optionally show rx packets

Christian OE3CJB Bauer 2020-02-19 11:30:00 +01:00
rodzic ec0c21a57e
commit 25dbeb3e89
3 zmienionych plików z 12 dodań i 2 usunięć

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@ -36,7 +36,11 @@ The symbol can now be changed without attached display - during normal operation
for DHT22 I used the library from https://github.com/beegee-tokyo/DHTesp, as the standard library gives to many wrong readings<br>
Now the DS18B20 is supported as well - uncomment line 31: // #define DS18B20 // use this if you use DS18B20, default ist DHT22<br>
new features:<br>
<b>show RX packets</b><br>
by uncommenting <b>// #define SHOW_RX_PACKET</b> the tracker shows received LoRa APRS packets in raw format for the time in milliseconds defined in SHOW_RX_TIME - both in ...config.h<br>
<b>new features:<b><br>
- show RX packets
- DS18B20 support (setable in config.h)
- GPS switched off in WX_FIXED mode (only available with boards with HW-Version >=V1.0)
- immediate TX with short key press

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@ -505,6 +505,7 @@ void loop() {
if (rf95.waitAvailableTimeout(100)) {
#ifdef SHOW_RX_PACKET // only show RX packets when activitated in config
if (rf95.recvAPRS(lora_RXBUFF, &len)) {
Serial.print("((RX)): ");
InputString = "";
@ -513,8 +514,9 @@ void loop() {
writedisplaytext(" ((RX))","",InputString,"","","",10000);
writedisplaytext(" ((RX))","",InputString,"","","",SHOW_RX_TIME);
if (tracker_mode != WX_FIXED) {

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@ -48,3 +48,7 @@
unsigned long max_time_to_nextTX = 300000L; // set here MAXIMUM time in ms(!) for smart beaconing - minimum time is always 1 min = 60 secs = 60000L !!!
// when entering 60000L intervall is fixed to 1 min
// show RX values
// #define SHOW_RX_PACKET // uncomment to show received LoRa APS packets for the time given below
#define SHOW_RX_TIME 5000 // show RX packet for milliseconds (5000 = 5secs)