load->library('qra'); $this->load->helper('file'); // Load Database connections $this->load->model('logbook_model'); // Get QSOs with Valid QRAs $qsos = $this->logbook_model->kml_get_all_qsos(); //header('Content-type: text/xml'); //header("Cache-Control: no-cache"); $output = ""; $output .= ""; $output .= ""; foreach ($qsos->result() as $row) { $output .= ""; //print_r($row); if($row->COL_GRIDSQUARE != null) { $stn_loc = $this->qra->qra2latlong($row->COL_GRIDSQUARE); $lat = $stn_loc[0]; $lng = $stn_loc[1]; } else { $query = $this->db->query(' SELECT * FROM dxcc WHERE prefix = SUBSTRING( \''.$row->COL_CALL.'\', 1, LENGTH( prefix ) ) ORDER BY LENGTH( prefix ) DESC LIMIT 1 '); foreach ($query->result() as $dxcc) { $lat = $dxcc->lat; $lng = $dxcc->long; } } $timestamp = strtotime($row->COL_TIME_ON); $output .= "".$row->COL_CALL.""; $output .= "Date/Time: ".date('Y-m-d H:i:s', ($timestamp))."
Band: ".$row->COL_BAND."

"; $output .= ""; $output .= "".$lng.",".$lat.",0"; $output .= ""; $output .= "
"; } $output .= "
"; $output .= "
"; if ( ! write_file('kml/qsos.kml', $output)) { echo 'Unable to write the file - Make the folder KML has write permissions.'; } else { header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"qsos.kml\""); echo $output; } } }