import subprocess, ffmpy, pycountry, unidecode, shutil, re, requests, json, os, argparse, time, sys, base64, configparser, glob, pycaption, m3u8 from collections import OrderedDict from natsort import natsorted from titlecase import titlecase from pydisney.disneyplus_api import DSNP from pydisney.disneyplus_parser import Parser from pydisney.m3u8_formater import M3U8 from pydisney.disneyplus_login import LOGIN from pydisney.disneyplus_muxer import Muxer import pydisney.namehelper as namer from pywidevine.decrypt.wvdecrypt import WvDecrypt parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='>>> DISNEY+ <<<') parser.add_argument("--url", dest="disneyurl", help="If set, The DSNP viewable URL.") parser.add_argument('-q', action="store", dest='customquality', help="For configure quality of video.", default=0) parser.add_argument("--atmos", dest="atmos", help="If set, return atmos audio manifest", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--only-2ch-audio", dest="only_2ch_audio", help="If set, to force get only eac3 2.0 Ch audios.", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--hevc", dest="hevc", help="If set, return hevc video manifest", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--hdr", dest="hdr", help="If set, return uhd_hdr video manifest", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--uhd", dest="uhd", help="If set, return uhd video manifest", action="store_true") parser.add_argument('--default-audio-mux', action='store', dest='default_audio_mux', help='set default audio language mux, default value is eng.', default=0) parser.add_argument('--default-sub-mux', action='store', dest='default_sub_mux', help='set default sub language mux, default value is eng.', default=0) parser.add_argument("--all-season", dest="all_season", help="If set, season pack download.", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-e", "--episode", dest="episode", help="If set, it will start downloading the season from that episode.") parser.add_argument("-s", dest="season", help="If set, it will start downloading the from that season.") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", dest="outputfolder", help="If set, it will download all assets to directory provided.") parser.add_argument("--alang", "--audio-language", dest="audiolang", nargs="*", help="If set, download only selected audio languages", default=[]) parser.add_argument("--slang", "--subtitle-language", dest="sublang", nargs="*", help="If set, download only selected subtitle languages", default=[]) parser.add_argument("--flang", "--forced-language", dest="forcedlang", nargs="*", help="If set, download only selected forced subtitle languages", default=[]) parser.add_argument("--license", dest="license", help="If set, print keys and exit.", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--nv", "--no-video", dest="novideo", help="If set, don't download video", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--na", "--no-audio", dest="noaudio", help="If set, don't download audio", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--ns", "--no-subs", dest="nosubs", help="If set, don't download subs", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--keep", dest="keep", help="If set, well keep all files after mux, by default all erased.", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--group", "--gr", dest="group", help="Tag.", action="store") parser.add_argument("--txtkeys", dest="txtkeys", help="If set, read keys from txt.", action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() Config = configparser.ConfigParser(interpolation=None) currentFile = 'Disney+' realPath = os.path.realpath(currentFile) dirPath = os.path.dirname(realPath) dirName = os.path.basename(dirPath) mp4decryptexe = dirPath + "/bin/mp4decrypt.exe" mkvmergeexe = dirPath + "/bin/mkvmerge.exe" aria2cexe = dirPath + "/bin/aria2c.exe" ffmpegpath = dirPath + '/bin/ffmpeg.exe' SubtitleEditexe = dirPath + '/bin/SE363/SubtitleEdit.exe' mp4dumptexe = dirPath + '/bin/mp4dump.exe' KEYS_Folder = dirPath + '/KEYS' KEYS_Text = dirPath + '/KEYS/KEYS.txt' token_file = dirPath + "/token.ini" DsnpCFG = dirPath + "/dsnp.cfg" proxy_user = { 'proxy': '---', 'email': '---', 'passwd': '---' } proxies = { "http": "http://{email}:{passwd}@{proxy}".format( email=proxy_user['email'], passwd=proxy_user['passwd'], proxy=proxy_user['proxy'] ), "https": "http://{email}:{passwd}@{proxy}".format( email=proxy_user['email'], passwd=proxy_user['passwd'], proxy=proxy_user['proxy'] ) } if os.path.exists(DsnpCFG): DSNP_EMAIL = Config.get("config", "email") DSNP_PASS = Config.get("config", "pass") else: print("\ndsnp.cfg File is missing.") sys.exit() global account_info account_info = { 'email': DSNP_EMAIL, 'pass': DSNP_PASS } def load(m3u8): is2ch=False m3u8_main = m3u8[0].replace('/mickey/', '/') atmos_m3u8 = m3u8[1] load_manifest = Parser(m3u8_main, atmos_m3u8, is2ch=is2ch) videoList, AudioList, subtitleList, forcedlist, AudioExtension = load_manifest.Parser() return videoList, AudioList, subtitleList, forcedlist, AudioExtension def get_pssh(url): widevine_pssh = None m3u8_obj = m3u8.load(url) for key in m3u8_obj.keys: if key is not None and key.keyformat == "urn:uuid:edef8ba9-79d6-4ace-a3c8-27dcd51d21ed": widevine_pssh = key.uri if widevine_pssh is not None: widevine_pssh = widevine_pssh.partition('base64,')[2] return widevine_pssh return False def find_str(s, char): index = 0 if char in s: c = char[0] for ch in s: if ch == c: if s[index:index + len(char)] == char: pass return index index += 1 return -1 def getKeyId(mp4_file): KID_dict = {} KID_list = [] data = subprocess.check_output([mp4dumptexe, '--format', 'json', '--verbosity', '1', mp4_file]) mp4dump = json.loads(data) for atom in mp4dump: if atom['name'] == 'moov': for children in atom['children']: if children['name'] == 'trak': for trak in children['children']: if trak['name'] == 'mdia': for mdia in trak['children']: if mdia['name'] == 'minf': for minf in mdia['children']: if minf['name'] == 'stbl': for stbl in minf['children']: if stbl['name'] == 'stsd': for stsd in stbl['children']: if stsd['name'] == 'encv': for encv in stsd['children']: if encv['name'] == 'sinf': for sinf in encv['children']: if sinf['name'] == 'schi': for schi in sinf['children']: default_KID = schi['default_KID'].replace(' ', '').replace('[', '').replace(']', '').lower() KID_upper = default_KID.upper() KID_upper = KID_upper[0:8] + '-' + KID_upper[8:12] + '-' + KID_upper[12:16] + '-' + KID_upper[16:20] + '-' + KID_upper[20:32] KID_dict = {'name':schi['name'], 'default_KID':default_KID, 'KID_alt':KID_upper} KID_list.append(KID_dict) if KID_list: KID = KID_list[-1]['default_KID'] KID_alt = KID_list[-1]['KID_alt'] else: KID = 'nothing' KID_alt = 'nothing' print(KID) return (KID) def generate_token(): print('\nGenerate token...') LOG = LOGIN(email=account_info['email'], password=account_info['pass'], proxies={}) TOKEN, EXPIRE = LOG.GetAuthToken() print("Done!") return TOKEN, EXPIRE def save_token(token, expire_in): print('\nSaving token...') current_time = int(time.time()) expire_date = current_time + expire_in token_dump = {'token': token, 'expire_date': str(expire_date)} if os.path.exists(token_file): os.remove(token_file) with open(token_file, 'w') as tok: tok.write(json.dumps(token_dump)) print("Done!") return def load_token_file(): print('\nLoading token...') if not