1. Install python 3.10.0, be sure to add python to PATH while installing it https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.10.0/python-3.10.0-amd64.exe https://datatofish.com/add-python-to-windows-path/ 2. Run install.requirements.bat 3. Open dsnp.cfg with notepad and add your email and password 4. For downloading the subtitles in download.subtitles.bat use disneyplus.py --nv --na --keep --url https://www.disneyplus.com/es-es/series/loki/6pARMvILBGzF -s 1 -e 1 --slang eng --flang eng Change eng to the language you need to download the subtitles in. To download the subtitles in multiple languages use disneyplus.py --nv --na --keep --url https://www.disneyplus.com/es-es/series/loki/6pARMvILBGzF -s 1 -e 1 --slang eng spa jpn --flang eng Language codes https://github.com/Essam23/Disney-Plus-subtitles-downloader/blob/main/pydisney/disneyplus_muxer.py#L105-L190 For downloading the subtitles of all the seasons use disneyplus.py --nv --na --all-season --keep --url https://www.disneyplus.com/es-es/series/the-mandalorian/3jLIGMDYINqD -s 1 -e 1 --slang eng --flang eng disneyplus.py --nv --na --all-season --keep --url https://www.disneyplus.com/es-es/series/the-mandalorian/3jLIGMDYINqD -s 2 -e 1 --slang eng --flang eng Replace US in these lines with your country code, for example for France replace "region/US" with "region/FR". https://github.com/Essam23/Disney-Plus-subtitles-downloader/blob/main/pydisney/disneyplus_api.py#L22-L26 If you changed the country IP using a VPN delete the file token.ini before starting to download the subtitles, and change the country code in disneyplus_api.py. This script may not work with some TV shows.