DXClusterAPI or use a public one'; $lang['options_dxcluster_hint'] = 'URL of the DXCluster-Cache. e.g. https://dxc.jo30.de/dxcache'; $lang['options_dxcluster_settings'] = 'DXCluster'; $lang['options_dxcache_url_changed_to'] = 'DXCluster Cache URL changed to '; $lang['options_dxcluster_maxage'] = 'Maximum Age of spots taken care of'; $lang['options_dxcluster_maxage_hint'] = 'The Age in Minutes of spots, that will be taken care at bandplan/lookup'; $lang['options_dxcluster_decont'] = 'Show spots which are spotted from following continent'; $lang['options_dxcluster_maxage_changed_to']='Maximum age of spots changed to '; $lang['options_dxcluster_decont_changed_to']='de continent changed to '; $lang['options_dxcluster_decont_hint']='Only spots by spotters from this continent are shown'; $lang['options_save'] = 'Uložit'; // Bands $lang['options_bands'] = "Bands"; $lang['options_bands_text_ln1'] = "Using the band list you can control which bands are shown when creating a new QSO."; $lang['options_bands_text_ln2'] = "Active bands will be shown in the QSO 'Band' drop-down, while inactive bands will be hidden and cannot be selected."; $lang['options_bands_create'] = "Create a band"; $lang['options_bands_edit'] = "Edit Band"; $lang['options_bands_activate_all'] = "Activate All"; $lang['options_bands_activateall_warning'] = "Warning! Are you sure you want to activate all bands?"; $lang['options_bands_deactivate_all'] = "Deactivate All"; $lang['options_bands_deactivateall_warning'] = "Warning! Are you sure you want to deactivate all bands?"; $lang['options_bands_ssb_qrg'] = "SSB QRG"; $lang['options_bands_ssb_qrg_hint'] = "Frequency for SSB QRG in band (must be in Hz)"; $lang['options_bands_data_qrg'] = "DATA QRG"; $lang['options_bands_data_qrg_hint'] = "Frequency for DATA QRG in band (must be in Hz)"; $lang['options_bands_cw_qrg'] = "CW QRG"; $lang['options_bands_cw_qrg_hint'] = "Frequency for CW QRG in band (must be in Hz)"; $lang['options_bands_name_band'] = "Name of Band (E.g. 20m)"; $lang['options_bands_name_bandgroup'] = "Name of bandgroup (E.g. hf, vhf, uhf, shf)"; $lang['options_bands_delete_warning'] = "Warning! Are you sure you want to delete the following band: ";