
695 wiersze
14 KiB

namespace Cloudlog\QSLManager;
use DateTime;
use DateTimeZone;
use DomainException;
class QSO
private string $qsoID;
private DateTime $qsoDateTime;
private string $de;
private string $dx;
private string $mode;
private string $submode;
private string $band;
private string $bandRX;
private string $rstR;
private string $rstS;
private string $propagationMode;
private string $satelliteMode;
private string $satelliteName;
private string $name;
private string $email;
private string $address;
private string $deGridsquare;
private string $deIOTA;
private string $deSig;
private string $deSigInfo;
private string $deIOTAIslandID;
private string $deSOTAReference;
/** Awards */
private string $cqzone;
private string $state;
private string $dxcc;
private string $iota;
/** @var string[] */
private array $deVUCCGridsquares;
private string $dxGridsquare;
private string $dxIOTA;
private string $dxSig;
private string $dxSigInfo;
private string $dxDARCDOK;
private string $dxSOTAReference;
/** @var string[] */
private array $dxVUCCGridsquares;
private string $QSLMsg;
private ?DateTime $QSLReceivedDate;
private string $QSLReceived;
private string $QSLReceivedVia;
private ?DateTime $QSLSentDate;
private string $QSLSent;
private string $QSLSentVia;
private string $QSLVia;
private ?DateTime $end;
* @param array $data Does no validation, it's assumed to be a row from the database in array format
public function __construct(array $data)
$requiredKeys = [
foreach ($requiredKeys as $requiredKey) {
if (!array_key_exists($requiredKey, $data)) {
throw new DomainException("Required key $requiredKey does not exist");
$this->qsoID = $data['COL_PRIMARY_KEY'];
$this->qsoDateTime = DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i:s", $data['COL_TIME_ON'], new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$this->de = $data['COL_STATION_CALLSIGN'];
$this->dx = $data['COL_CALL'];
$this->mode = $data['COL_MODE'] ?? '';
$this->submode = $data['COL_SUBMODE'] ?? '';
$this->band = $data['COL_BAND'];
$this->bandRX = $data['COL_BAND_RX'] ?? '';
$this->rstR = $data['COL_RST_RCVD'];
$this->rstS = $data['COL_RST_SENT'];
$this->propagationMode = $data['COL_PROP_MODE'] ?? '';
$this->satelliteMode = $data['COL_SAT_MODE'] ?? '';
$this->satelliteName = $data['COL_SAT_NAME'] ?? '';
$this->name = $data['COL_NAME'] ?? '';
$this->email = $data['COL_EMAIL'] ?? '';
$this->address = $data['COL_ADDRESS'] ?? '';
$this->deGridsquare = $data['COL_MY_GRIDSQUARE'] ?? '';
$this->deIOTA = $data['COL_MY_IOTA'] ?? '';
$this->deSig = $data['COL_MY_SIG'] ?? '';
$this->deSigInfo = $data['COL_MY_SIG_INFO'] ?? '';
$this->deIOTAIslandID = $data['COL_MY_IOTA_ISLAND_ID'] ?? '';
$this->deSOTAReference = $data['COL_MY_SOTA_REF'] ?? '';
$this->deVUCCGridsquares = ($data['COL_MY_VUCC_GRIDS'] === null) ? [] : explode(",", $data['COL_MY_VUCC_GRIDS'] ?? '');
$this->dxGridsquare = $data['COL_GRIDSQUARE'] ?? '';
$this->dxIOTA = $data['COL_IOTA'] ?? '';
$this->dxSig = $data['COL_SIG'] ?? '';
$this->dxSigInfo = $data['COL_SIG_INFO'] ?? '';
$this->dxDARCDOK = $data['COL_DARC_DOK'] ?? '';
$this->dxSOTAReference = $data['COL_SOTA_REF'] ?? '';
$this->dxVUCCGridsquares = ($data['COL_VUCC_GRIDS'] === null) ? [] : explode(",", $data['COL_VUCC_GRIDS'] ?? '');
$this->QSLMsg = $data['COL_QSLMSG'] ?? '';
$this->QSLReceivedDate = ($data['COL_QSLRDATE'] === null) ? null : DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i:s", $data['COL_QSLRDATE'], new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$this->QSLReceived = ($data['COL_QSL_RCVD'] === null) ? '' : $data['COL_QSL_RCVD'];
$this->QSLReceivedVia = ($data['COL_QSL_RCVD_VIA'] === null) ? '' : $data['COL_QSL_RCVD_VIA'];
$this->QSLSentDate = ($data['COL_QSLSDATE'] === null) ? null : DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i:s", $data['COL_QSLSDATE'], new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$this->QSLSent = ($data['COL_QSL_SENT'] === null) ? '' : $data['COL_QSL_SENT'];
$this->QSLSentVia = ($data['COL_QSL_SENT_VIA'] === null) ? '' : $data['COL_QSL_SENT_VIA'];
