// Lets see if CW is selected const ModeSelected = document.getElementById('mode'); $('#winkey_buttons').hide(); if (location.protocol == 'http:') { // Do something if the page is being served over SSL $('#winkey').hide(); // Hide the CW buttons } if (ModeSelected.value == 'CW') { // Show the CW buttons $('#winkey').show(); } else { // Hide the CW buttons $('#winkey').hide(); } ModeSelected.addEventListener('change', (event) => { if (event.target.value == 'CW') { // Show the CW buttons $('#winkey').show(); } else { // Hide the CW buttons $('#winkey').hide(); } }); let function1Name, function1Macro, function2Name, function2Macro, function3Name, function3Macro, function4Name, function4Macro, function5Name, function5Macro; getMacros(); document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) { if (event.key === 'F1') { event.preventDefault(); morsekey_func1(); } if (event.key === 'F2') { event.preventDefault(); morsekey_func2(); } if (event.key === 'F3') { event.preventDefault(); morsekey_func3(); } if (event.key === 'F4') { event.preventDefault(); morsekey_func4(); } if (event.key === 'F5') { event.preventDefault(); morsekey_func5(); } }); let sendText = document.getElementById("sendText"); let sendButton = document.getElementById("sendButton"); let receiveText = document.getElementById("receiveText"); let connectButton = document.getElementById("connectButton"); let statusBar = document.getElementById("statusBar"); //Couple the elements to the Events connectButton.addEventListener("click", clickConnect) sendButton.addEventListener("click", clickSend) // statusButton.addEventListener("click", clickStatus) //When the connectButton is pressed async function clickConnect() { if (port) { //if already connected, disconnect disconnect(); $('#winkey_buttons').hide(); } else { //otherwise connect await connect(); $('#winkey_buttons').show(); } } //Define outputstream, inputstream and port so they can be used throughout the sketch var outputStream, inputStream, port; navigator.serial.addEventListener('connect', e => { statusBar.innerText = `Connected to ${e.port}`; connectButton.innerText = "Disconnect" }); navigator.serial.addEventListener('disconnect', e => { statusBar.innerText = `Disconnected`; connectButton.innerText = "Connect" }); let debug = 0; let speed = 24; let minSpeed = 20; let maxSpeed = 40; //Connect to the serial async function connect() { //Optional filter to only see relevant boards const filter = { usbVendorId: 0x2341 // Arduino SA }; //Try to connect to the Serial port try { port = await navigator.serial.requestPort(/*{ filters: [filter] }*/); // Continue connecting to |port|. // - Wait for the port to open. await port.open({ baudRate: 1200 }); await port.setSignals({ dataTerminalReady: true }); statusBar.innerText = "Connected"; connectButton.innerText = "Disconnect" let decoder = new TextDecoderStream(); inputDone = port.readable.pipeTo(decoder.writable); inputStream = decoder.readable; const encoder = new TextEncoderStream(); outputDone = encoder.readable.pipeTo(port.writable); outputStream = encoder.writable; writeToByte("0x00, 0x02"); writeToByte("0x02, 0x00"); $('#winkey_buttons').show(); reader = inputStream.getReader(); readLoop(); } catch (e) { //If the pipeTo error appears; clarify the problem by giving suggestions. if (e == "TypeError: Cannot read property 'pipeTo' of undefined") { e += "\n Use Google Chrome and enable-experimental-web-platform-features" } connectButton.innerText = "Connect" statusBar.innerText = e; } } //Write to the Serial port async function writeToStream(line) { var enc = new TextEncoder(); // always utf-8 const writer = outputStream.getWriter(); writer.write(line); writer.releaseLock(); } async function writeToByte(line) { const writer = outputStream.getWriter(); const data = new Uint8Array([line]); writer.write(data); writer.releaseLock(); } //Disconnect from the Serial port async function disconnect() { if (reader) { await reader.cancel(); await inputDone.catch(() => { }); reader = null; inputDone = null; } if (outputStream) { await outputStream.getWriter().close(); await outputDone; outputStream = null; outputDone = null; } statusBar.innerText = "Disconnected"; connectButton.innerText = "Connect" //Close the port. await port.close(); port = null; } //When the send button is pressed function clickSend() { writeToStream(sendText.value); writeToStream("\r"); //and clear the input field, so it's clear it has been sent sendText.value = ""; } function morsekey_func1() { console.log("F1: " + UpdateMacros(function1Macro)); writeToStream(UpdateMacros(function1Macro)); //and clear the input field, so it's clear it has been sent sendText.value = ""; } function morsekey_func2() { console.log("F2: " + UpdateMacros(function2Macro)); writeToStream(UpdateMacros(function2Macro)); //and clear the input field, so it's clear it has been sent sendText.value = ""; } function morsekey_func3() { console.log("F3: " + UpdateMacros(function3Macro)); writeToStream(UpdateMacros(function3Macro)); //and clear the input field, so it's clear it has been sent sendText.value = ""; } function morsekey_func4() { console.log("F4: " + UpdateMacros(function4Macro)); writeToStream(UpdateMacros(function4Macro)); //and clear the input field, so it's clear it has been sent sendText.value = ""; } function morsekey_func5() { console.log("F5: " + UpdateMacros(function5Macro)); writeToStream(UpdateMacros(function5Macro)); //and clear the input field, so it's clear it has been sent sendText.value = ""; } //Read the incoming data async function readLoop() { while (true) { const { value, done } = await reader.read(); if (done === true){ break; } console.log(value); //When recieved something add it to the big textarea receiveText.value += value; //Scroll to the bottom of the text field receiveText.scrollTop = receiveText.scrollHeight; } } function closeModal() { var container = document.getElementById("modals-here") var backdrop = document.getElementById("modal-backdrop") var modal = document.getElementById("modal") modal.classList.remove("show") backdrop.classList.remove("show") getMacros(); setTimeout(function() { container.removeChild(backdrop) container.removeChild(modal) }, 200) } function UpdateMacros(macrotext) { // Get the values from the form set to uppercase let CALL = document.getElementById("callsign").value.toUpperCase(); let RSTS = document.getElementById("rst_sent").value; let newString; newString = macrotext.replace(/\[MYCALL\]/g, my_call); newString = newString.replace(/\[CALL\]/g, CALL); newString = newString.replace(/\[RSTS\]/g, RSTS); console.log(newString); return newString; } // Call url and store the returned json data as variables function getMacros() { fetch(base_url + 'index.php/qso/cwmacros_json') .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { function1Name = data.function1_name; function1Macro = data.function1_macro; function2Name = data.function2_name; function2Macro = data.function2_macro; function3Name = data.function3_name; function3Macro = data.function3_macro; function4Name = data.function4_name; function4Macro = data.function4_macro; function5Name = data.function5_name; function5Macro = data.function5_macro; const morsekey_func1_Button = document.getElementById('morsekey_func1'); morsekey_func1_Button.textContent = 'F1 (' + function1Name + ')'; const morsekey_func2_Button = document.getElementById('morsekey_func2'); morsekey_func2_Button.textContent = 'F2 (' + function2Name + ')'; const morsekey_func3_Button = document.getElementById('morsekey_func3'); morsekey_func3_Button.textContent = 'F3 (' + function3Name + ')'; const morsekey_func4_Button = document.getElementById('morsekey_func4'); morsekey_func4_Button.textContent = 'F4 (' + function4Name + ')'; const morsekey_func5_Button = document.getElementById('morsekey_func5'); morsekey_func5_Button.textContent = 'F5 (' + function5Name + ')'; }); }