kopia lustrzana https://github.com/magicbug/Cloudlog
70 wiersze
3.4 KiB
70 wiersze
3.4 KiB
function echo_qsl_sent_via($method) {
switch($method) {
case 'B': echo 'Bureau'; break;
case 'D': echo 'Direct'; break;
case 'E': echo 'Electronic'; break;
if (empty($station_id)) {
$station_id = 'all';
if ($qsos->result() != NULL) {
echo '<table style="width:100%" class="table table-sm table-bordered table-hover table-striped table-condensed">
<th style=\'text-align: center\'>'.lang('gen_hamradio_callsign').'</th>
<th style=\'text-align: center\'>' . lang('general_word_date') . '</th>
<th style=\'text-align: center\'>'. lang('general_word_time') .'</th>
<th style=\'text-align: center\'>' . lang('gen_hamradio_mode') . '</th>
<th style=\'text-align: center\'>' . lang('gen_hamradio_band') . '</th>
<th style=\'text-align: center\'>' . lang('gen_hamradio_qsl') . ' ' . lang('general_word_qslcard_via') . '</th>
<th style=\'text-align: center\'>' . lang('gen_hamradio_station') . '</th>
<th style=\'text-align: center\'>Sent method</th>
<th style=\'text-align: center\'>Delete</th>
<th style=\'text-align: center\'>QSO List</th>
// Get Date format
if($this->session->userdata('user_date_format')) {
// If Logged in and session exists
$custom_date_format = $this->session->userdata('user_date_format');
} else {
// Get Default date format from /config/cloudlog.php
$custom_date_format = $this->config->item('qso_date_format');
foreach ($qsos->result() as $qsl) {
echo '<tr id="qslprint_'.$qsl->COL_PRIMARY_KEY.'">';
echo '<td style=\'text-align: center\'>' . $qsl->COL_CALL . '</td>';
echo '<td style=\'text-align: center\'>'; $timestamp = strtotime($qsl->COL_TIME_ON); echo date($custom_date_format, $timestamp); echo '</td>';
echo '<td style=\'text-align: center\'>'; $timestamp = strtotime($qsl->COL_TIME_ON); echo date('H:i', $timestamp); echo '</td>';
echo '<td style=\'text-align: center\'>'; echo $qsl->COL_SUBMODE==null?$qsl->COL_MODE:$qsl->COL_SUBMODE; echo '</td>';
echo '<td style=\'text-align: center\'>'; if($qsl->COL_SAT_NAME != null) { echo $qsl->COL_SAT_NAME; } else { echo strtolower($qsl->COL_BAND); }; echo '</td>';
echo '<td style=\'text-align: center\'>' . $qsl->COL_QSL_VIA . '</td>';
echo '<td style=\'text-align: center\'><span class="badge badge-light">' . $qsl->station_callsign . '</span></td>';
echo '<td style=\'text-align: center\'>'; echo_qsl_sent_via($qsl->COL_QSL_SENT_VIA); echo '</td>';
echo '<td style=\'text-align: center\'><button onclick="deleteFromQslQueue(\''.$qsl->COL_PRIMARY_KEY.'\')" class="btn btn-sm btn-danger"><i class="fas fa-trash-alt"></i></button></td>';
echo '<td style=\'text-align: center\'><button onclick="openQsoList(\''.$qsl->COL_CALL.'\')" class="btn btn-sm btn-success"><i class="fas fa-search"></i></button></td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</tbody></table>';
<p><a href="<?php echo site_url('qslprint/exportcsv/' . $station_id); ?>" title="Export CSV-file" class="btn btn-primary">Export requested QSLs to CSV-file</a></p>
<p><a href="<?php echo site_url('qslprint/exportadif/' . $station_id); ?>" title="Export ADIF" class="btn btn-primary">Export requested QSLs to ADIF-file</a></p>
<p><a href="<?php echo site_url('qslprint/qsl_printed/' . $station_id); ?>" title="Mark QSLs as printed" class="btn btn-primary">Mark requested QSLs as sent</a></p>
} else {
echo '<div class="alert alert-danger"><a href="#" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="close">×</a>No QSL\'s to print were found!</div>';