$this->QSLVia = ($data['COL_QSL_VIA'] === null) ? '' : $data['COL_QSL_VIA'];
$this->cqzone = ($data['COL_CQZ'] === null) ? '' : $data['COL_CQZ'];
$this->state = ($data['COL_STATE'] === null) ? '' :$data['COL_STATE'];
$this->dxcc = ($data['COL_COUNTRY'] === null) ? '' :$data['COL_COUNTRY'];
$this->iota = ($data['COL_IOTA'] === null) ? '' :$data['COL_IOTA'];
if (array_key_exists('end', $data)) {
$this->end = ($data['end'] === null) ? null : DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-m-d", $data['end'], new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
} else {
$this->end = null;
* @return string
public function getQsoID(): string
return $this->qsoID;
* @return DateTime
public function getQsoDateTime(): DateTime
return $this->qsoDateTime;
* @return string
public function getDe(): string
return $this->de;
* @return string
public function getDx(): string
return $this->dx;
* @return string
public function getMode(): string
return $this->mode;
* @return string
public function getSubmode(): string
return $this->submode;
* @return string
public function getBand(): string
return $this->band;
* @return string
public function getBandRX(): string
return $this->bandRX;
* @return string
public function getRstR(): string
return $this->rstR;
* @return string
public function getRstS(): string
return $this->rstS;
* @return string
public function getPropagationMode(): string
return $this->propagationMode;
* @return string
public function getSatelliteMode(): string
return $this->satelliteMode;
* @return string
public function getSatelliteName(): string
return $this->satelliteName;
* @return string
public function getName(): string
return $this->name;
* @return string
public function getEmail(): string
return $this->email;
* @return string
public function getAddress(): string
return $this->address;
* @return string
public function getDeGridsquare(): string
return $this->deGridsquare;
* @return string
public function getDeIOTA(): string
return $this->deIOTA;
* @return string
public function getDeSig(): string
return $this->deSig;
* @return string
public function getDeSigInfo(): string
return $this->deSigInfo;
* @return string
public function getDeIOTAIslandID(): string
return $this->deIOTAIslandID;
* @return string
public function getDeSOTAReference(): string
return $this->deSOTAReference;
* @return string[]
public function getDeVUCCGridsquares(): array
return $this->deVUCCGridsquares;
* @return string
public function getDxGridsquare(): string
return $this->dxGridsquare;
* @return string
public function getDxIOTA(): string
return $this->dxIOTA;
* @return string
public function getDxSig(): string
return $this->dxSig;
* @return string
public function getDxSigInfo(): string
return $this->dxSigInfo;
* @return string
public function getDxDARCDOK(): string
return $this->dxDARCDOK;
* @return string
public function getDxSOTAReference(): string
return $this->dxSOTAReference;
* @return string[]
public function getDxVUCCGridsquares(): array
return $this->dxVUCCGridsquares;
* @return string
public function getQSLMsg(): string
return $this->QSLMsg;
* @return ?DateTime
public function getQSLReceivedDate(): ?DateTime
return $this->QSLReceivedDate;
* @return string
public function getQSLReceived(): string
return $this->QSLReceived;
* @return string
public function getQSLReceivedVia(): string
return $this->QSLReceivedVia;
* @return ?DateTime
public function getQSLSentDate(): ?DateTime
return $this->QSLSentDate;
* @return string
public function getQSLSent(): string
return $this->QSLSent;
* @return string
public function getQSLSentVia(): string
return $this->QSLSentVia;
* @return string
public function getQSLVia(): string
return $this->QSLVia;
public function getDXCC(): string
return $this->dxcc;
public function getCqzone(): string
return $this->cqzone;
public function getState(): string
return $this->state;
public function getIOTA(): string
return $this->iota;
public function toArray(): array
return [
'qsoID' => $this->qsoID,
