15 @@ IPAddress IP_GATEWAY_NULL(0,0,0,0); // APRS-IS status message (about connection reset or our rboot) extern boolean send_status_message_to_aprsis; +extern boolean send_status_message_about_shutdown_to_rf; String aprsis_time_last_successful_connect = ""; int aprsis_connect_tries = 0; extern char gps_time_s[]; +String aprs_callsign; +// keep config stored in this global variable +extern String preferences_as_jsonData; +extern String wifi_config_as_jsonData; WebServer server(80); #ifdef KISS_PROTOCOL @@ -118,6 +160,9 @@ WebServer server(80); #endif WiFiServer gpsServer(NETWORK_GPS_PORT); +// APRSIS connection +WiFiClient aprsis_client; + #ifdef ENABLE_SYSLOG // A UDP instance to let us send and receive packets over UDP WiFiUDP udpClient; @@ -126,27 +171,43 @@ WiFiServer gpsServer(NETWORK_GPS_PORT); Syslog syslog(udpClient, SYSLOG_PROTO_IETF); #endif -#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_0 +#ifdef T_BEAM_V1_2 +#define XPOWERS_CHIP_AXP2101 + #include + extern XPowersAXP2101 axp; +#elif T_BEAM_V1_0 #include extern AXP20X_Class axp; #endif +void send_queue_to_aprsis(); + void sendCacheHeader() { server.sendHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=3600"); } void sendGzipHeader() { server.sendHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip"); } -String jsonEscape(String s){ - const char *p = s.c_str(); + +String htmlFreetextEscape(const char *s) { + const char *p = s; String s_out; for (; *p; p++) { char buf[7] = ""; // room for "<0x01>" + \0 == 7 switch (*p) { - case '\\': - strcpy(buf, "\\\\"); - break; case '\"': - strcpy(buf, "\\\""); + strcpy(buf, """); + break; + case '<': + strcpy(buf, "<"); + break; + case '>': + strcpy(buf, ">"); + break; + case '&': + strcpy(buf, "&"); + break; + case ' ': + strcpy(buf, " "); break; default: if (*p < 0x20 || *p == '\x7f') { @@ -160,8 +221,29 @@ String jsonEscape(String s){ return s_out; } +String jsonEscape(const char *s){ + const char *p = s; + String s_out; + + for (; *p; p++) { + char buf[3] = ""; // room for 2x'\' + \0 == 7 + switch (*p) { + case '\\': + strcpy(buf, "\\\\"); + break; + case '\"': + strcpy(buf, "\\\""); + break; + default: + sprintf(buf, "%c", *p); + } + s_out += String(buf); + } + return s_out; +} + String jsonLineFromPreferenceString(const char *preferenceName, bool last=false){ - return String("\"") + preferenceName + "\":\"" + jsonEscape(preferences.getString(preferenceName, "")) + (last ? + R"(")" : + R"(",)"); + return String("\"") + preferenceName + "\":\"" + jsonEscape(preferences.getString(preferenceName, "").c_str()) + (last ? + R"(")" : + R"(",)"); } String jsonLineFromPreferenceBool(const char *preferenceName, bool last=false){ return String("\"") + preferenceName + "\":" + (preferences.getBool(preferenceName) ? "true" : "false") + (last ? + R"()" : + R"(,)"); @@ -205,6 +287,10 @@ void handle_Js() { } void handle_ScanWifi() { + #if defined(ENABLE_SYSLOG) + syslog_log(LOG_INFO, String("WebServer: handle_ScanWifi()")); + #endif + do_serial_println("WebServer: WebServer: handle_ScanWifi()"); String listResponse = R"(
    Time (UTC)