uri->segment(1) == "activators") { ?> session->userdata('user_id') != null) { $versionDialog = $this->optionslib->get_option('version_dialog'); if (empty($versionDialog)) { $this->optionslib->update('version_dialog', 'release_notes', 'yes'); } $versionDialogHeader = $this->optionslib->get_option('version_dialog_header'); if (empty($versionDialogHeader)) { $this->optionslib->update('version_dialog_header', $this->lang->line('options_version_dialog'), 'yes'); } if ($versionDialog != "disabled") { $confirmed = $this->user_options_model->get_options('version_dialog', array('option_name' => 'confirmed'))->result(); $confirmation_value = (isset($confirmed[0]->option_value)) ? $confirmed[0]->option_value : 'false'; if ($confirmation_value != 'true') { $this->user_options_model->set_option('version_dialog', 'confirmed', array('boolean' => $confirmation_value)); ?> uri->segment(1) == "oqrs") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "options") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "awards" && ($this->uri->segment(2) == "cq")) { ?> uri->segment(1) == "awards" && ($this->uri->segment(2) == "iota")) { ?> uri->segment(1) == "awards" && ($this->uri->segment(2) == "dxcc")) { ?> uri->segment(1) == "statistics") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "continents") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "adif" || $this->uri->segment(1) == "qrz" || $this->uri->segment(1) == "hrdlog" || $this->uri->segment(1) == "webadif" || $this->uri->segment(1) == "sattimers") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "maintenance") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "adif") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "notes" && ($this->uri->segment(2) == "add" || $this->uri->segment(2) == "edit")) { ?> uri->segment(1) == "logbooks" && $this->uri->segment(2) == "edit") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "station") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "logbooks") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "debug") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "api" && $this->uri->segment(2) == "help") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "search" && $this->uri->segment(2) == "filter") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "map" && $this->uri->segment(2) == "custom") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "" || $this->uri->segment(1) == "dashboard") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "radio") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "search") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "logbook" && $this->uri->segment(2) != "view") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "qso") { ?> session->userdata('isWinkeyEnabled')) { ?> optionslib->get_option('dxcache_url') != '') { ?> load->model('stations'); $active_station_id = $this->stations->find_active(); $station_profile = $this->stations->profile($active_station_id); $active_station_info = $station_profile->row(); if (strpos($active_station_info->station_gridsquare, ',') !== false) { $gridsquareArray = explode(',', $active_station_info->station_gridsquare); $user_gridsquare = $gridsquareArray[0]; } else { $user_gridsquare = $active_station_info->station_gridsquare; } ?> uri->segment(1) == "qso" || ($this->uri->segment(1) == "contesting" && $this->uri->segment(2) != "add")) { ?> uri->segment(1) == "logbook" && $this->uri->segment(2) == "view") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "update") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "awards" && $this->uri->segment(2) == "wab") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "gridsquares" && !empty($this->uri->segment(2))) { ?> uri->segment(1) == "activated_grids" && !empty($this->uri->segment(2))) { ?> uri->segment(1) == "dayswithqso") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "distances") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "hrdlog") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "qrz") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "webadif") { ?> uri->segment(2) == "dxcc") { ?> uri->segment(2) == "waja") { ?> uri->segment(2) == "vucc_band") { ?> uri->segment(2) == "iota") { ?> uri->segment(2) == "cq") { ?> uri->segment(2) == "was") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "timeline") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "activators") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "mode") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "band") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "accumulated") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "timeplotter") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "qsl" || $this->uri->segment(1) == "eqsl") { // Get Date format if ($this->session->userdata('user_date_format')) { // If Logged in and session exists $custom_date_format = $this->session->userdata('user_date_format'); } else { // Get Default date format from /config/cloudlog.php $custom_date_format = $this->config->item('qso_date_format'); } switch ($custom_date_format) { case 'd/m/y': $usethisformat = 'D/MM/YY'; break; case 'd/m/Y': $usethisformat = 'D/MM/YYYY'; break; case 'm/d/y': $usethisformat = 'MM/D/YY'; break; case 'm/d/Y': $usethisformat = 'MM/D/YYYY'; break; case 'd.m.Y': $usethisformat = 'D.MM.YYYY'; break; case 'y/m/d': $usethisformat = 'YY/MM/D'; break; case 'Y-m-d': $usethisformat = 'YYYY-MM-D'; break; case 'M d, Y': $usethisformat = 'MMM D, YYYY'; break; case 'M d, y': $usethisformat = 'MMM D, YY'; break; } ?> uri->segment(1) == "contesting" && ($this->uri->segment(2) != "add" && $this->uri->segment(2) != "edit")) { ?> uri->segment(1) == "station") { ?> uri->segment(2) == "counties" || $this->uri->segment(2) == "counties_details") { ?> uri->segment(2) == "sig_details") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "contesting" && $this->uri->segment(2) == "add") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "themes") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "eqsl") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "awards") { // Get Date format if ($this->session->userdata('user_date_format')) { // If Logged in and session exists $custom_date_format = $this->session->userdata('user_date_format'); } else { // Get Default date format from /config/cloudlog.php $custom_date_format = $this->config->item('qso_date_format'); } switch ($custom_date_format) { case 'd/m/y': $usethisformat = 'D/MM/YY'; break; case 'd/m/Y': $usethisformat = 'D/MM/YYYY'; break; case 'm/d/y': $usethisformat = 'MM/D/YY'; break; case 'm/d/Y': $usethisformat = 'MM/D/YYYY'; break; case 'd.m.Y': $usethisformat = 'D.MM.YYYY'; break; case 'y/m/d': $usethisformat = 'YY/MM/D'; break; case 'Y-m-d': $usethisformat = 'YYYY-MM-D'; break; case 'M d, Y': $usethisformat = 'MMM D, YYYY'; break; case 'M d, y': $usethisformat = 'MMM D, YY'; break; } ?> uri->segment(2) == "wwff") { ?> uri->segment(2) == "pota") { ?> uri->segment(2) == "dok") { ?> uri->segment(1) == "user") { ?>