0, "80m" => 0, "60m" => 0, "40m" => 0, "30m" => 0, "20m" => 0, "17m" => 0, "15m" => 0, "12m" => 0, "10m" => 0, "6m" => 0, "4m" => 0, "2m" => 0, "70cm" => 0, "23cm" => 0, "13cm" => 0, "9cm" => 0, "6cm" => 0, "3cm" => 0, "1.25cm" => 0, "SAT" => 0, ); function __construct() { // Call the Model constructor parent::__construct(); } function get_worked_bands() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('Stations'); $station_id = $CI->Stations->find_active(); // get all worked slots from database $data = $this->db->query( "SELECT distinct LOWER(`COL_BAND`) as `COL_BAND` FROM `" . $this->config->item('table_name') . "` WHERE station_id = " . $station_id . " AND COL_PROP_MODE != \"SAT\"" ); $worked_slots = array(); foreach ($data->result() as $row) { array_push($worked_slots, $row->COL_BAND); } $SAT_data = $this->db->query( "SELECT distinct LOWER(`COL_PROP_MODE`) as `COL_PROP_MODE` FROM `" . $this->config->item('table_name') . "` WHERE station_id = " . $station_id . " AND COL_PROP_MODE = \"SAT\"" ); foreach ($SAT_data->result() as $row) { array_push($worked_slots, strtoupper($row->COL_PROP_MODE)); } // bring worked-slots in order of defined $bandslots $results = array(); foreach (array_keys($this->bandslots) as $slot) { if (in_array($slot, $worked_slots)) { array_push($results, $slot); } } return $results; } /* * Fetches worked and confirmed gridsquare on each band and total */ function get_vucc_array($data) { $vuccArray = $this->fetchVucc($data); if (isset($vuccArray)) { return $vuccArray; } else { return 0; } } /* * Builds the array to display worked/confirmed vucc on awward page */ function fetchVucc($data) { $totalGridConfirmed = array(); $totalGridWorked = array(); foreach($data['worked_bands'] as $band) { // Getting all the worked grids $col_gridsquare_worked = $this->get_vucc_summary($band, 'none'); $workedGridArray = array(); foreach ($col_gridsquare_worked as $workedgrid) { array_push($workedGridArray, $workedgrid['gridsquare']); if(!in_array($workedgrid['gridsquare'], $totalGridWorked)){ array_push($totalGridWorked, $workedgrid['gridsquare']); } } $col_vucc_grids_worked = $this->get_vucc_summary_col_vucc($band, 'none'); foreach ($col_vucc_grids_worked as $gridSplit) { $grids = explode(",", $gridSplit['col_vucc_grids']); foreach($grids as $key) { $grid_four = strtoupper(substr(trim($key),0,4)); if(!in_array($grid_four, $workedGridArray)){ array_push($workedGridArray, $grid_four); } if(!in_array($grid_four, $totalGridWorked)){ array_push($totalGridWorked, $grid_four); } } } // Getting all the confirmed grids $col_gridsquare_confirmed = $this->get_vucc_summary($band, 'both'); $confirmedGridArray = array(); foreach ($col_gridsquare_confirmed as $confirmedgrid) { array_push($confirmedGridArray, $confirmedgrid['gridsquare']); if(!in_array($confirmedgrid['gridsquare'], $totalGridConfirmed)){ array_push($totalGridConfirmed, $confirmedgrid['gridsquare']); } } $col_vucc_grids_confirmed = $this->get_vucc_summary_col_vucc($band, 'both'); foreach ($col_vucc_grids_confirmed as $gridSplit) { $grids = explode(",", $gridSplit['col_vucc_grids']); foreach($grids as $key) { $grid_four = strtoupper(substr(trim($key),0,4)); if(!in_array($grid_four, $confirmedGridArray)){ array_push($confirmedGridArray, $grid_four); } if(!in_array($grid_four, $totalGridConfirmed)){ array_push($totalGridConfirmed, $grid_four); } } } $vuccArray[$band]['worked'] = count($workedGridArray); $vuccArray[$band]['confirmed'] = count($confirmedGridArray); } $vuccArray['All']['worked'] = count($totalGridWorked); $vuccArray['All']['confirmed'] = count($totalGridConfirmed); return $vuccArray; } /* * Gets the grid from col_vucc_grids * $band = the band chosen * $confirmationMethod - qsl, lotw or both, use anything else to skip confirmed */ function get_vucc_summary_col_vucc($band, $confirmationMethod) { $station_id = $this->get_station_id(); $sql = "select col_vucc_grids from " . $this->config->item('table_name') . " where station_id =" . $station_id . " and col_vucc_grids <> '' "; if ($confirmationMethod == 'both') { $sql .= " and (col_qsl_rcvd='Y' or col_lotw_qsl_rcvd='Y')"; } else if ($confirmationMethod == 'qsl') { $sql .= " and col_qsl_rcvd='Y'"; } else if ($confirmationMethod == 'lotw') { $sql .= " and col_lotw_qsl_rcvd='Y'"; } if ($band != 'All') { if ($band == 'SAT') { $sql .= " and col_prop_mode ='" . $band . "'"; } else { $sql .= " and col_prop_mode !='SAT'"; $sql .= " and col_band ='" . $band . "'"; } } $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query->result_array(); } /* * Gets the grid from col_gridsquare * $band = the band chosen * $confirmationMethod - qsl, lotw or both, use anything else to skip confirmed */ function get_vucc_summary($band, $confirmationMethod) { $station_id = $this->get_station_id(); $sql = "select distinct upper(substring(col_gridsquare, 1, 4)) gridsquare from " . $this->config->item('table_name') . " where station_id =" . $station_id . " and col_gridsquare <> ''"; if ($confirmationMethod == 'both') { $sql .