Here you can see and upload all QSOs which have not been previously uploaded to a QRZ logbook.

You need to set a QRZ Logbook API key in your station profile. Only station profiles with an API Key set are displayed.

WarningThis might take a while as QSO uploads are processed sequentially.

result()) { echo ' '; foreach ($station_profile->result() as $station) { // Fills the table with the data echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } echo '
Profile name Station callsign Edited QSOs not uploaded Total QSOs not uploaded Total QSOs uploaded Actions
' . $station->station_profile_name . '' . $station->station_callsign . '' . $station->modcount . '' . $station->notcount . '' . $station->totcount . '
'; } else { echo ''; } ?>

Warning If a date range is not selected then all QSOs will be marked!

From date:

To date: