
125 wiersze
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defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('Directe toegang tot scripts is niet toegestaan');
$lang['options_cloudlog_options'] = 'Cloudlog Options';
$lang['options_message1'] = 'Cloudlog Options are global settings used for all users of the installation, which are overridden if there\'s a setting on a user level.';
$lang['options_appearance'] = 'Appearance';
$lang['options_theme'] = 'Theme';
$lang['options_global_theme_choice_this_is_used_when_users_arent_logged_in'] = 'Global Theme Choice, this is used when users arent logged in.';
$lang['options_public_search_bar'] = 'Public Search Bar';
$lang['options_this_allows_non_logged_in_users_to_access_the_search_functions'] = 'This allows non logged in users to access the search functions.';
$lang['options_dashboard_notification_banner'] = 'Dashboard Notification Banner';
$lang['options_this_allows_to_disable_the_global_notification_banner_on_the_dashboard'] = 'This allows to disable the global notification banner on the dashboard.';
$lang['options_dashboard_map'] = 'Dashboard Map';
$lang['options_this_allows_the_map_on_the_dashboard_to_be_disabled_or_placed_on_the_right'] = 'This allows the map on the dashboard to be disabled or placed on the right.';
$lang['options_logbook_map'] = 'Logbook Map';
$lang['options_this_allows_to_disable_the_map_in_the_logbook'] = 'This allows to disable the map in the logbook.';
$lang['options_theme_changed_to'] = 'Theme changed to ';
$lang['options_global_search_changed_to'] = 'Global Search changed to ';
$lang['options_dashboard_banner_changed_to'] = 'Dashboard banner changed to ';
$lang['options_dashboard_map_changed_to'] = 'Dashboard map changed to ';
$lang['options_logbook_map_changed_to'] = 'Logbook map changed to ';
$lang['options_radios'] = 'Radios';
$lang['options_radio_settings'] = 'Radio Settings';
$lang['options_radio_timeout_warning'] = 'Radio Timeout Warning';
$lang['options_the_radio_timeout_warning_is_used_on_the_qso_entry_panel_to_alert_you_to_radio_interface_disconnects'] = 'The Radio Timeout Warning is used on the QSO entry panel to alert you to radio interface disconnects.';
$lang['options_this_number_is_in_seconds'] = 'This number is in seconds.';
$lang['options_radio_timeout_warning_changed_to'] = 'Radio Timeout Warning changed to ';
$lang['options_email'] = 'Email';
$lang['options_outgoing_protocol'] = 'Outgoing Protocol';
$lang['options_smtp_encryption'] = 'SMTP Encryption';
$lang['options_email_address'] = 'Email Address';
$lang['options_email_sender_name'] = 'Email Sender Name';
$lang['options_smtp_host'] = 'SMTP Host';
$lang['options_smtp_port'] = 'SMTP Port';
$lang['options_smtp_username'] = 'SMTP Username';
$lang['options_smtp_password'] = 'SMTP Password';
$lang['options_mail_settings_saved'] = "The settings were saved successfully.";
$lang['options_mail_settings_failed'] = "Something went wrong with saving the settings. Try again.";
$lang['options_outgoing_protocol_hint'] = "The protocol that will be used to send out emails.";
$lang['options_smtp_encryption_hint'] = "Choose whether emails should be sent with TLS or SSL.";
$lang['options_email_address_hint'] = "The email address from which the emails are sent, e.g. ''";
$lang['options_email_sender_name_hint'] = "The email sender name, e.g. 'Cloudlog'";
$lang['options_smtp_host_hint'] = "The hostname of the mail server, e.g. '' (without 'ssl://' or 'tls://')";
$lang['options_smtp_port_hint'] = "The SMTP port of the mail server, e.g. if TLS is used -> '587', if SSL is used -> '465'";
$lang['options_smtp_username_hint'] = "The username to log in to the mail server, usually this is the email address that is used.";
$lang['options_smtp_password_hint'] = "The password to log in to the mail server.";
$lang['options_send_testmail'] = "Send Test-Mail";
$lang['options_send_testmail_hint'] = "The email will be sent to the address defined in your account settings.";
$lang['options_send_testmail_failed'] = "Testmail failed. Something went wrong.";
$lang['options_send_testmail_success'] = "Testmail sent. Email settings seem to be correct.";
$lang['options_oqrs'] = 'OQRS Options';
$lang['options_global_text'] = 'Global text';
$lang['options_this_text_is_an_optional_text_that_can_be_displayed_on_top_of_the_oqrs_page'] = 'This text is an optional text that can be displayed on top of the OQRS page.';
$lang['options_grouped_search'] = 'Grouped search';
$lang['options_when_this_is_on_all_station_locations_with_oqrs_active_will_be_searched_at_once'] = 'When this is on, all station locations with OQRS active, will be searched at once.';
