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<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* CodeIgniter
* An open source application development framework for PHP 5.1.6 or newer
* @package CodeIgniter
* @author ExpressionEngine Dev Team
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 - 2011, EllisLab, Inc.
* @license
* @link
* @since Version 1.3.1
* @filesource
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* HTML Table Generating Class
* Lets you create tables manually or from database result objects, or arrays.
* @package CodeIgniter
* @subpackage Libraries
* @category HTML Tables
* @author ExpressionEngine Dev Team
* @link
class CI_Table {
var $rows = array();
var $heading = array();
var $auto_heading = TRUE;
var $caption = NULL;
var $template = NULL;
var $newline = "\n";
var $empty_cells = "";
var $function = FALSE;
public function __construct()
log_message('debug', "Table Class Initialized");
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Set the template
* @access public
* @param array
* @return void
function set_template($template)
if ( ! is_array($template))
return FALSE;
$this->template = $template;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Set the table heading
* Can be passed as an array or discreet params
* @access public
* @param mixed
* @return void
function set_heading()
$args = func_get_args();
$this->heading = $this->_prep_args($args);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Set columns. Takes a one-dimensional array as input and creates
* a multi-dimensional array with a depth equal to the number of
* columns. This allows a single array with many elements to be
* displayed in a table that has a fixed column count.
* @access public
* @param array
* @param int
* @return void
function make_columns($array = array(), $col_limit = 0)
if ( ! is_array($array) OR count($array) == 0)
return FALSE;
// Turn off the auto-heading feature since it's doubtful we
// will want headings from a one-dimensional array
$this->auto_heading = FALSE;
if ($col_limit == 0)
return $array;
$new = array();
while (count($array) > 0)
$temp = array_splice($array, 0, $col_limit);
if (count($temp) < $col_limit)
for ($i = count($temp); $i < $col_limit; $i++)
$temp[] = '&nbsp;';
$new[] = $temp;
return $new;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Set "empty" cells
* Can be passed as an array or discreet params
* @access public
* @param mixed
* @return void
function set_empty($value)
$this->empty_cells = $value;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Add a table row
* Can be passed as an array or discreet params
* @access public
* @param mixed
* @return void
function add_row()
$args = func_get_args();
$this->rows[] = $this->_prep_args($args);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Prep Args
* Ensures a standard associative array format for all cell data
* @access public
* @param type
* @return type
function _prep_args($args)
// If there is no $args[0], skip this and treat as an associative array
// This can happen if there is only a single key, for example this is passed to table->generate
// array(array('foo'=>'bar'))
if (isset($args[0]) AND (count($args) == 1 && is_array($args[0])))
// args sent as indexed array
if ( ! isset($args[0]['data']))
foreach ($args[0] as $key => $val)
if (is_array($val) && isset($val['data']))
$args[$key] = $val;
$args[$key] = array('data' => $val);
foreach ($args as $key => $val)
if ( ! is_array($val))
$args[$key] = array('data' => $val);
return $args;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Add a table caption
* @access public
* @param string
* @return void
function set_caption($caption)
$this->caption = $caption;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Generate the table
* @access public
* @param mixed
* @return string
function generate($table_data = NULL)
// The table data can optionally be passed to this function
// either as a database result object or an array
if ( ! is_null($table_data))
if (is_object($table_data))
elseif (is_array($table_data))
$set_heading = (count($this->heading) == 0 AND $this->auto_heading == FALSE) ? FALSE : TRUE;
$this->_set_from_array($table_data, $set_heading);
// Is there anything to display? No? Smite them!
if (count($this->heading) == 0 AND count($this->rows) == 0)
return 'Undefined table data';
// Compile and validate the template date
// set a custom cell manipulation function to a locally scoped variable so its callable
$function = $this->function;
// Build the table!
