
173 wiersze
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class Dxatlas_model extends CI_Model
function __construct()
// Call the Model constructor
* Fetches worked and confirmed gridsquare from the logbook
function get_gridsquares($station_id, $band, $mode, $dxcc, $cqz, $propagation, $fromdate, $todate) {
$gridArray = $this->fetchGrids($station_id, $band, $mode, $dxcc, $cqz, $propagation, $fromdate, $todate);
if (isset($gridArray)) {
return $gridArray;
} else {
return 0;
* Builds the array for worked and confirmed gridsquares
function fetchGrids($station_id, $band, $mode, $dxcc, $cqz, $propagation, $fromdate, $todate) {
// Getting all the worked grids
$col_gridsquare_worked = $this->get_grids($station_id, $band, $mode, $dxcc, $cqz, $propagation, $fromdate, $todate, 'none', 'single');
$workedGridArray = array();
foreach ($col_gridsquare_worked as $workedgrid) {
array_push($workedGridArray, $workedgrid['gridsquare']);
$col_vucc_grids_worked = $this->get_grids($station_id, $band, $mode, $dxcc, $cqz, $propagation, $fromdate, $todate, 'none', 'multi');
foreach ($col_vucc_grids_worked as $gridSplit) {
$grids = explode(",", $gridSplit['col_vucc_grids']);
foreach($grids as $key) {
$grid_four = strtoupper(substr(trim($key),0,4));
if(!in_array($grid_four, $workedGridArray)){
array_push($workedGridArray, $grid_four);
// Getting all the confirmed grids
$col_gridsquare_confirmed = $this->get_grids($station_id, $band, $mode, $dxcc, $cqz, $propagation, $fromdate, $todate, 'both', 'single');
$confirmedGridArray = array();
foreach ($col_gridsquare_confirmed as $confirmedgrid) {
array_push($confirmedGridArray, $confirmedgrid['gridsquare']);
if(in_array($confirmedgrid['gridsquare'], $workedGridArray)){
$index = array_search($confirmedgrid['gridsquare'],$workedGridArray);
$col_vucc_grids_confirmed = $this->get_grids($station_id, $band, $mode, $dxcc, $cqz, $propagation, $fromdate, $todate, 'both', 'multi');
foreach ($col_vucc_grids_confirmed as $gridSplit) {
$grids = explode(",", $gridSplit['col_vucc_grids']);
foreach($grids as $key) {
$grid_four = strtoupper(substr(trim($key),0,4));
if(!in_array($grid_four, $confirmedGridArray)){
array_push($confirmedGridArray, $grid_four);
if(in_array($grid_four, $workedGridArray)){
$index = array_search($grid_four,$workedGridArray);
$vuccArray['worked'] = $workedGridArray;
$vuccArray['confirmed'] = $confirmedGridArray;
return $vuccArray;
* Gets the grids from the datbase
* Filters:
* $band = filter on band
* $mode = filter on mode
* $dxcc = filter on dxx
* $cqz = filter on cq zone
* $propagation = Filter on propagation
* $fromdate = Date range from
* $todate = Date range to
* $column = Chooses if we fetch from col_gridsquare (only single grids) or col_vucc_grids (multisquares)
* $confirmationMethod - qsl, lotw or both, use anything else to skip confirmed
function get_grids($station_id, $band, $mode, $dxcc, $cqz, $propagation, $fromdate, $todate, $confirmationMethod, $column) {
$sql = "";
if ($column == 'single') {
$sql .= "select distinct upper(substring(col_gridsquare, 1, 4)) gridsquare
from " . $this->config->item('table_name') .
" where col_gridsquare <> ''";
else if ($column == 'multi') {
$sql .= "select col_vucc_grids
from " . $this->config->item('table_name') .
" where col_vucc_grids <> '' ";
if ($station_id != "All") {
$sql .= ' and station_id = ' . $station_id;
if ($confirmationMethod == 'both') {
$sql .= " and (col_qsl_rcvd='Y' or col_lotw_qsl_rcvd='Y')";
else if ($confirmationMethod == 'qsl') {
$sql .= " and col_qsl_rcvd='Y'";
else if ($confirmationMethod == 'lotw') {
$sql .= " and col_lotw_qsl_rcvd='Y'";
if ($band != 'All') {
if ($band == 'SAT') {
$sql .= " and col_prop_mode ='" . $band . "'";
} else {
$sql .= " and col_prop_mode !='SAT'";
$sql .= " and col_band ='" . $band . "'";
if ($mode != 'All') {
$sql .= " and (COL_MODE = '" . $mode . "' or COL_SUBMODE = '" . $mode . "')";
if ($dxcc != 'All') {
$sql .= " and COL_DXCC ='" . $dxcc . "'";
if ($cqz != 'All') {
$sql .= " and COL_CQZ ='" . $cqz . "'";
if ($propagation != 'All') {
$sql .= " and COL_PROP_MODE ='" . $propagation . "'";
// If date is set, we format the date and add it to the where-statement
if ($fromdate != "") {
$from = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', $fromdate);
$from = $from->format('Y-m-d');
$sql .= " and date(COL_TIME_ON) >='" . $from . "'";
if ($todate != "") {
$to = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', $todate);
$to = $to->format('Y-m-d');
$sql .= " and date(COL_TIME_ON) <='" . $to . "'";
$query = $this->db->query($sql);
return $query->result_array();