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Copyright 2011 Jason Harris KJ4IWX
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
class ADIF_Parser
var $data; //the adif data
var $datasplit; // one entry is one QSO in the array
var $currentarray = 0; // current place in the array
var $i; //the iterator
var $headers = array();
public function initialize() //this function locates the <EOH>
$pos = mb_stripos(mb_strtoupper($this->data, "UTF-8"), "<EOH>", 0, "UTF-8");
if($pos == false) //did we find the end of headers?
// Just skip if we did not find (optional) headers
$pos = 0;
goto noheaders;
//get headers
$this->i = 0;
$in_tag = false;
$tag = "";
$value_length = "";
$value = "";
while($this->i < $pos)
//skip comments
if(mb_substr($this->data, $this->i, 1, "UTF-8") == "#")
while($this->i < $pos)
if(mb_substr($this->data, $this->i, 1, "UTF-8") == "\n")
//find the beginning of a tag
if(mb_substr($this->data, $this->i, 1, "UTF-8") == "<")
//record the key
while($this->i < $pos && mb_substr($this->data, $this->i, 1, "UTF-8") != ':')
$tag = $tag.mb_substr($this->data, $this->i, 1, "UTF-8");
$this->i++; //iterate past the :
//find out how long the value is
while($this->i < $pos && mb_substr($this->data, $this->i, 1, "UTF-8") != '>')
$value_length = $value_length.mb_substr($this->data, $this->i, 1, "UTF-8");
$this->i++; //iterate past the >
$len = (int)$value_length;
//copy the value into the buffer
if ($this->i + $len > $pos) {
$len = $len - ($this->i + $len - $pos);
$value = mb_substr($this->data, $this->i, $len, "UTF-8");
$this->i = $this->i + $len;
$this->headers[mb_strtolower(trim($tag), "UTF-8")] = $value; //convert it to lowercase and trim it in case of \r
//clear all of our variables
$tag = "";
$value_length = "";
$value = "";
$this->i = $pos+5; //iterate past the <eoh>
// Skip to here in case we did not find headers
if($this->i >= mb_strlen($this->data, "UTF-8")) //is this the end of the file?
echo "Error: ADIF File Does Not Contain Any QSOs";
return 0;
$this->datasplit = preg_split("/<eor>/i", mb_substr($this->data, $this->i, NULL, "UTF-8"));
$this->currentarray = 0;
return 1;
public function feed($input_data) //allows the parser to be fed a string
$this->data = $input_data;
$this->datasplit = preg_split("/<eor>/i", mb_substr($this->data, $this->i, NULL, "UTF-8"));
public function load_from_file($fname) //allows the user to accept a filename as input
$this->data = $string = mb_convert_encoding(file_get_contents($fname), "UTF-8");
//the following function does the processing of the array into its key and value pairs
public function record_to_array($record)
$return = array();
for($a = 0; $a < mb_strlen($record, "UTF-8"); $a++)
if(mb_substr($record, $a, 1, "UTF-8") == '<') //find the start of the tag
$tag_name = "";
$value = "";
$len_str = "";
$len = 0;
$a++; //go past the <
while(mb_substr($record, $a, 1, "UTF-8") != ':') //get the tag
$tag_name = $tag_name.mb_substr($record, $a, 1, "UTF-8"); //append this char to the tag name
$a++; //iterate past the colon
while(mb_substr($record, $a, 1, "UTF-8") != '>' && mb_substr($record, $a, 1, "UTF-8") != ':')
$len_str = $len_str.mb_substr($record, $a, 1, "UTF-8");
if(mb_substr($record, $a, 1, "UTF-8") == ':')
while(mb_substr($record, $a, 1, "UTF-8") != '>')
$len = (int)$len_str;
$value = mb_substr($record, $a, $len, "UTF-8");
$a = $a + $len - 1;
$return[mb_strtolower($tag_name, "UTF-8")] = $value;
//skip comments
if(mb_substr($record, $a, 1, "UTF-8") == "#")
while($a < mb_strlen($record, "UTF-8"))
if(mb_substr($record, $a, 1, "UTF-8") == "\n")
return $return;
//finds the next record in the file
public function get_record()
// Are we at the end of the array containing the QSOs?
if($this->currentarray >= count($this->datasplit)) {
return array(); //return nothing
} else {
// Is this a valid QSO?
if (mb_stristr($this->datasplit[$this->currentarray], "<CALL:", false, "UTF-8")) {
return $this->record_to_array($this->datasplit[$this->currentarray++]); //process and return output
else {
return array();
public function get_header($key)
if(array_key_exists(mb_strtolower($key, "UTF-8"), $this->headers))
return $this->headers[mb_strtolower($key, "UTF-8")];
return NULL;