os.path.exists(token_file): print(f'Error!: token file not found.') return False else: current_time = int(time.time()) with open(token_file, 'r') as tok: token = json.loads( token_time = int(token['expire_date']) token_less_10min = token_time - 600 #~ check if token expired. if current_time > token_time: print('Error: token is expired.') return False #~ check if token will be expired within 10 minutes. elif current_time > token_less_10min: print('Warning: token will be expired within 10 min.') return False else: try: print('Done: expire in: ' + str(int((int(token['expire_date']) - int(time.time())) / 60)) + ' min') except Exception: pass Token = token['token'] return Token def do_decrypt(pssh): wvdecrypt = WvDecrypt(pssh) challenge = wvdecrypt.get_challenge() resp = url='', headers={ 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/77.0.3865.75 Safari/537.36', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {AuthorizationToken}' }, data=challenge ) license_b64 = base64.b64encode(resp.content) wvdecrypt.update_license(license_b64) keys = wvdecrypt.start_process() return keys def ReplaceDontLikeWord(X): try: X = X.replace(" : ", " - ").replace(": ", " - ").replace(":", " - ").replace("&", "and").replace("+", "").replace(";", "").replace("ó", "o").\ replace("[", "").replace("'", "").replace("]", "").replace("/", "").replace("//", "").\ replace("’", "'").replace("*", "x").replace("<", "").replace(">", "").replace("|", "").\ replace("~", "").replace("#", "").replace("%", "").replace("{", "").replace("}", "").replace(",","").\ replace("?","").encode('latin-1').decode('latin-1') except Exception: X = X.decode('utf-8').replace(" : ", " - ").replace(": ", " - ").replace(":", " - ").replace("&", "and").replace("+", "").replace(";", "").\ replace("ó", "o").replace("[", "").replace("'", "").replace("]", "").replace("/", "").\ replace("//", "").replace("’", "'").replace("*", "x").replace("<", "").replace(">", "").replace(",","").\ replace("|", "").replace("~", "").replace("#", "").replace("%", "").replace("{", "").replace("}", "").\ replace("?","").encode('latin-1').decode('latin-1') return titlecase(X) def FixShowName(name): x = name try: try: x = ReplaceDontLikeWord(unidecode.unidecode(name)) except Exception: x = ReplaceDontLikeWord(name) except Exception: pass return x def FixSeq(seq): if int(len(str(seq))) == 1: return f'0{str(seq)}' return str(seq) def StripInputInt(inputint): x = inputint if int(x[0]) == 0: stripped_x = x[1:] else: stripped_x = x return str(stripped_x) def do_clean(CurrentName): try: os.system('if exist "' + CurrentName + '*.mp4" (del /q /f "' + CurrentName + '*.mp4")') os.system('if exist "' + CurrentName + '*.h265" (del /q /f "' + CurrentName + '*.h265")') os.system('if exist "' + CurrentName + '*.h264" (del /q /f "' + CurrentName + '*.h264")') os.system('if exist "' + CurrentName + '*.eac3" (del /q /f "' + CurrentName + '*.eac3")') os.system('if exist "' + CurrentName + '*.m4a" (del /q /f "' + CurrentName + '*.m4a")') os.system('if exist "' + CurrentName + '*.ac3" (del /q /f "' + CurrentName + '*.ac3")') os.system('if exist "' + CurrentName + '*.srt" (del /q /f "' + CurrentName + '*.srt")') os.system('if exist "' + CurrentName + '*.vtt" (del /q /f "' + CurrentName + '*.vtt")') os.system('if exist "' + CurrentName + '*.txt" (del /q /f "' + CurrentName + '*.txt")') os.system('if exist "' + CurrentName + '*.aac" (del /q /f "' + CurrentName + '*.aac")') os.system('if exist "' + CurrentName + '*.m3u8" (del /q /f "' + CurrentName + '*.m3u8")') except Exception: pass return def PRINT(videoList, AudioList, subtitleList): try: print('\nVIDEO') for i in videoList: print('VIDEO' + ' - Bitrate: ' + i['bitrate'] + 'kbps | Codec: ' + i['codec'] + ' | Resolution: ' + i['resolution']) print('\nAUDIO') for i in AudioList: print('AUDIO' + ' - Bitrate: ' + i['bitrate'] + 'kbps | Codec: ' + i['codec'] + ' | Channels: ' + i['channels'] + ' | Language: ' + i['language']) print('\nSUBS') for s in subtitleList: code = s['code'] lang = s['language'] print(f'SUBS - Language: {lang} | ISO 639-2: {code}') except Exception: pass return def demux(inputName, outputName, inpType): if ishevc or ishdr or isuhd and inpType == 'video': os.rename(inputName, outputName) return ff = ffmpy.FFmpeg( executable=ffmpegpath, inputs={inputName: None}, outputs={outputName: '-c copy'}, global_options="-y -hide_banner -loglevel warning" ) time.sleep (50.0/1000.0) return True def build_commandline_list(KEYS): keycommand = [] keycommand.append('--key') keycommand.append(KEYS) return keycommand def decryptmedia(KEYS, inputName, outputName): cmd_dec = [mp4decryptexe.replace('\\', '/')] cmd_keys = build_commandline_list(KEYS) cmd = cmd_dec + cmd_keys cmd.append(inputName) cmd.append(outputName) wvdecrypt_process = subprocess.Popen(cmd) stdoutdata, stderrdata = wvdecrypt_process.communicate() wvdecrypt_process.wait() return True def vtt2srt(vtt, srt): with open(vtt, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: subs = text = pycaption.SRTWriter().write(pycaption.WebVTTReader().read(subs)) with open(srt, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(text) return def updt(total, progress, textname): barLength, status = 20, "" progress = float(progress) / float(total) if progress >= 1.: progress, status = 1, "\r\n" block = int(round(barLength * progress)) text = "\rMerging: {} [{}] {:.0f}% {}".format( textname, "#" * block + "-" * (barLength - block), round(progress * 100, 0), status) sys.stdout.write(text) sys.stdout.flush() def downloadsubs(url, output): print("Downloading %s" % output) baseurl = url.rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/' manifest = requests.get(url).text segments = re.findall('^(?!#).*',manifest,re.MULTILINE) segments = list(dict.fromkeys(segments)) segments = [baseurl+x for x in segments] if 'MAIN' in manifest: segments = [x for x in segments if 'MAIN' in x] temp_vtt = output.replace('.srt', '.vtt') open_vtt = open(temp_vtt , "wb") for url in segments: response = requests.get(url) open_vtt.write(response.content) open_vtt.close() if 'sdh' in temp_vtt: vtt2srt(temp_vtt, output) if os.path.isfile(temp_vtt) and os.path.isfile(output): os.remove(temp_vtt) else: vtt2srt(temp_vtt, temp_vtt) return def download(url, output): txturls = output + '_links_.txt' baseurl = url.rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/' manifest = requests.get(url).text dict_m3u8 = M3U8(manifest) media_segment = dict_m3u8.media_segment segments = [] frags_path = [] if 'MAIN' in manifest: for seg in media_segment: if seg.get('EXT-X-MAP') is not None and 'MAIN' in seg.get('EXT-X-MAP').get('URI'): segments.append(baseurl+seg.get('EXT-X-MAP').get('URI')) segments.append(baseurl+seg.get('URI')) if seg.get('EXT-X-MAP') is None and 'MAIN' in seg.get('URI'): segments.append(baseurl+seg.get('URI')) else: for seg in media_segment: if seg.get('EXT-X-MAP') is not None: segments.append(baseurl+seg.get('EXT-X-MAP').get('URI')) segments.append(baseurl+seg.get('URI')) if seg.get('EXT-X-MAP') is None: segments.append(baseurl+seg.get('URI')) if segments == []: print('no segments found!!!!') return segments = list(dict.fromkeys(segments)) txt = open(txturls,"w+") for i, s in enumerate(segments): name = "0" + str(i) + '.mp4' frags_path.append(name) txt.write(s + f"\n out={name}\n") txt.close() aria2c_command = [ aria2cexe, f'--input-file={txturls}', '-x16', '-j16', '-s16', '--summary-interval=0', '--retry-wait=3', '--max-tries=10', '--enable-color=false', '--download-result=hide', '--console-log-level=error' ] print('Done!\n') runs = int(len(frags_path)) openfile = open(output ,"wb") for run_num, fragment in enumerate(frags_path): if os.path.isfile(fragment): shutil.copyfileobj(open(fragment,"rb"),openfile) os.remove(fragment) updt(runs, run_num + 1, output) openfile.close() #os.remove(txturls) print('Done!') return def subtitleformatter(name): subs = glob.glob(name + "*.vtt") if subs != []:[SubtitleEditexe, "/convert", name + '*.vtt', "srt", "/removetextforhi", "/fixcommonerrors", "/overwrite"]) for s in subs: if os.path.isfile(s): os.remove(s) return def main(episodename, seasonfolder, m3u8Url, SHOW=True): print("\nParsing M3U8...") videoList, AudioList, subtitleList, forcedlist, AudioExtension = load(m3u8Url) print("Done!") print(f"\n{episodename}") PRINT(videoList, AudioList, subtitleList+forcedlist) if not args.license: if args.customquality: height = args.customquality quality_available = [int(x['height']) for x in videoList] quality_available = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(quality_available)) if not int(height) in quality_available: print(f'This quality is not available, the available ones are: ' + ', '.join(str(x) for x in quality_available) + '.') height = input('Enter a correct quality (without p): ').strip() videoList = [x for x in videoList if int(x['height']) == int(height)] videoList = videoList[-1] else: videoList = videoList[-1] else: videoList = videoList[-1] # -- keys_requested = False pssh = get_pssh(videoList['url']) if args.license: print ("\nGetting KEYS...") KEYS = [] try: KEYS = do_decrypt(pssh) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) pass if KEYS == []: print("Error!") else: keys_requested = True print("Done!") print('\n'.join(KEYS)) return True # -- CurrentHeigh = str(videoList["height"]) if args.hevc: inputVideo = episodename + " [" + CurrentHeigh + "p] [HEVC].mp4" inputVideo_decrypted = episodename + ' [' + CurrentHeigh + 'p] [HEVC]_dec.mp4' inputVideo_demuxed = episodename + ' [' + CurrentHeigh + 'p] [HEVC].h265' MKVOUT1 = episodename + '.mkv' MKVOUT2 = str(seasonfolder) + '\\' + episodename + '.mkv' elif args.hdr: inputVideo = episodename + " [" + CurrentHeigh + "p] [HDR].mp4" inputVideo_decrypted = episodename + ' [' + CurrentHeigh + 'p] [HDR]_dec.mp4' inputVideo_demuxed = episodename + ' [' + CurrentHeigh + 'p] [HDR].h265' MKVOUT1 = episodename + '.mkv' MKVOUT2 = str(seasonfolder) + '\\' + episodename + '.mkv' else: inputVideo = episodename + " [" + CurrentHeigh + "p].mp4" inputVideo_decrypted = episodename + ' [' + CurrentHeigh + 'p]_dec.mp4' inputVideo_demuxed = episodename + ' [' + CurrentHeigh + 'p].h264' MKVOUT1 = episodename + '.mkv' MKVOUT2 = str(seasonfolder) + '\\' + episodename + '.mkv' if not args.noaudio or not args.novideo: KEYS = [] if args.txtkeys: print() print('Getting KEYS from txt...') with open(KEYS_Text, 'r') as (keys_file): for line in keys_file.readlines(): line = line.split('\n')[0] if ':' in line: KEYS.append(line) if KEYS == []: print() print("Getting KEYS from license server...") try: KEYS = do_decrypt(pssh=pssh) SAVELIST = ['\n'] + [episodename] + ['\n'] + KEYS + ['\n'] with open(KEYS_Text, "a", encoding="utf8") as file: for KEY in SAVELIST: file.write(KEY) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) pass if KEYS == []: print("Error!") else: keys_requested = True print("Done!") if os.path.isfile(MKVOUT1) or os.path.isfile(MKVOUT2): print("\nFile '" + str(MKVOUT1) + "' already exists.") return # DOWNLOAD VIDEO if not args.novideo: if not os.path.isfile(inputVideo) and not os.path.isfile(inputVideo_decrypted) and