= " and (col_qsl_rcvd='Y' or col_lotw_qsl_rcvd='Y')"; } else if ($confirmationMethod == 'qsl') { $sql .= " and col_qsl_rcvd='Y'"; } else if ($confirmationMethod == 'lotw') { $sql .= " and col_lotw_qsl_rcvd='Y'"; } if ($band != 'All') { if ($band == 'SAT') { $sql .= " and col_prop_mode ='" . $band . "'"; } else { $sql .= " and col_prop_mode !='SAT'"; $sql .= " and col_band ='" . $band . "'"; } } $query = $this->db->query($sql); return $query->result_array(); } /* * Makes a list of all gridsquares on chosen band with info about lotw and qsl */ function vucc_details($band, $type) { if ($type == 'worked') { $workedGridArray = $this->getWorkedGridsList($band, 'none'); $vuccBand = $this->removeConfirmedGrids($band, $workedGridArray); } else if ($type == 'confirmed') { $workedGridArray = $this->getWorkedGridsList($band, 'both'); $vuccBand = $this->markConfirmedGrids($band, $workedGridArray); } else { $workedGridArray = $this->getWorkedGridsList($band, 'none'); $vuccBand = $this->markConfirmedGrids($band, $workedGridArray); } if (!isset($vuccBand)) { return 0; } else { ksort($vuccBand); return $vuccBand; } } function removeConfirmedGrids($band, $workedGridArray) { $vuccDataQsl = $this->get_vucc_summary($band, 'qsl'); foreach ($vuccDataQsl as $grid) { if (($key = array_search($grid['gridsquare'], $workedGridArray)) !== false) { unset($workedGridArray[$key]); } } $vuccDataLotw = $this->get_vucc_summary($band, 'lotw'); foreach ($vuccDataLotw as $grid) { if (($key = array_search($grid['gridsquare'], $workedGridArray)) !== false) { unset($workedGridArray[$key]); } } $col_vucc_grids_confirmed_qsl = $this->get_vucc_summary_col_vucc($band, 'lotw'); foreach ($col_vucc_grids_confirmed_qsl as $gridSplit) { $grids = explode(",", $gridSplit['col_vucc_grids']); foreach($grids as $key) { $grid_four = strtoupper(substr(trim($key),0,4)); if (($key = array_search($grid_four, $workedGridArray)) !== false) { unset($workedGridArray[$key]); } } } $col_vucc_grids_confirmed_lotw = $this->get_vucc_summary_col_vucc($band, 'qsl'); foreach ($col_vucc_grids_confirmed_lotw as $gridSplit) { $grids = explode(",", $gridSplit['col_vucc_grids']); foreach($grids as $key) { $grid_four = strtoupper(substr(trim($key),0,4)); if (($key = array_search($grid_four, $workedGridArray)) !== false) { unset($workedGridArray[$key]); } } } foreach ($workedGridArray as $grid) { $this->load->model('logbook_model'); $result = $this->logbook_model->vucc_qso_details($grid, $band); $callsignlist = ''; foreach($result->result() as $call) { $callsignlist .= $call->COL_CALL . '
'; } $vuccBand[$grid]['call'] = $callsignlist; } if (isset($vuccBand)) { return $vuccBand; } else { return null; } } function markConfirmedGrids($band, $workedGridArray) { foreach ($workedGridArray as $grid) { $vuccBand[$grid]['qsl'] = ''; $vuccBand[$grid]['lotw'] = ''; } $vuccDataQsl = $this->get_vucc_summary($band, 'qsl'); foreach ($vuccDataQsl as $grid) { $vuccBand[$grid['gridsquare']]['qsl'] = 'Y'; } $vuccDataLotw = $this->get_vucc_summary($band, 'lotw'); foreach ($vuccDataLotw as $grid) { $vuccBand[$grid['gridsquare']]['lotw'] = 'Y'; } $col_vucc_grids_confirmed_qsl = $this->get_vucc_summary_col_vucc($band, 'lotw'); foreach ($col_vucc_grids_confirmed_qsl as $gridSplit) { $grids = explode(",", $gridSplit['col_vucc_grids']); foreach($grids as $key) { $grid_four = strtoupper(substr(trim($key),0,4)); $vuccBand[$grid_four]['lotw'] = 'Y'; } } $col_vucc_grids_confirmed_lotw = $this->get_vucc_summary_col_vucc($band, 'qsl'); foreach ($col_vucc_grids_confirmed_lotw as $gridSplit) { $grids = explode(",", $gridSplit['col_vucc_grids']); foreach($grids as $key) { $grid_four = strtoupper(substr(trim($key),0,4)); $vuccBand[$grid_four]['qsl'] = 'Y'; } } return $vuccBand; } function getWorkedGridsList($band, $confirmationMethod) { $col_gridsquare_worked = $this->get_vucc_summary($band, $confirmationMethod); $workedGridArray = array(); foreach ($col_gridsquare_worked as $workedgrid) { array_push($workedGridArray, $workedgrid['gridsquare']); } $col_vucc_grids_worked = $this->get_vucc_summary_col_vucc($band, $confirmationMethod); foreach ($col_vucc_grids_worked as $gridSplit) { $grids = explode(",", $gridSplit['col_vucc_grids']); foreach($grids as $key) { $grid_four = strtoupper(substr(trim($key),0,4)); if(!in_array($grid_four, $workedGridArray)){ array_push($workedGridArray, $grid_four); } } } return $workedGridArray; } function get_station_id() { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->model('Stations'); return $CI->Stations->find_active(); } } ?>