Cela vous permet d'avoir tous les emplacements au sein d'une même session ; visible dans le journal de trafic, jusqu'aux statistiques.
Idéal lorsque vous travaillez sur plusieurs sites, mais qu'ils font partie du même cercle DXCC ou VUCC."; $lang['station_logbooks_create'] = "Ajouter un nouveau"; $lang['station_logbooks_status'] = "Statut"; $lang['station_logbooks_link'] = "Lien"; $lang['station_logbooks_public_search'] = "Recherche publique"; $lang['station_logbooks_set_active'] = "Activer ce journal"; $lang['station_logbooks_active_logbook'] = "Activé"; $lang['station_logbooks_edit_logbook'] = "Editer ce journal"; // Full sentence will be generated 'Edit Station Logbook: [Logbook Name]' $lang['station_logbooks_confirm_delete'] = "Are you sure you want to delete the following station logbook? You must re-link any locations linked here to another logbook.: "; $lang['station_logbooks_view_public'] = "View Public Page for Logbook: "; $lang['station_logbooks_create_name'] = "Station Logbook Name"; $lang['station_logbooks_create_name_hint'] = "You can call a station logbook anything."; $lang['station_logbooks_edit_name_hint'] = "Shortname for the station logbook. For example: Home Log (IO87IP)"; $lang['station_logbooks_edit_name_update'] = "Update Station Logbook Name"; $lang['station_logbooks_public_slug'] = "Public Slug"; $lang['station_logbooks_public_slug_hint'] = "Setting a public slug allows you to share your logbook with anyone via a custom website address, this slug can contain letters & numbers only."; $lang['station_logbooks_public_slug_format1'] = "Later it looks like this:"; $lang['station_logbooks_public_slug_format2'] = "[your slug]"; $lang['station_logbooks_public_slug_input'] = "Type in Public Slug choice"; $lang['station_logbooks_public_slug_visit'] = "Visit Public Page"; $lang['station_logbooks_public_search_hint'] = "Enabling public search function offers a search input box on the public logbook page accessed via public slug. Search only covers this logbook."; $lang['station_logbooks_public_search_enabled'] = "Public search enabled"; $lang['station_logbooks_select_avail_loc'] = "Select Available Station Locations"; $lang['station_logbooks_link_loc'] = "Link Location"; $lang['station_logbooks_linked_loc'] = "Linked Locations"; $lang['station_logbooks_no_linked_loc'] = "No Linked Locations"; $lang['station_logbooks_unlink_station_location'] = "Unlink Station Location"; /* ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Station Locations ___________________________________________________________________________________________ */ $lang['station_location'] = 'Station Location'; $lang['station_location_plural'] = "Station Locations"; $lang['station_location_header_ln1'] = 'Station Locations define operating locations, such as your QTH, a friends QTH, or a portable station.'; $lang['station_location_header_ln2'] = 'Similar to logbooks, a station profile keeps a set of QSOs together.'; $lang['station_location_header_ln3'] = 'Only one station may be active at a time. In the table below this is shown with the -Active Station- badge.'; $lang['station_location_create_header'] = 'Create Station Location'; $lang['station_location_create'] = 'Create a Station Location'; $lang['station_location_edit'] = 'Edit Station Location: '; $lang['station_location_updated_suff'] = "mis à jour."; $lang['station_location_warning'] = 'Attention: You need to set an active station location. Go to Callsign->Station Location to select one.'; $lang['station_location_reassign_at'] = 'Please reassign them at '; $lang['station_location_warning_reassign'] = 'Due to recent changes within Cloudlog you need to reassign QSOs to your station profiles.'; $lang['station_location_name'] = 'Profile Name'; $lang['station_location_name_hint'] = 'Shortname for the station location. For example: Home (IO87IP)'; $lang['station_location_callsign'] = 'Station Callsign'; $lang['station_location_callsign_hint'] = 'Station callsign. For example: 2M0SQL/P'; $lang['station_location_power'] = 'Station Power (W)'; $lang['station_location_power_hint'] = 'Default station power in Watt. Overwritten by CAT.'; $lang['station_location_emptylog'] = 'Empty Log'; $lang['station_location_confirm_active'] = 'Are you sure you want to make the following station the active station: '; $lang['station_location_set_active'] = 'Set Active'; $lang['station_location_active'] = 'Active Station'; $lang['station_location_claim_ownership'] = 'Claim Ownership'; $lang['station_location_confirm_del_qso'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete all QSOs within this station profile?'; $lang['station_location_confirm_del_stationlocation'] = 'Are you sure you want delete station profile '; $lang['station_location_confirm_del_stationlocation_qso'] = 'This will delete all QSOs within this station profile?'; $lang['station_location_dxcc'] = 'Station DXCC'; $lang['station_location_dxcc_hint'] = 'Station DXCC entity. For example: Scotland'; $lang['station_location_dxcc_warning'] = "Stop here for a Moment. Your chosen DXCC is outdated and not valid anymore. Check which DXCC for this particular location is the correct one. If you are sure, ignore this warning."; $lang['station_location_city'] = 'Station City'; $lang['station_location_city_hint'] = 'Station city. For example: Inverness'; $lang['station_location_state'] = 'Station State'; $lang['station_location_state_hint'] = 'Station state. Applies to certain countries only. Leave blank if not applicable.'; $lang['station_location_county'] = 'Station County'; $lang['station_location_county_hint'] = 'Station County (Only used for USA/Alaska/Hawaii).'; $lang['station_location_gridsquare'] = 'Station Gridsquare'; $lang['station_location_gridsquare_hint_ln1'] = "Station gridsquare. For example: IO87IP. If you don't know your grid square then click here!"; $lang['station_location_gridsquare_hint_ln2'] = "If you are located on a grid line, enter multiple grid squares separated with commas. For example: IO77,IO78,IO87,IO88."; $lang['station_location_iota_hint_ln1'] = "Station IOTA reference. For example: EU-005"; $lang['station_location_iota_hint_ln2'] = "You can look up IOTA references at the IOTA World website."; $lang['station_location_sota_hint_ln1'] = "Station SOTA reference. You can look up SOTA references at the SOTA Maps website."; $lang['station_location_wwff_hint_ln1'] = "Station WWFF reference. You can look up WWFF references at the GMA Map website."; $lang['station_location_pota_hint_ln1'] = "Station POTA reference. You can look up POTA references at the POTA Map website."; $lang['station_location_signature'] = "Signature"; $lang['station_location_signature_name'] = "Signature Name"; $lang['station_location_signature_name_hint'] = "Station Signature (e.g. GMA).."; $lang['station_location_signature_info'] = "Signature Information"; $lang['station_location_signature_info_hint'] = "Station Signature Info (e.g. DA/NW-357)."; $lang['station_location_eqsl_hint'] = 'The QTH Nickname which is configured in your eQSL Profile'; $lang['station_location_eqsl_defaultqslmsg'] = "Message (QSLMSG) par défaut"; $lang['station_location_eqsl_defaultqslmsg_hint'] = "Vous pouvez définir un message par défaut qui sera renseigné et envoyé pour chaque QSO pour ce lieu station."; $lang['station_location_qrz_subscription'] = 'Subscription Required'; $lang['station_location_qrz_hint'] = "Find your API key on the QRZ.com Logbook settings page"; $lang['station_location_qrz_realtime_upload'] = 'QRZ.com Logbook Realtime Upload'; $lang['station_location_hrdlog_username'] = "HRDLog.net Username"; $lang['station_location_hrdlog_username_hint'] = "The username you are registered with at HRDlog.net (usually your callsign)."; $lang['station_location_hrdlog_code'] = "HRDLog.net API Key"; $lang['station_location_hrdlog_realtime_upload'] = "HRDLog.net Logbook Realtime Upload"; $lang['station_location_hrdlog_code_hint'] = "Create your API Code on HRDLog.net Userprofile page"; $lang['station_location_qo100_hint'] = "Create your API key on your QO-100 Dx Club's profile page"; $lang['station_location_qo100_realtime_upload'] = "QO-100 Dx Club Realtime Upload"; $lang['station_location_oqrs_enabled'] = "OQRS Enabled"; $lang['station_location_oqrs_email_alert'] = "OQRS Email alert"; $lang['station_location_oqrs_email_hint'] = "Make sure email is set up under admin and global options."; $lang['station_location_oqrs_text'] = "OQRS Text"; $lang['station_location_oqrs_text_hint'] = "Some info you want to add regarding QSL'ing."; $lang['station_location_clublog_realtime_upload']='ClubLog Realtime Upload';