not os.path.isfile(inputVideo_demuxed): print ("\nDownloading video...") download(url=videoList['url'], output=inputVideo) else: print("\n" + inputVideo + "\ndownloaded previously.") # DOWNLOAD AUDIO if not args.noaudio: print ("\nDownloading audio...") if args.audiolang: for aud in AudioList: if aud['code'] in args.audiolang: AudioEnc = episodename + ' ' + aud['code'] + '.mp4' AudioDem = episodename + ' ' + aud['code'] + AudioExtension print ("\n" + str(aud['language']) + ' - audio') if not os.path.isfile(AudioDem): if not os.path.isfile(AudioEnc): download(url=aud['url'], output=AudioEnc) else: print(AudioEnc + "\ndownloaded previously.") else: for aud in AudioList: AudioEnc = episodename + ' ' + aud['code'] + '.mp4' AudioDem = episodename + ' ' + aud['code'] + AudioExtension print ("\n" + str(aud['language']) + ' - audio') if not os.path.isfile(AudioDem): if not os.path.isfile(AudioEnc): download(url=aud['url'], output=AudioEnc) else: print(AudioEnc + "\ndownloaded previously.") if keys_requested: # DECRYPT VIDEO if os.path.isfile(inputVideo) and not os.path.isfile(inputVideo_decrypted) and not os.path.isfile(inputVideo_demuxed): kid = getKeyId(inputVideo) for key in KEYS: if kid == key.split(':')[0]: KEYS=key if KEYS == '': print('please put vaild keys in txt.') sys.exit(0) print("\nDecrypt video...") decryptmedia(KEYS, inputVideo, inputVideo_decrypted) print("Done!") # DEMUX VIDEO if os.path.isfile(inputVideo_decrypted) and not os.path.isfile(inputVideo_demuxed): print("\nRemuxing video...") demux(inputVideo_decrypted, inputVideo_demuxed, 'video') print("Done!") for aud in AudioList: AudioEnc = episodename + ' ' + aud['code'] + '.mp4' AudioDem = episodename + ' ' + aud['code'] + AudioExtension langAud = aud['language'] if os.path.isfile(AudioEnc) and not os.path.isfile(AudioDem): print(f"\nDemuxing audio ({langAud})...") demux(AudioEnc, AudioDem, 'audio') print("Done!") if not args.nosubs: print ("\nDownloading subtitles...") if args.sublang: for sub in subtitleList: if sub['code'] in args.sublang: subname = episodename + ' ' + sub['code'] + '.srt' if not os.path.isfile(subname): downloadsubs(sub['url'], subname) else: print(str(sub['language']) + " - has already been successfully downloaded previously.") else: for sub in subtitleList: subname = episodename + ' ' + sub['code'] + '.srt' if not os.path.isfile(subname): downloadsubs(sub['url'], subname) else: print(str(sub['language']) + " - has already been successfully downloaded previously.") if args.forcedlang: for sub in forcedlist: if sub['code'] in args.forcedlang: subname = episodename + ' ' + 'forced-' + sub['code'] + '.srt' if not os.path.isfile(subname): downloadsubs(sub['url'], subname) else: print(str(sub['language']) + " - has already been successfully downloaded previously.") else: for sub in forcedlist: subname = episodename + ' ' + 'forced-' + sub['code'] + '.srt' if not os.path.isfile(subname): downloadsubs(sub['url'], subname) else: print(str(sub['language']) + " - has already been successfully downloaded previously.") # MUX subtitleformatter(episodename) AudioExist = False isAudios = glob.glob(episodename + "*" + AudioExtension) if isAudios != []: AudioExist = True muxer_defaults = {'audio':None, 'sub':None} if args.default_audio_mux: muxer_defaults.update({'audio': str(args.default_audio_mux)}) else: muxer_defaults.update({'audio': 'eng'}) if args.default_sub_mux: muxer_defaults.update({'sub': str(args.default_sub_mux)}) else: muxer_defaults.update({'sub': 'eng'}) if not args.novideo and not args.noaudio: if os.path.isfile(inputVideo_demuxed) and AudioExist: print ("\nMuxing...") if SHOW == False: MKV_Muxer=Muxer( CurrentName=episodename, SeasonFolder=None, CurrentHeigh=CurrentHeigh, Type="movie", defaults=muxer_defaults, mkvmergeexe=mkvmergeexe) MKV_Muxer.DPMuxer() else: if not os.path.exists(seasonfolder): os.makedirs(seasonfolder) MKV_Muxer=Muxer( CurrentName=episodename, SeasonFolder=seasonfolder, CurrentHeigh=CurrentHeigh, Type="show", defaults=muxer_defaults, mkvmergeexe=mkvmergeexe) MKV_Muxer.DPMuxer() if 'movies' in dsnpurl and not args.novideo: namer.rename( file=MKVOUT1, source='DSNP', ) if not 'movies' in dsnpurl and not args.novideo: namer.rename( file=MKVOUT2, source='DSNP', ) if not args.keep: do_clean(episodename) print('Done!') if __name__ == '__main__': print('\nDisney+ Ripper v1.4') global AuthorizationToken global dsnpurl global isuhd global ishevc global ishdr load_token_ini = load_token_file() if load_token_ini: AuthorizationToken = load_token_ini else: TOKEN, EXPIRE = generate_token() save_token(TOKEN, EXPIRE) AuthorizationToken = TOKEN if args.outputfolder: downloadpath = str(args.outputfolder) else: downloadpath = 'Downloads' if not os.path.exists(KEYS_Folder): os.makedirs(KEYS_Folder) if not os.path.exists(downloadpath): os.makedirs(downloadpath) os.chdir(downloadpath) if not args.disneyurl: dsnpurl = input("DisneyPlus URL: ") else: dsnpurl = str(args.disneyurl) dsnpid = dsnpurl.rsplit('/', 1)[1] ishevc=False ishdr=False isuhd=False isAtmos=False if args.hevc: ishevc=True if args.hdr: ishdr=True if args.uhd: isuhd=True if args.atmos: isAtmos=True if 'movies' in dsnpurl: print('\nGetting movie metadata & m3u8...') dsnp = DSNP(dsnpid, AuthorizationToken, 'movie', ishdr=ishdr, isuhd=isuhd, ishevc=ishevc) movie = dsnp.load_playlist() url = dsnp.load_info_m3u8(movie['id']['mediaId'], movie['mediaFormat'], args.customquality, isAtmos=isAtmos) print('Done!') name = FixShowName(movie['Title']) + ' ' + str(movie['Year']) main(episodename=name, seasonfolder=None, m3u8Url=url, SHOW=False) else: if 'series' in dsnpurl: if args.season: season_number = StripInputInt(str(args.season)) else: season_number = StripInputInt(str(input("ENTER Season Number: "))) if args.episode: episode_number = StripInputInt(str(args.episode)) else: episode_number = StripInputInt(str(input("ENTER Episode Number: "))) print('\nGetting season metadata') dsnp = DSNP(DsnyID=dsnpid, Token=AuthorizationToken, Type='show', Season=season_number, ishdr=ishdr, isuhd=isuhd, ishevc=ishevc) episodes = dsnp.load_playlist() print('Done!') start_episode = int(episode_number) - 1 if args.all_season: del episodes[0:start_episode] for ep in episodes: sizonumbr = FixSeq(ep['seasonNumber']) epsnumbr = FixSeq(ep['episodeNumber']) showname = FixShowName(ep['Title']) name = f"{showname} S{sizonumbr}E{epsnumbr}" folder = f"{showname} S{sizonumbr}" dsnp_m3u8 = DSNP(DsnyID=False, Token=AuthorizationToken, Type='show', Season=True, ishdr=ishdr, isuhd=isuhd, ishevc=ishevc) url = dsnp_m3u8.load_info_m3u8(ep['mediaId'], ep['mediaFormat'], args.customquality, isAtmos=isAtmos) main(episodename=name, seasonfolder=folder, m3u8Url=url, SHOW=True) else: episodes = episodes[start_episode] sizonumbr = FixSeq(episodes['seasonNumber']) epsnumbr = FixSeq(episodes['episodeNumber']) showname = FixShowName(episodes['Title']) name = f"{showname} S{sizonumbr}E{epsnumbr}" folder = f"{showname} S{sizonumbr}" dsnp_m3u8 = DSNP(DsnyID=False, Token=AuthorizationToken, Type='show', Season=True, ishdr=ishdr, isuhd=isuhd, ishevc=ishevc) url = dsnp_m3u8.load_info_m3u8(episodes['mediaId'], episodes['mediaFormat'], args.customquality, isAtmos=isAtmos) main(episodename=name, seasonfolder=folder, m3u8Url=url, SHOW=True) else: print("looks like you entered wrong disney url movie/show type.") print("url must contain: (") sys.exit()