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defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
$lang['admin_user_line1'] = 'Cloudlog potřebuje alespoň jednoho uživatele nastaveného pro svůj provoz.';
$lang['admin_user_line2'] = 'Uživatelům mohou být přiděleny role, které jim udělují různá oprávnění, jako je přidávání QSO do logu a přístup k Cloudlog API.';
$lang['admin_user_line3'] = 'Nyní přihlášený uživatel je zobrazen v pravém horním rohu každé stránky.';
$lang['admin_user_line4'] = "With the password reset button, you can send a user an email containing a link to reset their password. To achieve this, ensure that the email settings in the global options are configured correctly.";
$lang['admin_user_list'] = 'Seznam uživatelů';
$lang['admin_user'] = 'Uživatel';
$lang['admin_email'] = 'E-mail';
$lang['admin_type'] = 'Typ';
$lang['admin_last_login'] = "Last Login";
$lang['admin_options'] = 'Možnosti';
$lang['admin_create_user'] = 'Vytvořit uživatele';
$lang['admin_delete'] = 'Smazat';
$lang['admin_remove'] = "Remove";
$lang['admin_edit'] = 'Upravit';
$lang['admin_create'] = 'Create';
$lang['admin_update'] = 'Update';
$lang['admin_copy'] = 'Copy';
$lang['admin_save'] = 'Save';
$lang['admin_close'] = 'Close';
$lang['admin_user_accounts'] = 'User Accounts';
$lang['admin_danger'] = 'DANGER!';
$lang['admin_experimental'] = "Experimental";
$lang['admin_password_reset'] = "Password Reset";
$lang['admin_email_settings_incorrect'] = "Email settings are incorrect.";
$lang['admin_password_reset_processed'] = "Password Reset E-Mail sent.";
// Contest Menu
$lang['admin_contest_menu_line_1'] = 'Using the contest list, you can control which Contests are shown when logging QSOs in a contest.';
$lang['admin_contest_menu_line_2'] = 'Active contests will be shown in the Contest Name drop-down, while inactive contests will be hidden and cannot be selected.';
$lang['admin_contest_menu_name'] = 'Name';
$lang['admin_contest_menu_adif'] = 'ADIF Name';
$lang['admin_contest_menu_active'] = 'Active';
$lang['admin_contest_menu_n_active'] = 'Not Active';
$lang['admin_contest_menu_activate'] = 'Activate';
$lang['admin_contest_menu_deactivate'] = 'Deactivate';
$lang['admin_contest_add_contest'] = 'Add a Contest';
$lang["admin_contest_create"] = "Create";
$lang['admin_contest_all_active'] = 'Activate All';
$lang['admin_contest_all_deactive'] = 'Deactivate All';
$lang['admin_contest_name_adif'] = 'Contest ADIF Name';
$lang['admin_contest_name_of_contest'] = 'Name of the Contest';
$lang['admin_contest_name_of_adif'] = 'Name of Contest in ADIF-specification';
$lang['admin_contest_edit_active_hint'] = 'Set to active if to be listed in Contest-list';
$lang['admin_contest_edit_update_contest'] = 'Update Contest';
$lang['admin_contest_deletion_warning'] = 'Warning! Are you sure you want to delete the following contest: ';
$lang['admin_contest_active_all_warning'] = 'Warning! Are you sure you want to activate all contests?';
$lang['admin_contest_deactive_all_warning'] = 'Warning! Are you sure you want to deactivate all contests?';