$lang['options_oqrs_options_have_been_saved'] = 'OQRS options have been saved.';
$lang['options_dxcluster'] = 'DXCluster';
$lang['options_dxcluster_provider'] = 'Provider of DXClusterCache';
$lang['options_dxcluster_longtext'] = 'The Provider of the DXCluster-Cache. You can set up your own Cache with <a href="">DXClusterAPI</a> or use a public one';
$lang['options_dxcluster_hint'] = 'URL of the DXCluster-Cache. e.g.';
$lang['options_dxcluster_settings'] = 'DXCluster';
$lang['options_dxcache_url_changed_to'] = 'DXCluster Cache URL changed to ';
$lang['options_dxcluster_maxage'] = 'Maximum Age of spots taken care of';
$lang['options_dxcluster_maxage_hint'] = 'The Age in Minutes of spots, that will be taken care at bandplan/lookup';
$lang['options_dxcluster_decont'] = 'Show spots which are spotted from following continent';
$lang['options_dxcluster_maxage_changed_to']='Maximum age of spots changed to ';
$lang['options_dxcluster_decont_changed_to']='de continent changed to ';
$lang['options_dxcluster_decont_hint']='Only spots by spotters from this continent are shown';
$lang['options_version_dialog'] = "Version Info";
$lang['options_version_dialog_close'] = "Close";
$lang['options_version_dialog_dismiss'] = "Don't show again";
$lang['options_version_dialog_settings'] = "Version Info Settings";
$lang['options_version_dialog_header'] = "Version Info Header";
$lang['options_version_dialog_header_hint'] = "You can change the header of the version info dialog.";
$lang['options_version_dialog_header_changed_to'] = "Version Info Header changed to";
$lang['options_version_dialog_mode'] = "Version Info Mode";
$lang['options_version_dialog_mode_release_notes'] = "Only Release Notes";
$lang['options_version_dialog_mode_custom_text'] = "Only Custom Text";
$lang['options_version_dialog_mode_both'] = "Release Notes and Custom Text";
$lang['options_version_dialog_mode_disabled'] = "Disabled";
$lang['options_version_dialog_mode_hint'] = "The Version Info is shown to every user. The user has the option to dismiss the dialog after he read it. Select if you want to show only release notes (fetched from github), only custom text or both.";
$lang['options_version_dialog_custom_text'] = "Version Info Custom Text";
$lang['options_version_dialog_custom_text_hint'] = "This is the custom text which is shown in the dialog.";
$lang['options_version_dialog_mode_changed_to'] = "Version Info Mode changed to";
$lang['options_version_dialog_custom_text_saved'] = "Version Info Custom Text saved!";
$lang['options_version_dialog_success_show_all'] = "Version Info will be shown to all users again";
$lang['options_version_dialog_success_hide_all'] = "Version Info will not be shown to any user";
$lang['options_version_dialog_show_hide'] = "Show/Hide Version Info Dialog for all Users";
$lang['options_version_dialog_show_all'] = "Show for all Users";
$lang['options_version_dialog_hide_all'] = "Hide for all Users";
$lang['options_version_dialog_show_all_hint'] = "This will show the version dialog automatically to all users on their next page reload.";
$lang['options_version_dialog_hide_all_hint'] = "This will deactivate the automatic popup of the version dialog for all users.";
$lang['options_save'] = 'Save';
// Bands
$lang['options_bands'] = "Bands";
$lang['options_bands_text_ln1'] = "Using the band list you can control which bands are shown when creating a new QSO.";
$lang['options_bands_text_ln2'] = "Active bands will be shown in the QSO 'Band' drop-down, while inactive bands will be hidden and cannot be selected.";
$lang['options_bands_create'] = "Create a band";
$lang['options_bands_edit'] = "Edit Band";
$lang['options_bands_activate_all'] = "Activate All";
$lang['options_bands_activateall_warning'] = "Warning! Are you sure you want to activate all bands?";
$lang['options_bands_deactivate_all'] = "Deactivate All";
$lang['options_bands_deactivateall_warning'] = "Warning! Are you sure you want to deactivate all bands?";
$lang['options_bands_ssb_qrg'] = "SSB QRG";
$lang['options_bands_ssb_qrg_hint'] = "Frequency for SSB QRG in band (must be in Hz)";
$lang['options_bands_data_qrg'] = "DATA QRG";
$lang['options_bands_data_qrg_hint'] = "Frequency for DATA QRG in band (must be in Hz)";
$lang['options_bands_cw_qrg'] = "CW QRG";
$lang['options_bands_cw_qrg_hint'] = "Frequency for CW QRG in band (must be in Hz)";
$lang['options_bands_name_band'] = "Name of Band (E.g. 20m)";
$lang['options_bands_name_bandgroup'] = "Name of bandgroup (E.g. hf, vhf, uhf, shf)";
$lang['options_bands_delete_warning'] = "Warning! Are you sure you want to delete the following band: ";