$out = $this->template['table_open'];
$out .= $this->newline;
// Add any caption here
if ($this->caption)
$out .= $this->newline;
$out .= '<caption>' . $this->caption . '</caption>';
$out .= $this->newline;
// Is there a table heading to display?
if (count($this->heading) > 0)
$out .= $this->template['thead_open'];
$out .= $this->newline;
$out .= $this->template['heading_row_start'];
$out .= $this->newline;
foreach ($this->heading as $heading)
$temp = $this->template['heading_cell_start'];
foreach ($heading as $key => $val)
if ($key != 'data')
$temp = str_replace('<th', "<th $key='$val'", $temp);
$out .= $temp;
$out .= isset($heading['data']) ? $heading['data'] : '';
$out .= $this->template['heading_cell_end'];
$out .= $this->template['heading_row_end'];
$out .= $this->newline;
$out .= $this->template['thead_close'];
$out .= $this->newline;
// Build the table rows
if (count($this->rows) > 0)
$out .= $this->template['tbody_open'];
$out .= $this->newline;
$i = 1;
foreach ($this->rows as $row)
if ( ! is_array($row))
// We use modulus to alternate the row colors
$name = (fmod($i++, 2)) ? '' : 'alt_';
$out .= $this->template['row_'.$name.'start'];
$out .= $this->newline;
foreach ($row as $cell)
$temp = $this->template['cell_'.$name.'start'];
foreach ($cell as $key => $val)
if ($key != 'data')
$temp = str_replace('<td', "<td $key='$val'", $temp);
$cell = isset($cell['data']) ? $cell['data'] : '';
$out .= $temp;
if ($cell === "" OR $cell === NULL)
$out .= $this->empty_cells;
if ($function !== FALSE && is_callable($function))
$out .= call_user_func($function, $cell);
$out .= $cell;
$out .= $this->template['cell_'.$name.'end'];
$out .= $this->template['row_'.$name.'end'];
$out .= $this->newline;
$out .= $this->template['tbody_close'];
$out .= $this->newline;
$out .= $this->template['table_close'];
// Clear table class properties before generating the table
return $out;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Clears the table arrays. Useful if multiple tables are being generated
* @access public
* @return void
function clear()
$this->rows = array();
$this->heading = array();
$this->auto_heading = TRUE;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Set table data from a database result object
* @access public
* @param object
* @return void
function _set_from_object($query)
if ( ! is_object($query))
return FALSE;
// First generate the headings from the table column names
if (count($this->heading) == 0)
if ( ! method_exists($query, 'list_fields'))
return FALSE;
$this->heading = $this->_prep_args($query->list_fields());
// Next blast through the result array and build out the rows
if ($query->num_rows() > 0)
foreach ($query->result_array() as $row)
$this->rows[] = $this->_prep_args($row);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Set table data from an array
* @access public
* @param array
* @return void
function _set_from_array($data, $set_heading = TRUE)
if ( ! is_array($data) OR count($data) == 0)
return FALSE;
$i = 0;
foreach ($data as $row)
// If a heading hasn't already been set we'll use the first row of the array as the heading
if ($i == 0 AND count($data) > 1 AND count($this->heading) == 0 AND $set_heading == TRUE)
$this->heading = $this->_prep_args($row);
$this->rows[] = $this->_prep_args($row);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Compile Template
* @access private
* @return void
function _compile_template()
if ($this->template == NULL)
$this->template = $this->_default_template();
$this->temp = $this->_default_template();
foreach (array('table_open', 'thead_open', 'thead_close', 'heading_row_start', 'heading_row_end', 'heading_cell_start', 'heading_cell_end', 'tbody_open', 'tbody_close', 'row_start', 'row_end', 'cell_start', 'cell_end', 'row_alt_start', 'row_alt_end', 'cell_alt_start', 'cell_alt_end', 'table_close') as $val)
if ( ! isset($this->template[$val]))
$this->template[$val] = $this->temp[$val];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Default Template
* @access private
* @return void
function _default_template()
return array (
'table_open' => '<table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">',
'thead_open' => '<thead>',
'thead_close' => '</thead>',
'heading_row_start' => '<tr>',
'heading_row_end' => '</tr>',
'heading_cell_start' => '<th>',
'heading_cell_end' => '</th>',
'tbody_open' => '<tbody>',
'tbody_close' => '</tbody>',
'row_start' => '<tr>',
'row_end' => '</tr>',
'cell_start' => '<td>',
'cell_end' => '</td>',
'row_alt_start' => '<tr>',
'row_alt_end' => '</tr>',
'cell_alt_start' => '<td>',
'cell_alt_end' => '</td>',
'table_close' => '</table>'
/* End of file Table.php */
/* Location: ./system/libraries/Table.php */