here."; $lang['qso_simplefle_qso_data'] = "QSO Data"; $lang['qso_simplefle_qso_date_hint'] = "If you don't choose a date, today's date will be used."; $lang['qso_simplefle_qso_list'] = "QSO List"; $lang['qso_simplefle_qso_list_total'] = "Total"; $lang['qso_simplefle_qso_date'] = "QSO Date"; $lang['qso_simplefle_operator'] = "Operator"; $lang['qso_simplefle_operator_hint'] = "e.g. OK2CQR"; $lang['qso_simplefle_station_call_location'] = "Station Call/Location"; $lang['qso_simplefle_station_call_location_hint'] = "If you did operate from a new location, first create a new Station Location"; $lang['qso_simplefle_utc_time'] = "Current UTC Time"; $lang['qso_simplefle_enter_the_data'] = "Enter the Data"; $lang['qso_simplefle_syntax_help_close_w_sample'] = "Close and Load Sample Data"; $lang['qso_simplefle_reload'] = "Reload QSO List"; $lang['qso_simplefle_save'] = "Save in Cloudlog"; $lang['qso_simplefle_clear'] = "Clear Logging Session"; $lang['qso_simplefle_refs_hint'] = "The Refs can be either SOTA, IOTA, POTA or WWFF"; $lang['qso_simplefle_error_band'] = "Band is missing!"; $lang['qso_simplefle_error_mode'] = "Mode is missing!"; $lang['qso_simplefle_error_time'] = "Time is not set!"; $lang['qso_simplefle_error_stationcall'] = "Station Call is not selected"; $lang['qso_simplefle_error_operator'] = "'Operator' Field is empty"; $lang['qso_simplefle_warning_reset'] = "Warning! Do you really want to reset everything?"; $lang['qso_simplefle_warning_missing_band_mode'] = "Warning! You can't log the QSO List, because some QSO don't have band and/or mode defined!"; $lang['qso_simplefle_warning_example_data'] = "Attention! The Data Field containes example data. First Clear Logging Session!"; $lang['qso_simplefle_confirm_save_to_log'] = "Are you sure that you want to add these QSO to the Log and clear the session?"; $lang['qso_simplefle_success_save_to_log_header'] = "QSO Logged!"; $lang['qso_simplefle_success_save_to_log'] = "The QSO were successfully logged in the logbook!"; $lang['qso_simplefle_error_date'] = "Invalid date"; $lang['qso_simplefle_syntax_help_button'] = "Syntax Help"; $lang['qso_simplefle_syntax_help_title'] = "Syntax for FLE"; $lang['qso_simplefle_syntax_help_ln1'] = "Before starting to log a QSO, please note the basic rules."; $lang['qso_simplefle_syntax_help_ln2'] = "- Each new QSO should be on a new line."; $lang['qso_simplefle_syntax_help_ln3'] = "- On each new line, only write data that has changed from the previous QSO."; $lang['qso_simplefle_syntax_help_ln4'] = "To begin, ensure you have already filled in the form on the left with the date, station call, and operator's call. The main data includes the band (or QRG in MHz, e.g., '7.145'), mode, and time. After the time, you provide the first QSO, which is essentially the callsign."; $lang['qso_simplefle_syntax_help_ln5'] = "For example, a QSO that started at 21:34 (UTC) with 2M0SQL on 20m SSB."; $lang['qso_simplefle_syntax_help_ln6'] = "If you don't provide any RST information, the syntax will use 59 (599 for data). Our next QSO wasn't 59 on both sides, so we provide the information with the sent RST first. It was 2 minutes later than the first QSO."; $lang['qso_simplefle_syntax_help_ln7'] = "The first QSO was at 21:34, and the second one 2 minutes later at 21:36. We write down 6 because this is the only data that changed here. The information about band and mode didn't change, so this data is omitted."; $lang['qso_simplefle_syntax_help_ln8'] = "For our next QSO at 21:40, we changed the band to 40m but still on SSB. If no RST information is given, the syntax will use 59 for every new QSO. So, we can add another one at 21:42."; $lang['qso_simplefle_syntax_help_ln9'] = "For further information about the syntax, please check the website of DF3CB here.";