db->where('user_name', $username); $r = $this->db->get($this->config->item('auth_table')); return $r; } // FUNCTION: object get_by_id($id) // Retrieve a user by user ID function get_by_id($id) { $this->db->where('user_id', $id); $r = $this->db->get($this->config->item('auth_table')); return $r; } // FUNCTION: object get_by_email($email) // Retrieve a user by email address function get_by_email($email) { $this->db->where('user_email', $email); $r = $this->db->get($this->config->item('auth_table')); return $r; } // FUNCTION: bool exists($username) // Check if a user exists (by username) function exists($username) { if($this->get($username)->num_rows == 0) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } // FUNCTION: bool exists_by_id($id) // Check if a user exists (by user ID) function exists_by_id($id) { if($this->get_by_id($id)->num_rows == 0) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } // FUNCTION: bool exists_by_email($email) // Check if a user exists (by email address) function exists_by_email($email) { if($this->get_by_email($email)->num_rows == 0) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } // FUNCTION: bool add($username, $password, $email, $type) // Add a user function add($username, $password, $email, $type, $firstname, $lastname, $callsign, $locator, $timezone) { // Check that the user isn't already used if(!$this->exists($username)) { $data = array( 'user_name' => $username, 'user_password' => $this->_hash($password), 'user_email' => $email, 'user_type' => $type, 'user_firstname' => $firstname, 'user_lastname' => $lastname, 'user_callsign' => $callsign, 'user_locator' => $locator, 'user_timezone' => $timezone ); // Check the password is valid if($data['user_password'] == EPASSWORDINVALID) { return EPASSWORDINVALID; } // Check the email address isn't in use if($this->exists_by_email($email)) { return EEMAILEXISTS; } // Add user $this->db->insert($this->config->item('auth_table'), $data); return OK; } else { return EUSERNAMEEXISTS; } } // FUNCTION: bool edit() // Edit a user function edit($fields) { // Check user privileges if(($this->session->userdata('user_type') == 99) || ($this->session->userdata('user_id') == $fields['id'])) { if($this->exists_by_id($fields['id'])) { $data = array( 'user_name' => $fields['user_name'], 'user_email' => $fields['user_email'], 'user_callsign' => $fields['user_callsign'], 'user_locator' => $fields['user_locator'], 'user_firstname' => $fields['user_firstname'], 'user_lastname' => $fields['user_lastname'], 'user_timezone' => $fields['user_timezone'], 'user_lotw_name' => $fields['user_lotw_name'], 'user_lotw_password' => $fields['user_lotw_password'] ); // Check to see if the user is allowed to change user levels if($this->session->userdata('user_type') == 99) { $data['user_type'] = $fields['user_type']; } // Check to see if username is used already if($this->exists($fields['user_name']) && $this->get($fields['user_name'])->row()->user_id != $fields['id']) { return EUSERNAMEEXISTS; } // Check to see if email address is used already if($this->exists_by_email($fields['user_email']) && $this->get_by_email($fields['user_email'])->row()->user_id != $fields['id']) { return EEMAILEXISTS; } // Hash password if($fields['user_password'] != NULL) { $data['user_password'] = $this->_hash($fields['user_password']); if($data['user_password'] == EPASSWORDINVALID) { return EPASSWORDINVALID; } } // Update the user $this->db->where('user_id', $fields['id']); $this->db->update($this->config->item('auth_table'), $data); return OK; } else { return ENOSUCHUSER; } } else { return EFORBIDDEN; } } // FUNCTION: bool delete() // Deletes a user function delete($user_id) { if($this->exists_by_id($user_id)) { $this->db->query("DELETE FROM ".$this->config->item('auth_table')." WHERE user_id = '".$user_id."'"); return 1; } else { return 0; } } // FUNCTION: bool login() // Validates a username/password combination // This is really just a wrapper around User_Model::authenticate function login() { $username = $this->input->post('user_name'); $password = $this->input->post('user_password'); return $this->authenticate($username, $password); } // FUNCTION: void clear_session() // Clears a user's login session // Nothing is returned - it can be assumed that if this is called, the user's // login session *will* be cleared, no matter what state it is in function clear_session() { $this->session->unset_userdata(array('user_id' => '', 'user_type' => '', 'user_email' => '', 'user_hash' => '')); } // FUNCTION: void update_session() // Updates a user's login session after they've logged in // TODO: This should return bool TRUE/FALSE or 0/1 function update_session($id) { $u = $this->get_by_id($id); $userdata = array( 'user_id' => $u->row()->user_id, 'user_name' => $u->row()->user_name, 'user_type' => $u->row()->user_type, 'user_callsign' => $u->row()->user_callsign, 'user_locator' => $u->row()->user_locator, 'user_hash' => $this->_hash($u->row()->user_id."-".$u->row()->user_type) ); $this->session->set_userdata($userdata); } // FUNCTION: bool validate_session() // Validate a user's login session // If the user's session is corrupted in any way, it will clear the session function validate_session() { if($this->session->userdata('user_id')) { $user_id = $this->session->userdata('user_id'); $user_type = $this->session->userdata('user_type'); $user_hash = $this->session->userdata('user_hash'); if($this->_auth($user_id."-".$user_type, $user_hash)) { // Freshen the session $this->update_session($user_id); return 1; } else { $this->clear_session(); return 0; } } else { return 0; } } // FUNCTION: bool authenticate($username, $password) // Authenticate a user against the users table function authenticate($username, $password) { $u = $this->get($username); if($u->num_rows != 0) { if($this->_auth($password, $u->row()->user_password)) { return 1; } } return 0; } // FUNCTION: bool authorize($level) // Checks a user's level of access against the given $level function authorize($level) { $u = $this->get_by_id($this->session->userdata('user_id')); $l = $this->config->item('auth_mode'); // Check to see if the minimum level of access is higher than // the user's own level. If it is, use that. if($this->config->item('auth_mode') > $level) { $level = $this->config->item('auth_mode'); } if(($this->validate_session()) && ($u->row()->user_type >= $level) || $this->config->item('use_auth') == FALSE || $level == 0) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } // FUNCTION: bool set($username, $data) // Updates a user's record in the database // TODO: This returns TRUE/1 no matter what at the moment - should // TODO: return TRUE/FALSE or 0/1 depending on success/failure function set($username, $data) { $this->db->where('user_name', $username); $this->db->update($this->config->item('auth_table', $data)); return 1; } // FUNCTION: object users() // Returns a list of users function users() { $r = $this->db->get($this->config->item('auth_table')); return $r; } // FUNCTION: array timezones() // Returns a list of timezones function timezones() { $r = $this->db->query('SELECT id, name FROM timezones ORDER BY offset'); $ts = array(); foreach ($r->result_array() as $t) { $ts[$t['id']] = $t['name']; } return $ts; } // FUNCTION: bool _auth($password, $hash) // Checks a password against the stored hash private function _auth($password, $hash) { $h = new PasswordHash(8, FALSE); if($h->CheckPassword($password, $hash)) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } // FUNCTION: string _hash($password) // Returns a hashed version of the supplied $password // Will return '0' in the event of problems with the // hashing function private function _hash($password) { $h = new PasswordHash(8, FALSE); $hash = $h->HashPassword($password); unset($h); if(strlen($hash) < 20) { return EPASSWORDINVALID; } else { return $hash; } } } ?>