'qsoDateTime' => $this->qsoDateTime->format("Y-m-d H:i"),
'de' => $this->de,
'dx' => $this->dx,
'mode' => $this->getFormattedMode(),
'rstS' => $this->rstS,
'rstR' => $this->rstR,
'band' => $this->getFormattedBand(),
'deRefs' => $this->getFormattedDeRefs(),
'dxRefs' => $this->getFormattedDxRefs(),
'qslVia' => $this->QSLVia,
'qslSent' => $this->getFormattedQSLSent(),
'qslReceived' => $this->getFormattedQSLReceived(),
'qslMessage' => $this->getQSLMsg(),
'name' => $this->getName(),
'dxcc' => $this->getDXCC(),
'state' => $this->getState(),
'cqzone' => $this->getCqzone(),
'iota' => $this->getIOTA(),
'end' => $this->end === null ? null : $this->end->format("Y-m-d"),
private function getFormattedMode(): string
if ($this->submode !== '') {
return $this->submode;
} else {
return $this->mode;
private function getFormattedBand(): string
$label = "";
if ($this->propagationMode !== '') {
$label .= $this->propagationMode;
if ($this->satelliteName !== '') {
$label .= " " . $this->satelliteName;
if ($this->satelliteMode !== '') {
$label .= " " . $this->satelliteMode;
$label .= " " . $this->band;
if ($this->bandRX !== '' && $this->band !== '') {
$label .= "/" . $this->bandRX;
return trim($label);
private function getFormattedDeRefs(): string
$refs = [];
if ($this->deVUCCGridsquares !== []) {
$refs[] = implode(",", $this->deVUCCGridsquares);
} else {
if ($this->deGridsquare !== '') {
$refs[] = $this->deGridsquare;
if ($this->deIOTA !== '') {
if ($this->deIOTAIslandID !== '') {
$refs[] = "IOTA:" . $this->deIOTA . "(" . $this->deIOTAIslandID . ")";
} else {
$refs[] = "IOTA:" . $this->deIOTA;
if ($this->deSOTAReference !== '') {
$refs[] = "SOTA:" . $this->deSOTAReference;
if ($this->deSig !== '') {
$refs[] = $this->deSig . ":" . $this->deSigInfo;
return trim(implode(" ", $refs));
private function getFormattedDxRefs(): string
$refs = [];
if ($this->dxVUCCGridsquares !== []) {
$refs[] = implode(",", $this->dxVUCCGridsquares);
} else if ($this->dxGridsquare !== '') {
$refs[] = $this->dxGridsquare;
if ($this->dxSOTAReference !== '') {
$refs[] = "SOTA:" . $this->dxSOTAReference;
if ($this->dxSig !== '') {
$refs[] = $this->dxSig . ":" . $this->dxSigInfo;
if ($this->dxDARCDOK !== '') {
$refs[] = "DOK:" . $this->dxDARCDOK;
return implode(" ", $refs);
private function getFormattedQSLSent(): string
$showVia = false;
$label = [];
if ($this->QSLSent === "Y") {
if ($this->QSLSentDate !== null) {
$label[] = $this->QSLSentDate->format("Y-m-d");
} else {
$label[] = "Yes";
$showVia = true;
} else if ($this->QSLSent === "N") {
$label[] = "No";
} else if ($this->QSLSent === "Q") {
$label[] = "Queued";
if ($this->QSLSentDate !== null) {
$label[] = $this->QSLSentDate->format("Y-m-d");
$showVia = true;
} else if ($this->QSLSent === "R") {
$label[] = "Requested";
if ($this->QSLSentDate !== null) {
$label[] = $this->QSLSentDate->format("Y-m-d");
$showVia = true;
if ($showVia && $this->QSLSentVia !== '') {
switch ($this->QSLSentVia) {
case 'B':
$label[] = "Bureau";
case 'D':
$label[] = "Direct";
case 'E':
$label[] = "Electronic";
case 'M':
$label[] = "Manager";
return trim(implode(" ", $label));
private function getFormattedQSLReceived(): string
$showVia = false;
$label = [];
if ($this->QSLReceived === "Y") {
if ($this->QSLReceivedDate !== null) {
$label[] = $this->QSLReceivedDate->format("Y-m-d");
} else {
$label[] = "Yes";
$showVia = true;
} else if ($this->QSLReceived === "N") {
$label[] = "No";
} else if ($this->QSLReceived === "Q") {
$label[] = "Queued";
if ($this->QSLReceivedDate !== null) {
$label[] = $this->QSLReceivedDate->format("Y-m-d");
$showVia = true;
} else if ($this->QSLReceived === "R") {
$label[] = "Requested";
if ($this->QSLReceivedDate !== null) {
$label[] = $this->QSLReceivedDate->format("Y-m-d");
$showVia = true;
if ($showVia && $this->QSLReceivedVia !== '') {
switch ($this->QSLReceivedVia) {
case 'B':
$label[] = "Bureau";
case 'D':
$label[] = "Direct";
case 'E':
$label[] = "Electronic";
case 'M':
$label[] = "Manager";
return trim(implode(" ", $label));